Author Topic: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**  (Read 18513 times)

Offline Charlie-101

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|Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| **Open**
« on: April 10, 2013, 07:58:29 pm »
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 03:33:20 pm by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *WIP*
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 08:00:09 pm »
Town Rules:

1. All students must attend school up until the age of 18.
2. All bills must be paid on time.
3. Missing Pets will be located at the Pet Pound please check there first before calling the police.
4. Clean up after your dog when in the local park or out and about.
5. Everyone is to be treated with respect.
6. All Pets must be micro-chipped and vaccinated.
7. If you are caught defiling the law you will be prosecuted.
8. If you are on private property without authorisation you are liable to be prosecuted.
9. Enjoy your stay here in Somerville.


Updates/RP Progress/Plot:
Day 1:
-The Pets are secretly establishing who are the alphas and are secretly at war with each other... the humans don't know it but it's Cats vs Dogs out there.... for some.


Owners & Pets:

|Gabrielle & Kili |Address: 98 North Highland Drive|
|Chloe & Chester|Address: 4 Southflake Boulevard|
|Jeanette Lien Chomsky & Leonardo|Address: 22489 High Garden Terrace|
|Holly Cricket Wish & - |Address:97 North Highland Drive|
|Elliot James McCoy & - |Address:8342 Lexington Street|

« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 10:30:51 am by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *WIP*
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 08:00:32 pm »
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 03:30:03 pm by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield

Offline Charlie-101

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *WIP*
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 08:01:41 pm »
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 05:12:24 pm by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield


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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 10:29:19 pm »
{My applicaction is a work-in-progress, JD. I'll try to finish it by tonight though.)

Full Name: Leonardo
Preferred Name: Just 'Leonardo', please!
Gender: Male
Age: Nineteen
Breed: Mackerel Tabby
Sub-Breed(s): There seems to be a bit of Persian Cat mixed in there.
Height & Weight: I'd perfer not to get the measurement wrong or whatever- however, for a cat he's somewhat under-average in size, and weighs what an average, slightly under-fed house cat would weigh.
House Address & Number: I suppose that's to-be-decided!
Owner: Jeanette Lien Chomsky (As played by SoaringAway)
Social Status: Adoring Companion

Appearance: A mainly brown-coloured feline with bright eyes. Leonardo appears to be your typical cat, not much could really seperate him from any others. Of course, he does tend to get a bit more dusty than others, since he has a rather adventerous personality trait; but otherwise, your typical tabby-cat. One wouldn't find him to be too suspicious- well, at least the humans wouldn't.

Personality and/or Traits:   As all cats are- Leonardo is rather curious, however he seems to have recieved a double-dose of this, thus the feline wants to know just about everything that is going on and has gone on- and, despite the fact that such a trait could likely lead up to problems in the future; well,  it has made Leonardo an over-all very intelligient feline, with a rather odd way of speaking to everyone else around the neighborhood. Just adding onto the 'curiousity' problem, Leonardo is also adventerous, and rather daring. Just another thing to get the feline into trouble, really. But onto his actual behaviour; Leonardo is a rather polite-mannered cat who will still look down on those. Thus, it is best to get on his good-side; else you'll have to sit there and listen to this cat mew away about how your this and that and what-not.

Strengths: The most obvious strength of Leonardo's would probably be his mind- the feline is obviously 'smarter than the average cat', which makes him a lot more cunning than the typical feline. In such cases, his intelligience often times gets him out of rough situations he managed to wriggle his way into- surely a thing that any adventerous fellow would need if he were to escape a certain situation!

Weaknesses: His curiousity and adventerous personality would cause problems. Oh, sure; sometimes he can get his way out of things, but when he didn't recieve lunch or managed to get into a quick fight (With him doing all the running, of course)- well, you can blame his personality for that. Other than that- if your looking for physical disavantanges, well; you might want to remember that although Leonard is active, he does not run to the places he wants to get; he walks or climbs, as slowly as he pleases. Because of this, the feline isn't exactly an olympic runner- oh sure, he can run quickly, but only for a rather short ammount of time.

Hobbies: Leonardo is, as stated in the personality traits- rather curious, an not afraid to run around in the world. Because of this, he'll often times wonder around Somerville in a somewhat aimless manner, doing as he pleases and digging his nose into just about anything he wants to. He often times enjoys teasing the dogs- that is, the dogs that can't hurt him- by calling them "the inferior species of the felidae and canidae; their minds hold the core of idiocity which sometimes infects us" (Sometimes he wonders if the dogs even understand his way of wording things, though.) Sometimes he even enjoys messing with the other cats, too. He also seems to enjoy looking for certain origami fish that Jean hides around- despite the fact that he hates not knowing exactly where his owner had hid him.

Background/History: Quite honestly, Leonardo's history is not all that interesting. You could say that he was 'destined to either be a pet or a stray'. But, if you simply must know this average-joe's history, well; he grew up a bit with his family, and, between him and Raskolnikov (his brother), he was the one of the two in the litter that had actually been given a name (by humans, of course; cats do not quite know who Rodion Raskolnikov or Leonardo da Vinci is). Oh, they grew up and all; played together, and well, eventually they departed from their little shelter- you know, either adopted or escaped. Typical if anything at all- and well, in Leonardo's case; he was adopted.

Family: Leonardo's father was a cat named Cheshire; his mother was a cat named Felicity. His brother's and sister's names are, however- unknown. Other than one, anyway. That was Raskolnikov- a cat that looked very similiar to him, he was named after Rodion (Usually called by his last name, 'Raskolnikov') from the novel Crime and Punishment.

Relationship Status: Not exactly quite interested.
Crush: Oh, no-one at the moment.
Extra: The feline was named after the famous Leonardo da Vinci.
RP Password: What's New, Pussy Cat?
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 03:52:11 am by GavelSwingingBlacki? »

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 01:51:32 am »
Full Name: Gabrielle Jennifer Adams
Preferred Name: She prefers 'Elle' or 'Ellie' rather than her full first name. (Both are pronounced the same, just spelled differently.)
Gender: Female
Age: 19 Years
Height & Weight: Ellie sizes up to about 5'8 and around 135 lbs.
House Address & Number: 98 North Highland Drive, Town of Somerville
Pet: The Amazing Kili
Social Status: Aspiring Settlers

Occupation: Ellie has a job, currently, as a waitress at a downtown restaurant. Of course lucky for her, she is allowed to bring her lovely companion to work as long as he doesn't create any hazards or problems involving or concerning the restaurant. Though Ellie does hate her job, she doesn't have enough money without it, and has yet to find a better job opening for her.

Ellie is a skinny girl with fairly pale skin. There isn't much muscle to her arms, though she's stronger than she seems. Her hair is long and a light brown color, usually wavy but sometimes straightened. Her eyes are a light blue-gray, though might seem a pale green in certain lighting. On her ear, Ellie has two piercings: one in the usual place and another halfway up the side.

Personality and/or Traits:
Ellie is a somewhat computer geek, on her laptop a lot designing new programs, new graphics, etc., but once you know her more, she's almost hard to deal with sometimes. Ellie is fun-loving and on occasions, very childish. She doesn't mind getting rough or dirty and can usually get along well with people unless they're just too snotty. If that happens, she'll usually never have a second thought about telling them off, though she does at least try to control her anger. But besides that, she's mostly insensitive to insults to herself, though quick to snap back if someone is insulting another of her friends. Coming from a big family, she learned to not care about what others thought of her as long as it wasn't if she was bratty, snotty or anything like that.

Strengths: Ellie is incredibly smart; not top-notch, but pretty good. And not just in tech stuff, but mathematics as well, especially. Athletically, she can run pretty fast and keep it up awhile because her sister pressured her into doing Cross Country during Middle School. Ellie is also good at constructing things, mostly coming from her dream of becoming an architect.

Weaknesses: Ellie has this habit of speaking her mind to whoever or whatever is agitating her, no matter what it may be. She pays the price for speaking without her brain a lot, and afterwards feels horrible about it unless the certain thing was having her be on the brink of pulling her hair out. She also isn't that strong, even if she does enjoy wrestling. Ellie also has a bad knee that likes to give out sometimes while she running, though it usually doesn't both her much anymore.

Hobbies: Ellie enjoys going to the park with her lovely companion and taking runs or just relaxing next to a tree and reading or listening to music. And of course play fetch with him. When upset, Ellie usually also finds herself at the lake at the park sitting down at the water's edge and skipping rocks. Or on her laptop emailing her sister, Penny again and again without even waiting for a reply.

Ellie was born in Somerville with five other siblings and a step-father she never came to really like or get along with. She was one of the middle children. Her real father died in a car crash two years after the second to youngest child was born. Her mother remarried, pressed for money with all the children, and ended up having another one. Ellie got a fairly good education, though she only went to college for two years before dropping out. From a young age, she was always in to geeky computer tech stuff and was always the person her family called when they "broke" the television. She and her family also once had a dog, but the dog was gone by the time she was eleven. After high-school and her two years of high-school, she was practically kicked out of the house, like the rest of her older siblings by then. Her two brothers, Cody and Bradley moved away from Somerville, but her older sister Penny had gotten a house that Ellie moved into. They both split the bills, but Penny went overseas after joining the navy, though she still helped with the bills and transferred the house to Ellie's name.

Family: Father - Franklin G. Adams (59) ; Step-father - Earl B. Elkins (61) ; Mother - Jane J. Elkins (59) ; Brothers - Cody A. Adams (27), Bradley T. Adams (24), Christopher M. Adams (17) ; Sisters - Penny F. Adams (24), Abby E. Elkins (15)
Relationship Status: Single and not very interested currently.
Crush: None.
Extra: Ellie's dream job is as an architect or a computer hardware designer.
RP Password: 'What's New Pussy Cat?'

*wink wink*

?  There's this little thing called love ?

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 01:31:44 pm »
Full Name: Chester/Chestnut.

Preferred Name: Chest, Chessy.


Age: Three months old.

Breed: Pure bred Irish Setter.

Sub-Breed(s): N/A

Height & Weight: 13 Inches high. 7 pounds in weight.

House Address & Number: Flat on first floor (Not ground floor), 4 Southflake boulevard. This is a three bedroom flat, very spacious and modern.

Owner: Chloe Genna Houten (Clow-ee, Jen-a, How-Tn. (Silent 'E')), 14 years old. Chester is currently being hidden from her by the girls parents. It is a surprise for her 15th birthday which is tomorrow. (In the role play). Chloe is a very  out-going young teenager. She has plenty of friends and adores makeup. She has been begging for a pet for a long while. Although she sounds quite a diva, she is very responsible with everything.

Social Status: Cosy Creatures.

Appearance: He has deep hazel eyes that are as round as a teddy bear's. His fur is a Light Chestnut and he has very adorable floppy ears that fly behind him when he runs. He has pearly white teeth and blunt, cute claws. He wears a classy black leather collar with fancy, silver embroidery. It is studded with tiny pearls.

Personality and/or Traits: Chester is a very playful young pup that loves to play with cats and dogs alike, not matter what breed or what size. Although he is kind of scared around aggressive dogs if they growl at him when he was attempting to play. He looks very adorable with his lush, velvety chestnut pelt, his soft, wavy, floppy ears and his long tail that seems as if it is wagging non-stop. He is basically one puppy that you cannot refuse to grin at.

Strengths: He is very playful and adores to play fight with people and dogs alike. Although he does like cats, he tends to shy away with them, since had got scratched on the nose by one. He is also great around young children.

Weaknesses: He is very weak, for he is not fully grown. He would not stand a chance around a aggressive dog. He is very shy when it comes to talking around other dogs. He prefers to keep quiet and express his emotions through his body language.

Hobbies: Whether it’s Frisbee in the park, Find the Toy or Fetch, Chester adores this form of play. He also loves to chase things. Cars, cats, rabbits, mailmen, their tails, shadows, chasing is an important part in this young setters day. He also loves walking, but not to far. There is only a certain distance he can carry himself. There are plenty of other hobbies he loves: Bounding, weaving around trees, eating. You name it, he loves it.

Background/History: Chester was born in the Autumn season in England, both his mother and father purebred Irish Setter's. He had two older siblings, one boy and one girl. But soon after they were weened , then man that lived alone died from a heart attack. Nobody in the neighbor hood realized this for a whole month. Chester's mother and father, brother and sister where so very hungry, but Chester was still able to drink off his mothers milk, even though he was weened. The milk soon dried up and all where on the verge of dying untill somebody broke into the house at night. The burglar  saw the dead man and ran a mile, leaving the front door open for the dogs to run free. They got separated from each other, his mother and father going their own way, and his brother and sister running of before he got to say goodby. But just as they ran off, a man in a big white van saw him. He was from the pound and he collected dogs from the street. He was ever so kind and phoned the police and body ambulance for Chester's old master. The young Irish Setter was fed and watered back to full health and decided not to put him down, like the rules, but decided to put him up for adoption. It was not long before a couple saw him and decided to take him back home for their daughters birthday. When she is at school, he is allowed to run about the house with the parents supervision, so he could get used to the new surroundings. When they're daughter is home, they hide the young pup in a warm airing cupboard with plenty of water and small, regular meals.

Family: He had a mother called Penn, and a Father called Champion. He believes they are all still strays. His Older brother is called Sebastian and His older sister is called Carla. He is not sure if they are still strays.

Relationship Status: In Chester's own words: "Eww, single forever!"

Crush: He has none, for he is not interested. What puppy is? x3

Extra: Credits to the owner of the photo. I got it from dA. Also, The young pup has seen plenty of dogs on the television doing lots of tricks. He wishes to learn them.

RP Password: What's new, Pussy cat?
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 05:11:05 pm by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 01:39:24 pm »

Full Name: Lola Star

Preferred Name: Lolly, that is what she is preferred to be called.

Gender: Female.

Age: 11 months, and 11 days.

Breed: Tabby.

Sub-Breed(s): N/A

Height & Weight: She has a height about 34CM and a weight of 10 Pounds. ((I hope this measurement is correct...))

House Address & Number: She is a Stray.

Owner: None, she is a stray.

Social Status: Wandering Strays

Appearance: This tabby has light brown fur, with darker brown stripes. She is rather skinny, due to her Social Status, and her lack of food. She has light green eyes, that can stare at people, normally they get the message to back away. She has a thin tail, with pointy ears, that can pick up the slightest sound. Lola has sharp teeth, and sharp claws. She sharpens her claws using the trunks on a tree.

Personality and/or Traits: Lola is a very calm cat, and is likely just to stroll around the park. She loves when the dogs chase after her, because she can easily run away before they even begin to run. Her heart is normally wrong, and she will likely say before she thinks. She thinks that what she sees is what she gets, and will likely rob food of people, even when there about to eat it. She will likely lure people with her cuteness, then sometimes they will give her some food.

Strengths: Lola is extremely fast, as she has a agile body, and can easily weave through thick or thin trees. She is adorable, especially with her skinny frame. She is quite stubborn, which is kind of a up side and a down side.

Weaknesses: Lola isn't strong, and that's why she runs away rather than face the animal/person. She is also not that quick at thinking, and takes her time.  

Hobbies: She normally chases after rabbits, fish, or anything she can chase. She also sleeps a lot, but is always on the guard for anything dangerous. She likes to sneak around, and steal humans objects/food.

Background/History: There is not much to say.. Lola was born in a dump, with her mother a Silver Tabby Cat. Her father, a brown Tabby Cat, normally got there food, that was mouse or vole. When she was about 6 Months old, she moved away, wanting more adventure in her life.

When she reached the park, she found some more prey, but not much. She loves the dogs, who always chase her around the park. Quite short, but nothing amazing happened in her life.

Family: She has a mother called Sasha, she was a Silver Tabby, the same personality and weakness as her daughter. She also had a father, who had the same pelt and strengths as her. She can't remember her siblings names, or pelt colours.

Relationship Status: Interested.

Crush: No one so far.

Extra: In one eye, she is blind.

RP Password: Whats Up Pussy Cat ;)

« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 02:16:18 pm by Huskies-Eat-Ponies »

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 03:34:26 pm »
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 06:07:15 pm by JD »
'If this is to end in fire, then we will all burn together!' ~Thorin Oakenshield


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Re: |Somerville-Pet & Owner RP| *Open & Accepting*
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 03:41:10 pm »

Full Name: Holly Cricket Wish.

Preferred Name: Sometimes, people call her Holl, and she likes that name.

Gender: Well, I would say she is a female...

Age: 18, and she is reaching the age of 19 shortly.

Height & Weight: She is rather small, at the size of 4'8, and weighs 110lbs.

House Address & Number: 97 North Highland Drive.

Pet: She is looking around the streets, and the pounds, hoping to find a dog or a cat to keep. Maybe request Lola if she is accepted.

Social Status: Compact Virtuosos, and is close to the verge of becoming a homeless person.

Occupation: She has a part time job as a Mail Girl, but doesn't like it.

Appearance: Holly is a rather pretty girl, with long reddish hair, that goes down to the top of her bottom o3o. She keeps her hair straight, and hates when it goes static. Holly is rather skinny, due to her lack of food in her house. She is rather small for her age, but she doesn't really know why.

Personality and/or Traits: Holly is a very sensitive girl, and can easily be upset by a couple of words. She loves animals, and likes to spend most of her time out doors, away from her troubles. She can be mean when you upset her, and will likely snap at people who says 'I will take care of you,' she hates people making out the she is weak, and that she needs help. So she is a very proud girl, and will not let anyone say such things to her. Despite that, she can be a very friendly girl. All she wants to do is make friends, and mess around with her friend. She also loves to play pranks on people, but she is being more careful they don't spot her.

Strengths: Holly is very fast, as she has a slim frame. She is more cat than human, and is agile, fast and proud of herself. She likes to use her stamina as well, as she has lots of it. She is agile, and likes to show it off do random people, or her friends.

Weaknesses: She isn't strong, and is likely to run away rather than face her fears. She hates people who say face her fears, because she will never ever do. She isn't that bold, and will likely stay in her comfort zone rather than take a risk or something like that.

Hobbies: Holly loves long walks to the park, and watch her favorite animals pass by. Also, she likes to watch Soaps on TV, even though she shouldn't.

Holly was born in a easy life, in the country side with her mom, dad, sister and dog. Holly was home-schooled, as her mother used to be a Teacher at a popular school in Somerville. She quit, and her dad got money by selling his crops and animals. He also raced Holly's Greyhound, Google, and he was extremely fast. Holly always loved to watch him run, and made his life the best life she could.

At the age of 10, Google stopped winning the races, and was retired from the racing life. He was 9 then, and still eager to run. Holly always took him on lots of walks, as he loved to.

When she was 11 Google passed away, and Holly became very depressed. She kept on failing her tests, and not doing as well in all her subjects, that's when she realized she should help a charity for the retired race dogs. She raised a lot of money for them, and even adopted a retired race dog called 'Box Henry.'

At the age of 16 she moved away to Somerville, and was already poor at the time she moved in! She got a job as a Mail Girl, but she hated it. That's it really.

Family: Her mother had the name of Mary, and her father was called Charlie. Her sister is called Katy.

Relationship Status: Single, but she is kind of interested.

Crush: No one!

Extra: She is in DEEP dept...
RP Password: Whats Up Pussy Cat?