Author Topic: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Inactive since 08/04/2013]  (Read 9710 times)


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Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Inactive since 08/04/2013]
« on: March 31, 2013, 10:54:51 pm »
Felix Teren
The driver of this bus has,  unfourtantly lost the
directions to our orginal destinition. It's kind of
funny though, that he hadn't traveled there at
first to make sure he knew precisely where he was going,
or at least had a sort of GPS installed. If the fog
would lift up soon enough, then maybe we would know where
you could turn around too. Surely this vehicle isn't going in
the right direction now. . unless we're going towards
Silent Hill. That's where he keeps saying he'll be going,
and the teachers don't give him any odd looks or anything.
I thought we were going to Sileion Science Center though,
Oh well, surely it can't be that bad in Silent Hill , unless it's
 as foggy there as it is now.

Welcome to Silent Hill
Once more it seems as if Silent Hill is calling upon people from this world, or we are begining to once more stumble upon it, maybe a few might be dissappearing at random to the certain location with the not-so-pretty past, and maybe a few people are dragging others off with them in their little quest to reach the old town where ash falls and who knows what roams. None the less. . . Silent Hill is open for tourists once more. Now, sit, sit sit sit! Enjoy your time here at this wonderful place- or maybe you should run and hide, whichever you may choose.

Blacki (BlackRevenge/'RighteouslyLecturingBlacki?)
Other Information
This is mainly information regarding how one
might get to Silent Hill, seeing that there are most
defiantly more than one single way to get to
Silent Hill. Now, me and okami129 have planned
out one 'main way'- meaning that we'd like it
if most characters got to Silent Hill this way
rather than alternate ways in which are most defiantly
still possible. This way was hinted in my character,
Felix's journal which was posted above. The bus-driver
who was orginally meant to drive students of
Moshannon Valley School District to Silleion Science Center,
though it seems as if he has either forgotten all about this, managed
to get himself lost in the strange fog which should not be there,
or perhaps he's simply being called off to Silent Hill. None the less,
the bus is headed straight towards that hell now. Other ways that
characters might of gotten to Silent Hill can mimic ways that characters
in the actual games or movies, or be something entirely different.
A few examples of this may include ways that James from the second
Silent Hill got there, this includes alternative ways, of course. Alex
Sheperd from Homecoming's search for his little brother, Joshua may
also be mirrored in getting to Silent Hill, along with the others ways,
of course.


(1) Alright, this is a Silent Hill roleplay. If you have absolutely no knowledge of the series, then don't even join unless you think that you could fit your way into here the right way.
(By 'knowledge of the series'- I mainly mean that you have at least played one game or watched one of the two movies.)

(2) This roleplay might get a little gorey- well, perhaps a lot. If you are squeamish and are not comfortable reading or typing up things that you might see in a horror game or movie, then don't join. Your going to see it.

(3) Cussing is another thing you might see in here, but for those that are okay with cussing, please do not over-do it.

(4) Characters are NOT permitted to be carrying weapons with them if they entered through the bus or what not. This is simply unrealistic- you don't know where your going, so you don't know that there will be monsters and stuff running around. Now, if your character is aware of what might be going on, that is another story. But you get the general idea. (Students getting to Silent Hill through the bus cannot carry weapons there, regardless. They must be found throughout the area.)

(5)Only moderators (or administrators, really) are permitted to 'ring the siren' which will change night from day. Unless you know that the siren will ring soon enough, do not add anything about it in your post.

(6)Yes yes this is a Silent Hill roleplay, and damn there was a lot of enemies and whatnot running around in the game. But do not make these appear constantly- really, this isn't much of a roleplay at all if our characters are only flailing around trying to murder nurses and stuff. So, keep enemy appearances to a limited number. I will alert you if your causing too much drama with their appearances.

(7) I'm sure we all know that certain creatures in Silent Hill do not appear all that often. This is very similiar to the last rule, only more specific, and reffering to boss monsters. However, because administrators/moderators or whatever you want to call it can only roleplay as these, unless you have our permission. We will find you, alright? Not the other way around.

(8.) Also similiar to the last rules; do not make your character go wondering into a room and apparantly finding items and weapons and stuff everywhere, that's just a bit ridiculous not to mention makes the atmosphere seem a bit more unrealistic.

(9)No no NO. There is no 'WELL MY CHARACTER IS A ANGEL/DEMON HYBRID' -Removed by Moderator- in this roleplay. Almost everyone entering is either there by accident, called to Silent Hill, or anything of the sort. There is none of this 'special hidden powers', unless this character is cannon. In that case, go right ahead and throw her into there. (CoughcoughAllesacoughcough)

(10)Please put some effort into each applicaction. I don't mean that you have to write a goddamn novel or anything, but I don't want it being like two words long in each sentence, that's just. . Eh, you get it.
(Thank you, SoaringAway for pointing this out; for anyone else joining, this will most likely avoid possible confusion, since my wording was terrible.)



Picture/Description: (Nothing 'anime' or whatever please, I'd perfer realstic or something in the style of Silent Hill.)
History: (Not required, however I want a REASON for not doing this.)
Way of getting to Silent Hill: (You know the drill.)
Weapon(s): (You know weither or not your character will begin with them.)

Code: [Select]
Way of getting to Silent Hill:

« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 09:18:53 am by Scallywag »


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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Please do not post yet]
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2013, 11:16:35 pm »

These links might be helpful with obtaining information about what the setting looks like- these site(s) include maps from every game along with a list of all creatures, cannon characters, in every game; all properly placed.
Take note that these include spoilers though, too.



Profile One: Toshiro Ryuuga
Profile Two: Nita Ryuuga


Profile One: Felix Teren


Profile One: Unknown
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 11:55:59 pm by GavelSwingingBlacki? »

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Re: Ascending [Welcome to Silent Hill.]
« Reply #2 on: April 01, 2013, 12:06:48 am »
[[EDIT: "...but I don't want it being like two sentences long in each sentence, that's just. . stupid okai."
Do you mean something else, Blacki? That segment had me confused for several seconds and I'm just putting it out there for your concern.]]

[[Edit x2: :3 Aww! Thank you, dearie. Also, question~. If our characters were to die, are we able to create new profiles?]]
Welcome to Silent Hill

     >New Game
      >Load Game

      Are you sure you wish to start a new game? Previous entries might be deleted due to this.
                >Yes                                     >No


(Face claim: Rick Yune)
Name: Toshiro Ryuuga
Gender: Male
Age: 36
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Known as "Uncle Toshi," the older man does certainly have his childish moments in which he might mimic someone and make wise cracks towards his niece or relatives but he does know how to control himself when time calls.He is extroverted and enjoys the company anytime but if alone, he tends to grow anxious of the worst possible situations stirring out towards those close and the environment. When walking and silent, you can definitely tell this trait as he'll glance over his shoulder, rub his wrist,  or rotate his shoulders in an uneasy fashion. He does not care much for opinions and is head-strong, often loosing his patience (the few that he has) and will go off in a heated argument and wouldn't be afraid to raise a fist.  [More to come in playthrough]
Way of getting to Silent Hill: The Ryuuga family has found themselves entering into the parallel dimension known as Silent Hill through the means of traveling through foot and falling. The party fell through a hole that appeared near the neighborhood lake while they were paying their respects to Toshiro's departed sister and Nita's foster mother, Rena. Nita felt the sudden urge to plunge down the hole while Toshiro without second thinking stuck out his hand to grab onto her but instead of retrieving her, he fell along with her.
Weapon(s): Mr. Ryuuga has no weapons, primary or secondary, currently but they say the weapon most men fear are their minds. His physical strength is just enough for him to fend himself and his adopted niece during the beginning of the journey.
*Having been a foreigner that moved recently to the States, he has a very thick accent that his niece Nita will toy about with him sometimes depending on the situation.
*He is partially color blind in the Dichromacy subcategory (basically, he has issues seeing red-green colors)

(Face claim: Nastya Kumarova )
Name: Nita Ryuuga
Gender: Female
Age: 14
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: Meticulous and incisive, the young girl has always spent herself enclosed towards herself whenever she was home and found herself fascinated by the computer but also, using the majority of the time staring at the screen and working away. Having been relying on the machine to 'think before she leaps' as she could type out a response but soon backspace it out of existence and rethink her choices but when speaking out, she has difficultly on watching what she has to say. She only does crack out of her stone shell with those close, usually her uncle, and will surprisingly close herself up even with him and when strangers are as well around. She is most likely in the Ryuuga family to rope out of conversation and not start them either. [More to come in playthrough]
Way of getting to Silent Hill: The Ryuuga family has found themselves entering into the parallel dimension known as Silent Hill through the means of traveling through foot and falling. The party fell through a hole that appeared near the neighborhood lake while they were paying their respects to Toshiro's departed sister and Nita's foster mother, Rena. Nita felt the sudden urge to plunge down the hole while Toshiro without second thinking stuck out his hand to grab onto her but instead of retrieving her, he fell along with her.
Weapon(s): Miss. Ryuuga does not have any weapons equipped when going to enter Silent Hill that are strictly large or blunt. She, however, has the following that can be considered secondary weapons:
Sharpen pencil
A broken glass shard
Cable wires

*Nita suffers from albinism and will have the tendency of covering herself with jackets or sheets of newspaper to prevent herself from getting sun burnt or being blinded.
*She has severe allergies towards cat fur (and thus, she has a bit of superstition regarding cats.)

« Last Edit: April 02, 2013, 09:03:53 pm by SoaringAway »


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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #3 on: April 01, 2013, 03:29:59 am »
(Pfft, yes; I meant something entirely different with that. The word sentences was meant to be, well 'words'. Thanks for pointing it out- my wording right there was terrible, heck I could barely understand it after reading. I'll fix that up along with a few other things later, too. I suppose this is what happens when you type these things up in the middle of the night though.

Anyway, your characters look awesome. Accepted- I'll put down my applicaction(s?) right now too. About time I did anyway.)

Description: Felix has somewhat 'shaggy' black hair, which quite honestly doesn't fit the description in which most people would give it. It's mainly just short, the typical length you would imagine a boy's hair to be, but thick at the same time. He does wear glasses, and often times will carry them around with him but never wear them until he really needs them. [Because of his rebelious attitude towards glasses, he often times gets terrible headaches.] At the time of the field-trip, he was wearing a pink shirt that had a black and white panda holding a cane and wearing a mustache and hat. Below this was the words 'The Magic Pandas', which was actually a T-Shirt for a certain group in which he was part of. Though, he seemed content on keeping a white sweatshirt that seemed to have a dull, almost maroon crimson on the inside of the hood and what not zipped over this. As for pants, simply faded jeans that seem to be the slightest bit loose, and shoes; simply black and white sneakers, nothing really special about them, barely worth mentioning, actually.
Name: Felix Teren
Gender: Male
Age: Thirteen
Sexuality: Questioning
Personality: You could call Felix somewhat 'nerdy'. He isn't exactly the most phsyicaly fit and shows little interest in the entire subject. He seems to be somewhat obsessed with Russian novels, especially Crime and Punishment, which he has been reading through at a rather quick pace, along with video games and simply sitting around on the computer, doing whatever he pleases as it seems. Though he is rather interesting to meet or talk to, if you can get by his constant blabbering about one subject and sometimes arrupt changing to another that is entirely irrelevant to the one before it. He doesn't seem to be scared by the things you would expect someone to be scared by, thus after adapting a bit to everything going on; he seems perfectly calm in a majourity of situations.
Way of getting to Silent Hill: Having attended the Field Trip in which seems to be approaching Silent Hill, Felix appears to be getting to Silent Hill in 'style'- though, probably not the best or safest way.
Weapon(s): Being a student, Felix wouldn't really have any weapons that could be deemed useful in Silent Hill. Unless you count these sort of 'every-day objects' as something that would be somehow efficient in the field of fighting, or even getting through the horrors of Silent Hill for that matter.
-A hardcover copy of 'Crime and Punishment'
-A mechanical pencil
-A small notebook

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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2013, 09:05:22 pm »
[[Ah, Blacki! Would Okami be joining the roleplay anytime soon? :3 ]]


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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2013, 09:33:42 pm »
(Yup, you can make new profiles if your character(s) die, as for when Okami will be joining us.

That I don't know- with tests and stuff coming around at this hour, we may have to wait a little bit. But if it isn't soon, then we'll just begin without her, despite the fact that she's helped me in the creation of this.)

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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2013, 12:23:50 am »
I do what I want
-Will apply later-))

The liar and the thief


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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 01:13:32 am »
(Pfft, okaithendowhatyouwant B|

Soaring, if you want to start now or soon or whatever, then I guess you can tell me or something, since we've been a little delayed as it is, but I don't mind not waiting around a bit longer. Time tends to move a bit slower on the forums around this time, anyway.)

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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 03:52:05 pm »
[[ I'm fine with waiting for Okami. She is at most fast with her forms and has them up on time :3 ]]

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Re: Ascending [Silent Hill Roleplay] [Open and Accepting]
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 11:36:44 pm »
Picture/Description: White hair, pale skin, blue eyes. Actually, to be exact, she's using her bangs to hide one eye which would turn out to be completely colorless, the eye is a mirror of sorts. It's got a silver tint to it but a thin one. As for her outfit she wears a light white jacket with black foe fur rims and black pants with a black shirt.
Name: Unknown/Nameless [Real name was Felicity Rosalyn]
Gender: Female
Age: Assumably 14
Sexuality: Why you ask? -Wink-
Personality: She usually reflects the personality of the other person she's interacting with, almost acting like a mirror in that aspect, which in aspects she's like several people at once. If she's alone, without any source of being to reflect from, she acts more like an emotionless walking doll.
History: NOPENOPENOPENOPE -Points at below-
Way of getting to Silent Hill: Nameless is one of Alessa's creations, before that though she was the only person in the town that didn't hate Alessa, she never attacked or insulted Alessa in fact and would secretly have picnics and play games with her. When Crystabella caught them once, for both their safeties she denied being friends and even acted like what was hoped, being a mirror of Crystabella in their eyes. Alessa believed she betrayed her then. After the fire, she became the mirror she is, though unlike the others her appearance was spared yet she became a puppet for Alessa.
Weapon(s): She is currently without a weapon, however she is very resourceful, and honestly she doesn't really need a weapon, she's not really one of the trapped.
Extra: Theme, to make up for this -Removed by Moderator-
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 03:40:40 pm by Kynvuu »

The liar and the thief