Author Topic: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real[Put on Hold~]  (Read 71148 times)

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #410 on: March 17, 2013, 06:33:25 pm »
After flying for an hour or so, dragon and elf arrived at the grassy plains known as The Fields. "Well.... here we are...... just look for a large tunnel of some sort," Samala said, and she glided across the plains, Arwen peering down.

Sorry, short. My brother almost crashed my comp. and I'm not in a super good mood ._.

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #411 on: March 22, 2013, 10:56:45 pm »
Lol I get it XP))

Offline Dragonite

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #412 on: March 25, 2013, 12:18:07 am »
((Sorry for the delay, Feral-Heart crashed for me for some days :P ))
Fuega smiled. "Such a pleasure too!", said Fuega. "Now, if I remember, some of the dragons you released live around here...", said Fuega, as Magno gave her the notebook. "See? Sunburn is my cousin, and Spyro and Cynder live in the Void cave, Zap hides in these rivers, Bash is in Rocky Hill and Camo is just right behind you", said Fuega, flipping the pages. Magno jumped as he heard the last words and turned back. In the tree behind him, there was a lizard-like dragon of his size peeking from the tree. The lizard\plant dragon smiled and turned. "Careful with the me-", tried to say Magno, but a melon hit his face. Camo laughed and climbed down. "It is rrrrunning Kirrrth the rrrrumor you arrre gonna fight da humans. Is that rrrright?", asked Camo. "Yes...", said Magno, taking melon chunks of his face. "Well, count me on!", said Camo. "Sorrrry I didn't forrmely presented myself, I am Camo, dragon\plant hybrid", said Camo to Bailey.
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #413 on: March 25, 2013, 10:10:59 am »
"There! There!Arwen squealed, and Samala peered down. Sure enough, a large mound of Earth was piled up next to a rock, with a tall, skinny mammal perched ontop of it. The creature had a thin snout, blackish-brown nose, and dusty hued speckles splattered all over it's back. She had never seen something like this before.

"Arwen, we're looking for a dragon, not a weird little-" she paused to glance at the mammal-"prairie mammal" she teased, and Arwen rolled her eyes. Samala resumed gliding, but Arwen pulled tightly on her antenea. "Look! There! The tunnel next to the mammal. Can't you see the movement?" Arwen hissed, pointing towards the ground.

Samala squinted at the place Arwen's finger led to, and infact she did see movement. Something was traveling through the soil - and it was heading straight for the...the... how do you call it? Oh, nevermind. "See it now?" Arwen asked, and leaned across Samala's shoulder. [/color=blue]"Hey! Make sure you don't fall. We'll have to make some sort of saddle for you at some point,"
Samala laughed. "And yeah, I see it,"

Samala glanced at the moving mass of Earth, and paid closer attention. It was going faster. Suddenly, a long, slender body leaped out of the soil and snatched the frightened mammal with it's jaws, before gulping it down. "That's him! Definatly the dragon on your sheet," Arwen whispered, and Samala spiralled down.

Just like on the sheet, the dragon had two front legs with long, sharp claws for digging, and a lindworm like body. It had russet scales with a hint of gold or beige here and there, with muddy crystals jutting out here and there. But the one thing the image hadn't displayed were these creatures 6 black eyes - 3 on each side of it's head.

"Uh... hello," Samala meowed, and was careful to hide Arwen in her wings; she was unsure how this dragon would react. But it was too late. Forgetting the possible dangers, Arwen squirmed out of Samala's grip and jumped onto the ground, giggling. "Hello! she chirped, and the dragon blinked his multiple eyes in suprise.

"Arwen! Get back here! Samala growled, and lunged forward, but Arwen ducked and ran up to the dragon, waving the sheet of paper Magno had given them. Samala didn't realize Arwen still had it. "Is this you?" she asked, handing the slip to the dragon. THe lindworm hadn't attacked her yet, so samala relaxed. She padded forward, and grabbed Arwen's middle. "Hey!" she laughed, and rolled around giggling.

Samala smiled. "Sorry, she gets a tad excited sometimes," Samala meowed, and sat down with Arwen in her lap. "I never really introduced myself. I'm Samala, and this is Arwen; we come from the East, and are part of a group of dragons preparing for rebellion against humans," She really shouldn't have added that "rebellion" part.

 The dragon folded the card neatly at looked at her with his huge, dark pupils, and cocked an eyebrow. [/color=yellow]"Well, if you're planning on fighting humans, then why were you trying to hide an elf from me earlier?"
he asked. Samala was suprised how gentle is tone was. She also wasn't expecting him to have an Irish accent.

Samala sighed. At least the dragon had recognised Arwen as an elf - unlike Bailey, who thought Arwen was a mini human. The dragons back at camp don't have eh... alot of experience with elves, humans and such, so they would probally think Arwen was a human and attack her - I ran into that problem earlier. I wasn't sure how you would react," The dragon thought about this for a moment, and handed Arwen the sheet, which she took eagerly.

"And yes, I am the dragon on that sheet he said calmly, and gave Arwen a curt nod. "And I presume you would like me to participate in 'yer rebellion, eh lassy?" Samala nodded. Magno sent us. He's kind of like the leader of the rebellion," The dragon nodded, and licked the remnants of food from his lips.

"We should be going," Arwen yawned, who was obviously bored already. THe dragon nodded and prepared to leap into the soil. "I'll follow the cooler soil from ye're shadows flying over head," he grunted, and wriggled into the Earth. "Me' names' Faolan by de' way," he said, and dissapeared beneath the soil.

Arwen jumped on Samala's back, clearly glad to be moving again, and grabbed onto her antenea. Samala unfolded her thin wings and took to the skies.

Oh, and I'm not sure why the colors messed up in the last couple of paragraphs. I'll try to fix it later :3 Nvm, I figured it out.
« Last Edit: March 25, 2013, 10:17:33 am by ~*Gamma*~ »

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #414 on: March 27, 2013, 09:55:35 am »
Guys? :I))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #415 on: March 27, 2013, 10:10:13 am »
((Twizzlerr must be back again in her bubble, appart from all the rest of the world >:I))
« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 09:30:42 pm by Dragonite »
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #416 on: March 27, 2013, 10:55:30 am »
((Indeed ._.))

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #417 on: March 27, 2013, 03:09:55 pm »
Thrillex? o.O))

So, before long, Magno, Bailey, and the phoenix had arrived at the camp. Bailey saw that the camp seemed almost deserted. They were the first one's back. The fire was out and cold, and the ground was still. Bailey sighed pleasantly and looked around. "So, Fuego," she said, "this is our camp. We aren't sure if this is will be a permanent hide-out, but for now, we are living here. As you can see, there's the forest right there for food, dens, and firewood. This little clearing right here is where we, and where most of the dens are. Because we are on a forested hill, we hope nobody would come looking for us here. I suspect they'd search for us in the mountains or the desert--somewhere that seems like we are desperate to hide." Bailey showed Fuego some of the dens and where the best prey is in the forest. She allowed Magno to explain and comment on things, as well.
 In the end, Bailey asked, "So, where would you like your den to be? I hate to say it, but I don't think you can really share a den..." She gestured to the bird-like dragon's flames that licked at the air.

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #418 on: March 27, 2013, 09:46:01 pm »
Fuega smiled. "My way of sleeping is making myself turn to ashes... So I just need a safe place where nobody messes with my ashes", explained Fuega. Camo smiled. "I can sleep in my melon fortress... Just don't approach it!", said Camo, and hid in his exploding melon fortress. "YAAAAAKABLOOOEIHOOOOO!", they heard in the distance. A marsupial dragon landed right in front of them. "Me name's be Kablooei! Whozzone of ya mates is Magno?", asked the energetic Kangaroo-like dragon. "Me! But where is-", said Magno, but was interrupted by the arrival of a tired panting Grukem. "Magno! Why did you assign such a maniac!", asked Grukem. "Hooohey! Ya dun call me maniac, nooo ya do not, wanker!", angrily replied Kablooei. "Anyway, me be here, me heard ya'll need me! Ain't that right, mate?", asked Kablooei, still jumping, "Yes... You are fast and-", started to say Magno, but was again interrupted. "Very wellya the be true! True truth that be! I am fast and jumpy as a bumpy kangaroo!", said Kablooei. "Has Grukem explained you-", said Magno, but was interrupted again. "Yeahyeahyeah yeah he did, mate!", interrupted Kablooei. "Very well. This is Bailey, the phoenix you see over there cooking a porkchop with her tail is Fuega, and in that melon fortress over there Camo is hiding", said Magno, happy to not be interrupted. "Hey fellas! Nice to meet ya'll!", joyfully said Kablooei.
((I mix your names, k?))
Nope. Get out. Get. Out. Move ya tail out of my cave. I told you. A million times. And you took it any way. Lemme put it in a way you might understand. THUNDERPUNCH!

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: ~Dragons of Kirth~ [Literate and Semi-Real--OPEN AND ACCEPTING~]
« Reply #419 on: March 28, 2013, 11:18:19 am »
Sorry guys, can't post today :c The end of my break is rapidly approaching, and I still have 3 projects and 4 tests to study for ;-; I may not be online tomorrow either.
Hope you understand.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2013, 03:39:34 pm by ~*Gamma*~ »

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