Author Topic: The Elements! (Wolf Rp and Re-make!)[Back to business! ]  (Read 37663 times)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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"Nobody," the wolf answered, glaring at her.
"Nobody?" Carla echoed with a sad tone, "You poor thing." She stared at his neck and held her paw up. She began to clench it. The wolf's eyes got wider, and he made choking sounds.
 "But the problem is," Carla went on in a more threatening tone, "There's no such thing as a nobody."
 "Who are you?" she continued in a menacing voice, smirking. Her paw clenched even more. The wolf gasped and choked.
 "I'm a...a...a..."
 "Go on!"
 "Wo-o-olf from-from the Earth C-clan..." Carla smiled, uncleanching her paw and putting it down. The Earth Clan wolf gasped. Carla walked over to his side and whispered in his ear. "Where can I find the Earth Clan?"
 "There deep into the forest," the wolf said shamefully, "By a small river on the edge of it." He hung his head.
 "Good," Carla said simply. She looked at the wolves guarding over him. "Kill him."
 The wolf's eyes widened.
 "But I gave you your information!"
 Carla eyed him.
 "So you're no use to me now."

 Maybe I should change her power? XD May I? To be like can control some parts of the body and bring back the dead...?))


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(Sure. And wait is the wolf a she or a he? x3)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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Carla's a female and that Earth Clan wolf is a male :P

 Sooooo....wanna like end up meeting Carla))


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(Ah okay, and sure.)

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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  Carla barked and looked around. "Ithgar, Mory, Hendla, and Blace!" she cawed, "We're going on a scouting mission." The wolves ran and surrounded her, bowing their heads.
 "This wolf here"--she tossed her head towards the dead body--"has told us that, like our Dark Clan, he is from the Earth Clan. We must tell these wolves what crossing into our territory means." Carla smirked and the other four wolves howled in excitement.
 "He said they live at the other edge of the forest, by a small stream. Let's go!" Carla howled, sprinting off in that direction.

 After a while, all five wolves began to pick up scents of other wolves. They smelled strange. Carla raised her head and howled, "Come out!" She ordered the wolves to get in a position for an ambush or attack. They got ready and looked around. Carla waited patiently.


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Wolfen eyes peaked when he heard howls somewhere deep in the forest, he growled. Zupin eaes peaked also and ran to get the warriors without the leader giving him permission to do so. Wolfen growled and lead his man towards the howl. After awhile, Wolfen reached to a group of wolves, he growled and walked towards them. "Why haven you came.. Dark wolves" he asked in a deep tone, trying to control his growling. The warriors came from  behind Wolfen, showing the bare teeth incase they appear to attack there leader.

Offline catsanddogsandbirds

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"Calm down, puppies," she snorted at the growling wolves, "I'm sure you'll frighten us once you grow up to be full-grown dogs. Then again, we're wolves." She laughed. The wolves behind her chuckled, also. Carla sighed and stepped forward.
 "Wolfen, is that your name?" she smirked, "Quite an odd name for a wolf, Wolfen." She now looked serious.
 "Anyway, one of your wolves crossed into our territory, and we had to deal with him." She smirked. "That's why we're here." She held her head high and her claws ready. The wolves behind her stared at the other warriors, grinning with sharp teeth, hungry for a fight.


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Wolfen snarled at the she-wolf, then he exchange his gaze at the wolf. Zupin eyes widely open over at Carla."Don't talk to Wolfen like that!" he shouted, defending his leader. "Just give him to us, and we'll get out your damn way" he cursed, looking at the wolf. The warriors snarled at the dark she  wolf leader. Wolfen breathed heavily. "Just give him to us" he ordered, but kindly. Back the territory, the pup that was adopted by the she-wolf woke up, but saw it was very dark, so he cuddle up with his mother.

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"Sorry," she snickered, "It's a little too late for that. You should've looked after him." She shrugged. She glanced at a wolf and he nodded. He dragged the corpse of the dead Earth Clan wolf and laid it in front of Wolfen.
 "Are you going to fight me out of anger?" Carla asked calmly, "Or do nothing because you can't bring him back? Only I can bring him back." She smirked and looked at the rage-filled Wolfen.


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Wolfen gasped while gazing at the dead body. One of his pack friends gone! He growled at the she-wolf, the warriors gasped in horror and growled. "Okay now you're dead meat!" he stated, and ran towards Carla, biting her pelt, and trying to choke her by his bare teeth. Zupin looked at the dead body with tears in his eyes, then he sniffed. Wolfen looked at his warriors with a snarl. "Man stop..Since this beast killed one our family members, the gods would look at them with rage" he announced, and walked away. The warriors looked at she-wolf wuth rage in there eyes, and followed there leader.