Author Topic: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [Inactive since 07/03/2013]  (Read 13199 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #20 on: March 01, 2013, 05:28:11 am »
Darlene Anderson
Darlene heard a soft chuckling, she froze in her place then slowly turned around, in the doorway stood an elderly woman "Oh!" Darlene jumped in surprise and covered her face in embarrassment. The woman flashed a friendly mile "Oh, no need to be embarrassed! I was just like you when I had my youth." Darlene uncovered her face and shared a laugh with the woman "Oh where are my manners? My name is Darlene." Darlene extended her hand to greet the woman. The woman shook her hand "My name is Anita. It's nice to meet you my dear." Darlene took a step back to look at the woman's features, she had silver hair that was pinned up into a very neat bun. She wore a white dress skirt with a matching blouse, she carried a silver bag with many buttons on it. The woman had a very wrinkled face, she had very blue eyes with round rimmed glasses. "Are you here with anyone?" Darlene knew she had to be married, judging by the ring on her finger. "Oh yes! My husband, his name is William. We come decided to board The Arcadia for our 60th anniversary." Darlene almost gasped "Sixty years?" She wished she and Robert could have shared a 60th anniversary. "Yeah. Sixty years alright. But it doesn't seem like it has been that long. It's seems like it was just yesterday that we were dancing under the stars at our wedding." Darlene smiled "Where is he now?" Anita laughed "Probably off at the buffet, he adores food." Darlene laughed along with her.
After they shared a few more words they said their goodbyes then went their own way. Darlene left her cabin to go look around the ship. Many well dressed people were aboard, many of them had a swarm of cameramen behind them, snapping pictures. "I don't think I could live like that. Always being followed by strange people." Darlene shuddered at the thought of people constantly taking pictures of her. With her sketchpad in hand she made her way out to the main deck. She took her seat on a wooden chair that was facing away from the docks, she looked over the blue water and smiled. She flipped to a clean page and began to draw a portrait of her son and his father. Many people stopped to watch her for a few moments, throwing compliments at her with a friendly smile. Some even gave her their number so he could possibly draw for them. Darlene politely declined their offers, she didn't want their money, this was all just fun. Due to all the talking Darlene was taking longer drawing her picture than is normally would have. Darlene answered a few more questions before moving to a more isolated area on the deck to finish her drawing.

(Sorry that this is short T.T)

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #21 on: March 02, 2013, 02:32:06 am »
Joann Caulfield
"Thank goodness they're coming in..." Her voice trailed off much to her astonishment that the passengers and the staff members were able to clearly hear her orders as she sighed softly with a grin forming onto her face. However, the sound of a flash startled her as her hand flinched from the shock with her hand releasing the hat. In a moment of panic and instinct, she extended out her other hand to grab onto the hat as she leaned over the railing with her hand grabbing onto the steel railing as she bit down onto her tongue. 'Oh god! Do not slip out from my fingers! This is my second hat!' The metallic taste of blood spread over her taste buds as she gripped tightly onto the rim of her cap and as Joann took a deep breath. As she eased herself away from the railing, she shifted the hand downward to cover her eyes as she heard several males laughing in the distance much to her dismay. Knowing that the male staff members saw her frightened episode, Her vision glances over her shoulder to find herself watching the backside of a man walking off and she took a deep breath yet again to reassure herself that no one desired her to fall over the railing and kill herself...for the time being. The pursuer soon scurried off when one of the staff members called her over and she overheard the announcement on the speakers. "Attention passengers! We are now going to depart from the docks!"

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #22 on: March 02, 2013, 06:17:22 am »

// Sorry, but I'm going to be inactive as of late due to an overload of school work.//

Offline Kasai

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2013, 06:44:23 pm »
[@Axe: That's completely fine! Homework definitely comes first. When you're free, you can jump in whenever.]

The Vices    ♫
[Top, left to right: Envy, Greed // Bottom, left to right: Lust, Wrath]

The three, all lazying around in their room, looked over at the door as Lust entered. The blonde seemed to be adjusting her outfit a bit and Envy rolled her eyes. "Can't ya stop bein'- well, you for a second, Lust," she asked, a hint of irritation in her voice.

The blonde giggled and landed on the bed Envy was sitting on. "Nope!" Lust was the youngest of the four Vices and it was obvious in her actions and her words. Each had their own thing they were recognized for: Lust for her young beauty, Envy for her calculating and quiet nature, Greed for her gambling and drinking, and Wrath for her sharp attitude and quick wit.

While the two bickered a little, Greed and Wrath played cards with Greed, as always, winning. Wrath, getting upset due to losing for the fourth time in the row, got up and went to the door. "C'mon, girls. Let's socialize," Wrath said, walking out the door. Envy followed her. Lust and Greed took a bit more time, but soon spotted the two other vices going towards the back of the ship. Looking over the railing, the four noticed the ship had begun to move. The three were questioning why Wrath wanted to socialize at the back of the ship since most people were in the front of the ship. "Photographers," Wrath answered simply. The three nodded their understanding and followed the eldest of them to where a young woman sat drawing.

The clicks of their heels would probably announce their arrival, but the four could care less. Envy's eyes landed on the drawing and she smiled. "Who're they," she asked the woman, nodding her head towards the drawing. Lust had gotten distracted by a seagull, gluing herself to the railing as she observed the birds flying over head and the few that landed on the ship. Greed sat down in a chair a foot or two away from the artist, draping an arm over the chair as she faced Envy and the woman. Wrath, leaned against the railing opposite of Lust, facing the artist and her two other vices, not finding the ocean particularly interesting.

« Last Edit: March 02, 2013, 08:16:53 pm by Kasai »

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2013, 06:59:56 pm »
Lawrence Edward Williams

His tender fingers gripped the rail to keep himself steady as he brought his second hand down to his side after the brief wave to Garrison, the limo slowly fading into the city streets behind the port. The cameramen below continued to press on about what the world wanted to know as some other celebrities boarded the boat, many of whom he wasn't quite familiar with. One, meeting his gaze shifted his camera above his head taking a photo on instant and turning back to the rest of the media crowd. Lawrence shook his head beginning to turn around when he almost jumped in surprise as a figure was approaching him. He straightened his posture and smiled as he got a second glance at who the approaching female figure was.

"Lawrence Williams?" Said the voice that belonged to the female. A voice he had heard may times before that belonged to a particular person. He bowed his head respectfully to the woman in front of him who was no other but Evelyn Caldwell. "Hello, Ms. Caldwell. Enjoying the morning, then?" Lawrence placed his hands in his trouser pockets as he continued to smile at the nearing celebrity. "Cruise lines really know how to plan their celebrities, hm? Put an innocent young actor like you and Evelyn and her Vices on the same ship-" She continued to say as a brief pause over took the conversation when he realized that she had a sudden look of light concern. "You okay? Sailing a new thing for you or somethin'?" A light wave a nausea hit his stomach as he placed a shaky hand on his abdomen trying his best to make himself look fine and normal. "Oh, I'm fine. Just a little motion sickness. Traveling by boat ins't a common thing for me," he said to the singer returning to a normal stance.

Shouts from the ship's crew started out on the top command floor as the ship began to move and the port becoming farther away from the side of the Cruise. "Though I must admit, the horizon above the sea is such a beautiful sight to sea." His hand grazed across his hair making sure it was still slicked back with no ends sticking up. "It's a shame that I don't do this more often." Lone seagulls circled the clear blue sky as they made their usual annoying squawks before flying out into the sea creating the image of the popular 'V' bird shape. "I asume you're on tour then? A beautiful voice like yours must be wanted by the ears of many all over the world." He looked away from the seagulls and focussed on the dark-haired woman leaning on the rail beside him as the ship drew away from land.

((Sorry for my delay!))

Offline Kasai

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #25 on: March 03, 2013, 04:45:25 pm »
Evelyn Caldwell    ♫
"Oh, I'm fine. Just a little motion sickness. Traveling by boat isn't a common thing for me," the actor replied and she nodded. She'd been there. Her first boat ride was no walk in the park. "Though I must admit, the horizon above the sea is such a beautiful sight to see. It's a shame that I don't do this more often." Evelyn shrugged and looked out at the horizon and sighed. "I suppose... After so many trips, you kind of get tired of it." The woman leaned back against the railing, her focus lazily on the horizon.

"I assume you're on tour then? A beautiful voice like yours must be wanted by the ears of many all over the world."Almost forgetting about being the seductive, strong diva that she was, Evelyn straightened up a bit. Smiling at the compliment, she shook her head. "Nah. We're just taking a bit of a vacation. Of course, we'll probably perform here and there, but it's not what we're going to be there for." Getting off of the railing, she walked around the upper deck a little. "So, what're you going there for? Big movie?" The singer began to drift towards the back of the boat, but on the upper deck still. She could spot Lust from a distance staring at the birds. Going towards the center of the upper deck, she could now spot Wrath on the other railing observing something on the lower deck, unseen to the singer. "If I don't keep track of those four, God knows what trouble they'll get in to," Evelyn said. The thought was to herself, but she generally said it, not caring if Lawrence took notice of her comment or not.

« Last Edit: March 03, 2013, 06:37:45 pm by Kasai »

Offline Kasai

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #26 on: March 07, 2013, 01:59:11 am »

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The Cruise You Will Never Forget [Mystery/Murder RP] [OPEN!]
« Reply #27 on: March 07, 2013, 10:38:58 pm »
Sorry I haven' been able to post. I'm not at my house right now u.u)

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