Author Topic: I need RP help!  (Read 2254 times)

Offline amber321

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I need RP help!
« on: March 30, 2013, 12:58:05 am »
Well for a start hello Feral Heartians! I am here to report a problem if mine, see at Fluorite Plains lots of people go there to advertise their prides and/ or packs. I will go to Whisper someone to see if u can join. They say yes but want a RP sample, SO I give them one. Then they say that wasn't very good so you can't join ! Now you trust me here I can RP just not professionally. I am only 10!!! I think people go to hard judging RP samples. :(

Offline morallydefunct

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2013, 01:10:07 am »
RP samples require good structure of your sentences, correct grammar, correct punctuation, and such.
Now, really, it just means you need to practice your skills a little more and in no time, you'll be literate, or at least close. I remember having barely any literacy and by watching others, I caught on quickly and learned.

Now, if your sample is not good enough, tough luck. It's really not a problem, it's just a part of rp to have a bad sample and not get accepted. No worries, you'll learn to to get more literate and eventually provide a good sample.
I'm sorry if you think they're too tough. :c Really, I do. But sometimes, Rps require to have their members literate so the roleplay provides satisfaction and fun. Maybe you could join a roleplay that doesn't require a sample. Don't let it bother you, and I think this is in the wrong section. It should be 'Game Discussion' I think.

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Offline amber321

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2013, 08:57:58 am »
Oh ok sorry If I put this is the wrong place

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2013, 02:34:14 pm »
Indeed I do think some individuals and groups are too extreme with their requirements especially since most users here are very young and are not going to rp at a professional level since many are still learning. I'm sorry that so many groups aren't accepting you Amber it's unfortunate because I know you are just looking for fun. A little advice I'll give you is to try searching for groups in Bonfire since many users there are little more lenient with their requirements. It takes time and studying to learn how to use more effective and imaginative grammar etc but I'm sure you'll learn soon enough as you continue to practice rping. No one has perfect grammar and we all have to start somewhere so don't let the stupidity that some of these so called "literate" groups say discourage you. If you want to improve your rping skills just do a lot of reading in your free time, keep studying in class, and even try sitting around and listening to other groups rping. You'll learn in no time :3 I'll move this to the game discussion section since it seems like a better section for this kind of topic. I'm sure many other users here can offer you and others like you more helpful advice. Good luck with things.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2013, 02:39:36 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2013, 05:18:26 pm »
I have seen this kind of thing going around plains for a while and
I think just some people just assume that everyone knows good grammar, punctuations,
and correct spelling.
And I would have to agree that some RPing groups are a little over the top of requirements
to actually join, and i find it kinda rude as well. But there are a lot of other packs / prides
out there that arn't so uptight about being literate.
I do find that the whole literate group is kinda shunning in a way cause it kinda tells
everybody else that you arent even worthy enough to RP with us. I say just find some
other pride and have a good time with them. ^^
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Offline Nemena

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #5 on: April 03, 2013, 08:08:23 pm »
I'll need to hop in and play the bad guy in response to some of the posts above, I'm afraid!

RP-sample requirements aren't mean, unnecessary or spitting in the face of inexperienced roleplayers; they merely allow you to assess whether or not the player would be a fit your group's particular style of roleplay. After all, having a river of gorgeous paragraphs interjected by the occasional -SUMMONS A DEMON LORD AND KILLS- really doesn't make for a good atmosphere. Whilst some people can be extreme, rude and cruel when scrutinizing roleplaying samples (they're terrible- just block them!), folk should be allowed to recruit for the style they prefer (ie, multi-paragraph)-- and roleplaying samples allow them to do so. Most aren't being elitist or even hating on roleplayers who prefer a more succinct, brief style; they just want like-minded people with similar preferences to join!

Like I've imposed a 16+ age limit, with a bare minimum of one entire paragraph per post, on the roleplay I co-run. It's not because I absolutely loathe newbies or younger people-- it's just that it wouldn't mesh well with our current style! We've a few people in their late twenties and thirties who prefer digging deep into character development (with colossal 10+ paragraph posts!); it'd be wrong to force them into a one-line style of roleplay that doesn't suit them at all. I'm very lenient with samples, providing they're the length we require and are good in terms of content-- perfect spelling and punctuation isn't mandatory.

Back on topic, I'd suggest you look for a roleplay that suits you, Amber! The groups that want large samples are generally advertised as 'literate'; it'd be best to avoid them if you don't want to type in big paragraphs! Semi-literate (and even illiterate) are the ones what would likely suit you more. Joining one of these doesn't mean you're bad at roleplay at all! They just have shorter writing styles and often don't need roleplaying samples. Everyone learns and improves as they get older; I think it's brilliant that you're typing so well at 10. I couldn't even use a keyboard at your age! :D

Offline morallydefunct

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2013, 10:18:37 pm »
It's not only literacy role plays want. Really, even if you had great structure of sentences, grammar, etc, they still wouldn't accept you as they want to use 'wolfspeak'. I really don't consider wolfspeak literacy as it's just words pulled out of a dictionary and slapped onto posts. I'm guessing that is what roleplay is now. Just getting the word, 'pillars' and deeming them legs.
  Nowadays, most roleplays I join use wolfspeak as they call it 'literacy'. Just slap on words that don't even make sense yo what you're comparing it to, and call it literacy. That's a post alright.
   I've never been rejected from a role-play, but if I had no use in the wolfspeak if I tried to enter a sample, I bet I would be rejected. xD

>mfw i see internet arguments

Offline Acetaminophen

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2013, 10:54:09 pm »
It's not only literacy role plays want. Really, even if you had great structure of sentences, grammar, etc, they still wouldn't accept you as they want to use 'wolfspeak'.

This really isn't the best topic to butt heads over wolf-speak, but I must say that many literate groups do not use, and some prohibit rpers from using, wolf-speak. In turn, a good number encourage it, but it is by no means a requirement to be literate! And no, one can still be accepted into a fully literate group without the mangling of language. I strongly object to it and yet participate in many literate groups.

Amber, like others have said, it's best to stick with groups calling themselves semi-literate, even if they ask for a sample. Although that's unlikely as they're more lenient with style. Don't feel bad if your sample is rejected by a group; it's just an implement to make sure all of the group members are in the same boat.

When I was first making the transition to literacy, I tried a pride and somehow got accepted. I ended up so frustrated by the slowness required to type a paragraph, I left!
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Offline liontamer1

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Re: I need RP help!
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2013, 12:19:52 am »
   Like the others said, it would be best for you to find a role play that best fit your needs. It also depends on what you like to role play.
    Let us say that you like to role play a science experiment, and you find one that says they are literate, mapped and require a role play sample. That's your first clue that they are a serious role play and may turn down the smallest mistake. Usually mapped role plays are hard-core and very VERY picky about how people role play, and many find them intimidating and scary. I still do. I once joined a role play where if you didn't spend every minute in the role play, you'd be kicked out.
    But, back to the point. You should try joining a few, less-serious role plays were you can learn all there is to role play.
    However, I agree with Nemena. For a few of my role plays, I have required a role play sample. I just don't want "-kills instantly breaks neck and runs- " in my role play. Some people DO require role play samples, but aren't crazy and will let most people join.
     I was very illiterate at one time and I was turned down from countless role plays. I even quit FH for a while, and one day, I realized that role playing is very simple. It will become very easy very soon, just don't give up!   
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