Author Topic: The Last of Us [Inactive since 11/02/2013]  (Read 7456 times)

Offline silverMarie

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The Last of Us [Inactive since 11/02/2013]
« on: February 05, 2013, 08:46:04 pm »
The Last of Us
It has been two decades since the infection started, sending the U.S. into a total war-zone. People have turned on each other and begun killing one another for their supplies, some went to the military but found out they weren't much help. The military has placed many quarantine zones in major cities throughout the United States, this is where many misled people go to be "safe", but in reality the people who go here never come out and never heard from again. The people who are still inside are now trying to escape, but some of the people outside want to get in. Military are constantly moving through the states to capture the survivors outside the quarantine zones to bring them in and 'study' on them. Some of them even execute uncooperative survivors. Where are you?

The infection isn't airborne, but rather direct contact. If you are scratched, bitten, or get the infected blood in you, you are a goner.
~Hyperhidrosis(Excessive sweating)
~Loss of appetite
~ Violent coughing

Quarantine zones
-New York, New York
-Los Angeles, California
-Chicago, Illinois
-Detroit, Michigan
-Washington D.C
-Denver, Colorado
-Austin, Texas
-Tampa, Florida
-Las Vegas, Nevada

About the infected
-They are very fast, so don't let one of them see you.
-They aren't corpses, we aren't quite sure what they are.
-They are blind, as long as you stay quiet you are safe.
-Their hearing is very advanced.
-They make these awful sounds, like that of a bat.
-They feed mainly on human flesh but will eat the flesh of animals as well.
-They look absolutely terrifying.
(For some reason the pictures stop showing up x.x Bear with me here.)
« Last Edit: July 02, 2019, 12:09:00 pm by Scallywag »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2013, 09:44:23 pm »
~This RP will have cursing and gory scenes so please don't complain.
~Don't go overboard with the cursing.
~No powerplaying or godmodding.
~Be literate, your posts don't have to be paragraphs long, but give us something to work with.
~Notify me if you are going to be inactive.
~If you do not post for 3 or more days you will be removed from the list.
~If you die feel free to make another character.
~No role-playing as the infected or animals..yet.
~No Limit on characters, just as long as you keep them all active.
~Have fun ^-^


Military: They are ordered to find any survivors and bring them into a nearby quarantine zone, use force is necessary.
Raider: They live in groups ranging from 6 or more people. They go on raid parties to steal supplies from the survivors.

Survivor: They are either outside the quarantine zone or live in one. They are trying to survive on the little they have, or are trying to escape the quarantine zone.

Code: [Select]
[img]Image URL here[/img]
Pet(s):(optional, if you do not have a pet, ignore the bottom.)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2013, 02:51:32 am by Auriakuri »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2013, 09:56:45 pm »

Name: Natalie A. Watson
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Role: Military
Personality: Natalie is one tough cookie. She will not take any disrespect towards her and can be a perfectionist. The life of being a child of military parents molded her personality, making her often strict to those who fall under her authority. She respects those who have command over her and tries to be as nice as possible to the ones who have to listen to her. She has always had a huge fear of water, as in an ocean or lake.
History: Natalie's parents were high in the military ranks so she had always grown up with protection. She admired both her parents and decided to follow in their footsteps. Natalie did not like any forms of combat, so instead she became an investigator for the military and often travels back and forth to different quarentine zones to speak with their officials and negotiate.
Family: General David Watson and Sergeant Linda Watson
Location: Manhattan, New York
« Last Edit: February 08, 2013, 10:03:22 pm by Auriakuri »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2013, 09:58:12 pm »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2013, 10:03:15 pm »

Name: Matthew J. Taylor (Alias: Four)
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Role: Raider
Personality: Matthew, who is known as 'Four' is a slick guy who often weaves his way in and out of trouble. His emotions are usually well hidden unless its humor or he's being sarcastic. Years of living without parents or family has shaped him into a merciless thief who has no limits. Never in Matt's life has he ever had a friend, or someone even close enough to talk to about personal things. His personality makes him edgy, an easy person to be judged making even worse to even get to know someone. His fears have become minor because there is no one in his life that he feels that he needs to worry about, except his dogs, and he believes he has enough protection against the infected, though he can't be positive. The military has 'Four' written all over their wanted files and telling their officials to keep a look out for him, but yet that never phases him and he continues to steal, even kill if its necessary.
History: Matt lost his parents at the age of four to the infections that had been spreading around the year he was born, causing him to have to live in a run down isolated all boys orphanage at the edge of the city. As a child he could never put up with the staff of the orphanage who seemed to only want to run it because the building was sealed letting in no disease. Three years later, Matt could no longer take being neglected so he took what little resources he could find and headed for a warehouse called Sector 7 that was miles east into the center of the city. He had heard of other boys leaving the orphanage to that location searching for work and shelter. Upon arrival, which took almost a week, he was greeted by men who were not so eager to let a child into their so called 'business'. He begged them, like any other seven year old would until they accepted. He soon learned that under the warehouse there was a huge tunneling system that stored several riches and provided protection, which was what he was sent to work on. It wasn't until Matthew was 12 when he was let in on the actual business. The men who had taken him were not the people he ever thought they were, but they had provided so many years of protection and food that he was quick to join their ranks. They gave him a whole initiation process which included almost a year of training. He had adopted the name 'Four', mainly because he received a perfect score in his training on 4 different weapons that he still uses to this day. Now, Matt is a well trusted member of the group and continues to provide his service to the raiders.

(Weapons specialized in.)
Family: The son of Patrick and Evelyn Taylor.
Location: New York, New York

Name: "Ashlee..."     Ashlee Kate White.  

Age: "23 years, why do you want to know!"         23 Years.

Gender: "Do I look like a male?"         Female.

Role: "You don't need to know."         Raider.

Personality: "Evil..."       Ashlee has a mean heart, she may look sweet, and pretty, but shes a real meanie. She will hardly never take time to get to know you, she will just judge a book by its cover.... But she does like reading.... Ashlee can be quite funny, and a bit kind to the other raiders, but she doesn't share her stuff. Unless its to a really really good friend. Ashlee is never afraid to pull a trigger, or stab, so watch out. She loves electrical stuff, including consoles, in fact shes got a DS, and that's it. She normally, plays on it when shes bored, or when her dog isn't occupying her. Sometimes, just for fun, she will trick you making you think that shes kind and sweet, but then she will rob all of your stuff. She doesn't care about the consequences.

History: Ashlee was born in a old flat, with infected pouring in it. It wasn't long before her mother got the disease, Ashlee was only 10. Before anything could happen to her, she grabbed lots of things, and left. She lived in a wooden shed at the bottom of the street, no one could find her. In the shed, she found some useful weapons, and she practiced on windows, and small objects. Until it came to the real thing. When Ashlee was 15, the infected started to crowd near the shed, so she was forced to leave, a killing machine. She didn't really have any sympathy for anyone, but wanted a companion.

At the age of 20, Ashlee was walking in a lone street, when she heard a constant whining coming from a old, broken building. When she took a closer look, she saw a tiny Papillon lying limp on the floor. Wanting some one to talk to, and someone to comfort her when she's sad, she helped the pup out of its state, and gave it lots of food. It came her best pal. Also, she met a friendly mouse, and she took him in to.

Ashlee was 22 when she joined the raiders, and done a excellent job, she was one of the best females. Ashlee then stuck to one of the weapons, named a Sniper. It was her favorite weapon, and it seemed like that to her dog as well.

Family: Mother: Charlotte White. Father: Max Rade White.

Location: New York, New York.

Extra: Has a DOGGY!
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 07:04:22 pm by Auriakuri »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2013, 10:04:18 pm »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2013, 10:05:06 pm »

Name: Cheyanne Donovan
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Role: Survivor
Personality: Cheyanne is rather straight forward about things, she doesn't sugar-coat it for anyone, ever since the infection struck her heart has turned cold and unforgiving. Her trust in others has dropped dramatically, last time she trusted someone they tried to blow her head off "Nothing I couldn't handle." She now believes she should kill on sight unless they give her a good reason not to. But she wasn't always cold hearted, she used to be a happy teenage girl who had many friends and loved making new ones.
History: Cheyanne had a tough life growing up since she was raised in this apocalyptic atmosphere, her parents said that there was a time when the world was happy. Cheyanne wondered what earth was like before the infection, but she knew she would never know. As the years went on and the infection spread, their safe house was taken from them by the military and they were moved to a quarantine zone when she was fifteen. Cheyanne can still remember the horrors that were inside the tall steel walls, screams of pain and agony came from the underground facility at night when she tried to sleep. When she turned eighteen her parents were taken away from her. She remembers waking up from muffled yells from her father as military personnel took them from their sleeping spots and carried them away. Cheyanne could do nothing to stop them as they took her parents to who knows where. Days later she went to the archery range only to see her parents, they were bloody and deformed beyond recognition. They both had be turned into one of those things and were now being used as training dummies. From that moment on Cheyanne became cold hearted towards the uniformed staff, then soon everyone around her. She later escaped the quarantine zone and ran as far as she could until she collapsed from fatigue. Now she travels alone, traveling from state to state, constantly hiding from themilitary and the infected.
Family: Bill Donovan, deceased, and Susie Donovan, also deceased.
Location: Central park, New York.

Name: Kelly Woods
Age: 18 Years
Gender: Female
Role: Survivor.
Personality: Kelly is a calm, kind girl, always wanting to meet new people. She is kind, and always has a teethy smile. She can get very very scared though, but she rarely has 'panic attacks.' She is very gentle, but she is prepared to kill the infected... But sometimes with a ton of guilt. She is very untrusting nowadays though, due to all the lies she had been fed.
History: Kelly was born with her mother, and her mother only. She was lovingly raised, and cared for. She never stopped begging for a dog of her own, and soon got what she wanted, she was 5 then. She got a black husky named Dark. She cared for him like he was her baby... Tragically, when Kelly was 10, she lost her only relative to the horrible infection that was spreading. Somehow, Dark knew if someone was changing/are a infected person, and Kelly was so lucky. With out Dark, she would have been dead by now. She lived in her back yard, in Dark's large, wooden kennel. She robbed her neighbors food, who were alive and well.

When Kelly was 15, she started to travel around, with her gun at her hand. When she met a nice person, with all the symptoms of the infected, she ignored Dark's barking warnings, and carried on being friends with him. Then he turned into a infected, she had to kill him.... Never again Kelly doubted Dark's amazing skills.

Kelly was 17 when she came into contact with a young pup who was trapped in between a falling log and some earth. Kelly freed the poor pup, and took care of her. She named her Chloe, and Dark was getting slow and old... Not very good for running away, especially from the fast...  
Family: Mother: Katy.
Location: ((To make things more interesting)) Central Park, New York.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 06:59:09 pm by Auriakuri »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2013, 10:05:28 pm »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2013, 10:05:58 pm »

Pet(s): (On the Right)Dark & (On The Left.) Chloe
Age: Dark: 13... Chloe: 1...
Gender: Dark: Male. Chloe: Female.
About: About in History... Dark: Dark is very loyal, and will stand by Kelly's side no matter what happens.  Chloe: A young girl who just wants to play!

Belongs to Kelly Woods

Pet(s): Dog: Bubba.... Mouse: Mickey
Age: Bubba: 4.... Mouse: 3
Gender: Both Males.
About: Both always sticking to Ashlee's side.
Belongs to Ashlee Kate White

Aero & Argo
Age: 5 and 7 years
Gender: Males
About: Both of these dogs were found when they were just a year and three years by Matt in the train station, possibly seeking cover from the diseases that circulated in the air. Taking them in as his own, he trained them to hunt down goods and resources, as well as to guard his belongings. They have been by his side and respect him as their master, only listening to his commands. Matt is always rewarding them for their work as well as making sure they are in a healthy condition.

Belongs to Matthew J. Taylor
« Last Edit: February 09, 2013, 07:05:52 pm by Auriakuri »

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Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Last of Us|WIP No Posting|
« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2013, 10:06:05 pm »

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