Author Topic: University Life. [REMADE] [Inactive since 04/05/2013]  (Read 5761 times)

Offline Huskystar

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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #10 on: April 27, 2013, 07:47:55 pm »
Ariana Grande

Ariana stared at the board, her brown eyes full with wonder. She looked towards her text book, and started to easily answer them, seeming they were just questions like 1 + 1=2, she was good at maths, but really didn't like it. She preferred English. With a small sigh, almost half of the questions were answered. A whisper came from her right, "What's number 3? It's so hard!" Katy whispered. Ariana turned to her best friend, a amusing smile on her face. "78, you just times the X, then subtract that.." She carried on explaining, and when she finished, the teacher turned to the class.

Soon, the bell ringed to end the class. "Finally, Maths is so dumb!" Katy growled, picking up her back, stuffing her book in. Ariana smiled, and said truthfully, "It's not that bad!" Katy shrugged, and just walked to the exit. Oh, Katy... Ariana smiled, and trotted of to her friend. She knew English was next, so she skipped ahead, beckoning Katy to hurry. They were in the halls, and Ariana walked to her locker.

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2013, 01:00:13 am »

Paul Johnson

Then suddenly, the school bell rang. The three friends got up from the their seats and headed out the door, before the math teacher. Paul began laughing as the three was walking to their lockers and as Mike telling jokes about Mr.Stolz. "Shh..Bro..Someone can tell on us one day" he whispered, but couldn't stop laughing. Few minutes later, the tree friends were next to their lockers. Also, did you know? When it was the first day of school, the three friends lockers was in the same row and same cabinet. Shocking. So this is how these three friends became friends. (:3)

Then another few minutes later, two school bells ringed loudly to the loud crowd of people in the hallways. People groaned as the bell rang, they didn't want to go to there next class. Paul felt the same way,so as his friends. "Alright. Time for Social Studies." he moan, and walked with his bag besides his shoulder.

Offline Huskystar

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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2013, 03:39:05 pm »
Ariana Grande!

Ariana sighed, and opened her blue locker. She quickly stuffed some stuff in, and grabbed some stuff out. She rubbed her head, she felt like she had a whole pint of beer last night, but she didn't even have a drink! She rubbed her head again, and shut her locker. Ariana heard the bell, and almost dropped her books, but she didn't. After that, she started to walk to English class, where Mr. Godge would probably be waiting. She done a quick skip, hoping not to be late.

Finally, she made it into class. "Where were you?" The man asked, and Ariana gave a awkward look. "Getting my stuff," she sighed, and brushed the red hair from her face... He nodded, and Ariana turned around. She took a seat at the front, and started to listen to the teacher explaining the book they were meant to read. She had read them, just in time. It was Harry Potter's, the first one. She found it extremely interesting. 

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused


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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2013, 09:09:39 pm »

Paul Johnson

As the the three enter the class, the class was already beginning? The teacher was teaching class until he heard footsteps. "Well I hope you boys have a good explanation for this" he made a upset face at the three. The boys was so confused on how they reached to class late, the clock outside the hallway said exactly stated 10:10; and class starts in 10:10. Maybe the teacher was pulling a prank on them or the clock was stated wrong? The three boys shook their head and make their way to their seats. Paul wanted to open his mouth and said something; but decided to keep it shut besides getting into agreement. 

Paul pulled his textbook from his bag and began reading a few chapters that the teacher directed them. Paul felt like going to sleep, he hated Social Studies classes..Which was on his hater list..Yea know..As Paul moved on to the next chapter, he laid his head on the book and began taking a rest, while the teacher was reading a magazine about teaching. You gotta give give him a break, since it's is his first year. Then suddenly, Mr.Hanna looked around the room,-- checking on the students--, and suddenly saw Paul sleeping! "Ahem. Mr.Paul, I'm hope I'm not ruining the sleeping?" he raised an eyebrow. Paul quickly raised his head and shook his head a no. Mr.Hanna cleared his throat. Suddenly, Mike began to laugh. He's like the girl from Batmen..That laughs at everything. It was annoying sometimes.

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #14 on: April 29, 2013, 08:45:45 pm »

Name:Serena Harding
Gender:Female  Age:18
Personality:She isn't the type of girl to be messed up with.Serena is a solitary girl who rather chooses to do things on her own rather than receive help from people because they'll just get in her way.She gets good marks at school,which is a surprise to everyone since everyone knows she is the lazy type of a student who barely do their homework regularily.She is always up for a challenge,tell her to do something,and she will do it for sure,but not too ridiculous things.Due to her cold-type personality,the sarcasm she always uses and the way she rudely cuts a conversation,not many people like her,and mostly try to stay away from her.Even if  it doesn't seem like it,she suffers from it as she can be a good and reliable friend,but this side of hers is barely reacheable.She does enjoy loneliness after all,but expect to see her near groups of boys who "have a common sense of humour".She shares her room with a girl,Jess,also a werewolf,who is one of the few people in the school she gets along with.
History:Serena's parents are divorced,this is a main reason why she went to this school,to stay away from home as long as she can because it brings her bad memories.She doesn't like talking about the "family"subject thought,and the divorce thingy is a secret of hers.She doesn't have any siblings,but she knows that the new wife of her father is pregnant.Because of this distance towards her siblings,Serena never learnt "the true meaning of life",or how her mother used to call it,and always picked up on people.This "curse" of being a werewolf didn't pleased her either,she was walking on the street during the night where a shadowy figure suddenly came out of nowhere and bit her,then vanished into the darkness.It was next day when she realised what she had become,but kept it secret.She never knew how to face it untill she met Jess,a werewolf,just like her.
Relatives:Her natural mother is Jade,she had been told she looks exactly like her,except her eyes.As far as she knows,her mother lives alone because Serena refused to go with her,and she hasn't seen her for a long time.Darren,her father,got divorced from Jade and just a few months after this event,he got married with Tina,a woman who Serena doesn't like much.
Likes and dislikes:Serena likes rock music,spending time on the computer and going out for a walk.She absolutely hates school,especially homeworks,althought she is a good student.She enjoys reading thought,a way to relax herself and has a dislike for people who are trying to show their superiority over her.
Strenghts and weaknesses:She has a short-size,but is fast,both in her human and wolf form.She takes good marks,a reason why the professors find her as an "acceptable" student.She is allergic to peanuts and prefers to stay away from them.Also,she has a fear for blood and gets sick if she sees it.
Crushes?:None,there aren't many boys that get to her heart.

Personality:Same,but is kinda agressive,especially when provoked.She relies on her speed for fights.



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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #15 on: April 29, 2013, 09:28:34 pm »
Accepted :) )

Offline FantasyDawn

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Re: University Life. |Literate!| .:Open & Of Course Accepting!:. [REMADE]
« Reply #16 on: April 30, 2013, 05:41:07 pm »
Serena Harding

      Since the moment the bell rang,Serena went straight to her locker.Her Social Studies class was boring this time,since the prof  gave them to read something far from her liking,and it wasn't only her the one who found the lecture less interesting,most of the class quickly lost interest,even some boys fell asleep.But now,that it was all over,she felt relieved.Her friend,Jess,was so lucky she wasn't there,didn't waste a precious hour for nothing.But speaking about her friend,Serena noticed that her roommate changed very much,the focused girl she knew,now dreaming all day.Why?You could easily tell,it was love.Ever since that new guy,James,transfered here,Jess has been stalking him all day,talking about him and spending less time with her.And to think that that boy wasn't worth it....Serena usually had a headache trying to figure out what did her friend saw at him.
       Anyway,she tried to let go of this thoughts,it wasn't her bussiness in the end,althought we're talking about her best friend.Serena stopped in front of her locker and her eyes stopped on a scrap of paper attached on her locker's door.From the first sight,you could tell that was a message.Seriously?Who would possibly send me a message? she thought.She picked it up and after closer inspection,she found out that it was from Jess.Oh know I have a mobile phone.....those things are for messages too!It was hard for Serena to read,her friend seemed to have written it in a rush.But even if she didn't,Jess caligraphy was horrible anyway.In the end,she deciphered it.

        "Hey Serena!How are you doing?Oh wait,I know,your usual answer:"Good".Well,I'll get straight to the point,I just hope no one else read it,especially him.So after you read this,please find a way  to get rid of it so no one else will find it ever again!This day was AMAZING!I finally got to talk to James!And by talking,it wasn't the old greeting stuff.I mean,I really did,gosh I felt like i was going to faint everytime he smiled!And guess what?He asked me if I could go for a walk with him after class!My legs were shaking of emotion,but I accepted.Don't worry,I won't stay up till night comes(you know why).And talking with him,I found out he has same things in common with me,just like I have same things in common with you,You would get along with him aswell,but make sure you stay at a safe distance from him because he is MINE! --------Your dear friend,Jess"

         Serena giggled after she read the message.This day was surely going to be a crazy one,if she ever met Jess,she didn't knew to tell what her reaction was to this "update".Just like her friend said,she ripped the scrap and threw it in the trash.I have no idea when did she writ this,but I'm sure people,of curiosity of course,took a look at it.Let's hope not,for her sake"Serena thought as she waited for the next class.[/colour]

Ty :D ))


Offline Werewolvesunite1

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OMG i will join :3 *gets large and scary smile* And i have to tell Matryoshka-luver he loves this kind of stuff :D !!!))

-Human Picture URL-  
Name: Wolven
Gender: female
Age: 18
Personality: Shy, kind, funny sweet, caring.
History: As a kid every one called her names bacause she loved snow so much and had blue hair. She always ignored them keeping to herself making herself seem shy. She was held back in 8th grade because she was having trouble with math. She really doesn't like talking about her past.
Relatives:None at the University
Likes & Dislikes: she likes: Pokemon, snow and anything cold. Dislikes: Scary movies, when its very very warm out, and math.
Strengths & Weaknesses: Weakness: Being burned uh thats really it.. lol. Strengths: Being in cold places lol i really dunno XD.
Crushes?: N/A
Other: She always wear's a Mightyena hat
-Wolf Picture URL-
Personality: Same as the first.
Other: She still has the mightyena hat on.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 02:24:08 am by Nite-the-wolf »
"One does not simply deal with the Phantom Kitsune. The Phantom Kitsune deals with you."


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Accepted :)

Offline Werewolvesunite1

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(( :D thanks.))

Wolven woke up with a yelp falling off her bed with an oof she got to her hands and knees and sighed she got up put on clothes brushed her teeth combed her hair and put on her pokemon hat. She grabbed her backpack and left. She walked down the halls in a bored way and went to her locker to put her stuff away
« Last Edit: May 01, 2013, 02:37:05 am by Nite-the-wolf »
"One does not simply deal with the Phantom Kitsune. The Phantom Kitsune deals with you."