Author Topic: Rant: One Timer Presets  (Read 6293 times)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Rant: One Timer Presets
« on: April 09, 2013, 02:29:07 pm »
Exactly as the name suggests this is a rant about people who request presets that they will probably only use one time and then never again after. Although this thread is like an extension of my previous rant (Requests & Ungrateful People) I felt the need to discuss this one a little further. Now let me clarify that there is nothing wrong with wanting to change character and using different presets for different rps or whatever but what I do find wrong is when a person requests an often complicated preset from another user only to use that preset for some one time rp and then they never use the preset again. Some of the biggest offenders of this are Warrior Cat groups. I've seen and even had some users come to me with preset requests for one time warrior cat rps. They give me a photo reference of a cat with amazingly detailed patterns and tell me how urgently they need it for a rp they are in. Now I've learned the hard way unfortunately that often these users that use words like "urgently" & "I need it now" in their preset requests are these one timer rp preset users.

The first time I received a request from one of these kinds of people they came back to me a week later asking for me to do yet another complicated preset design of a cat. I asked them what happened with the last cat I made them and why don't they use that one and their reply was "oh I'm not in that rp anymore so I don't use it anymore. I want a new cat now." So within a weeks time this user decides to join a new cat rp and instead of using the preset I worked very hard on for the new one they want me to work on an entirely new cat preset? Mind you these cat presets take ALOT of time because of the detail in them... time that I often don't have a lot of because of college, work, and personal needs. Of course I still decided to do the new cat for them only because the user has been polite to me before but when the same person came to me a few days later with yet another new cat preset request I had enough and had to deny the request because. The request read "Can you do this one for me? I really need it as soon as possible. I can't use the other cat because that rp ended so I need a new character.". I explained to the person how much work goes into each individual character and how they should learn to appreciate that preset and use it for a while and not just take advantage of my kindness by milking me for new designs every few days. Soon after I said that I saw that user requesting a new cat design every week or two in the preset requests section.

This person isn't the only person who does this... It seems a lot of users who don't understand the amount of work and effort that goes into preset making go on preset request sprees and don't sit back and enjoy a specific preset or character for a while. I can't imagine how many fantastic presets are made that end up having the one time use fate. I'm sure there are other users out there that would love to make that one time use preset their official character or use it more often so it's upsetting when I encounter users who don't appreciate them. As I've said before each preset is a tiny work of art and not a style that comes and goes... Maybe try recycling your character into a new rp instead of forgetting it and asking for a whole new character. It's unfortunate that I've had to stop accepting preset requests from random users just because I don't want to work hard on a preset that a user might not appreciate. I suspect that's also a big reason why a lot of preset requests in the requests section go unanswered.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2013, 02:31:04 pm by LordSuragaha »

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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #1 on: April 09, 2013, 02:34:49 pm »
I must completely agree with this Sura, I do admit I had someone make me this amazing preset, I mean it looked truly amazing!  But unfortunately I only got to use it once because my FH files derped and the preset got all goofed up and wouldn't work anymore.

To all you people out there who do this, read what Sura said. People like her put HOURS into making lovely presets for you which is taking up time they could be doing something else. Really appreciate when you're made an epic preset and do as she said, try and recycle them as much as possible. Great presets shouldn't go to waste because you get "bored with them". Perhaps if you no longer want your preset, credit the person who made it and see if someone else wants to use it. This way they don't get deleted and time wasted.

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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2013, 02:42:02 pm »
Thank you for your input on the subject Bloo and in your case where you lost the files that's understandable and forgiveable.
As for what you said here:

Perhaps if you no longer want your preset, credit the person who made it and see if someone else wants to use it. This way they don't get deleted and time wasted.
I can't agree anymore with that. That is a fabulous point. Donating unused presets to other users is a great way to avoid letting a good preset go to waste if it's no longer being used. I'm sure there are plenty of other people that would be more than happy to use it.

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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #3 on: April 09, 2013, 02:47:06 pm »
I do not know how to make presets but I can tell that it takes a long time.  I don't understand why this person must have a new cat for every roleplay they join, you can always change it's name.  If they wanted to make a new one each time they should have used the normal markings.  They should try making their own and then maybe they would see how hard it is to make them.  I haven't seen any of your presets before Sura but am sure they are wonderful.
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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2013, 03:06:02 pm »
Okay yes someone has said it.

I run into this same thing all the time, and it's discouraged me from taking preset requests like I used to. Presets, just like any other art you might do, take time, effort, and trial and error to make things look the best they can. Granted, there are some presets that you can work with with just a few minutes and have what you were paid/requested to make. However, there are some ones that require a lot of coding and time and thought put into them.

I understand that it's your character, you paid for it, and then role plays fall through and perhaps a character dies. But to keep a preset for a few days and then just get rid of it is disappointing. I agree with what was said above - the concept of presets usually aren't too terribly difficult. However, the fact that someone possibly spent a great deal of time and a few headaches trying to make everything perfect for someone does mean something. And to say so soon after it was made that you don't need it anymore? It's incredibly frustrating.
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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2013, 04:51:19 pm »
You have a good point here, Lord Sura. Like I said before, this is why I don't do preset requests. Me being a bit of a beginner at making presets, I understand how time consuming it is to make one.
When it comes to making presets for my characters, I only make presets for the characers I am most active with.
I made a bobcat preset for a realistic themed preset contest once. It took me a few days to make it, many trails and errors, and many touch ups here and there. When I was satisfied with it, I submitted it... and resubmitted it because it needed a few MORE touch ups and fixes. Even though the contest is over and done with, I got to keep my preset for my bobcat character. I still roleplay with that bobcat character today.
Some of the people who request these preset designs really don't understand all the hard work it takes to make one. They probably figure "Oh well you're a preset making expert, this should be no problem for you." WRONG! Even the most skilled preset makers need to take their time to do the job right. After doing all that hard work, and hearing that the preset is only going to be used for a few hours/days then tossed away.... the whole job of making it might as well be a waste of time!

So I understand your frustration, Sura. I'm currently working on a preset that requires double-sided coding, and it has a long way to go before it's done. It has a few flaws that need fixing. Here is a picture of the prototype...

So I figured out the double-sided coding, the only problem is that red mark in the middle of the hockey mask. It's supposed to be a triangle, but it looks more like a flying bird.

Anywho... So I don't blame you for declining requests. You can't make any presets from random people, and no one can force you.


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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 10:13:04 pm »
Seen this happen before a lot..and it's really sad and irritating.
I wish that more people knew how hard it is to make presets, especially cat presets because of all the little details on them.
I once tried making presets and it turned out way harder than I expected. XD

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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #7 on: April 12, 2013, 08:54:31 pm »
you're 2 n1ce 'sura, u don't have 2 take requests ; )


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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2013, 12:11:55 am »
A reason I never bothered opening up requests as it is.

I simply hate it when people go ahead and 'character-hop' or whatever, saying that the preset is neccesary and what-not when NO. It is not neccesary, and it never really was; especially when this is a character that lasts for like- what? A few days? No-one wants to do preset requests for a person whom will use their work of art which they tried hard on, and spent their free-time doing something that more or less benefited the requestor rather than the creator, for when it comes to requests; it isn't commisions, the creator is not payed for their work. They create their pieces- literary pieces, music pieces, art pieces, you get it- out of kindness for the other person and ask for what is basicly nothing but at least a small sense of gratitude in return. I apologise that I'm trailing off into the 'ungrateful requestors' side or things or whatever- the last few statements would suit that thread rather than the last.

But, as others have stated- why use a character for such a short amount of time? If you don't like him or her, or the character will possibly die soon, then why would you request a bloody preset for the thing. It is more or less a waste of time and perfectly good character-material. Which is why when it comes to roleplaying and not writing a bloody novel, it's best to re-use characters rather than make new 'batches' every time. Who cares if they died in one roleplay? Doesn't mean they can't be there in another roleplay! This is not a book where everything happened happened, and every character gone and dead is dead, the end. So, at least re-use them if you are going to request a special design.

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Re: Rant: One Timer Presets
« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 01:19:17 pm »
I understand this, I plan to learn how to make presets soon, and I don't want people one time using them just so they can request another the next day! That's just ridiculous! -Pats Sura on the head- Good for you being kind though, I can tell you're one of the better mods out there. c:

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