Author Topic: Cross-Gender Rpers?  (Read 35119 times)


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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #20 on: March 07, 2013, 09:48:20 pm »
Hello, please do not write offensive threads, because people may do this all the time for I do it too and I found this very offensive I am sure people who do this are offended too. So please do not write this kind of threads that will cause trouble I might even call a Administrator to this because this is known as very rude and offensive. Like I said earlier in this post "This might be offensive to other Rpers like me that do, do this. This is very wrong to make a thread like this so I will be calling a Administrator out to this thread. Thank you for listening I hope you yourself will take this thread down with my words of justice, because this is very offensive I am assuming this is offensive to players. Once again Thank you for listening.

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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #21 on: March 07, 2013, 10:22:22 pm »
Hello, please do not write offensive threads, because people may do this all the time for I do it too and I found this very offensive I am sure people who do this are offended too. So please do not write this kind of threads that will cause trouble I might even call a Administrator to this because this is known as very rude and offensive. Like I said earlier in this post "This might be offensive to other Rpers like me that do, do this. This is very wrong to make a thread like this so I will be calling a Administrator out to this thread. Thank you for listening I hope you yourself will take this thread down with my words of justice, because this is very offensive I am assuming this is offensive to players. Once again Thank you for listening.

Your friend truly

im sorry but i don't see hows this offensive bud.


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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #22 on: March 07, 2013, 10:45:34 pm »
Hello, This is offensive because I have seen people say that doing this is very bad but there is nothing wrong with this. I have also witnessed some rude posts on here about it I have been a loyal Feral Heart person for a year and I have read all the rules and one is: Respect players and what they do, and do not be rude or offensive nor post ban threads. Note: this was the rule I am not saying you are posting ban posts. Once again thank you for hearing me out and my words of justice.

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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #23 on: March 07, 2013, 11:26:31 pm »
We had had many discussion threads here in the "Game Discussion" thread regarding several matters that might offend the overly sensitive if not handled carefully. We've went through human roleplayers present in the FeralHeart game to the presence of mate centers both in forum and in game. The majority of these responders show positive attributes towards "cross-gender" roleplaying but if someone were to comment from the opposite spectrum , it isn't a call of war or discrimination. Opinions have been made, no "name calling" has happened or shaming. No one is bashing the other and the other side (those that don't "cross gender" rp) are not being thrown down into a well and closed off as idiots. Opinions were given out individually but as a community, we discuss openly and thoroughly.

Have you read through the thread at least the first page? Many of us have already gone over that this is a normal practice for usually writers as roleplaying is just like writing a story or a collaboration of writers. Where is the evidence of cross-gender roleplayers have their feelings hurt in this by AND by this thread? Unless you mean opinions but an opinion is subjective. It doesn't mean you'll need to lock a thread just because someone has a different POV than your own.

Have a nice day,

EDIT: Fixed some typos.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2013, 11:35:43 pm by SoaringAway »


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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #24 on: March 08, 2013, 12:17:20 am »
Hello, I am not saying anything about this but this could be offensive to people plus like I said early: "You have to be nice and respect other players opinions. Me and my friend went through all of this and thought it was offensive. However I saw the way that you were treating each other nicely, BUT posting these types of threads is not nice to people who do it such as, me and my friend Dorhy101 check the forums every so often and only talks to me because people bully her for doing this when I showed her this she cried Irl I told her I did this too and thought this was offensive and she said "It isn't nice being bullied for doing this!" Her words not mine. I hope you add my friend Dorhy101 and whoever is bullying her to stop she is pushing the age to maybe hurting her self so please do not put these type of threads on here. Note: yes I have broke one rule not to bring real life problems into the game, HOWEVER this is the only time I did that and will be the last. Thank you for listening.

Your friend Truly
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 12:19:58 am by Koolwolfe »

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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #25 on: March 08, 2013, 12:32:24 am »
Hello, please do not write offensive threads, because people may do this all the time for I do it too and I found this very offensive I am sure people who do this are offended too. So please do not write this kind of threads that will cause trouble I might even call a Administrator to this because this is known as very rude and offensive.

This is very wrong to make a thread like this so I will be calling a Administrator out to this thread.

Your friend truly

Many of us have already gone over that this is a normal practice for usually writers as roleplaying is just like writing a story or a collaboration of writers. Where is the evidence of cross-gender roleplayers have their feelings hurt in this by AND by this thread?

Have a nice day,

Both you and your friend have possibly misread. We never offended any of the cross-gender roleplayers and there are indications of us speaking that THIS is normal. We've went off in the majority of the pages saying we ARE cross gender roleplayers. I've told you that each opinion was respected but if you cannot handle another person's, you need to recalibrate yourself and start over. If you find something offensive, quote it and respond with an argument or a statement. There has been others even discussing their stories of being pestered abotu as roleplaying as the opposite gender.

Here is practically the whole thread:

*Points to own signature* xD

I see nothing wrong with cross gender roleplay, since all it is, is collaborative storytelling. Writers out in the real world don't (usually) make every character in their books the same gender, or even their main characters the same as their own gender.
authors who write books tackle both genders and don't just stick to one, and role playing is not much different.

This is another reason why I find people who overreact that you roleplay as the other gender a little silly (for lack of a better word). I view FeralHeart as a fun way to make your writing skills better then before, and if you just tell a story with females your male writing is going to look pale in comparison. Its the same for males too, if you just rp as males, then your female writing is not going to be as good.

Im a Cross-Gender RPer myself i just don't tell people much because of reactions i don't want to be "Punished" for being a Female IRL and male in game
That is exactly why I don't rp out of my main rp map, because I usually rp as a male and it seems only the map I rp is fine with it :I

Now recently I've seen many people get mad at the cross-gender rper for doing this, saying that they were gay/lesbian or gross/freak and mixtures of these. Some reactions are more extreme then others, but still I am shocked by this. Personally I do this myself, for in my main rp there are an overflow of females and not many males. So for the sake of kits being born normally, I rp as a male. I do not mind cross-gender rpers and I usually defend them when others start yelling at them. But I am curious to hear your opinion about them, so feel free to comment on your stand point on these people :)

I see nothing wrong with people roleplaying as a character of the opposite gender. I myself do it too. I play female characters and I also play as male characters (I actually more males than I do females).

I think a big number of people cross-gender roleplay on this game, even if they don't admit it. I find it silly and childish when people bully other players all because they are playing as a character that is the opposite gender of what they really are. It's just ROLEPLAY, people! Lighten up -.- It's nothing to fuss about and it's nothing to be ashamed of either.

As someone who almost exclusively plays as characters that are the opposite gender, I'm a little surprised to hear that there are people out there who are shocked and disgusted to learn about cross gender role players! I've never encountered any 'hate' when someone finds out the true gender of a player that is the opposite of their character, normally it's just mild surprise, and I hope that this doesn't start to develop into a trend. As some people have said above, authors who write books tackle both genders and don't just stick to one, and role playing is not much different.

I think if anything, it must be the younger audience here on Feral Heart who just can't wrap their head around playing as another gender, or perhaps they're getting angry because they see it as deceitful? But the characters we play are hardly ever carbon copies of ourselves. They range in emotion and back story and I think it rather narrow minded that some people believe that we should only role play as our real life gender.

^ The reason is pretty much what Genesis just said. I used to not like when people of opposite gender RPed another gender. I felt it was wrong, I can't exactly remember why but I felt like I was being deceived basically. XD
I'm a fellow Cross Gender roleplayer. I don't really see anything wrong with roleplaying as the opposite gender than yourself. Many people do so all the time.

I don't think "cross-gender Rpers" would be the appropriate term for a roleplayer seeing how it IS just a "roleplayer."

 This sort of discrimination is odd and I don't think it is really the younger audience of FeralHeart but rather sheltered or one-tracked people.

 Why should a gender matter?.. It's not like if your character gets in a relationship with the other, that means for you to also be in a similar one too. Maybe those that are against opposite gender roles assume much to the extremes but yet again, this is only an opinion.

Though I don't cross-gender roleplay myself I don't really see anything wrong with it, like stated above its just a roleplay so people just need to chill out and not take it so serious. 8)

As for your friend crying, are they tears of joy or sadness? There are others out there which share her same experience of being harassed and also having male characters and none of the posts singled out cross gender roleplayers as being atypical.

As for the topic of self-harming, she needs to get parental help and simply ignore those that bully her in-game. You are a supportive friend and there is a block button and if this in in RL, (You're not breaking any rules. You can talk about real life instances) she needs to a parent, guardian, or someone in which she trusts and tell them about it. As a community, we do care but you need to take self-motivated actions to help yourself (in this case, her) to be noticed and receive help.

EDIT: (I apologize to the OP for wasting up her thread with my banter so I'll just put my response here ^^;'. )

So, you're only offended by just discussing the actual topic that relate to cross-gender rps and such? I do understand that just thinking about it may hit close to home but there is a freedom in which what we can discuss. I apologize if your friends and you don't like discussing what you do. I wasn't enforcing the opinions onto you but to show (as I originally thought you meant the content within the thread was mean/rude) that this wasn't the case and rather, there are others out there in a position that are open to talk about it.

Also by the name, I did also touch that on my first post but I didn't take it as offensive.

I don't think "cross-gender Rpers" would be the appropriate term for a roleplayer seeing how it IS just a "roleplayer."
Pardon me, I think the naming came across wrong. I did not mean to put a label on them (or me) I just simply wanted to make sure people were not confused about the topic. ^^; sorry about that

However, if you do not like reading or touching the thread, do not bother to go in. There is a place for everything but not everyone is for it (not age-wise or such) If it isn't your preference to talk about this, you don't have the right of saying to close this down. This a freedom. This is someone in the same relevant situation that wants to discuss it and there are those that want to.

Have a nice day,
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 01:18:53 am by SoaringAway »


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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #26 on: March 08, 2013, 12:57:01 am »
Hello, Me and my friend are just saying this very offensive. As I said earlier please do not post this kind of threads. Two more of my friends are doing this and sent me a PM that they agree fully with this. However I respect that you are being nice. But I do not like that someone would put up this kind of thread. Thank you for your opinions but I have my own and I won't use anyone's else opinions. Like I said I am glad you are being nice to each other but this threads name is a little offensive. Thank you for listening again! Please do not be rude just for my opinion, Thanks.
P.S: I agree with Lord, I have a char named Yoru and he is very fierce.

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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #27 on: March 08, 2013, 01:57:09 am »
Hello, Me and my friend are just saying this very offensive. As I said earlier please do not post this kind of threads. Two more of my friends are doing this and sent me a PM that they agree fully with this. However I respect that you are being nice. But I do not like that someone would put up this kind of thread. Thank you for your opinions but I have my own and I won't use anyone's else opinions. Like I said I am glad you are being nice to each other but this threads name is a little offensive. Thank you for listening again! Please do not be rude just for my opinion, Thanks.
P.S: I agree with Lord, I have a char named Yoru and he is very fierce.

Your friend truly

I am truly sorry if you do find this thread in any way offensive. I meant for this to be a nice discussion on your feelings on people who rp as the opposite gender. I did not make this thread so it would make your friend cry or make other people mad or sad, I simply wanted other's opinions. If you do think the thread name if rather offensive, I will change it without a question. Never in my life to I wish to offend anyone for anything.

Hello, I am not saying anything about this but this could be offensive to people plus like I said early: "You have to be nice and respect other players opinions. Me and my friend went through all of this and thought it was offensive. However I saw the way that you were treating each other nicely, BUT posting these types of threads is not nice to people who do it such as, me and my friend Dorhy101 check the forums every so often and only talks to me because people bully her for doing this when I showed her this she cried Irl I told her I did this too and thought this was offensive and she said "It isn't nice being bullied for doing this!" Her words not mine. I hope you add my friend Dorhy101 and whoever is bullying her to stop she is pushing the age to maybe hurting her self so please do not put these type of threads on here. Note: yes I have broke one rule not to bring real life problems into the game, HOWEVER this is the only time I did that and will be the last. Thank you for listening.

Your friend Truly

Please tell your friend I send her the up most apologies and tell her to stay strong. I have read through all these posts personally and (just my opinion) I did not see anything so offensive that it may make someone do that, but if you could please quote the post I will be glad to look over it. This thread was not made to give young people that push to do self-harm. I was not intended to do that in any way and hope that you can forgive me. Again if you could please just simply quote the offensive posts I will be happy to look over them.
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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #28 on: March 08, 2013, 06:33:33 am »
It's no problem I let it go :) so did my friend she said that it is alright.

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Re: Cross-Gender Rpers?
« Reply #29 on: March 08, 2013, 07:18:19 pm »
i see no issue with cross-gender RPing, i do this myself b/c as some have said for a RP to go on you need members, and all females and no males equals no kids e.e