Author Topic: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] [Inactive since 29/04/2013]  (Read 13643 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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This is basically a normal human role-play, but with creepers, zombies, skeletons, etc. So, don't hate me. ^^' You guys voted, this was the lowest ranking vote, but I'm making it second. It needs a shiny blue ribbon. o3o

(I love CLG!)

The crunching of dry grass on a hot day doesn't satisfy you. It doesn't work, not one bit. You begin to pant, no hostile mobs anywhere in sight. You carefully waltz into a desert, you know that water's there. You keep trudging on, the sun was falling quickly. You come up to a pool of refreshing water, but before you get a bucket out, you pass out.
Two hours later, you wake up, people are surrounding you. "What's going on?" You ask, your throat still lightly dry. One of the females walk up to you, and puts her arm up to your forehead. "Temp's gone down." She mutters, as if she didn't hear you, or she's ignoring you. She walks back to the group and nods to a tall male, and exits the building. You then realize your in a village, filled with these strange people, supposedly with large noses and strange clothing. But these people look as normal as you do. You sit up, the rest of the people leave, not caring anymore about you. What's going on? you ask.
The girl that ignored you came back into the house. "You almost died," She pauses mid-walk, and looks at you. "You needed water, fast. We gave you most of our supplies." She muttered something. "Just tell me--" She cut you mid-sentence. "You could say 'thank you!'" She looked at you sharply, and left the house. Leaving you to think of what just happened.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2019, 09:26:28 am by Scallywag »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -WIP-
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2013, 03:17:00 pm »
1. Mods are being used in this role-play. Mods: "MineCraft Comes Alive", "Mo' Creatures", "Weather Mod", "Thirst Mod", "Smart Moves", "BiblioCraft", and "Furniture Mod". And, only in this role-play, the mods work together.
2. You must act as if you are a real person, just pixles, and not a person looking at the MineCraft set up.
3. Cussing is aloud, just keep it down to a 'damn' at the least. (CaptainSparkles low.)
4. You can use the skin from famous YouTubers, or you can make your own at:
5. No griefing, flying, godmodding, commands, powerplaying, insta-killing, etc.
6. No making random mobs appear. That counts as using commands, unless it's night time. Then you say that you tried to fight it.
7. Literacy is very high in this role-play. But, since I'm nice, it's going to have to be said like 'Tub started dancing. After he did that, he placed the saddle onto a nearby pig, and tryed making it go in one direction.'
8. Cake, resting, eating, and drinking milk will do the exact same thing they do in the game.
I will add anything else if I have to.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:47:04 pm by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -WIP-
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2013, 03:46:08 pm »
-Original Mobs-
Ocelot (Wild)/Cat (Tame)
Wolf (Wild)/Dog (Tame)
NPC Villager
Zombie Pigman
Cave Spider
Magma Cube
Spider Jockey
Wither Skeleton
Zombie Villager
Snow Golem
Iron Golem
Ender Dragon

-Role-Played Characters-
Forum Username*: Wolfie_Lover

Name*: Coroline Wells
"Wells. For now, you'll call me Ms. Wells."
Nickname: Core
"You heard me! Ms. Wells!"
Age*: 16
"Rude, never ask a lady her age."
Gender*: Female
"Uhh... Female, last time I checked."
Main Weapon*: A normal wooden bow and arrows
"This old thing?"
Armor: Some old leather full body armor
"Old and in the past."
Other Weapons: A stone sword
"None of your business."
Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: N/A
"I don't want to talk about personal questions."
Children: N/A
"Did you just not hear me?!"
Personality*: Coroline can seem rude, for about a few months-a year at the most-until you get to know her. Under her tough exterior, she's a real softy and it's obvious that she doesn't mean to threaten. When she's irritated, she feels that even her best friend, meaning nothing can calm her down besides time, is stupid.
"Come meet me."
History: Her father went to the End and got lost trekking and looking for the house, two weeks after she was born, some say he was blown up by a creeper, others say that starvation got to him first. And she never knew her mother.
Other: She's highly allergic to bees and cats
Role-Play Sample*: A brown-haired girl stomped into her house, and slammed the door right behind her. The butcher that was watching her, asked, "What's wrong, Wells?" She glared at him and trudged to her room. Again, she slammed the door behind her. Someone was trying to make a fool of her, she wanted revenge. Sweet sticky revenge.

Forum Username*: Huskies-Eat-Ponies.
Image(s): At the Top.
Name: Lolly.
Nickname: Lolly Pop.
Age: 15 Years.
Gender: Female.
Main Weapon: A diamond sword she found in a chest in a deep Zombie hole.
Armour: She has none, but is collecting some chain and leather.
Other Weapons: She has 2 other diamond swords, 2 wooden, and 4 stone. She has lots of axes, pickaxes, and one hoe. She has a bow,  with lots of arrows.
Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Voice*: Ariana Grande.
Personality*: Lolly is a excited, young girl ready to learn. She is adventurous and bold, the perfect Minecraft girl! She can be a bit shy, but loves to meet new people. She loves to kill skeletons, so she can get bones and find some wolves. She can be really sensitive, because she is self concious, so don't be mean to her!
History: Lolly was born and raised in a safe home with her mum and dad. At the age of 14, she went to the words with a bone in her hand. A lone, puppy wolf came, and she tamed him! Her mother hated the idea of a pet, so Lolly moved out and built a wooden, 2 story house, which she plans on making it stone.
Other: She has a pet wolf named Wilbur.
Role-Play Sample*: A faithful Wolf followed Lilly towards a wooden house that was sat in the lone woods. "Come on Wilbur, its almost night, we can't afford to loose our stuff,"  Lilly sighed, and opened the door. Wilbur trotted in, his head held high. She quietly shut the door, and  put some wood in the furnace, along with some meat. The sun started to go down slowly, and her hunger was weakening her. She grabbed some cooked meat, and chucked it down.

Forum Username*: ~*Gamma*~

Dismally, the skin editor was lagging horribly, so I hope you don't mind that I drew my skin c:

Name*: Aislin Corowelly

Nickname: Aisy

Age*: 14

Gender*: female

Main Weapon*: Bow and arrows

Armor: none

Other Weapons: a small pocket knife

Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: Nope

Children: None

Voice*: Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen) with an Irish accent >:3 ((

Personality*: Defiant, adventurous, curious, and defensive. If you're looking for easy pickings, Aislin's just not the girl. If you bite her she won't stop biting back until you let go. Brash, impulsive, and never thinking about something. She just goes and goes and doesn't think about it until she's regretting it afterwards.

History: When Aislin was only a tyke, her father was forced to join the war. After years of waiting, she and her mother received a letter. Her father was dead.
The villagers had always despised Aislin's family, but her rebellious father stood in their way. Now that he was gone, there was nothing preventing them from kicking them out. And that's just what the villagers did.

Aislin, her mother, and younger sister were forced to leave when she was 9. However, her father knew that one day he would be gone and the village would make their family leave. So, he made Aislin a survivor. Transformed her from a shy, young girl to the girl she is today.

When she and her family where driven into the woods, she didn't linger or mourn like her family. No, she tramped into the woods, determination on her lips.
With the help of her remaining relatives, she built a small hut that sustained them for a few months. When winter struck, so did disaster. Her mother and younger sister where killed by an illness, and Aislin had to burry their bodies alone.

And then she left. She left behind those who didn't survive. She left behind her village, full of those who loathed her. She left behind her life, and started a new one. Shed her past cocoon and emerged as a butterfly. Ready to start a new life. Ready to fly into the world.


Other: She was able to tame an ocelot, which now responds to the name "Raven" because of it's black and white pelt.

Role-Play Sample*: Crunch, crunch, crunch. Aislin tramped up the mountainside, a doe draped over her shoulder. Raven, her faithful feline companion, trotted beside her. His curved ears swiveled around, and she could tell he was slightly distraught by something.

The 14 year felt eyes on her back. Without hesitation, she whipped around, bow in her hand, arrow poised for flight. The wolf stalking her growled, and her arrow settled in it's heart. She heard distance howling, probably from the jaws of the wolf's pack mates. The creature flopped to the ground, it's menacing growl fading into a dying yelp.

Aislin picked up her shivering cat in her arms and walked over to the dying canine. She drove her knife into it's throat, ending it's pain. And it's life. "This thing's got an adequate amount of meat on it," She muttered, and placed her cat on the ground. "I 'm not too crazy about wolf meat though," Her cat looked up at her agreeably, as if he wanted to say the same thing. "We should burry it though, it's carcass will attract all sorts of predators and nasty things,"

After heaving the wolf's body into a ditch and burying it, Aislin skipped briskly home. The sky's hue was taking on a deep auburn, meaning that nightfall was approaching. When she reached her home, the girl placed a wooden block in front of the door to block our mobs and skinned her kill, feeding the entrails to Raven.

She cleaned her pocket knife and used arrow with a bar of soap, and rinsed her hair after storing the doe in her refrigerated basement.

Name:Coral Schneider(or Coral Taylor in english)
Nickname:Cory(she does not like being called like this)
Main Weapon:Bow and arrows
Other weapons:A wooden sword,she mostly uses it as a dagger/knife.
Personality:.She is very kind and loves helping people,especially a friend.She does not find hard to communicate with people due to her friendly nature,if get to know her better she can be a good friend.However,she has her bad side aswell.If angered,she can say things she did not meant to tell.She is very stubborn and won't give up,no matter what you say or do.Coral is more of a tomboy,she doesn't like things "too girly" but she will absolutely say no for things that require getting her completely dirty or gross things.
History:She carried a normal life in a beautifull house in a village .Coral enjoyed her childhood.SHe would always climb  trees,craft a lot of tools whenever she was bored,played with animals and praticed shooting with the bow.When 11,the village was attacked by numerous monsters.Everyone ran where they could and Coral got lost from her oarents in the crowds but managed to escape unharmed.She lived on her own since then.
Other:She tamed a wild cat she found wandering around in the wilderness.She named it "Skittles",and since then,he became her best friend and companion.

Forum Username*: Ingredient


Name*: Jay Masters
Nickname: Master
Age*: 17
Gender*: Male

Main Weapon*: Bow and Arrow
Armor: Chain Chestplate, Chain Boots
Other Weapons: Iron sword, Fishing rod, Iron Pickaxe
Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: None
Children: None
Voice*: -looking for one-

Personality*: Jay is the stubborn and independent type, he prefers things to go his way. He doesn't accept strangers on his property. Jay will have an aggressive approach to those who trespass. Often doesn't make a good first impression, in fact he can be pretty rude just to entertain himself. He takes things seriously a lot of the time so best to not to try irritate him. Despite his rude and stubborn appearance, he does have a sensitive side. He will welcome another into his space if necessary, Jay will have sympathy for those in pain and is willing to help them get back on their feet.
He has great agility skills. Jay is a fast runner and great climber, running through the tree tops is a great way to keep in shape. He likes to go hunting every once in a while, trying to learn new tactics and skills every time. He has stealth and is not afraid to step out into the night's shadows. Jay will refuse to show fear or mercy. You can call him a daredevil because he's willing to do anything to prove himself.

Other: Jay made a tree house in a Spruce tree out in the snow, he lives there and has "Do not enter!" signs surrounding his property.

Role-Play Sample*: Jay strolled out into the night, his chain armor clinked gently with every movement. He tensed up as the cold air blew violently and the snowflakes melted on his skin. His bare arms remained straight as he held his bow in arrow in place, ready to shoot. A familiar growl suddenly came with the breeze, the wind howled making it hard to focus on the sound. It was obviously a zombie but Jay had no clue where it was coming from, he remained standing in his position. Jay turned to find the monster behind him. It was struggling to keep it's balance as the rough wind blew at it and the thick snow holding onto it's feet. Immediately Jay raised his bow and closed one eye as he targeted the creature, he gave a sly grin. "I bid you a good night..."

« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 01:11:31 am by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -WIP-
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2013, 03:50:15 pm »
Forum Username*:
Main Weapon*:
Other Weapons:
Personality*: [4+ Sentences]
History: [4+ Sentences]
Role-Play Sample*: [4+ Sentences]

[* = Required]
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 03:53:18 pm by Wolfie_Lover »

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2013, 06:09:10 pm »
Forum Username*: Huskies-Eat-Ponies.
Image(s): At the Top.
Name: Lolly.
Nickname: Lolly Pop.
Age: 15 Years.
Gender: Female.
Main Weapon: A diamond sword she found in a chest in a deep Zombie hole.
Armour: She has none, but is collecting some chain and leather.
Other Weapons: She has 2 other diamond swords, 2 wooden, and 4 stone. She has lots of axes, pickaxes, and one hoe. She has a bow,  with lots of arrows.
Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: None.
Children: None.
Voice*: Ariana Grande.
Personality*: Lolly is a excited, young girl ready to learn. She is adventurous and bold, the perfect Minecraft girl! She can be a bit shy, but loves to meet new people. She loves to kill skeletons, so she can get bones and find some wolves. She can be really sensitive, because she is self concious, so don't be mean to her!
History: Lolly was born and raised in a safe home with her mum and dad. At the age of 14, she went to the words with a bone in her hand. A lone, puppy wolf came, and she tamed him! Her mother hated the idea of a pet, so Lolly moved out and built a wooden, 2 story house, which she plans on making it stone.
Other: She has a pet wolf named Wilbur.
Role-Play Sample*: A faithful Wolf followed Lilly towards a wooden house that was sat in the lone woods. "Come on Wilbur, its almost night, we can't afford to loose our stuff,"  Lilly sighed, and opened the door. Wilbur trotted in, his head held high. She quietly shut the door, and  put some wood in the furnace, along with some meat. The sun started to go down slowly, and her hunger was weakening her. She grabbed some cooked meat, and chucked it down.
« Last Edit: April 06, 2013, 06:11:52 pm by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2013, 06:24:15 pm »
Ooooh a minecraft rp! :D I would really love to join, and definatly will, but I'm a bit busy this month; so make sure to save a spot for me! ;3

No longer active on the forums, though I do check back once in a while.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2013, 07:35:58 pm »
@Huskies: Wonderful application! Accepted.

@Gamma: I'll try my best to hold your spot.

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2013, 07:53:40 pm »
Thanks Wolfie, I have always wanted to see a Minecraft roleplay

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2013, 08:05:05 pm »
No problem, and if you want, we can start role-playing. ^^

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2013, 08:49:20 pm »
Lolly & Wilbur

The kind breeze swept  over the morning sky, and Lolly hopped out of her red bed. She noticed the fling of a arrow, and looked towards her wooden door. A bulky skeleton came into view, aiming failingly at Lolly. She snatched her bow and arrows, and shot it until he was dead. "Close one," Lolly chuckled, and patted Wilbur. They both exited, a axe gripped in Lolly's hand. She saw a nearby tree, and started to cut down the wood, sighing. It was just a regular day for Lolly and Wilbur. Saplings and apples toppled down, and she planted a few saplings in the ground. "Hungry fella?" Lolly asked, and chucked a few cooked steak on the ground. She watched her wolf eat it hungrily, and licked his chops.  Lolly, followed by Wilbur, started to walk around the forest.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused