Author Topic: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}  (Read 9765 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Hello, my fellow FeralHeartians!
I know, Pokemon isn't my thing, but I've been playing my Yellow, Blue, and Red version. My friend lent me her Soul Silver version, but I didn't get too far. I have the Bulbapedia, luckily, and will try my best to study Pokemon more. No, I don't really watch the anime, because it comes on about 8:00 in the morning, and I'm not at school until like... 6:50. ._.
And, yes, I know, Pokemon RPs don't last too long, but if it has a good amount of posts, then dies, I might remake it. So, don't hate on me.
I can't wait for Generation VI to come out! -gets nerd face on-
And, before you ask me, yes this is sorta a remake of my last popular Pokemon RP: 'Switched Places'. But, I've made the plot a bit better. ^^
So, yeah. Enjoy, I guess.


For ages, Pokemon trainers have been keeping Pokemon as pets, trophies, and just for training. But now, some trainers have gone missing. They've turned into Pokemon. Their pets have somehow joined their body, making the trainers Pokemon. The trainers now must fight to survive, and this includes killing off other Pokemon-even if it means getting dirty.
So, can you live the secret life as a Pokemon? Can you be trusted to keep the secret of the Pokemon? Are you able to change back? Are you going to try to live your normal life?
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 12:44:32 pm by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {WIP No Posting}
« Reply #1 on: March 09, 2013, 11:48:07 am »
(I know, it's kinda glaring on your eyes, and it hurts, but please. It only makes the complication of the boring rules and scorching eyes not too much better. (If that made sense, which I'm sure it did.))
Gore and Violence
If you're not the one for Pokemon death, then why are you here? But, if you aren't such a big fan of Pokemon gore, but still don't care, then go crazy. (Not literally.) If you like some of the mangas that have gorey Pokemon, then this is the right section, for you. Now, don't get all detailed of what organ you sliced into... Dust, but instead you can say that you tried, yes tried, to slice the Pokemon in half. (Like in one of the Japanese versions, a(n) Arbok gets sliced in half.) Gore and violence are very much accepted.
Mating/Laying Eggs
... Why?! No, this is not allowed in my role-play. Just... Why? Who in their rightful mind would want to role-play this?! Your not staying as a pokemon to make a nest or crap like that, your fighting to live. As the title says. Derp.
Rated PG-13 to R. Hmm, I wonder if it means it's for children. Derp. Not really. Gore. Violence. Horrible words that come out of Pokemon's mouths. I just ruined mor eof your childhood, even if it wasn't ruined by twenty other role-plays that killed the innocence in your body.
Literacy and Realistic-ness
Keep it a literate role-play. A few typos, sure, I can handle it. But if you freaking type like 'J3ss1 h17 4 d0g.' You will be slapped across your monitor. -_- Be discriptive. Give more than one sentence, we need something to work with. About a paragraph with five sentences at the least.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {WIP No Posting}
« Reply #2 on: March 09, 2013, 12:03:17 pm »
Username: [What is your username on the forum?]
Human Image/Discription: [What does your trainer look like?]
Pokemon Image/Discription: [What does your Pokemon look like?]
Human Name: [What is your trainer's name?]
Human Nickname: [What does your trainer like to be called?]
Human Age: [How old is your trainer?]
Human Gender: [What sex is your trainer?]
Pokemon Gender: [What sex is your Pokemon?]
Human Personality: [How does your trainer act?]
Pokemon Personality: [How does your Pokemon act] -Most Pokemon have similar personalities to their trainer-
Pokemon Type: [What property(ies) does your Pokemon posess?]
Pokemon Name: [What is your Pokemon's species?]
Pokemon Nickname: [If you did, what is your Pokemon's nickname?]
Human Other: [Anything else about your trainer?]
Pokemon Other: [Anything else about your Pokemon?]
Role-Play Sample: [How do your Pokemon and trainer act in the role-play?] -5+ Sentences-

Code: [Select]
Human Image/Discription:
Pokemon Image/Discription:
Human Name:
Human Nickname:
Human Age:
Human Gender:
Pokemon Gender:
Human Personality:
Pokemon Personality:
Pokemon Type:
Pokemon Name:
Pokemon Nickname:
Human Other:
Pokemon Other:
Role-Play Sample:

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {WIP No Posting}
« Reply #3 on: March 09, 2013, 12:43:03 pm »
Username: Wolfie_Lover
Human Image/Discription:

Pokemon Image/Discription:

Human Name: Akiye
Human Nickname: Ke
Human Age: 22
Human Gender: Female
Pokemon Gender: Female
Human Personality: Akiye is very shy and usually isn't the one to be talkative or to start a conversation. She tends to hide in her large orange wool sweater. She tries to make friends, but squeals when they talk to her.
Pokemon Personality: Akiye's Cubone, Shizuka, is protective over her "Mother", Akiye, and will try to keep anyone who makes her upset away, by attacking. But, if it wasn't the shy trainer to open her heart out to the Cubone, Skizuka would run from everything. She's super shy and tries to hide in the over sized skull on her head.
Pokemon Type: Ground
Pokemon Name: Cubone
Pokemon Nickname: Shizuka
Human Other: She has major OCD and can't stand things being too messy or too clean.
Pokemon Other: The Pokemon is easily angered at the sound of Jigglypuff.
Role-Play Sample:
Akiye slept in her bed, her little Cubone on her stomach. She yawned and woke up, her red hair messy and she fixed it quickly. It was still messy, but it was neater than before. The Cubone snorted then woke, her blue eyes full of sorrow, but it's tail began to wag when she saw her "mother" fix her hair. "Good morning, my sweet Shizuka." Said the young girl, quietly.

Username: Wolfie_Lover
Human Image/Discription:

Pokemon Image/Discription:

Human Name: Kaita
Human Nickname: K
Human Age: 19
Human Gender: Female
Pokemon Gender: Unknown (Thought to be male)
Human Personality: Kaita is very obnoxious, like the Gameboy version of Barry (Or whatever you feel like naming him.), and likes to battle with other Pokemon trainers for fun. She can never stop humming her favorite songs, and always sways back and forth, when she's not yelling her mouth off or fighting other trainers.
Pokemon Personality: The Mew is usually quiet and very playful. Like, it's owner, it laughs at other trainers when they lose or their Pokemon faints. It likes to stray away and have thoughts of far away things during battle. In all, it's very obnoxious, like it's trainer.
Pokemon Type: Physic
Pokemon Name: Mew
Pokemon Nickname: Leak (Why? The world may never know.)
Human Other: Kaita is well known with a lot of Pokemon Center nurses (Nurse Joy and others), because of the battles.
Pokemon Other: The wonder Leak is a shiny Pokemon
Role-Play Sample: "Ha! Ha! Ha!" A young trainer began to laugh uncontrollably and stuttered "You lost, you have no more Pokemon!" And rolled on the ground. Her rare Pokemon sat on the ground, laughing loud 'Mews'.

Username: Huskies-Eat-Ponies
Human Image/Description:  
Pokemon Image/Description:
Human Name: Joseph.
Human Nickname: Joe.
Human Age: 17.
Human Gender: Male.
Pokemon Gender: Male.
Human Personality: Joe is quite mean, and can be a bit moody from time to time. He does like to hang around with his friends, but doesn't like going near people he doesn't know. He has got a funny side, and likes to show it, but he also has a really mean side, and he is almost like a bully.
Pokemon Personality: Flame is quite mean to, and won't back down from a fight. He is only really nice to the Vulpixes, Growlithes, and the Ninetails. He loves to win, making him quite competitive.
Pokemon Type: Arcanine
Pokemon Name: Flame
Pokemon Nickname: N/A
Human Other: Na!
Pokemon Other: Na!
Role-Play Sample: Flame raced past the Pikachu, and listening to his owner, he used Take Down. The Pikachu was rather confused as he circled the Electric type, and finally he struck him. The Pikachu fell down on the floor, and with a smirk, Joe walked off. Flame flicked his peach tail, and quickly trotted after his master. "Good boy." Joe smirked, running his hand through his hair.

Username: Iceheart999
Human Image/Description: Couldn't find any images of just the female in the middle alone.
Pokemon Image/Description:
Human Name: Kintanuii
Human Nickname: Kin Kin, Kini
Human Age: She's surprisingly young, only 16.
Human Gender: Female
Pokemon Gender: Female
Human Personality: Determined
Easy to aggravate
Kini is very easy to aggravate, and most of this comes from the fact that she has six sisters. Two of said six would tease her to the limit, in which her limit was trying to murder them. Of course, it's gotten to the point where she's taking anger management classes. She is, however, quite lonely, for most of the people in her town are too scared to even speak with her. At least she has her Fennekin. At least she cares. In fact, she's the only one Kini cares about, unless a person was gravely ill or hurt and she was one of the only ones around to help. And once she has a task, whether it be busting someone's face in or finding a source of water, she sets her mind to it and there's no stopping her, unless, of course, you are one of her older sisters or her pokemon.
Pokemon Personality: Caring
Like her trainer Flame is unbelievably determined. It's easy for her to hold a grudge when defeated  for, like her trainer, she has a bit of an anger limit. However since their escape, Flare has found it a necessity to calm down Kini. It's a known fact that the fox is a lot kinder than her trainer, and is quick to jump up to help those in need.
Pokemon Type: Fire
Pokemon Name: Fennekin
Pokemon Nickname: Kindlae
Human Other: She is the third oldest of her sisters, and carries around a small sword.
Pokemon Other: Has a weakness for eating at ice. Carries an everstone. Level is ten.
Role-Play Sample: "Weak." The female scoffed as she looked at the opposing trainer. "Now, hand over the money. I can't live on rocks, you know." The fire type at her side remained silent, waiting for her trainer's signal to continue on. After all, it'd be bad to stay where other, stronger trainers could find them.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 10:40:35 pm by Wolfie_Lover »

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2013, 02:46:48 pm »
Username: Huskies-Eat-Ponies
Human Image/Description:  
Pokemon Image/Description:
Human Name: Joseph.
Human Nickname: Joe.
Human Age: 17.
Human Gender: Male.
Pokemon Gender: Male.
Human Personality: Joe is quite mean, and can be a bit moody from time to time. He does like to hang around with his friends, but doesn't like going near people he doesn't know. He has got a funny side, and likes to show it, but he also has a really mean side, and he is almost like a bully.
Pokemon Personality: Flame is quite mean to, and won't back down from a fight. He is only really nice to the Vulpixes, Growlithes, and the Ninetails. He loves to win, making him quite competitive.
Pokemon Type: Arcanine
Pokemon Name: Flame
Pokemon Nickname: N/A
Human Other: Na!
Pokemon Other: Na!
Role-Play Sample: Flame raced past the Pikachu, and listening to his owner, he used Take Down. The Pikachu was rather confused as he circled the Electric type, and finally he struck him. The Pikachu fell down on the floor, and with a smirk, Joe walked off. Flame flicked his peach tail, and quickly trotted after his master. "Good boy." Joe smirked, running his hand through his hair.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2013, 02:52:09 pm »
Joseph is accepted, I'm going to add you. You may start if you wish.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2013, 03:47:38 pm »
Thank you.))

Joe strolled in the tall grass, Arcanine at his side. Joe was planning to train this bad boy, even though he was on a pretty high level all ready. His black and purple hair waved in the breeze, and so did Arcanines peach mane. "We done good on that battle. You defeated ASH!" Joe smirked, rubbing his Arcanine's neck. A random Goldem jumped in front of them, shouting random pokemon words. "FLAME! FIRE FANG!" Joe yelled, and Arcanine raced to the rock type. He dug his flaming teeth into his arm, only to get smashed into the ground...

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2013, 04:10:40 pm »

A Cubone stalked through tall grass, searching for something. A girl's head popped out and yelled "Shizuka! I found it!" She said, raising a ring in the air. Akiye's mother gave her the ring. The red head stood up and brushed the grass off of her, and the two carefully try to walk out of the grass. But, they're quickly attacked by a Ratatta, which was obviously a high level and experienced. "Bone club, now!" The Ratatta didn't stand a chance. It was hit twice with the Cubone's bone. The opposing Pokemon waited, it was making it's own tactic. "Headbutt!" The Cubone rushed close to the Ratatta, and threw it across the area and must've fainted, since it didn't come back. The duo ran quicker back, this time without running into trouble. The girl put the ring on, and made sure she didn't lose it again.

The blond girl sat at her computer, typing as fast as she could, trying to experiment with different types of Pokemon. She was humming one of her favorite songs (PonPonPon) and began to sway back and forth softly. Her Mew was nowhere to found, probably making fun of other Pokemon. She jerked out of her reality and ran out her bedroom door, downstairs, and out the front door. A Mew floated down towards her, floating after. The young blondie had the urge to battle someone, other than some lame wild Pokemon. She needed a challenge. A real challenge.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 04:52:05 am by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline iceheart999

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 08:49:26 pm »
Username: Iceheart999
Human Image/Description: Couldn't find any images of just the female in the middle alone.
Pokemon Image/Description:
Human Name: Kintanuii
Human Nickname: Kin Kin, Kini
Human Age: She's surprisingly young, only 16.
Human Gender: Female
Pokemon Gender: Female
Human Personality: Determined
Easy to aggravate
Kini is very easy to aggravate, and most of this comes from the fact that she has six sisters. Two of said six would tease her to the limit, in which her limit was trying to murder them. Of course, it's gotten to the point where she's taking anger management classes. She is, however, quite lonely, for most of the people in her town are too scared to even speak with her. At least she has her Fennekin. At least she cares. In fact, she's the only one Kini cares about, unless a person was gravely ill or hurt and she was one of the only ones around to help. And once she has a task, whether it be busting someone's face in or finding a source of water, she sets her mind to it and there's no stopping her, unless, of course, you are one of her older sisters or her pokemon.
Pokemon Personality: Caring
Like her trainer Flame is unbelievably determined. It's easy for her to hold a grudge when defeated  for, like her trainer, she has a bit of an anger limit. However since their escape, Flare has found it a necessity to calm down Kini. It's a known fact that the fox is a lot kinder than her trainer, and is quick to jump up to help those in need.
Pokemon Type: Fire
Pokemon Name: Fennekin
Pokemon Nickname: Kindlae
Human Other: She is the third oldest of her sisters, and carries around a small sword.
Pokemon Other: Has a weakness for eating at ice. Carries an everstone. Level is ten.
Role-Play Sample: "Weak." The female scoffed as she looked at the opposing trainer. "Now, hand over the money. I can't live on rocks, you know." The fire type at her side remained silent, waiting for her trainer's signal to continue on. After all, it'd be bad to stay where other, stronger trainers could find them.

Find me in-game as:
~Pacific Rim~
Gipsy Danger Characters I'm usually on: Helia Wyght Yeva Monroe Rosalva Arce

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Re: Fight to Survive [Pokemon Role-Play] -PG-13 to R- {Open You May Post}
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2013, 10:38:15 pm »
Accepted. You may start when you like. ^^ I love the new generation Pokemon, and can't stop obsessing over them. So, before I get too Fangirlly, let me add you.