Author Topic: preset nose and better fur tex? xD  (Read 1251 times)

Offline Touyja

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preset nose and better fur tex? xD
« on: January 22, 2013, 08:35:50 pm »
alright so i did my first preset (JUST AS A TEST) im not really planning on using it atm but i was noticing everyone has presets that have more fur detail and a 3d nose

heres mine:

and here is one somebody made for me:

i was wondering about the nose and better texture and all?
was also wondering if theres any way thats better to improve a preset with gimp (e.g blend markings and stuff..)

thanks if any can answer :3

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: preset nose and better fur tex? xD
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2013, 09:39:30 pm »
You did an amazing job for a first preset :3. As for your question though it's really all up to the texture you use. The preset on the bottom has a different fur texture from the one you are using. The texture you are using looks to me like the default texture. Different textures will add a different effect & look to your character and certain features on them like their nose etc.
If you want to get different effects with fur textures try using different fur textures :) There are plenty you can find if you search around the forum long enough.

Try starting here:

Another way to change the effect of your fur texture is by doubling the fur texture on the preset, you can also make the fur texture lighter by using the paint tool in GIMP and changing the paint to white on low opacity and painting over the texture before layering it to your preset. There are many tricks to preset making and if you like I'd be more than willing to give you more advice or answer your questions if you pm me :3 Since you're still new to it it will take some practice still before you get the look you are aiming for ^_^

was also wondering if theres any way thats better to improve a preset with gimp (e.g blend markings and stuff..)
There are many ways you just having to experiment with the different sizes and shapes of the paint & spray tools etc. Changing the opacity also helps with blending patterns or adding other effects.
« Last Edit: January 22, 2013, 09:52:25 pm by LordSuragaha »