Author Topic: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent  (Read 7602 times)

Offline Arkayy

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Re: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« Reply #10 on: April 25, 2013, 02:15:04 am »
I was rather interested when I saw this topic. How can someone call another illiterate if they are portraying their characters' way of speaking? See, this is why i don't prefer to roleplay on the actual game that much. There are the people that powerplay and taulk liek dis even out of character, then there are those people that remind me of the guys on first person shooters saying "You don't know how to play!" "What's wrong with you?" "Talk right!" -Face desks- I am with you on this. I have a fair collection of characters myself that have accents. Such as the emotionless and robotic speech like Broken. (A lot of people find his the creepiest. Why? People scared of no slang? x3) But I also try to incorporate an Italian and German accent with a few as well. British is too hard for me. x.x But anyways, back on topic. I think you are awesome for having so many different accents. ^.^ Especially a fox that I am assuming is like Bakura. Don't let those wankers get to you. It's their fault for not trying accents themselves.


Offline meowool

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Re: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« Reply #11 on: April 25, 2013, 07:43:23 pm »
Whoa. .-. That's kinda exciting to know, actually. I think most people just assume that the 'British' accent is more unified because the country is smaller, geographically, but it is true that different territories have their own dialects. For example, in my state (U.S.), one only has to travel over a mountain or two to find a much more northern-U.S. or even Bostonian accent in most of the population, although my state can be considered more 'south'.
If anything, though, it leaves room for some creativity with what accent you choose for a character. I like it. ^^

Also don't forget you have the Welsh, Scottish and Irish accents too, as it is Britain. I havne't roleplayed in an accent here, but done a west country in a sample I wrote a long time ago! Sometimes I will write phonetically, how I speak, putting in apostropes for 'h', 't' and 'g' (ing only though) and swapping the vowels round, in OOC an' a bit o' weird grammar as where I'm from the UK. (Think the southern Farmers) has odd grammar! XD

Just wondering, how would you write a British accent in RP, I'm just curious, as the sounds do make sense to me!

Offline YouheiSunohara24

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Re: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« Reply #12 on: April 29, 2013, 03:31:30 pm »
O3O Pharaohstar? XDD Remember meh? I was Skullfrost from The United. X3 We attacked chuuu. LOL.
For me, crazy is a loose term. Crazy is when you drive by in a car with a shotgun shooting a cops. Cuz... then you're gonna get in big trouble. Crazy is when you start screaming at the word "Shinigami". Crazy is when you support Kira. You're crazy if you touched my chocolate because that means you want to die. If you're crazy, put this in ur sig.XD

Offline SteampunkWolfdog

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Re: It's Not Illiterate, It's an Accent
« Reply #13 on: April 29, 2013, 06:07:09 pm »
My wolf character, Caralyn, has a strong Highland accent. It seems to be one of those accents that doesn't come across well in typing and is better heard audibly. But there were parts of the accent I could put across like using 'wee' instead of 'small' or 'little'. I also made a note in my character's bio what sort of accent or voice they have so it's easier for people to imagine.

When people say stuff like "You're being illiterate," they're just being silly. Have an open mind and think, not everyone speaks with an American or an English accent, just like in the real world. You have people who speak very different across the country and across the world. If people thought more of how dialogue sounds rather than how it is spelt, then it'll be a lot easier.

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