Author Topic: What do you think about Mate Centers?  (Read 4630 times)

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What do you think about Mate Centers?
« on: February 13, 2013, 02:22:11 am »
Hi guys, i'm new to FH and this is my first forum post ;D anyways, I wanted to know your opinion on the Mate Center. (and Adoption Center if you want.) I don't really like mate or adoption centers dur to the lag. People need to find love on their own, and pups can just advertise in general.  :) Again, I'm not trying to be mean, since the centers have as much right to be in FH as us. What do you guys think?
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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2013, 02:50:28 am »
I agree with you in one sense Heather, that people should find love themselves through rp. In another opinion though, mate centers(and adoption) might be good for people who are to afraid to ask, or just to shy generally. Though I don't quite see the need for a pixelated mate anyway. On a side note, I wonder why the centers are only in Bonfire? :-\

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #2 on: February 13, 2013, 02:55:25 am »
On a side note, I wonder why the centers are only in Bonfire? :-\

It's said it is the most user populated map in FH. -and where most newbies hang out at. I call it Lagfire. Mostly because of INTENSE lag that befalls on me upon entering/poofing of said map. -but yeah, your right though. Centers should be a bit more spread out if needed. *cough* Fluorite. *cough*

Hi guys, i'm new to FH and this is my first forum post ;D

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« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 02:57:31 am by Carmen »


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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2013, 03:18:34 am »
Welcome to Feral Heart Heather :3

I don't mind the mate or adoption centers in game really as long as they aren't breaking rules or spamming the chat. They help make things more organized that way we don't have a bunch of people running around begging for mates or parents to random individuals. When there is a mate and/or adoption center around people can just join that group and easily & quickly find others to pair off or RP with and as Warrior stated:
mate centers(and adoption) might be good for people who are to afraid to ask, or just to shy generally.

As for what Heather said:
pups can just advertise in general

It's probably better that the pups/cubs don't advertise in general simply because there are soo many of them. A few individuals advertising for a parent or parents might spam the chat. The Adoption center helps clear up the General chat a bit for other larger RP groups to have a chance at advertising.

The only thing that might be an issue with these centers though, as Heather pointed out, is the lag since they tend to bunch up in certain areas and that sometimes lags the place up a bit.  

As for what you asked Warrior:
On a side note, I wonder why the centers are only in Bonfire? :-\

I believe the mate centers started and stayed in Bonfire since it was one of the smallest maps as well as the original "Home Map" before the last updates. People probably found it easier to find one another and socialize in Bonfire. Also since the centers aren't to popular with most users it seems (specifically the Mate Center) people often drive them out from any where else. The centers have made appearances on other maps like Fluorite though but people are just used to their original Bonfire location that it's just stayed this way since.

« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 03:21:12 am by LordSuragaha »

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #4 on: February 13, 2013, 03:42:48 am »
I think that Adoptions centers are okay, it's the Mate centers that I have a real problem with. And that is because they are (in my opinion) fundamentally broken and warped in the sense of finding a significant other within the game.

It's hard to find a place to start when talking about my dislike of Mating Centers, but I think primarily they are a failure because you normally get a mate depending on how you look. You are asked to walk into the center and if people like /the look of your character/ you'll get picked. Otherwise it's tough luck. This is the worst way possible to go about getting a mate. I know that Mate Centers were designed for people to get a mate quickly, but I doubt that any pairings that are made from them last longer than a few hours at most. That is because people have no idea about what they are getting apart from looks. I think this problem mostly stems from the Users who make Mate Center Characters. They are (from my observations) usually illiterate and often obnoxiousness while trying to make themselves heard among the rabble of Bonfire. They are unorganized, and each User has a different way of partnering mates so everyone is often confused about what to do when they tentatively approach one of those infamous circles.
I think, that if Mate Centers were to ever work properly, a set of defined rules would have to be set down, and there would have to be more time and effort put into making /good/ matches. For example, the person who starts up a Mate Center character should create a Party once everyone who wishes to find a mate arrives. That way it would be far easier for people to hear one another. Secondly, the person in the center should be given a chance to say something about themselves, not only describing their personality, but also showing off their level of literacy in one fell swoop. They might also be given a chance during this time to talk about weather they want a mate for OOC or Role Play purposes, so people would know what they are getting into. They could even say what /they/ want in a mate, to help narrow down the field. I know it would take more time, and I know it wouldn't be 'easy' but I bet it would get far better matches that are being made on a whim based on how a character looks or what their name is.
I think that Mate Centers would also need to be re-evaluated by the Feral Heart public. Today, they are seen as something to the point of desperation, you are unable to get a mate within an RP or otherwise, and therefore must stoop to the low level of going to a Mate Center to get hitched. This I think (for some people anyways) draws forth a sense of shame or reluctance to go in and join the circle, even if you really do want to try your hand at getting that 'special someone'. If we could re-engineer mating centers to be more mature and include players of all literacies, I think that would help negate that effect.
There is also a big problem (again from what I have seen) of an uneven spread of genders. There are almost /always/ way more females than males, so more often then naught you can go through more than one mate center and never get a mate. I would imagine that would severely harm ones self confidence in that regard, and unfortunately there isn't really a way to negate this effect.

In conclusion, if we could streamline Mating Centers, perhaps slap a more conservative name onto the gathering, make it more appealing to players of all literacy levels, and give people a chance to talk a bit about themselves and tell everyone what they're looking for, I think Mating Centers might turn out to be a good thing.

However, as of today, they are disorganized, polluted with illiterate players who pick one another based on looks alone, and therefore have no real weight in terms of finding someone who will actually be right for you. It's a one in a million chance, and it's not one I think anyone should bother with. It will always turn out in disappointment. If you're looking for a mate, join a role play and get one the old fashioned way: by falling in love.

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #5 on: February 13, 2013, 03:47:46 am »
I agree with Lord. I am ok with how people injoy there time on FeralHeart as long as there not breaking the rules and such with spam. Sadly, they do most of the time..

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #6 on: February 13, 2013, 03:00:30 pm »
I absolutely adore your suggestion Genesis9 {+floof!)! The alternative you listed sounds quite fantastic; I can't help but echo every word. Whilst it might be difficult to employ in practice, anything's better than the current set-up (ie, females stack atop the blackest males). I'm an advocate of character development and forming relationships entirely through roleplay, but-... I'd honestly be tempted to join one of those circles- especially since it'd allow others to meet with those of their preferred literacy level.

Otherwise, I generally don't mind the Adoption and Mate Centers; they offer newbies a small avenue for roleplay, despite their glaring flaws. I'll admit to lurking near the Mate Center to oogle at everyone's characters for inspiration! Even so, it does keep the begging to a minimum; I've noticed more mate requests when the MC's absent than when one's present. Honestly, if they're enjoying themselves and not breaking any rules, it's best to leave them be; I've blocked more MC-trollers than actual participants. :D

But if they changed to accommodate all literacy levels...!
« Last Edit: February 13, 2013, 03:03:46 pm by Nemena »

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #7 on: February 13, 2013, 08:38:10 pm »
I agree I think people have the right to have a mate center since I see it all of the time,

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2013, 09:27:13 pm »
I don't mind as long as they don't go break rules.

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Re: What do you think about Mate Centers?
« Reply #9 on: February 13, 2013, 09:29:07 pm »
I think people should have a right to have Mate Centers, but I agree that it'd be better to get a mate through roleplay. :P