Author Topic: ~ || Spectrum Wolves || ~  (Read 1633 times)

Offline Woofley

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~ || Spectrum Wolves || ~
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:17:11 am »

Spectrum wolves are a species of wolf that have a similar build to a timber wolf's and are often confused with that species due to their similar coloration. The most noticeable difference is that their tail tips are brightly colored, and some males have patterns on their tails that are abnormal for other species of wolf. Their tail tips are the reason they got their name. They have sharp, hooked claws that give them the ability to climb up trees and it is not uncommon for a wolf to sleep up in a tree. Their eyes come in all colors and shades and some have small winged foxes as companions.


Spectrum wolves normally live on their own or in small packs, the largest pack ever recorded having about thirty members. When on their own, they usually travel around, hardly ever staying in one place for more than a few days unless they have pups. Because of their tendencies to travel, their risk of treading upon another wolf's territory is heightened. If a lone spectrum wolf was to do so, the pack would be able to decide if they wanted to accept the wolf. If they didn't, they would either kill the wolf or let it go. If the wolf had accidentally stumbled into the territory, they may be forced to join whether they like it or not. Packs are very territorial and usually patrol them thoroughly. If a member of a different pack stumbles onto a pack's territory, they may be either taken as a prisoner or killed, sometimes even questioned about their pack and sent back to warn their pack about the other wolves' presence. They generally are most active at night.

A spectrum wolf usually leaves it's family at about two years of age, though they can sustain themselves on their own at a younger age. They wander for a while, until they find mate or pack, then settle down for a while. Mated pairs usually stay with each-other for life. Pairs of loners can choose not to make a pack and just continue traveling. They mate in winter and the females have a two month gestation period. The mothers usually give birth to 2-5 pups. If a mother has more than 6 pups, she may have to resort to abandoning a pup so she can tend to the rest of her litter if there is a shortage of food. Pups are weaned off milk and are introduced to solid foods at 2 months old. At this age, the pups are usually very playful and play-fight a lot, also mock-hunting small animals like bugs and mice. A pup of 5 months or older may be able to survive on it's own for a while if it knows how to hunt properly, but they are usually picked off by predators or die of cold. Though, if they have an Avixa, they can survive without a family at a younger age and for longer.

Spectrum wolves usually hunt prey such as deer and rabbits, but will also eat eggs, berries and carcasses left behind by larger animals when they have the chance. When hunting, they stalk as close they possibly can up to their prey then leap out at the animal. If they don't catch the animal, they will chase it until either it gets too far away for them to catch or until they wear it down, at which point they will kill the prey. If there are any leftovers after the spectrum wolf (and possibly avixa too) has eaten it's fill, the wolf will bury them for later. They usually keep their tail low to the ground when hunting so the animal they're stalking up to doesn't see their bright tail-tips. Another tactic of hunting involves a group of wolves surrounding the prey then lifting their tails, displaying the bright tip. This confuses the animal, and it may hesitate to run, and that hesitation can be it's downfall.


Plural Avixi (A-vix-eye). These are tiny, winged creatures that look similar to foxes but come in all (realistic) colors. A baby Avixa is called a kit. Why are they relevant to this species? Well, they have a special relationship with this wolf. They can choose to bond to a spectrum wolf, usually when both animals are teenagers, since this is when they often leave their families, but occasionally they meet when they are younger or older. They help the wolf by picking insects off them and scouting for possible danger or prey, though their size makes it impossible for them to help with hunting and fighting. When not bonded, Avixi live in clans. An Avixa can't survive for very long on it's own. They usually eat bugs and mice, though a group can take down a rabbit. They can fly but, oddly enough, they never try to harm birds, even if they are close enough for them to pounce, though, they do like to eat eggs when they have the chance. When a bonded Avixa or wolf dies, the remaining animal is unlikely to bond again.

An adult Avixa


Making your own

Aging Guide

Newborn Pup/Kit: 0 - 3 Months
Pup/Kit: 4 - 7 Months
Pre-Teen: 8 Months - 1 Year
Teen: 1 - 2 Years
Adult: 2 - 20 Years
Elder: 20 Years +

Requirements (Spectrum Wolf)

Spectrum wolves must have realistic colors and markings, the only color exceptions being for their eyes and tail tips. And yes, before you ask, stripes are considered realistic. Swirl, celtic and other unrealistic markings aren't accepted, though I'll allow butterfly. Most markings like ocelot, cheetah and jaguar aren't accepted either (though, the head marking for ocelot is acceptable). The only exceptions to these rules are that males can have any tail marking, realistic or not. If you don't have any body or head markings, your tail marking can be unrealistically colored.

Requirements (Avixa)

Avixa requirements are a little more strict. They must have slit eyes, ear rims for head and a pair of wings. Their body marking must be realistic and their tail markings can be anything at all, though, unlike the wolves, their tail tips must be realistic.

Basic Character Sheet

Feel free to add or remove anything c: This is just the basics.

Bond: (You can play your bond as well as your wolf/avixa if you want. Name and short description goes here.)
Appearance: (picture or description)

Pack/clan Sheet

Leader M:
Leader F:
Territory: (e.g the area you rp in)

Known Characters


Spectrum Wolves - 0 Male, 1 Female (1)
Avixi - 0 Male, 0 Female (0)

Spectrum Wolves
Name - Age - Gender - Bond - Pack - Mate - Pups

Faith - 6 Months (pup) - Female - N/A - N/A - N/A - N/A

Name - Age - Gender - Bond - Clan - Mate - Kits


Packs - 0
Clans - 0

Name - Member Count - Leader M - Leader F - Territory - Last Updated

Name - Member Count - Leader M - Leader F - Territory - Last Updated
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 01:25:05 am by Woofley »

Offline Woofley

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Re: Thisneedsaname @.@
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2013, 09:36:18 pm »
My Character

Name: Faith
Age: 6 Months (Pup)
Gender: Female
Species: Spectrum Wolf
Bond: None
Pack: None
Rank: Loner
« Last Edit: January 09, 2013, 01:25:42 am by Woofley »