Author Topic: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?  (Read 6147 times)

Offline Lady_Alizarin

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Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« on: January 06, 2013, 05:48:19 am »
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 06:54:54 am by LadyAlizarin »

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2013, 05:54:10 am »
Yes I believe some people go a little too far when criticizing other people Literacy. And yes I have actually. I was in an rp:Me: The she-wolf slowly put her headdown on the cold muddy ground. She sighed, her sides heaving.
RP owner: Excuse me! She-wolf doesn't have a hiefin and our ground isn't muddy! Its grassy! You are out of here stupid!
Everyone else was cheering for the RP owner... I was ticked off at this.

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2013, 06:42:29 am »
people go so far with that... i can never find an active rp now because i find mostly literate people are active and they type such simple actions in such a long complicated posts like i almost joined a mapped wolf pack once and one of thier biggest rules was that the simplest actions like rolling over had to be at least three sentences long with no mistakes and proper punctuation.. i'm bad at proper punctuation and capitals so on i can spell but most people get angry at me for not capitalizing I or the beginning of a sentence and so on. I play fh to get away from judgemental people irl but lately i have been finding fh start to become just the same way
Hello random person! ^_^

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2013, 06:57:35 am »
I play fh to get away from judgemental people irl but lately i have been finding fh start to become just the same way
Let's face it, people, no one is 100% perfect. When it comes to typing on a computer, every now and then a typo will happen. It's no big deal, right? But there are some who just blow it out of proportion by saying, "Your grammar is horrible". Do you think that goes a little too far?

I hate it how "illiteracy" has become like some big, reprehensible thing in FH.

Someone misses some punctuation, or some capitalization, and they get their butts chewed off by their group, who then mention it in General. Then General becomes a big lecturing ground for other little things involving grammar. I especially hate when someone who made a mistake is compared to a much younger child, like a six year old.
"Oh, my son is six, and he could type better than you." Not only is that a big lie, but it's degrading to whoever you've just said that to. It's unneccesary. Instead of ripping into them for a small mistake, you could ignore it...or give some advice, if you must...and just move on with the roleplay. There you go, it's over and done with in a matter of seconds, and no one is upset over it. -_-

I don't give a rats behind how you type, or what symbols you use when roleplaying. I couldn't care less how 'grammatically correct' your wording is, as long as I can read it enough to give a decent reply.


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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2013, 07:12:53 am »
Completely 100% agreeable with this one. Some people just make the tiniest typo and instantly they become known as an illiterate. I mean, as you stated that no one is 100% perfect, why should someone be known as that if they make a few mistakes here and there? The leaders of the group are bound to make a mistake while typing but they don't get stuck with the title since it's "theirs" and they can say who's rejected and who's not. But cmon, seriously? I know they have complete authority but at least they should be a little considerate of others' mistakes. I would also like to point out the fact that if someone has a typing mistake in their name or such, they don't have the right knowledge to be in the rp! It just sickens me sometimes that people can't take others' feeling into their own minds and say "What if it were me right now? I know I wouldn't want to have my feeling crushed like this.." and they think about their decision before labeling someone as something as silly as an illiterate.

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2013, 07:29:55 am »
I mean I am mostly well with literatecy, but those examples are too far ._. I think there should be something to stop this o.e

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Offline SoaringAway

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2013, 07:42:15 am »
The bottom is possibly a rant filled with vulgar language and viewer discretion is advised.

In regards of what is "too far" or "too little" in roleplaying is up to you.

As you've stated before LadyFaylix, the choice of booting out of member due to their faults of typing (as most disregard that not everyone is a flawless -Removed by moderator-) is only up to the one in charge and solely not that but reading the past posts spun by Woofkita and chewy, it has come to my assumption and conclusion that being literate in Feralheart is nearly the equivalent of being within a cult.

I have actually ranted towards a user  earlier on throughout the month (and I am deeply ashamed of doing it) towards the fact of "literary" and was took the path of "if she wants to be treated as a literate and mature figure, she will be." Even throughout the bitter and hideous beginning of the post, I did bring this up:
Quote from: SoaringAway
The ability to read is learned and FeralHearts users display understanding of written words or they wouldn't be able to respond or understand what they're even typing.

The only matter we must rally against is the arrogance that you brew up in yourself and the bitterness that you've drawn into that post. We are a community of different individuals regardless of age, sex, or ethnicity, but we do not value each other by how we spell but the message we give across and our own thoughts that aren't so one-sided.

The style, grammar, diction, or sentence structures we implement into our responses to the roleplay is something which we're comfortable with.  To literally push someone out of a group they enjoy just because of how they present themselves with their posts is mundane and uncivil. Unfortunately, some users will have a tendency of wanting literate roleplays and might  decline some if they've overstep and broke the rule of literary multiple times. However, this isn't the over-the-top examples you've given but more towards trying to create a choesive story with others (this especially happens on the forums.)

//Might edit more; I seriously need to.//
(Sources: )
« Last Edit: March 12, 2017, 03:41:00 am by Morgra »

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2013, 07:53:22 am »
I play fh to get away from judgemental people irl but lately i have been finding fh start to become just the same way

First off I'm really sorry to hear that so many of you have gone through this kind of ridiculous judgment on this game. It's a real shame that there are people in this community that can make things so unpleasant for others especially when like Chewy stated most of us come here to escape our reality and just to have fun.

I personally find this whole illiterate/literate roleplay drama utterly absurd & out of control. The people who run around correcting and criticizing other peoples' grammar are real snobs. I don't know who elected these select individuals as Grammar Gods but the discrimination better come to an end. I have said this time and time before that this is a GAME not school. Users did not come on here to get a grammar or English lesson, they came here to play and have a good time. We are not getting graded on the content of our conversations over chat.

I want to emphasize the point that Lady Ali stated above that I have often said myself which is that as long as you know what the person is saying that's all that should matter not the fine details inbetween since people can be what some consider "illiterate" for a number of valid reasons. Truth is no one is perfect and none of us have perfect grammar or rp skills. The focus of RPing should not be about the level of literacy of an individual but rather the group learning from one another how to bring a story to life while working together with their differences in RP style & grammar. In my eyes a true literate person would have an adaptable vocabulary & grammar that does not limit to conventional restrictions and is flexible to handle the few bumps that come with RPing with a so called "illiterate" RPer. If you can't do that then don't call yourself or your group literate.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2013, 07:39:45 pm by LordSuragaha »


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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2013, 09:04:50 am »
I understand what you guys are saying. When I join a group I always ask if an RP Sample is required. Most of the time I'm rejected because I forget the ' in don't or something like that. I'm an Alpha of a literate group who asks for RP samples and I honestly don't care if they spell something wrong. I spell stuff wrong all the time! Though when I think about it... I realize where they picky people are going. I used to be the same way on my other account but then it got someone's feeling hurt and I stopped being so picky. When I RP, I look to see if they are trying so that's all that matters to me. I also see a lot of people using action marks in their posts while they RP and the other members of the pack will snap at them for their style of RP. I considerate not fair and highly rude. You wanted to know when you have gone to far? I say it's when the other player can't get online anymore or worse, doesn't want to get online because of this constant struggle with the more advanced roleplayers. And believe me when I tell ya this, when I first joined I didn't know what literate was and I was rejected even by the "illiterate" groups. And honestly I still think I'm un-literate.

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Re: Criticizing Others Roleplay Style: How Far is Too Far?
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2013, 04:21:19 pm »
I can be quite picky when it comes to deciding who I roleplay with. I'll roleplay with literate and semi-literate users, and by that I mean people who type in full sentences, use grammar and punctuation, and type words properly instead of short-hand. But I'm not so picky that if someone makes a typo or something I have a major go at them; I appreciate that everyone has their own RP style, and everyone, even the 'best' roleplayers, make mistakes like typos, missing words out or forgetting or put a comma somewhere. We're only human!

I also respect illiterate roleplayers. Even though I might not want to RP with them, I don't hate them for being illiterate. There are many reasons why a person might be illiterate, I'll name some: young age (like primary school age), learning difficulties, lack of experience, and English not being their first language. I think people who verbally abuse illiterate people should be more considerate, because, unless the person specifically told you, "Sorry, I'm illiterate because [reason]," you don't know for sure why that person isn't quite on your level. We all started off illiterate at some point, I'm sure of that.

Thankfully, I've never been beaten up on my roleplaying style, but I have been corrected one or two times. And I don't mind that, I like critisism so that I can learn from the mistakes I make, learn new vocabulary and stuff. I'm 18, passed GCSEs and A levels, and still my English isn't perfect. It is apparently one of the hardest languages to learn and I  think that should also been taken into consideration before you decide to critisise someone.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2013, 04:22:51 pm by ♉DoctorFlob☮ »

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