Author Topic: Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning}  (Read 1696 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning}
« on: March 11, 2013, 11:44:56 pm »
I know, I know. Don't get your nickers in a twist. I might already have a story corner, but it's a couple months old. So, yeah. And, I don't feel like posting my new stories in there, anyway. But, enjoy my new story corner. o3o (Most are creepypastas)

When I Wake Up

I woke up, jerking my head. Gasping for breath. I had a horrible nightmare. My thirteen year old body couldn't handle the horror in my system, making me choke on the air going down my throat. It was quiet in my appartment, after my deep gasping, I could tell my mom, her boyfriend, and my half-brother had left somewhere. Not the first time it happened. I got out of bed and walked into the tight area of the kitchen. My cats were avoiding me, obviously full. But Spaz, my Calico, was eyeing me carefully. Dante, my Bombay mix, was awfully quiet, which was unusual for him. I grabbed some ceral and the milk, then a bowl.
After eating, I got on the computer. Which strangely, my mom's boyfriend, didn't grab. He always took it to work with him, but since it was here, I figured that they were out for a while. I took a deep breathe when I turned it on. The other day, I read a creepypasta about Hetalia, and it made me sick to my stomach, I was still recovering. Yet, I couldn't stop thinking about it, and I was still reading other creepypasta. I realized that it was a school day, and it was two o'clock in the afternoon. Strange. Why didn't Mom wake me up? Oh well, my friends may be pissed, but I got a free day.
I waited it to load the computer's log in screen, so I looked out the blinds. Most of the other appartments had boarded windows and patio doors. It finally flashed to the screen, I typed in my Domain and Password. Then waited even longer for the background to load. It turned to the slideshow my mom's boyfriend put on for my brother. I was tired of waiting and opened the Mozilla Firefox file anyway. It buffeted and turned black. Normal. The slideshow finally loaded and Mozilla opened anyway. I went to YouTube, but only saw black thumbnails that said 'Go away.'
I shrugged, thinking it was just a leak and a glitch in the system. But as I scrolled down, something came into the thumbnail. But it was hard to see. I clicked on one of the thumbnails, which brought up the video, and it said that 'MrEVOLVF', one of my favorite YouTubers, had made it. I look at it strangely, but after two seconds, my Flash Drive crashed. The videos were all five minutes long, but how was I supposed to see the video if it crashed my Flash Drive? I hit refresh, which didn't help at all. Now, getting mad, I closed out the Mozilla Firefox file and opened up FeralHeart.
I put in my Username and Password, and logged in. The background for the FeralHeart log in was a map that was still a WIP. It looked fine, but it took it forever for it to load my characters. After two minutes of waiting, I clicked on the right arrow and then switched to Wolfie, a brown and dull purple wolf. Something was different about her, that I didn't realize at the moment. Actually something was different about the entire game that I didn't realize. I scratched at my misquito bite on my arm, close to my elbow. The laptop began to burn my lap, so I went to my bedroom and placed it onto my bed.
Wolfie sat in her lonely corner, like always, so I couldn't see all too well with the other characters, and didn't feel like following them with F3 mode. I did, however, notice some red on all the characters as if they were bleeding or their flesh torn off. [Content removed...] I asked myself, out loud. I finally went into F3 and searched the StoneBridge area. The characters were missing limbs, tails, legs, eyes, and just about everything else. As if they were... Dead. More like undead. The music, which I finally realized, was playing differently. It was GameBoy's Pokemon Yellow Version Lavander Town music, and after the Lavander Town music, which I didn't really care for, it played the creepy nursery song from 'Dead Space 2.'
Then I realized what was wrong with my little Wolfie. She  was covered in blood, I'm sure it wasn't hers, and her pupils were contracted and dialated, but most of all they were red, yellow, and orange in the whites of her eyes, her eyes were bloodshot, but it was a bit difficult to tell. She limped when she walked and instead of the normal smooth fur textures, it was bits of her fur standing up. The lines in the fur screwed up, making her fur look messy. Everything else did seem normal. But, I couldn't download Presets without my computer trying to commit suicide. So most of this must've been part of the game. I also had a health bar, which was pretty high.
Weird. I walked a little, getting 'biten' once or twice, seeing a group of 'survivors', or so they called themselves. They couldn't take me in, since I was attacked and had low health now. They left me behind, Fluorite wasn't a place to be messed with anymore. I ran away from the StoneBridge area, running into an unpopulated area, besides one other person.
The music stopped. I just sat there, wonder what was happening. It was possibly the end of the song, but it never came back on. The other person actually spoke. Their lip sync was off, though. It kept getting weirder and weirder. "Hello." It had a monotone to the voice, it sounded like it was put into an auto tuning. "Where am I?" I replied, unable to actually speak, and had to type it. "... Why do you want to know." The character had a blank space for its name, so I was unable to identify what its name was or what gender it was. Its Username was 'When.You.Wake.Up.'
It went black. All of it. I wasn't alive. I lost all my health points. I had died. It turned out that all my health points lead to my real health. So, Wolfie and I died. I had nothing else in my story. Just this.
When the cops searched my appartment, they looked onto the laptop in my room. Instead of the normal slideshow for the five year old half-brother of mine, it was 'When.You.Wake.Up.' and under it said 'When.You.Wake.Up.I.Will.Find.You.' as if it was its username.
« Last Edit: April 05, 2013, 12:38:18 am by LordSuragaha »

Offline Skrillexx

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Re: Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning and Cursing}
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2013, 04:18:09 pm »
OH GAWD, that is creepy and cool o.o Loved eet!


Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning and Cursing}
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2013, 12:32:37 am »
Thank you, I'm going to add another story later. I'm too lazy. XD

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning}
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2013, 12:40:58 am »
Wonderful story Wolfie but please abide by forum rules:

  • Inappropriate Language
    Always keep your language to a level that is in no way rude or offensive. Inappropriate words are not allowed on our forum. This includes cursing and swearing. Implications of such are not permitted either, such as misspelling said curse words to be read as one.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Wolfie's Story Corner {Gore Warning}
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2013, 01:44:31 am »
Will do, Lord. ^^
Sorry for breaking that rule, and thanks for fixing it.