Author Topic: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it  (Read 143828 times)

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #120 on: May 22, 2013, 02:06:19 pm »
Wolfspeak is incredibly annoying and difficult to understand at first, but I've learned to deal with it. I refuse to use it, but I can at least keep up with it now to rp. When I first ran into someone using wolfspeak, I was completely lost and confused as to why, and it took a lot of effort to keep up, and I had a huge vocabulary to begin with. I can only imagine what non-english speakers must feel when running into it. The amusing part though is that the first time I ran into wolfspeak, I was in a warrior cats rp and the deputy was using it. A CAT was using Wolfspeak. No rp is safe from it now. I still refuse to use it though. I will not use bad english.

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #121 on: May 22, 2013, 02:09:07 pm »

Offline ShadowWolf24

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #122 on: May 23, 2013, 11:26:17 pm »
[color/] I just had to post here because I found this really interesting.
  I myself use wolf-speak, not because I try to sound smart it's just that it sorta became attached to me after I joined my first pack ever on Feral Heart and they used it sometimes. You could say I became a bit of a copycat and started to take notice of these terms and sometimes I would have to look up wolf-speak terms to figure out how they were used.  I have no problem with wolf-speak, and I definitly shouldn't have a problem with short posts because I used to do those as well.
Powerplaying is something I don't really care much for because it's no fun that way, and I don't really care much for wolf-speak abusers. That drives me even more insane because I have to grab a freakin dictionary to figure out what the heck you are saying! Just simple wolf-speak is enough for me, and I find fun to use use it in my own posts.
Usually for my own rp groups I ask that you be quote "literate", just because it's what I prefer and to post at least two lines so that I have a little something to build onto to for the sake of the rp.
One thing I don't like though, is when one type of roleplayer bashes on another type. Now I can't say I have never done this, but I regret doing so. And avoiding people just because of their roleplay style is not cool at all.
     I think that is about all I have to say on the matter, sorry if I possibly offended anyone. I did find the true meanings of wolf-speak words to be really entertaining, I started laughing so hard. :D
Have a good day everyone no matter what roleplay style you use, and to finish this up a quote from one of my classmates that got us kicked out of class.
" Everybody's got their own style." :3

Yes. I do love Yaoi.
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Offline Mondevu

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #123 on: May 24, 2013, 02:24:39 am »
Zamina, while I do agree that everyone has their own styles, when those styles include taking the word "literate" and changing its meaning to "must use wolf-speak," many of us draw the line. And as even you have pointed out, when others can't understand what you're saying, it's time to drop the charade.

Back on topic, here's a couple wolf-speak quotes I found. :P

"Yes, true as it may be, the emptiness of the time between the departure and return will be prevalent until later occurs."

"Love, I've been curious to fathom a personal query that's been plaguing my mind for what it seems to be decades. Mind answering it with honesty if I were to convey said question?"

Who on earth talks like that? XD I mean, seriously. This may be tame compared to other posts on this thread, but wow. "Fathom a personal query."

1. A unit of length equal to six feet (1.8 meters): used chiefly in nautical measurements.
Verb (used with object)
2. To measure the depth of by means of a sounding line; sound.
3. To penetrate to the truth of; comprehend; understand: to fathom someone's motives.

With the definition revealed, "fathom a personal query" makes no sense, even if using the third definition from the list. How can you not understand your own question? XD

A quick add-on in response to one of the examples in the first post.

An estuary is a partly enclosed coastal body of brackish water with one or more rivers or streams flowing into it, and with a free connection to the open sea.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 02:02:43 am by Mondevu »
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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #124 on: July 22, 2013, 03:40:59 pm »
Lmfao wolf-speak.

Anybody that uses wolf-speak must be pretty lonely and just want to be smart. Well, they might as well go to summer school and learn the actual basics of synonyms before they spout off some words so to say with their pseudo-intelligence. Waste my time in role-playing. Might as well go back to Wetpaint soon.

These kids that use wolf-speak are really arrogant when it comes to asking why they even use it.

Offline BlueKinTsukiko

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #125 on: July 23, 2013, 05:40:02 am »
Ugh, its a bit sad that I can't role play as a wolf due to this foul language, in fact I've recently been in a small group of 3 other people besides me who don't use wolf speak thank god. Until, and sadly, this one other person comes in, and a bunch of made up words and gibberish came in to play till I called him out on it. The one word that I did was oxygenators don't ask me why, but I think they were explaining how they were inhaling cigarette smoke. Thats when I couldn't take it, I explained to him what it meant

  An aquatic plant that enriches the surrounding water with oxygen, esp. in a pond or aquarium.

Every since he hasn't role played with us and i've been much happier along with everyone in the group.

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #126 on: July 23, 2013, 11:58:08 pm »
Wolfspeak...oh gosh ._.'
I personally am not a big fan of wolfspeak, simply because I find it IMPOSSIBLE to respond back. And then I do it's like, "Could you be more literate?" I'm being as literate as I can, just not as literate as you think I am.

Now, I'm not saying that no one should use wolfspeak, but I think wolfspeakers need to learn peoples Rping levels, so it doesn't become awkward, and you can make it easier for all of us. That is why if I'm asked to give an Rp sample, I ask the person to start me out with a scenario first, so I know what I'm working with. Also, why do people think it's necessary to add so much detail in their posts? Here's an example: "Temporalis lowered, extensor digitorium rolled upon radius." (That whole thing translates into, I see you. XD)
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 11:59:41 pm by DevilBurgers »


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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #127 on: July 24, 2013, 01:49:45 pm »
This is probably the most enjoyable post I've read.
As I scanned your list, relating to the missused words, I laughed at "Orbs"
because even in the good ol' days of Impressive Title, I RPed with a certain member who spoke fluent Wolfspeak. To me, Wolfspeak is gaudy, and truly, although those who speak tend to probably feel.. Intellectually literate.. The irony is, they actually sound quite rediculous.

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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #128 on: July 24, 2013, 04:05:06 pm »
I try to dis-encourage this type of role-playing, especially to my friends. Realistically speaking, if I ever went to another platform and role-played with "wolfspeak," my group would look at me like "Are you serious?" I usually role-play outside Feral Heart with T2 or T1 groups (usually rarely if I have the time), and they use descriptions and terms very effectively that could have you reading for hours. Here, it would be the opposite. I took the time to look up these words in "wolfspeak," myself and for every word I search, the actual meaning of the word got more out of place.

To my point, the "wolfspeak" is maddening and saddens me because there are really good and creative role-players that use these terms and don't truly know what they mean. In addition to beginner players that pick up on this "wolfspeak" and they start to use it. I've no hard feelings to anyone who uses it, but to try to convince them that this type of speaking is nonsense, more than likely I will be slandered with "Oh, you're just an illiterate, I know what I'm saying, leave me alone." And my response, "I believe I do, my friend. No offense and no disrespect, but if you would take the time to research on half the words you are using, you'd know what I mean."  

Thus, I have a sour end for the person who started this abomination of "new" literature.  
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Re: A guide to wolfspeak and why you shouldn't use it
« Reply #129 on: August 31, 2013, 12:20:12 am »
I came here for not a fight as it is against my Wiccan rede.But perhaps if you are so against Wolfspeak then why don't you allow those who enjoy it just enjoy it? The world has enough problems and it would be so much better if everything was peaceful. Either ignore them or try to see them eye to eye as to why they do this. Even try to correct them if you must.