Author Topic: Umbra  (Read 1708 times)

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« on: April 14, 2013, 01:37:17 pm »

Species:Canis Lupus Umbra
Comonly called/Nicknames:Umbra
Name origin:Latin
Meaning:Shadow Wolf


Umbras are much like grey wolves in appearance, however they typically have a much darker coat. Their coats are always shades of grey, typically very dark in color, nearly pitch black. Their claws are a deep black color, and are very reflective. Their eyes have a glowing property that is the biggest factor that seperates them from their cousins, the grey wolves. From head to tail they are usually around 10 feet in length. From foot to shoulder they are around 6 feet tall. They have a large muscle mass to compensate for their large size. They weight around 180 pounds on average. Most of their teeth are similar to their grey wolf counter parts, however their canines are typically a bit longer, and poke out of their mouth slightly, however not usually more then an inch or less.


Umbras are not very social. They live in small, family groups and typically leave their parents after they become adults. (4-6 years) They are considered pups from 0-2 years of age. From 3-4 years they are considered teens, and generally join their parents and siblings on hunts. A family group will generally consist of an adult male and female, usually around six or fewer teens, and typically no more then twelve pups.

The mother is usually left to teach the pups the basic dynamics of survival in their early years. She also passes on verious stories, and tales that she, and the father, might know so they can pass them on themselves. She teaches them what foods are acceptable to eat, and what are not.

Once the pup becomes a teen the father usually teaches them more then the mother. He teaches them how to fight, and how to hunt. One of the ways he teaches them to hunt is with hands on experiance in the subject. He'll organize a hunt with the family, often times one of the teens will be left to watch the pups, while the mother comes to help teach on the hunt, or simply hunt for herself and the pups.

Once the teens have left their family they will almost always be in search of a mate. Umbras, like their cousins, mate for life. Males will generally find a place they feel safe, and comfortable in, some times fighting for it with other males. They will begin marking an area around it, claiming it for their territory.  Females typically look for a mate year round, hunting when they can. Due to the fact that umbras are rare, finding a mate can take quite a while, especially considering the fact that they also need to be able to see eye to eye with said mate.

Once a pair has mated they live together for the rest of their lives. They raise young together until they are about 15 years old, this is when they are considered elders. They can live to be about 18 years old in the wild, after that they arn't really able to hunt, or do much of anything. In captivity they can live to be about 21 years old.


Umbras typically have pups during spring. Liters range from 4-6 pups, usually only 1-2 pups will survive though. Umbras do not search for a mate until they are at least 6 years of age, and don't generally start having pups until they are 8 years or older.

-:Author's Note:-
I may add more to this, as I am not entirely satisfied with the end result... however looking for pictures for it has made me suddenly want to play WoW >.> so I'm running away for a bit to do that. :P
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Life is the great hunt. We are both hunted and
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Re: Umbra
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2013, 02:16:03 pm »
Amazing drawing, did you draw it? It's awesome. :D

Umbras sound like a really fascinating species, good job making them. :3

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Re: Umbra
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2013, 05:05:16 pm »
Amazing drawing, did you draw it? It's awesome. :D

Umbras sound like a really fascinating species, good job making them. :3
No, the drawing I found on google, thought it fit the name so I snagged it.

Thanks, I'm glad you liked my little creation XD
<--The Hunt-->

Life is the great hunt. We are both hunted and
hunters, hunting and being hunted for love, life, and