Author Topic: [[ Attsos' Bio + Journal ]] *Updated 20/05/16*  (Read 10043 times)

Offline Twee

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[[ Attsos' Bio + Journal ]] *Updated 20/05/16*
« on: April 15, 2013, 04:03:47 am »

Art by Astarcis on deviantArt
? Attsos' Bio ?

Hello! I'm Attsos, previously known as Twee around the forums. I'm using the same account via forums, but you can find me in-game on Attsos!

? About Me ?

I'm just a simple dude from Scotland! I'm 22 years old, aspiring to become an artist someday alongside teaching gymnastics to children and teenagers.

Appearance-wise, I'm not confident enough to put up a picture aha. I'm of pretty average height I guess, with light brown hair and plain blue eyes. Nothing too exciting!

? My Personality ?

I really am just a big silly. I find it difficult to approach and talk to people, especially in real life, but I really love making friends!I can be really, really absent-minded and sometimes make mistakes when talking to people (I've mis-named a few people in the past on occasion aaa).

Art is probably my biggest driving point in my life - elsewhere, I don't really have the ambition to do much! When it comes to art, I'm driven to improve because if I'm being honest, I look at my art like every other artist looks at theirs - super critically. It helps me become better, looking at my work in the most cruel ways, pushing my will to improve.

In short, I pretty much consider myself to be the most laid-back person out of everyone I know. I like to kick back and enjoy life when I can!

A few of my hobbies include going to the gym, reading, drawing, and hanging around with friends online.

? A Little Backstory ?

I like to think I've experienced a fair bit in my life so far, and I thought I'd share some of it with you guys! ;v;

I was originally born in Hartlepool, England - but both my parents and my entire family on either side are all Scottish. I have no siblings. We moved around a lot when I was little, and lived in Hong Kong while I was in Nursery before coming back to live in England for a while. After that, we moved to Taiwan for a few years and my mother and I came back home to Scotland after my parents separated (later to officially divorce when I was around 13 or so). I live with my mother and her partner and I have two dogs - a Staffordshire Bull Terrier called Diesel and a Border Collie called Shadow.

I've by no means had a hard nor easy life, but I like to think of every day as a new beginning. I try each day to take things as they come, and help everyone I can even if it's just by smiling at a passer-by in order to brighten up their day. I don't have the best immune system in the world and I tend to get sick a lot, but I try not to let that put a damper on me as a person.

? Things I like ?
? Roleplaying
? Friends
? Meeting new people
? Animals
? Drawing
? The colours purple and blue!
? Stargazing
? Coaching
? Working with kids! <3
? Sculpting
? deviantArt
? My characters <3
? Staying up late eue
? Various mangas
? Video games
? Playing Left4Dead 2
? Creativity!
? Movie soundtrack music (Hans Zimmer aa)
? Reading
? Video games

? Super nice people ? ?

I'm not really in-game very often, so most of the friends I've made tend to be through the forums.

If you ever see me sitting around though, please do feel free to come and talk to me! ;u; I'm usually hanging around Fluorite Plains, and if I'm sitting alone or not coming over to talk, it's probably because I'm too shy to. |D;;

? Other Threads of Mine ?
My Art Gallery
My Requests Stall
My Characters
Ask Attsos
Characters: An Art (The Many Types of Characters and How to Roleplay Them)

? Elsewhere ?
deviantArt: Attsos
Steam: skuldnornir
Skype: attsoslittle
Twitter: @Attsos

Feel free to add me elsewhere! I'm always up for talking to new people or helping in any way I can!

? Attsos' Journal ?

? 20/05/16 - Wow So Hi, I'm Back (Again)
Gosh I feel like it's been way too long. So much has happened in the last year that I don't even know where to begin!

Okay, so, general update on my life:
- I still work at a gymnastics club
- I left University
- I had to move back in with my mother
- We have two dogs now.

Where to even begin. Alright. So - I left University. I downright hated it once I got into my second year of it. I couldn't make friends very easily since absolutely nobody in my class (out of nearly 70 might I add) had the same interests as me that wasn't already in a clique. Since I got into Uni late, everyone else had already gone through freshers week and had started to group up. Not only did I miss Freshers, I also moved into my dorm late - this wasn't anybody's fault really, it's just how things happened, but it made making friends extremely difficult since nobody else was hanging around on their own like I was. The actual Uni work was alright It was easy to understand and the tutors we had were excellent and lovely people, but dragging myself out of my room was difficult enough, never mind the half-hour walk to actually get to class (I lived in the furthest away accommodation because of my late circumstances).

Second year wasn't quite as bad, it was only 10 minutes, but I still struggled like hell to have the motivation to actually do anything. Kind of sent myself spiralling down into a bad state mentally, which was basically what ended my University experience. I'm doing much better now for it! I now work in the gymnastics club every day of the week, even though it's only for a couple hours each day. It's still essentially a part-time job, but I get by, even if it's only just. My parents were not pleased with my decision to leave, though, and while my mother has somewhat gotten over it, my dad pretty much disowned me. I'm quite thankful for it honestly, since I never see him anyway and my relationship with him has been rocky for years now. I love my mum enough that it makes up for it. She has a partner now too, and he's extremely cool. They're planning on him moving in with us which I'm actually looking forward to in a way. She's happier when he's around, and he has a lovely step-daughter. She's a lot younger than I am and is extremely quiet, but since I'm an only child, I'm looking forward to having sibling company.

Our second dog was originally theirs. His ex-wife pretty much neglected her so we took her in and she is amazing. She's a Border Collie and is one of the funniest dogs I've ever encountered save for our other dog, Diesel. They get along very well together and Diesel's been a lot happier with her around. I think he needed the company. He has us around a lot, but another dog has been all-around great for his health since he's been more active during walks, even if it's only because he wants to steal her ball all the time. xDD

It's not been the best of years so far, but it could certainly have been worse. I'm thankful for a lot of things that have been going on in my life because of that. I hope everyone is doing well here - I miss this place when I'm not around. Every time I come back I see familiar faces as well as new faces, and it's refreshing to see. <3 I think that's all I really have to talk about for now though.

Until next time!

? 23/10/14 - Bad News
Today I got some bad news back. In my right hand, I have developed quite severe tendonitis - caused by general overuse. Honestly I don't really know how to take it. As someone whose life literally revolves around the use of my hands, losing my dominant one - even if only for a few weeks - is like torture. I can't draw, I can barely type, I can't play video games, I can't take notes in lectures at university... For now it feels a little bit like my life is completely over. I don't usually whine about things like this, especially not over the internet where anybody can read it, but I feel like this community would understand the most. Many of you are budding artists not unlike myself.

Whatever you do, don't take your hands for granted. I might be able to get mine back to normal fairly quickly in comparison to others, but it's certainly been a very terrifying wake-up call. If I hadn't gone to get the pain seen to by a doctor, I might have lost my ability to draw entirely for years. Physiotherapy might have been necessary. As it is right now, only a splint and anti-inflammatory tablets are what's desperately needed - though that could escalate into steroid injections if it doesn't improve in the coming weeks.

Of course, right now it still feels like the world is ending, but I'll get over it. Just don't get yourselves into the same situation as I have. xD Be careful when using your hands and if you're an artist, take care of them with plenty of breaks while drawing.

The next few weeks are going to be extraordinarily boring.

Thank you for reading! <3
« Last Edit: May 20, 2016, 09:42:16 am by Attsos. »

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Re: Twee's Bio~!
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2013, 05:39:31 am »
Well, well...I see a VERY familiar face here. I've seen your character multiple times of DeviantART before. It's very nice to finally see a awesome bio from ya ;D
I Stalk from time to time...I have moved on to other things but do miss this place. Good times
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Re: Twee's Bio~!
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2013, 01:41:59 pm »
Hi there Feareh! ;u; I thought it was about time for one, yeah. 8D;; I'm glad you enjoyed it! Also yep, I'm a lot more active on deviantArt than I am here. :'D I'm trying to be more active in-game, though!

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Re: Twee's Bio~!
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2013, 04:54:00 pm »
Fabulous bio Twee :3 and gosh I just love your character it's soo pretty =o By the way I love stargazing myself its so rare to find people he find pleasure in those kind of things anymore so it's nice to hear it from you. You've always been so nice and I've seen you a few times in game so it's cool to finally read your bio and know a bit more about you :)

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2013, 01:05:54 am »
Ohey look it's an update. ;v;

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2013, 01:18:13 am »
Lots of pictures .u. love the bio! Haha, I don't like working with younger kids, no offense, but I'm glad you do. You're not alone in playing video games - I enjoy playing them as well...they're so fun, especially the video games meant for guys. Who said we don't have to be guys in order to play them? ;3;

Here's a floof for the lovely bio - it was nice getting to know you even more~

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2013, 02:10:02 am »
Herro Oreo! ;v; Thank you for commenting! What kind of video games do you like to play? o: I'm usually playing TF2, Left4Dead 2 or Saints Row 3 haha!

Ohmai, thank you! Floof returned! ;v;; <3

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2013, 02:16:59 am »
I don't play much and we don't have a lot of video games, but I do go over to a friend's house and play their games such as Lego Star Wars/Indiana Jones (:3), Mario (forgot what series), Arctic Tale, and others I don't remember. xD I don't play as much anymore due to school, but secretly, I'm wishing we can get more in the summer o3o Basically, I don't really care what video game it is along as it has action in it. Thank you for the floof as well x3

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2013, 02:19:27 am »
Yeah, I can be like that too haha! I'll play lots of different games. I'm not so good at puzzle and platforming games, but I enjoy them still. :'D And you're welcome! ;v;

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Re: Twee's Bio~! (Updated 02/10/13!)
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2013, 12:55:33 pm »
Tweeeeeeee. Lovely bio omg -huggles- su interesting yee. (Typing with phone lol)

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