Author Topic: Grammar.  (Read 7589 times)


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« on: March 24, 2013, 12:05:20 am »
I modified this post because in the oringinal post I was kind of rude. Sorry to people who were offended.

To start of, I'm fine with people not being used to english... Like they're from a different country. They may have an accent or they may type and speak a whole different language and they are trying to learn english. That's fine.

I'm also fine with younger people who haven't learned all the words of english. Or if they just don't know how to spell some bigger words. I'd appreciate it if somebody told me they were from a different country that spoke a different language or their grammar might be poor because they have not learned how to spell everything correctly.

But for teenagers or older, I just don't get it. Maybe you came from a game that has a shortened chat so you feel like you cannot type a lot at all. That's fine but I mean if you know that you can type a lot, and you know how to spell all the words... Lol. xD As long as I can at least understand you.

Some people talk like this: "So howz are you and sturf?"

I actually really like that. Because I cometimes change my words around when I'm feeling random so I canz sound leik a kitteh. :D LOL. Chattin' leik dat ish fine by mez.

What is your opinion about grammar?
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 03:13:24 pm by EndurStah »

Offline ILoveMudkips

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Re: Poor Grammar.
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 12:59:35 am »
Most of the people who are considered to be illiterate can perfectly read good grammar; some just don't know how and/or choose not to use it out of laziness. Some people could also come from games such as WolfQuest or others that limit one's typing ability. Heck, I've even seen people make fun of illiteracy and purposely type poorly. I haven't come across too bad of people out there in the public maps lately, but that's probably because I prefer to stick to myself at times. I do know, however, that they're not stupid. Confused, perhaps.

Since I have a pretty high tolerance for most things, grammar doesn't really phase me unless it considers RP. I don't mind chatting. The people I've met who have "incomprehensible writing" are extremely nice and most likely nicer than some of the literate snobs I've seen on Feral-Heart.

The best you can do is to help the folks who would be willing to learn, if you have the patience. The couple I have taught greatly benefited from Muddy's School of Excellence. From the diminishing amounts of literate players on Feral-Heart (at least it seems like it), recruiting some students would increase the numbers. This is by no means a well-thought solution; however, I'd be willing to try it.  

Trust me, I was at the bottom for a long time too, but setting the example sometimes really does help. I know when I first joined Feral-Heart, the literate people were my role-models and looked up to them.
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Re: Poor Grammar.
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2013, 01:07:33 am »
Yeah, I wasn't trying to sound rude in my topic. I completly understand what said about people having a limited amount of space to type. Minecraft does that, it's pretty short. But I still manage to fit all my literate words in there. xD I want to teahc people but I'm afraid some would be offended no matter how polite I am. Maybe I'll try it occasionally if someone if just super bad at it.

But eh, maybe I just have to learn to tolerate it a bit more. There are tons of people out there with less literate punctuation  and spelling as others. But as said before, if someone is really that bad and I cannot undertsand them, then I will ask them if they could repeat that differently because I could not make out some words.

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Re: Poor Grammar.
« Reply #3 on: March 24, 2013, 02:38:32 pm »
Let's see...

What do you think about poor grammar?

I think that there are far to many Grammar Gods on Feral Heart and I think that a topic like this that's really just criticizing individuals that have bad grammar is very sad. We have all met some individuals in game who fall under this category that most people label here as "illiterate" or "newbie/noob". I'll admit I've had my fair share of weird conversations with random strangers that I just couldn't understand a word that they were saying but each time I remained polite about it and tried my best to help them out. Some of these people are very young or don't speak English as their first language or have countless other valid reasons for spelling or speaking a certain way. Running around pointing out someone's grammar errors isn't any nicer just because you go to school or you're older etc... If you genuinely can't understand what someone is saying the nice thing to do is say something like "I'm sorry but I don't understand what you're trying to say. I wish I could help but maybe someone else can."  What gets me annoyed is when you say something like this:

Some people arn't perfect, I know that. But for some younger newbies ask me something, "how do i mak a marking like urs/" I'm just going to disconnect or move to another map because I am not going to waste my time trying to explain something to you if I can't even understand what your saying. I have no clue if people with bad grammar can read decent grammar. Lol. xD

If a person especially a so called "newbie" gets the courage to ask a senior member like you for help or advice you shouldn't be rude about it and poof off... I mean really this has happened to me on other games and it's exactly why I grow to dislike the community because people treat new comers or "illiterates" like a nuisance and pest to the community. Be mature about it and tell them either you don't understand etc but don't just straight up leave a person hanging because of things like that.

I'll give you an example. A while back I was sitting around in Bonfire with a friend and this person comes up to us asking for help. They didn't type English sentences down so well but my friend and I remained patient and tried our best to help this person. After a few minutes we really couldn't understand what the person was trying to say but they told us they only speak German well. We told the person politely that we couldn't understand much of what they were saying but asked them to follow us into Ficho Tunnel. I lead that person to individuals that I was sure could help because they are always speaking what appears to be German in the corner in Ficho by the Lonely Cave corner. When we arrived they were immediately able to help and the person thanked us for having the patience to deal with her.

Of course not every situation goes that smooth but at least be a good sport about it and try to help someone the best you can Endur. I know you're a very nice person but actions like what you described above will often make a person think you're a snob. Remember we all had to start somewhere and none of us were pros from the start. You represent this community as a whole.


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Re: Poor Grammar.
« Reply #4 on: March 24, 2013, 03:04:20 pm »
I didn't mean to sound rude. I think I should change what I said above. I had sort of a bad day yesterday when I wrote this so... sorry to sound kind of mean.

I will understand if a person told me they were from a different country and they told me they may be bad at english, then I would give them more patience. And if I knew they were younger I would give them mroe patience. It's just in a multiplayer game I'm surronded by people my age and older -- and I'm one of the only one's who types full words. I guess I'm just really used to that and I forgot that Feral Heart is a game for everyone.

And I'm actually not that old. Don't even bother looking at the age I put on my Feral Herat profile lol... I'm 12. Almost 13 but... still I'm kind of young, you can say.

I'll give you an example. A while back I was sitting around in Bonfire with a friend and this person comes up to us asking for help. They didn't type English sentences down so well but my friend and I remained patient and tried our best to help this person. After a few minutes we really couldn't understand what the person was trying to say but they told us they only speak German well. We told the person politely that we couldn't understand much of what they were saying but asked them to follow us into Ficho Tunnel. I lead that person to individuals that I was sure could help because they are always speaking what appears to be German in the corner in Ficho by the Lonely Cave corner. When we arrived they were immediately able to help and the person thanked us for having the patience to deal with her.

I like that story. I should try getting a little more patient with people. And I sorry I said I would just leave, again I had a bad day... Really I think I would say: "I cannot understand you, could you try repating the sentence?" Or something like that. I'm not trying to change anybody I'm just saying for the older people that know how to type, and they are english, if they could just take a moment to say the whole sentence... I would like that.

Anyway I'm going to modify what I said. I look back at it now and yeah... I was pretty rude. xD Sorry about that. And sorry to anyone who was offended. You have the right to throw pebbles at me. xP

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Re: Grammar.
« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2013, 12:05:56 am »
I absolutely hate it when people are obsessed with correcting peoples typos and spazz when people get 'your' and 'you're' wrong. Yes it can be over looked or they just don't care but I don't think people need to rage over it. I've been ignoring peoples typos since I started playing, us correcting them isn't going to educate them it's just going to annoy them lol.

I always try to spell everything correctly but if other people can't be bothered, hey, it's just a game. There is no need to turn it into a spelling test, lets not make the game a chore.


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Re: Grammar.
« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2013, 01:51:40 am »
Oh God, I always get 'you're' and 'your' mixed up. I don't even notice it sometimes. I don't correct people I just sit there and derp.

But hey, the hmaun mnid olny nedes to ralely see the fsirt and lsat lteetr of the wrod. All the ohetr lterets can be mxeid up hweoevr it wntas.

So I'm cool auobt it now.


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Re: Grammar.
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2013, 01:50:06 pm »
Unless I'm roleplaying, I'm fine with all types of grammar, as long as I understand it.
Because if I can't understand what you're saying then I'm probably just going to awkwardly sit there...

But from all the years of roleplaying, I've noticed that people that type well have more experience in rolepaying and don't powerplay, cause drama in the group, and don't annoy the other players. Mostly, because these things  have happened in literate groups I've been in, but not usually.

Like Enderstar, I'm fine with the younger players that can't type out big words or don't know how to spell that well.
Heck, I was once typing "lyke thus" when I was really new to the Internet. At least that's what I remember.
I've even had really good friends that were as young as me on here, and we didn't care much about grammar.

What really bugs me is the people that can't spell and they think they're extremely smart and better than other people.
I've seen this loads of times, here on FH and just on random places too.
That's when I start correcting their grammar and sentences. XD

Offline Rivadog

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Re: Grammar.
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2013, 03:23:36 pm »
I dont know if I may say that but,
It is difficult to find a RP group if you are german mostly I and my friends must play with other german
people because english groups dont want to accept people which cant write english correctly.


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Re: Grammar.
« Reply #9 on: April 25, 2013, 11:05:27 pm »
I dont know if I may say that but,
It is difficult to find a RP group if you are german mostly I and my friends must play with other german
people because english groups dont want to accept people which cant write english correctly.

That's very rude of them. :/
Have you tried explaining to people that English is not your first language?
I'm sure people will understand that you aren't native to the language and will accept you. c: