Author Topic: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] [Inactive since 29/04/2013]  (Read 13666 times)

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2013, 03:14:38 am »

Coroline Wells

The morning sky glowed though Coroline's window, a few burning zombies tried to go under some trees-they didn't make it in time. A skeleton stood in the distance, under some trees. Coroline gave a sigh and hopped out of bed, still groggy, she headed for her chest. After she bent over, she sorted through the tings and got her ugly brown armor, which was most likely older than Coroline, and her bow and arrows. There was no time for error, at least not until the butcher, Owen, which she lived with, found her missing. "Where are you going, Missy?" A voice, most likely Owen, said. She turned around and lightly giggled. "Where's your axe? I'm going to get some lumber and food. Maybe some leather, wool, and feathers. Maybe." Owen gave a sigh, ignoring her question. "No, you're not. I need to go to work, you have to stay and take care of Mr. Tethers." Mr. Tethers was their pet bird, since Coroline had allergies against cats, and Owen hated dogs. "But I want to get some air!" She ran back to her room, tears filling her eyes, before he could retort.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2013, 04:29:40 am »
Lolly & Wilbur.

Lolly saw a particular large tree, but then something hit her in the back. "Agh!" She snapped, a arrow! She heard Wilbur growl. Spinning around, she saw a skeleton shading under a tree shooting at her... She got her sword, and hit it, before Wilbur charged at the figure, killing it soon enough. They were rewarded with 2 arrows, and a bone. "Adder boy," Lolly smiled, and ruffled his fur, then went back to the tree.

When Lolly had chopped it all, she made some  wooden planks. "Wilbur, lets go make some more axes, I got some Cobblestone left over from yesterday, then we can go get some more." She quickly hopped to her house, and crafted some pick axes and axes, with a sword. Quickly, she opened the door, and shut it again. She looked for some creeper holes, but went to explore more.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2013, 06:08:28 am »

Coroline Wells

Coroline heard the front door shut, meaning Owen had left for work. The tears that rubbed her face left soft wet marks on her cheeks, which soon dried to her normal skin tone. She ran out of her room, getting ready again, and found an axe. She ran out of the door, running towards the nearby forest. She made sure to have her axe out, and began to chop at a few trees, they were all hers. She had a stack of lumber, she needed food. She ran back to her house, and stuffed the stack into her chest, and rewarded herself with two cookies and a slice of cake. Once she finished, she was off, again. She went around the village, knowing Owen could see her, if she didn't. She found 2 cows, 4 sheep, and 1 chicken. No pigs. Strange, usually they're everywhere. She shrugged and carried on with her own work.

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2013, 06:25:32 pm »
Forum Username*: ~*Gamma*~

Image(s)*: COMING SOON
Dismally, the skin editor was lagging horribly, so I hope you don't mind that I drew my skin c:

Name*: Aislin Corowelly

Nickname: Aisy

Age*: 14

Gender*: female

Main Weapon*: Bow and arrows

Armor: none

Other Weapons: a small pocket knife

Crush/GF/BF/Spouse: Nope

Children: None

Voice*: Jennifer Lawrence (Katniss Everdeen) with an Irish accent >:3 ((

Personality*: Defiant, adventurous, curious, and defensive. If you're looking for easy pickings, Aislin's just not the girl. If you bite her she won't stop biting back until you let go. Brash, impulsive, and never thinking about something. She just goes and goes and doesn't think about it until she's regretting it afterwards.

History: When Aislin was only a tyke, her father was forced to join the war. After years of waiting, she and her mother received a letter. Her father was dead.
The villagers had always despised Aislin's family, but her rebellious father stood in their way. Now that he was gone, there was nothing preventing them from kicking them out. And that's just what the villagers did.

Aislin, her mother, and younger sister were forced to leave when she was 9. However, her father knew that one day he would be gone and the village would make their family leave. So, he made Aislin a survivor. Transformed her from a shy, young girl to the girl she is today.

When she and her family where driven into the woods, she didn't linger or mourn like her family. No, she tramped into the woods, determination on her lips.
With the help of her remaining relatives, she built a small hut that sustained them for a few months. When winter struck, so did disaster. Her mother and younger sister where killed by an illness, and Aislin had to burry their bodies alone.

And then she left. She left behind those who didn't survive. She left behind her village, full of those who loathed her. She left behind her life, and started a new one. Shed her past cocoon and emerged as a butterfly. Ready to start a new life. Ready to fly into the world.


Other: She was able to tame an ocelot, which now responds to the name "Raven" because of it's black and white pelt.

Role-Play Sample*: Crunch, crunch, crunch. Aislin tramped up the mountainside, a doe draped over her shoulder. Raven, her faithful feline companion, trotted beside her. His curved ears swiveled around, and she could tell he was slightly distraught by something.

The 14 year felt eyes on her back. Without hesitation, she whipped around, bow in her hand, arrow poised for flight. The wolf stalking her growled, and her arrow settled in it's heart. She heard distance howling, probably from the jaws of the wolf's pack mates. The creature flopped to the ground, it's menacing growl fading into a dying yelp.

Aislin picked up her shivering cat in her arms and walked over to the dying canine. She drove her knife into it's throat, ending it's pain. And it's life. "This thing's got an adequate amount of meat on it," She muttered, and placed her cat on the ground. "I 'm not too crazy about wolf meat though," Her cat looked up at her agreeably, as if he wanted to say the same thing. "We should burry it though, it's carcass will attract all sorts of predators and nasty things,"

After heaving the wolf's body into a ditch and burying it, Aislin skipped briskly home. The sky's hue was taking on a deep auburn, meaning that nightfall was approaching. When she reached her home, the girl placed a wooden block in front of the door to block our mobs and skinned her kill, feeding the entrails to Raven.

She cleaned her pocket knife and used arrow with a bar of soap, and rinsed her hair after storing the doe in her refrigerated basement.

No longer active on the forums, though I do check back once in a while.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2013, 06:30:14 pm »
Lolly & Wilbur.

Lolly heard something, and Wilbur went to explore. When she saw, her grey wolf was at a girls ((Coroline)) side, his tail wagging. She walked forwards, watching with a shy look. Wilbur jumped up at her, and Lolly gasped. "Wilbur! Get down!" Wilbur disobeyed, and wagged his tail happily. Lolly sighed, watching Wilbur's normal behavior. "Sorry about him, he's a bit to friendly..." Lolly sighed, and grabbed his collar. She gently pulled him back, and then made him sit.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #15 on: April 07, 2013, 09:07:08 pm »
@Gamma: Can't wait for her picture! But, she is accepted.))

Coroline Wells

Coroline stopped, a dog was now at her side. "Sorry about him, he's a bit friendly..." A girl said, grabbing the dog's collar. "This is your dog? Oh, he's fine! He's better than a bird, anyway," She laughed, trying to make a conversation. "I haven't seen you around here. Y'new here?"


Offline Huskystar

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2013, 08:46:39 am »
Lolly & Wilbur.

"This is your dog? Oh, he's fine! He's better than a bird, anyway,"  The girl said. Lolly chuckled with her, and Wilbur looked at both of them, his tongue lolling out of his mouth. "Yeh, I'd rather have a dog than any other animal!" She smiled, and listened to Coroline again. "I haven't seen you around here. Y'new here?" She asked. "No, I just normally hide out in the forest, I built my home there," she explained. "I'm Lolly, and this is Wilbur. Nice to meet you!" She smiled.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2013, 04:41:02 pm »
Yay :D Oh, and I finished my picture. I tried to make it as "minecraftish" as possible :]

Aislin heard the faint clucking of a hen outside her window, followed by the usual groaning of zombies roasting in the sun. Her deep green eyes cracked open, followed by a half-hearted yawn. The girl stretched groggily and squinted out the window, scrutinizing her surroundings.

Zombies burning. Her cat mewing. A skeleton searching frantically for shelter. It was a typical day in minecraft. Aislin tramped downstairs and grabbed her pixelated brush, running it through her dark hair. Raven padded up to her, and rubbed against her blocky legs. "Hungry?" the girl asked, and the cat retorted with a loud meow. She tossed the cat a raw fish and headed upstairs.

She slipped her feet into her leather hunting boots, molded to her skin after years of usage. These where the best hunting boots. Sure, you could buy some brand spanking new ones for 3 or so diamonds. But they would be ever so uncomfortable.

"I'm going hunting. And you're staying here," She snapped, and wrapped her leather jacket around her, letting the smooth sleeves entwine her. Aislin grabbed her bow and a bundle of arrows, and was gone.

No longer active on the forums, though I do check back once in a while.

Offline Wolfie_Lover

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #18 on: April 10, 2013, 12:26:07 am »
~WIP~ Keyboard is covered in old coffee.

Offline Kittycatty

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Re: Charge at the Enemy! [MineCraft Role-Play] -Open and Accepting!-
« Reply #19 on: April 10, 2013, 02:33:35 pm »
By WIP, do you mean we shouldn't post?

No longer active on the forums, though I do check back once in a while.