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Offline Celeyan

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« on: April 06, 2013, 04:06:13 am »
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The prey that once was abundant in this land has seemed to be gone- no food- nothing left but small creatures that are mostly a snack for the wolves. Bigger game has run out- they aren't anywhere- and how degrading it is for the pack of wolves that currently led that territory. They were once strong and mighty, the most feared pack throughout the forest and now what? Now they were resorting to snatching up smaller creatures and even resorting to cannibalism if they had to. How disgusting, those smaller canines, wolves aren't supposed to eat one of their family- which is why they have resorted to hunting something worse. Humans, or even human cattle. The poor wolves know the consequences, but the alpha is running out of decisions, and all the arguments are causing many bloody fights, and now distrust is now dancing about in the pack! The poor alphas  alone in this leadership they both don't know what to do; they try to reason with the pack- but frustration is causing most to go crazy. The alphas have begun to think they should follow what the prey are most likely doing, leave and find a paradise, nothing else is going to come but bad if they stay at their territory, what worse is that the smaller ones they are feasting off of are coming down with a sickness, any wolf caught eating an infected one should be killed immediately. Foaming at the mouth, they are becoming insane- what better is to put them done despite how hard it is. Rabies, that is the sickness that is killing many- and the wolves are slowly becoming weaker and weaker. The humans are also making it hard for the pack, invading and looking out for blood, they are incredibly angry for the loss of many of their kind and their cattle, and now guns are killing off many members of the pack- and they are even ruining the wolves habitat, maybe that's the reason for the prey's disappearance?


Word is going around about a paradise, the current alpha has heard of it- and doesn't know whether to follow the myth, was it a myth? Oh who cares, it was their only hope in escaping- they needed to- or else they'll be lost. They have to go- they are being driven out by many others, many are going to be lost, and only the strongest will make it- they have to cross many hard physical features- and its all to get to a place many don't think is real, but maybe..just maybe.. the myth might just be true.


??? ???????
The season of this roleplay is going to take place in winter- and a hard one at that. It snows almost everyday, and the snow is continuing to rise in inches. Prey is scarce as stated before, and only smaller canines such as foxes roam about to catch little creatures in the snow. The matted down pine needles are all covered in white snow, or are bare- creating frosted leaves that sometimes drift to the white floor. The trees are also sagging, sometimes touching the backs of anyone walking under them, however the winds are very harsh- sometimes blowing the branches this way and that and causing them to break off into the air. Anyone who appreciated nature could at least see how beautiful it was, how peaceful it was and how that could provide warmth, but no, winters are bad, too cold and too hard to walk through, and they sometimes add to the bad mood others might have. Everything, such as vegetation and water sources are all icy and have a snowy edge to it, forcing many to find new water and making plant-eaters have to search to find any sort of green; making many of the smaller game die as well- and also increase sickness and even the spread of it due to the desperate creatures. The snow is everywhere- there is no escape from it- so far- the wolves haven't seen any place without snow, and they have even seen the rare sight of icicles, that reflect the image of the snowy forest- however there is no sound, and it is still unless bothered. Oh Elyaris, that myth of a place, it is supposed to be viewed with rich prey all about, game that stands in a beautiful meadow with splashes of color everywhere! Flowers of every scent and kind, with many shrubs and vegetation that adds to the detail of that paradise. Trees are supposed to be tall but friendly, with flowers decorating its green covered branches as sun shines above it. It is normally warm there, and has a tropical feel to it whenever it rains, however it is not hot- nor cold- how strange. But it is after all, a paradise for all creatures. Elyaris is also described to be a forest of healing- that is the biggest myth of them all- but when one is desperate, they'll attempt to believe anything about that paradise that is hidden from a human's eye.

??? ?????
1. The main rule of this roleplay is going to godmodding, ghosting, powerplaying, and all that, none of that please. If you wish to challenge the alpha do it fairly and don't do a: Wisam jumped and killed the alpha, then became leader.

2. No wolfspeak, and when I say that I mean: The glorious fae known as Night walked with her long pillars out ahead of her, her orbs scanned the terra and the fae swished her long banner.

3. You may only have one to three characters, and you must play ALL of them, and keep them all active too; for example someone might be speaking to one of your characters and in your next post you don't reply and only reply on your two others, which might leave them quite frustrated, so keep all your characters roleplaying and active if you want multiple ones.

4. Realistic pictures are needed, no drawings of wolves, no photo manipulations of wolves, just realistic pictures. Also, if you don't have a picture describe what your wolf looks like- but keep it realistic. Also please know that the secret word is 'escape to elyaris'. But double also know, ask me if you want your wolf to have different colored eyes, and I want a specific and or scientific reason.

5. Excessive inappropriate language is not allowed, minor language is acceptable but don't go overboard. Also remember to follow all feralheart rules.

6. Wolves are the only species you may play in the roleplay, no owls, no foxes, no lions, no nothing, just wolves, and no lone wolves either. Due to the fact that the second secret word is 'earth beneath my paws', and also due to the fact the pack is going to be moving a lot, and loners getting behind is just kind of stupid for the roleplay.

7. Be active in the roleplay please, not saying you have to post 3-4 times a day, but at least try to be active. Also, don't flood the roleplay with your posts, wait until some others have posted!

8. This is a realistic roleplay, which means no unnatural markings, no super powers, no special abilities, no items or clothing, no taking a big game down for yourself, and no extra big teeth or claws, nothing of that sort, be a normal wolf in this roleplay.

9. If your character develops rabies and is killed, you are free to make other characters.

10. Don't steal another characters appearance or personality, be unique and creature your own character that you'll be comfortable roleplaying with!

11. This roleplay is literate, so not text speak, and no one-liners of a post. Four sentences is the minimum, but you are free to exceed that limit! Its encouraged actually.

12. Hate the character, not the player, be friendly! Also, if you feel you are being ignored, force yourself in the roleplay, offer some advice, help someone, encourage someone, anything so that you don't feel left it! Don't just sit there and sulk saying: No one is roleplaying with me. :c. NO. Get into the roleplay.

13. Expect gore and blood in the roleplay possibly, due to many fights that might occur.

14. Post in third person!

15. Have fun!

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The alpha female rank is currently occupied by Meowzers, and the character's name is Inxis. Being the alpha female means that they are the female leader of the pack, what they say is law and must not be challenged. This spot can be taken if another fights the alpha female and takes leadership.

The alpha male rank is currently not occupied, however is locked until Rae finds a love interest and declares him as her mate. Being the alpha male means that they are the male leader of the pack, what they say is law and must not be challenged unless the other alpha mentions something, then they are free to argue. This spot cannot be taken unless the current alpha female accepts the other male.

The high council rank is locked unless the alpha has pups. They are the pups of the alpha, and usually become alpha if the previous ones retire or die- or leave.

The main council rank is currently not open. The main council rank is a high position in the pack, they usually give advice to the alphas, and help out with others in the pack, but otherwise are below the alpha and their word is not law.

Subordinate rank is currently open, and there is unlimited spots. Apply! Subordinates are the 'normal' wolves of the pack, they do things such as hunt- protect the park- guard the pups, whatever that is assigned to them.

The young rank is currently closed unless a female has pups, but this may not be good due to the hardships the pack is going to have to go through.

??? ???????????
Infatuation? aka 'crush' (Optional):
Description of your character:
Sample post:
Photo unless described well enough above:

??? ??????

?Inxis- Female | Alpha | More information.

?Butch- Male | Main Council | More information.

?Faolan- Male | Main Council | More information.

?Katalia- Female | Main Council | More information.

?Apollo- Male | Subordinate | More information.

?Arya- Female | Subordinate | More information.

?Omashu- Male | Subordinate | More information.

?Sampson- Male | Subordinate | More information.

?Eclipse- Female | Subordinate | More information.

?Yeva- Female | Subordinate | More information.

?Juliet- Female | Subordinate | More information.

?Breeze- Female | Subordinate | More information.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 07:47:04 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2013, 01:17:53 am »
Open I guess! Up for suggestions at this time. c:

Offline Huskystar

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« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2013, 01:41:44 am »

Name: Butch

Nicknames/Alias: Butcher.
Gender: Male.

Age: He is about 2 years, and 3 quarters.

Rank: Main Council Rank.

Mate?: None.

Pups?: None, but would like some.

Infatuation? aka 'crush' (Optional): Inxis.

Description of your character: His sleek, dark pelt is blended in with some peachy, blonde patches. He has a long muzzle, with sharp teeth that can give a bite. He has a deep glare in his eyes, but he doesn't mean trouble. His tail is rather bushy! He has a sleek frame, that is tough and can stand a fall with out feeling hurt ((not to much of a fall though)). He is quite muscley, due to his family line. He has a scar on his right eye, when he was battling with a loner who was trying to take a pup to eat. He has been looking skinnier than usual, and more tired, more ill looking. But he is surely a fighter.

Sample post:
The dark grey sky lingered above the silent forest; except from the breathing wind of the whistling snow. His eyes squinted, as he stared blankly into the distance, as his tummy grumbled. His fur was gently buffeted by the strong wind that surrounded the camp, and he stood up. His eyes ached, and his bones shook, he felt more tired than usual. He knew he should take a break from doing pack duty's, but it was time when the pack needed every one... His limp tail hung down, as he slowly padded towards the forest.

Butch looked around, breathing in hoping for the slightest scent of food. His paws could actually feel the grass, they had sunk into the snow. He saw a few warriors crawling around, looking skinny and weak. "I remember the good old times.." Butch heard a croaky voice say, he sighed, and shook his pelt. After hours of searching, no luck.

He ventured back into camp, he saw the beautiful pelt of Inxis. He sighed, and stumbled over to the Alpha Female. "Inxis?" He began, breathing in deeply, "we cannot survive here... I know its where the pack was born... But... Were all dying.." He whined, and waited for a snap or something like that. He felt the fluffy snow float onto his black fur, and didn't bother to shake them off.
Photo unless described well enough above:

Other: Earth beneath my paws and road to elyris. And he used to get teased, as he used to be a loner. [/color][/font]
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 04:22:36 am by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2013, 02:46:57 am »
You missed a little somethiin. c:< read the rules, but you've got one!

Offline Huskystar

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« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2013, 04:21:37 am »
Dam, I put Escape  instead of Road  lol))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2013, 04:46:28 am »
Haha, accepted! c:


ALIAS: Aphrodite (Goddess of Love), Xis, ect.

GENDER: Female

AGE: Just turning two years old.

RANK: Alpha

MATE: None

PUPS: None


DESCRIPTION:  Inxis is a smaller- more petite looking female- however with a bite far worse than her bite- she doesn't like being teased about her size- even thought it still might be a very great quality- as due to her smaller body, she has help running much faster than if she was her normal size. Inxis also has nice-looking white fur, a slight tan when caught in the sun- but otherwise is a pure white color as she is an arctic wolf. The female wolves muzzle is a dark color- possibly brown and or black mixed in as if she dipped it the tip of her snout in mud- some might question that strange marking that stands out mostly on her white body.

Inxis enjoy it however, and even has the same type of color stretched out over her back a bit- a small wiggly line that goes over it and stops at her shoulders. The female also has slight feathery lush fur like ordinary wolves, however she seems to have some feathery on her ears- and her legs slightly. What also is noticed is her copper eyes- it usually holds a soft look- as she is incredibly sweet and not one to judge very quickly. Inxis, the silly female, has a vibrant and young look about her- and she is usually found with a silly tongue hanging from her open mouth in the warmer days- giving her a more approachable look.

However the female's very friendly nature might not be liked by some, she doesn't mind and she does enjoy cheering others up even when not wanted or needed- as she is incredibly persistent which others might find annoying about her- even though she doesn't really care what others think.  Inxis from afar, can be sometimes referred to as Aphrodite, which in Greek is the Goddess of Love. She enjoys that alias greatly- and it does fit her incredibly well as she is one to love all things- and enjoys the little things in life unlike most do. She is incredibly outgoing and feminine- and often is very open to meeting anyone.

The young female is shown to act her age, sometimes flaunting her good-looks about in a joke like manner- who does this rarely to not be seen as a jerk or to cause unwanted attention. She is pleasant to be around, and has a good-heart, and is protective to her friends and loved ones. Her love stretches to all- despite whatever they had done in the past- giving her the trait of innocence and naivety- which might give her a slight problem in the future.


A small speck of snow- from the light ones from above drifted on the gentle wind of the night- a calm but slightly cold breeze that forced many to gather in their homes. The small speck continued to fall slowly- coming to rest on the end of a black nose. The young female gave a small snort, and blinked as her gaze snapped from upwards to look at the cold plop that landed atop her nose. The soft-hearted female didn't mind it- however did give a small shake of her head before resting it back upon her white paws. Her tail behind the mass of fur twitched lightly as she lay, under a pine tree that had white covering its dark green leaves. Inxis opened her mouth in a yawn, the flash of a pink tongue and her sharp white teeth were shown before they disappeared back into the abyss of her mouth.

The young female gave a small, gentle head movement- raising her head in a swift motion as she scanned the area, her ears back as they usually were as she stood up, tail giving a small swish once more as she rose up- giving a small stretch before beginning to trot through the snow- which she noted almost matched her white fur. How nice was this? A good hunter she'd make, wouldn't she? The female seemed to muse about these thoughts in her head as her usual graceful gait came forthe, making the quiet female seem almost silent as she made her way through the small patches of greenery- and of course- the cold snow.

She hadn't seen much of food around here, which worried her greatly- however she didn't bother with it that much since for the time-being she was full, and when hunger striked her again- she'd find food. What use was it worrying over that? She began to dwell on her past- how her family and her old pack seemed to always worry, how silly!
Inxis thought others should always be happy, despite it being maybe a bad day-be happy! She was always happy when she felt she should be- what use was it being depressed? The naive female closed her eyes as she breathed in the crisp air, her ears gently twitching to listen to the thud of her movements and the harsh wind- which seemed to strangely soothe the female and add to the calm mood she felt.

However, the young one was quite lonely, oh how she'd love another pack! She was incredibly loyal, and would possibly make a good hunter if the terrain was on her side, but how come she could barely find any of her species? The female shook her head, pushing the thoughts from her head as she continued her walk, a happy aura seeming to dance around her despite the harsh climate.


OTHER: Nothing

Moving Inxis here, got help from Kasai to help me with this character show thing. c:
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 05:11:15 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Huskystar

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« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2013, 04:53:47 am »
Thanks Meow, can't wait to start!))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

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« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2013, 05:05:13 am »
Name: "My name? Romeo.." Romeo.
Nicknames/Alias: "Hum, some people like to  call me Rome, but I don't see why that's important." Rome
Gender: "Do I look like a female?" Male/Brute.
Age: "Well, I am 2 years." 2 Years.
Rank: "Subordinate..." Subordinate Rank.
Mate?: "I wish..." No, but he wants one.
Pups?: "No," No, but he wants some.
Infatuation?: "No." Nope!
Description of your character: "Uh..." Romeo has a thick, black pelt.  wip
Sample post:
Photo unless described well enough above:


don't click this link... Please DONT

Meep Meep.

If you need help including the Game or Forum PM me!

ATTENTION! I shall be inactive for the next couple of weeks, but I will still be able to get on.

Offline Celeyan

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« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2013, 05:07:50 am »
Yay for other applications and the success of character link profile thingy. >3<

Offline Kasai

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Re: αℓαѕкαи єѕ¢αρє ; A wolf roleplay
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2013, 05:25:55 am »
Name: Faolan  (pronounced: ”fwail + awn", of Irish origin)
Nicknames/Alias: Faol (pronounced: "fwail"), though he prefers his full name.
Gender: Male
Age: 4 years old
Rank: Main Council (if permitted). He has fought for this role and won't permit anyone to steal it from him. He is loyal to his alpha and is not afraid to speak his mind to her.
Mate?: None. It does not seem logical for anyone but the alphas to have pups at this time. The only reason Faolan finds that logical is that the pack needs new leaders on a regular cycle, especially with human threats.
Pups?: None. As stated above, he doesn't see it logical.
Infatuation? aka 'crush' (Optional): Faolan is a very strong thinker, but only in the logical sense. His focus is not on mating at this time, but he would not oppose to a female should she gain his affections.
Description of your character:
Looks: (Better seen in pictures). Faolan has sharp gold eyes and a mixture of fur colors ranging from light beige to reds to blacks. His build is strong and large and he will often use this to his advantage.

Personality: Unless you are talking strategies or reporting to this wolf, you are wasting your breath. He quickly become disinterested with anyone complaining or whining about their own problems. His mind is focused on the pack as a whole and it is one of the reasons he was destined to be a part of the main council. He understands the role he has in the pack and he is quick to put anyone in their place if needed. If one wolf is out of line, it could risk the safety of the pack. While he does seem a bit cold on the outside, Faolan does offer second, and sometimes even third, chances.

While he is a loyal member of the pack, Faolan could operate just fine on his own. His build offers him that protection. He has taken a bullet to the shoulder in the past and he has since recovered. If he is sick or injured, he does not stay that way for long, at least he doesn't play it off that way. If he is sick with a small virus or injured from a bullet wound, he will do everything in his power to focus his attentions on someone else. He is very stoic and calm in most situations. His social expertise is lacking, but for what he lacks in social skills he makes up for with loyalty and strength. While he may not be the best shoulder to cry on, he will always help to the best of his abilities (though whether it's to actually help or to shut them up is always up for debate). Most males do not understand Faolan's personality due to his lack of searching for a mate. However, Faolan realizes that most of these males lack the logical brain he has been gifted with. Due to this "gifted brain", however, Faolan has been the subject of ridicule more times to count. With his strong body and great size, most of this ridicule is done behind his back. Though he has caught some of these comments from time to time, he sees it as a petty thing to bother with this taunting.

Sample post: (taken from another RP about wolves)
Blaise & Pali

The brothers were having a significant amount of disappointment at every turn since they got up this morning. A hunter had almost found them, no one else had been seen for miles, and there was no prey to be found. Pali gave a small whimper, causing Blaise to throw him a glare. "I'm sorry. I'm just so hungry," he muttered, his stomach giving a growl. Blaise sighed, his breath creating a small cloud of air in front of him. "Just keep it down. We'll find food soon," he replied, scanning the vacant field. Sure enough, there was nothing but snow to be seen. After a few more hours, the two finally reached some woods. Blaise could hear the small sigh of relief Pali made. "Don't be so calm, Pali. The hunters can still get us in here," Blaise reminded him, hopping over a tree trunk with his brother following. "Yes, but there is food here," Pali replied, his tail wagging ever so slightly. The older of the two wanted to roll his eyes at the younger. Food was essential, but food wasn't Blaise's primary worry. He knew, of course, that Pali's main concern was never food either, but his stomach seemed to be overriding his brain temporarily. Pali sniffed the ground while Blaise scanned the area. "Tons of prey here, a bit faded, but they've been here. I smell some other wolves have been her as well, but the scent is a few weeks old. I wonder if they-" Pali was cut short by a human howl. Blaise perked his ears and Pali's eyes widened. "You don't think anyone would be stupid enough to reply to that. Do you?" Blaise was about to answer when a wolf's howl rang through the air. With the resulting panic of the two brothers, one might have thought that a gunshot had been fired. Scrambling away from the spot they stood, they ran deeper into the forest, far away from the human howl and to the left of the wolf howl. Finally out of breath, Blaise stopped them at the top of a small hill surrounded by trees. It provided decent enough cover for them to catch their breath. "Why would anyone reply to that? Do they want to be killed," Pali asked, not really expecting an answer from his brother, who was shaking his head at the stupidity of the situation.

Photo unless described well enough above:

Other?: "Escape to elyaris" "earth beneath my paws"
He sees Elyaris as nothing but a fantasy, a lovely one, but not realistic. Of course, he would love to enter this paradise, but he must live in the time and place he is in currently.

[I might make a female too. We are lacking them XD]
« Last Edit: April 07, 2013, 05:29:38 am by Kasai »