Author Topic: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open for now| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|  (Read 27924 times)

Offline BuioUmbra

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For many years the lycanthropes have lived peacefully in their jungle, The Jungle of Jliath. But now humans are destroying the jungle. All lycanthropes must fight for their home or humans will take their land, and their lives. Even the most evil lycanthropes will fight for the jungle, will you?
Lycanthrope races:          
(Tell me if you have more :) )

Race descriptions:


There are the native people of the jungle. They will stop at nothing to save their home. They have three forms, human form, hybrid (cross between panther and human. Humanoid body with panther colouring, a tail, ears, cat face etc.) and full panther(distinguishable from a normal panther).They make good spies to slip into enemy lines. They are always good.
These evil lycanthropes fled to the jungle when humans found they existed and were hunted. Your normal werewolf, with three forms, human, hybrid and large wolf with red eyes. These lycanthropes are nearly always evil with rare exceptions.


These bird are wise and intelligent, they will give out knowledge with a price but good ones have been known to freely give council on a problem. There is a council of wereravens and they were the ones who gave the call to war. They are trying to rally all the lycanthropes into an army to drive out humans. They have the normal three forms of a jungle lycanthrope. They are mainly good but some are cunning and give out false information. These lycanthropes rarely venture into combat.


These are the main protectors of the land. If there is to be a battle they will eagerly volunteer to be the first line of defense. They are quick to pick fights and have been fore some time itching to bring there claws in conjunction to a humans neck. These lycanthropes have no human form. They have a either black or brown bear form and a hybrid form with gifted stregnth.


These lycanthropes aren't native to the jungle but were to the vast plains beyond it. They were forced to move when humans invaded and have been living in the jungle with the help of the werepanthers. They are the swiftest and fastest lycanthropes known and often carry messages to and fro. They spy on humans for the inhabitants of the jungle and have the normal three forms. They cannot fly in hybrid form because the feathers are too short. They are normally good.  

(On rare occasions human children have been raised by lycanthropes (not werewolves). There is now a small clan of these people, they call themselves The jungles people.)

1: All FH rules
2: No trolling, cursing or powerplaying.
3: Not to much gore please. Keep it to a minimal level .-.
4: If there's an impossible situation to get out of like your character is trapped in a steel cage (put Ok! in you app if you have read the rules) and cannot get out. Ask me and maybe you characters deity/god they prey to (lol) will help them.
5: If there's a situation where you have no choice but to kill another persons character tell them before you do it to give them a chance to escape.
6: Werebears always attack humans on sight and will have to be restrained. (keep this in mind if rping as one)
7: Maximum of five beloved characters each. :3

Code: [Select]
Animal form(please give pic):
Human form(please give pic):
Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine):
Weaknesses(If none put -):
Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?

Code: [Select]
[img](URL here)[/img]
Weaknesses(If none put -):
How do they feel about tearing down the jungle and killing the last lycanthropes?

Deitys/gods of the jungle:
Ferrix: This playful goddess is the goddess of Werepanthers and Werefalcons and is much loved by The Jungles People. She watches over every lycanthrope except werewolves.

Lylan: Ferrix's sister. She like Ferrix is much loved. She is the patron goddess of Werefalcons but she also watches over wereravens and werebears since they have no god or goddess.

Sintin: This dark and evil god watches over werewolves and on occasions gives advice to them. He despises Lylan and Ferrix.

Have I missed anything?

Members! c:

Played by me:

Name: DarkShadow (Shadow or Dark for short)
Age: 20 years
Good/Evil? Good of course. Apart from her hatred and mercilessness towards humans and werewolves Dark will not kill another predator of the jungle. She kills for food only.  
Personality:Dark is quiet and shy, she has a cold edge to her when humans or werewolves are the topic of interest since they killed her family. To other lycanthropes she is kind and caring but still shy and quiet. She doesn't like to have the attention of a crowd and hates preforming for people. This shyness formed when her family was killed and she was alone for a long period of time.
Animal form(please give pic):      
Human form(please give pic):
Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine):Like a normal werepanther. A humonoid body with a coating of black fur, cat face with beautiful light blue eyes. She has a long fluffly tail. -epic fail on description-
Strengths:She can camouflage herself anywhere in the jungle. When she does this she seems invisible. Anyone within five feet have a chance of seeing her.
Weaknesses:(If none put -) Dark is smaller then an average werepanther. She is 5.5feet tall as a human and 6foot tall in hybrid form.
Relatives:All her family were killed by werewolves and humans.
Crush:Dark doesn't like to meet with other lycanthropes of the jungle, instead she blends in with the shadows and hides until they go away.
Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?Loner
Items: A smell pouch on a strap around her shoulder, a dagger in her boot and a longsword on her belt. She also has a short bow and 20 arrows she made herself.
Other:Ok! Lets rp! x3

Played by Huskies-Eat-Ponies:
Name: Leah Heart.

Age: Sixteen and 6 Months and 2 Days.

Race: Werewolf, and  I don't know if hybrid or large.

Gender: Female.

Good/Evil?: She has a good side, but is mostly evil.

Personality: Leah is slightly calm, but mostly aggressive. She is mean to almost all the other hybrids of not her species, especially the werepanther, as they are cats. She is normally alert, but can be very trusting at the same time. She has a very quiet personality, and would rather stay on her own rather than in a group.
Animal form(please give pic):

Human form(please give pic):

Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine): Like in Twilight, she looks like her animal form.

Strengths: She has good comebacks, and is unlikely to back down giving her kind of a upside. She is strong, and will not give up, even if it means death. She is mostly common seeing training, as she can train almost all day long.

Weaknesses(If none put -): She isn't that fast, and will likely lag behind the others while they are running.

Relatives: She never knew anyone except from her mother, Charlotte Heart. Charlotte was a werewolf, a white pelt, and crystal blue eyes. In her human form, she had light blonde hair, with yellowish eyes that she usually hid from people with contact lenses.

Crush: None. But she might change her mind.

Mate: None, but maybe soon.

Cubs/chicks/pups: No, but she would like the challenge of one... And she keeps that secret to herself.

Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?: Loner, but is watching a near by pack of Werewolves.

Items: She has a belt, where she keeps a small knife for hunting and gutting. She has a long sword in her pouch, that is on her back.

Other: Her answer to almost everything is 'Ok.' Wink

Played by Fantasyna:
Name:Serah Vandom
Personality:Serah is friendly and caring,She has no problems socialising with others of her kind but is extremely cautious when near humans or other lycantrophes.She always keeps a smile on her face,even in front of those who tease her,because "it kills them".
Animal form(please give a pic):

Not all panthers are black Smiley)
Hybrid form:Couldn't find a pic,but it's a humanoid-like panther and she keeps same colour of pelt.(she rarely uses this form)
Strengths:Thanks to her short-size,Serah is very fast,and you can easily lose sight of her if not careful.
Weaknesses:She can't camouflage herself well due to the colour of her pelt,especially at night.
Relatives:She had no brothers or sisters.She never knew her father and lived with her mother,Elizabeth,who died long ago by the hands of humans.
Crush:None at the moment.
Loner or in a lycantrope pack:Loner and she does not like it.
Items:She carries a bow and a quiver.She practiced her bow skills since she was just a child and is a good archer.
Other:She can be very impatient and insecure at times.

Played by Thrillex:
Name:"Paul Johnson"

Age:17 years old
Race:"Werewolf! Wolves will always run under the moons"

Gender:"Do I like gay or something? Male"

Good/Evil?:"Good, of course..GGRRRR"

Personality:"So into my darn business" Well..Paul is very smart guy, but when it comes to the weekends...Only if there's party..then he'll go, but again if he's bored..He do some weight lifting..OoH! Sometimes Paul can be stupid at some point when he takes out his shirt when he wants too.But sometimes he can be pain and stuff. Also..He likes to be flirty..So if he tries to flirt with you..Uh..Do something.smack,or bite  him. Sometimes..He can be attractive or every time for you. But yeah you'll understand him...And almost forgot! If he gets upset..Paul can be hard-core..And the ladies won't like that.. --_-- [So parts like in the beginning is the human..Just FYI]
Animal form(please give pic):

Human form(please give pic):

Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine):Couldn't find it..He from Twilight. (<3)

Strengths:"What is your deal?"Hmm..Paul strength are fighting..but only in werewolf form, and also his speed. (Ugh..Gotta love his speed) [Find more strengths in roleplay]

Weaknesses(If none put -):N/a

Relatives:Paul parents are married..But you don't have to know that..Well his parents name are, Miley, brown hair, light brown eyes, brownish skin. Father, Billy with spiky hair like Paul.


Mate:Just ask or yeah..

Cubs/chicks/pups:"HEll no" Nope

Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?:"Does it look like am i a lycanthrope? I thought so" Loner

Items:Just a tattoo and a gun for protection. (Human)

Paul's Wolf Personality: Fast,Nasty,Fighter who never backs down, gets into trouble, and very attractive.

Played by Genesis9:

Name: Nymeria
Age: 33
Race: Werebere
Gender: Female
Good/Evil? Good
Personality:Nymeria likes to take things head on, she's strong and she knows it, so she'll use her power and ferocity in battle to her advantage and will never hold back during a fight. She has a very prickly personality, and doesn't tolerate people getting in the way when she's trying to do something or pestering her when she'd rather be left alone. She prefers the company of other Werebears, but she's been a bit aloof ever since the loss of her mate, Kodan.
Strengths: Nymeria is physically very strong, particularly in her Hybrid from, which she takes whenever she charges into battle. She has a 'no nonsense' attitude and will get the job done without hesitation. She can be very honorable and noble, but if it comes to taking vengeance against the humans she may go against orders or her own better judgement to try and attack them.
Weaknesses: Although her attacks are very strong, and could kill a man in one blow if the hit is direct, Nymeria isn't as fast as she is in her animal form, preferring to use broad, sweeping attacks that sometimes leave her vulnerable for the more nimble warriors. She can also be aggravated very easily if taunted by the enemy and has a habit of charging into battle without pausing to think things through. She will not tolerate the presence of humans, and dislikes fellow Lycanthropes that take on a human form excessively.
Relatives: Nymeria is one her own now.
Mate: Kodan (Deceased)
Cubs: Bran
Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe? Nymeria is a loner, but she'll stay with a friendly tribe for a little while if an invitation is extended. As she is an almost fabled warrior among her people, it often is.  
Items: Armour. A simple black tread necklace with a carved wooden bear.
Other: Kodan was killed during a great battle that destroyed most of Nymeria's tribe. Bran is three years old, and travels everywhere with her.

Name: Xavier
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Good/evil? On the edge of Evil
Personality: A hired gun, Xavier's job is to protect the workers while they harvest wood from the jungle, along with going in alone to take out the most dangerous foes that have hurt the workers progress more than once. He used to be just a game hunter, before he was hired by the company to go after a much bigger prize. Xavier was at first dismayed that most of his targets could turn into humans, but everyone kept insisting that they weren't really humans, and it therefore wasn't murder. He still struggles with this factor though, and can be a bit hesitant to fatally wound the  Lycan's, preferring to just maim them enough so that they'll leave, though if he does kill, he'll go into a sort of spree, an will enjoy it. This scares him a little, because he's afraid that if he's ever told to stop killing the Lycan's...he might choose a human as his next target.  
Description: Xavier works primarily with guns, he's an excellent shot, and works with snipers when he's on duty with the main work force, but switches up to double pistols when he's off hunting alone in the jungle, or with a small group. He's slightly taller than average for men his age, and wears light armor under a long black coat.
Strengths: He's agile, fast and is an excellent shot. He knows what it takes to survive alone in the jungle, and when he realizes he has to take a life he will act without hesitation.
Weaknesses: Sometimes he his hesitant about killing if he deems it unnecessary, and a lot of people would say that is a weakness rather than a mercy. He also teeters on the edge of madness whenever he takes a life, making his actions unpredictable and dangerous.
Relatives: None.
Crush: None.
Items: Two steel pistols. One sniper rifle.
How do they feel about tearing down the jungle and killing the last lycanthropes? "It's my job. I'll do what I'm paid to do."

Extra: Ok!

« Last Edit: April 28, 2013, 01:38:17 pm by BuioUmbra »
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Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 05:59:21 pm »
Name: Leah Heart.

Age: Sixteen and 6 Months and 2 Days.

Race: Werewolf, and  I don't know if hybrid or large.

Gender: Female.

Good/Evil?: She has a good side, but is mostly evil.

Personality: Leah is slightly calm, but mostly aggressive. She is mean to almost all the other hybrids of not her species, especially the werepanther, as they are cats. She is normally alert, but can be very trusting at the same time. She has a very quiet personality, and would rather stay on her own rather than in a group.
Animal form(please give pic):

Human form(please give pic):

Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine): Like in Twilight, she looks like her animal form.

Strengths: She has good comebacks, and is unlikely to back down giving her kind of a upside. She is strong, and will not give up, even if it means death. She is mostly common seeing training, as she can train almost all day long.

Weaknesses(If none put -): She isn't that fast, and will likely lag behind the others while they are running.

Relatives: She never knew anyone except from her mother, Charlotte Heart. Charlotte was a werewolf, a white pelt, and crystal blue eyes. In her human form, she had light blonde hair, with yellowish eyes that she usually hid from people with contact lenses.

Crush: None. But she might change her mind.

Mate: None, but maybe soon.

Cubs/chicks/pups: No, but she would like the challenge of one... And she keeps that secret to herself.

Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?: Loner, but is watching a near by pack of Werewolves.

Items: She has a belt, where she keeps a small knife for hunting and gutting. She has a long sword in her pouch, that is on her back.

Other: Her answer to almost everything is 'Ok.' ;)

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 06:18:42 pm »

Race: Werewolf, and  I don't know if hybrid or large.

What I meant by "Hybrid" and "large wolf" was that a normal jungle werewolf has three forms, human, hybrid (between wolf and human) and large wolf. Sorry for confusion and...
to the jungle ;)

« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 06:23:53 pm by BuioUmbra »
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Offline Genesis9

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 06:43:08 pm »
:O this looks neat! I'll edit this into a application later after I've thought up a character! :) ((Werepanthers remind me of the show True Blood! owo But I think I'm leaning towards creating a 'werebear' xD sounds like Care bear lol!))

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 06:52:20 pm »
Take as much time as you need c: lol  Care bears xD Werebears are similer but not as caring c8
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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 08:35:34 pm »
Name:Serah Vandom
Personality:Serah is friendly and caring,She has no problems socialising with others of her kind but is extremely cautious when near humans or other lycantrophes.She always keeps a smile on her face,even in front of those who tease her,because "it kills them".
Animal form(please give a pic):

Not all panthers are black :))
Hybrid form:Couldn't find a pic,but it's a humanoid-like panther and she keeps same colour of pelt.(she rarely uses this form)
Strengths:Thanks to her short-size,Serah is very fast,and you can easily lose sight of her if not careful.
Weaknesses:She can't camouflage herself well due to the colour of her pelt,especially at night.
Relatives:She had no brothers or sisters.She never knew her father and lived with her mother,Elizabeth,who died long ago by the hands of humans.
Crush:None at the moment.
Loner or in a lycantrope pack:Loner and she does not like it.
Items:She carries a bow and a quiver.She practiced her bow skills since she was just a child and is a good archer.
Other:She can be very impatient and insecure at times.


Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 09:19:25 pm »
Beautiful character Fantasyna ^^
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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 10:42:59 pm »
Name:"Paul Johnson"

Age:17 years old
Race:"Werewolf! Wolves will always run under the moons"

Gender:"Do I like gay or something? Male"

Good/Evil?:"Good, of course..GGRRRR"

Personality:"So into my darn business" Well..Paul is very smart guy, but when it comes to the weekends...Only if there's party..then he'll go, but again if he's bored..He do some weight lifting..OoH! Sometimes Paul can be stupid at some point when he takes out his shirt when he wants too.But sometimes he can be pain and stuff. Also..He likes to be flirty..So if he tries to flirt with you..Uh..Do something.smack,or bite  him. Sometimes..He can be attractive or every time for you. But yeah you'll understand him...And almost forgot! If he gets upset..Paul can be hard-core..And the ladies won't like that.. --_-- [So parts like in the beginning is the human..Just FYI]
Animal form(please give pic):

Human form(please give pic):

Hybrid form (If a picture cannot be found a description is fine):Couldn't find it..He from Twilight. (<3)

Strengths:"What is your deal?"Hmm..Paul strength are fighting..but only in werewolf form, and also his speed. (Ugh..Gotta love his speed) [Find more strengths in roleplay]

Weaknesses(If none put -):N/a

Relatives:Paul parents are married..But you don't have to know that..Well his parents name are, Miley, brown hair, light brown eyes, brownish skin. Father, Billy with spiky hair like Paul.


Mate:Just ask or yeah..

Cubs/chicks/pups:"HEll no" Nope

Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe?:"Does it look like am i a lycanthrope? I thought so" Loner

Items:Just a tattoo and a gun for protection. (Human)

Paul's Wolf Personality: Fast,Nasty,Fighter who never backs down, gets into trouble, and very attractive.

Thank you and also one question. Are we going to be in human forums for a little, then just turn into animals? (Sorry is this misunderstanding)
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 05:09:46 pm by Thrillex »

Offline Genesis9

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 01:33:00 am »
Animal form

Hybrid form

Name: Nymeria
Age: 33
Race: Werebere
Gender: Female
Good/Evil? Good
Personality:Nymeria likes to take things head on, she's strong and she knows it, so she'll use her power and ferocity in battle to her advantage and will never hold back during a fight. She has a very prickly personality, and doesn't tolerate people getting in the way when she's trying to do something or pestering her when she'd rather be left alone. She prefers the company of other Werebears, but she's been a bit aloof ever since the loss of her mate, Kodan.
Strengths: Nymeria is physically very strong, particularly in her Hybrid from, which she takes whenever she charges into battle. She has a 'no nonsense' attitude and will get the job done without hesitation. She can be very honorable and noble, but if it comes to taking vengeance against the humans she may go against orders or her own better judgement to try and attack them.
Weaknesses: Although her attacks are very strong, and could kill a man in one blow if the hit is direct, Nymeria isn't as fast as she is in her animal form, preferring to use broad, sweeping attacks that sometimes leave her vulnerable for the more nimble warriors. She can also be aggravated very easily if taunted by the enemy and has a habit of charging into battle without pausing to think things through. She will not tolerate the presence of humans, and dislikes fellow Lycanthropes that take on a human form excessively.
Relatives: Nymeria is one her own now.
Mate: Kodan (Deceased)
Cubs: Bran
Loner or in a lycanthrope tribe? Nymeria is a loner, but she'll stay with a friendly tribe for a little while if an invitation is extended. As she is an almost fabled warrior among her people, it often is.  
Items: Armour. A simple black tread necklace with a carved wooden bear.
Other: Kodan was killed during a great battle that destroyed most of Nymeria's tribe. Bran is three years old, and travels everywhere with her.

Name: Xavier
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Good/evil? On the edge of Evil
Personality: A hired gun, Xavier's job is to protect the workers while they harvest wood from the jungle, along with going in alone to take out the most dangerous foes that have hurt the workers progress more than once. He used to be just a game hunter, before he was hired by the company to go after a much bigger prize. Xavier was at first dismayed that most of his targets could turn into humans, but everyone kept insisting that they weren't really humans, and it therefore wasn't murder. He still struggles with this factor though, and can be a bit hesitant to fatally wound the  Lycan's, preferring to just maim them enough so that they'll leave, though if he does kill, he'll go into a sort of spree, an will enjoy it. This scares him a little, because he's afraid that if he's ever told to stop killing the Lycan's...he might choose a human as his next target.  
Description: Xavier works primarily with guns, he's an excellent shot, and works with snipers when he's on duty with the main work force, but switches up to double pistols when he's off hunting alone in the jungle, or with a small group. He's slightly taller than average for men his age, and wears light armor under a long black coat.
Strengths: He's agile, fast and is an excellent shot. He knows what it takes to survive alone in the jungle, and when he realizes he has to take a life he will act without hesitation.
Weaknesses: Sometimes he his hesitant about killing if he deems it unnecessary, and a lot of people would say that is a weakness rather than a mercy. He also teeters on the edge of madness whenever he takes a life, making his actions unpredictable and dangerous.
Relatives: None.
Crush: None.
Items: Two steel pistols. One sniper rifle.
How do they feel about tearing down the jungle and killing the last lycanthropes? "It's my job. I'll do what I'm paid to do."

Extra: Ok!
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 06:51:11 pm by Genesis9 »

What we do in life, echoes in eternity.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: ~|The Jungle of Jliath|~ |Open!| |Literate| |Lycanthrope rp|
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 01:10:22 pm »
I'll do it for you Buio.
Thrill and Genasis, look in the rules.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused