Author Topic: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.  (Read 11106 times)

Offline BuioUmbra

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #20 on: May 07, 2013, 04:51:40 pm »
(Sorry for the late reply I was sick for a few days DX)


Misha yawned and flopped down on the back seat of her owners silver Toyota Starlet. "Where are we going?" she whined knowing she wouldn't get a proper answer. "Its okay girl, you'll be fine. I'm only going to be gone for a few weeks, not that long." "Gone?! Weeks?! But what..Where?...When?!" She barked these words causing her owner to look at her sternly. "Don't worry, Golden Swan will take care of you, as long as you have perfect behavior and don't steal their shoes." Misha yawned and nodded off to sleep.

After about an hour Misha woke up to find they were driving into the car park of a huge marble looking building. It was shiny and welcoming looking. Misha walked obediently next to her owner as she tried to contain her excitement. A new place to explore! New  toys! New scents! New people! She yapped happily and ran up to the doors and sat down waiting for Mary catch up. Her tail thumped the ground as her owner clipped the leash on. "Oopsie, you were supposed to be on this when we got out of the car but I forgot." Misha looked at her a barked, wanting to be led inside the giant place.

Inside it was just as beautiful as it was out. Soft chairs were arranged near a wall and they looked like perfect chewing material. She was about to try and bite them when she was tugged back and told "No you silly puppy, this way so we can get you settled in" Misha cocked her head not understanding but followed anyway. They walked up to a counter where a smiling receptionist hurried over. "Hi there, this is my puppy Misha and I need her to stay here for, lets say....Four weeks? I don't want to leave her but I have to go on a business trip." The receptionist lady nodded and said "Well everything seems to be in order. Her room is number 34 on the 3rd floor." "Thanks but I really need to go, I'm going to miss my train" She crouched down and kissed Misha on the forehead. "You'll be a good girl ok?" Misha yapped. Mary walked out to the car and drove off. Misha started to feel a bit lonely. She looked up as a young man tugged her lead saying "C'mon girl lets get you settled in"
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 04:53:39 pm by BuioUmbra »
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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2013, 05:59:48 am »

Hey people! I'm so excited now because I just found out I'm going to Spain for the first time ever! :3 Anyway, I will be inactive from July 30th to the August 6th. I will be back on on the August the 7th though cause of my flight times!

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2013, 03:00:20 am »
Name: My name is Rickie, remember it.
Nicknames: Uh I just said my name.
Gender: Do I look like a female to you?
Age: I am a adult
Breed: Well, clearly I am a Chihuahua.
Sub-Breed(s): Do I look like a mutt to you?  Gosh such stupid questions!
Height & Weight:  I am a Chihuahua how big to you think I am?
Owner: My master is Elizabeth, touch her and you'll be in a world of hurt!
Rickie is a small Chihuahua but not the smallest.  He has short black fur.  His chin is a dark cream color.  His belly is a light cream.  His front paws are cream colored.  He has brown dots over his eyes.
Personality and/or Traits: Rickie thinks he is a god and should be treated so.  But he does act better around other small dogs and may even become friends.
Strengths: I can run fast, I can hunt rats, I can do anything better than you, my hearing his the best.
Weaknesses: I am perfect! (He is tiny and pampered.  He isn't that strong)
Crush: Myself!
Extra: Golden Swan
« Last Edit: May 10, 2013, 03:05:44 am by Rustys »
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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2013, 06:46:52 pm »
(Rusty, I would like it if you could cut the cockiness out in your application. You have not stated the gender and you have also not stated the weight or height. Look it up if you need to.

PS: I will be posting soon!

EDIT: Dark petal, your dog's are both accepted. 
Puppies will have three meals a day. But if you asked this question and accepted it, I wish for you to roleplay the three meals and not skip them out.)
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 09:42:40 am by *~?RainbowPass?~* »


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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2013, 07:45:38 pm »
((Rainbow, Feral asked you a question and DarkPetal applied  to join.))

His claws clicked on the wooden floor, and the man chuckled, "Your a big one aren't you!" The big, slobbery head turned to face the man, his tongue lolled out. A wooden door marked with the number *103*. The man got out some shiny keys, and unlocked the wooden door. He let the King-Sized dog off the lead, and Red stumbled into the room tired, although he had slept through the whole car ride. Suddenly, he smelt something comfy, even soft! The large dog tried to run to the bedroom, but it ended up in a Labrador's trot.

He entered the room, that had golden and black patterned flowers. A large, double bed lay in front of him, and he leaped on, wagging his tail...

((Sorry for being so short, I'm just so tired... Although its just 9PM...))

My New Horse, Cookie Dough <3.

Riding bareback is AWESOMESAUCE!

Whisper on my in-game as HuskyStar, or PM me if your confused

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2013, 02:56:19 am »
Name: Kate
Nicknames: Blackie,
Gender: Female
Age: 2 years
Breed: Border Collie
Sub breeds(s): None at all
Height & Weight: 1' 9" she is 61 lbs
Owner: Callie Morgon
Appearance: Kate is black except on her muzzle paws tail tip and stomach. Her fur is long and sleek she
Personality and/or Traits: Kate is a kind sweet dog. She is helpful and caring.
Strengths: She is a fast runner since she is a border collie. She is fast at swimming but can be quite stubborn.
Weaknesses: She cannot stand smaller dogs nagging and bossing her. She can be aggressive if you nag her.
Crush: N/A
Extra:  golden swan

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2013, 10:02:10 am »
(Accepted, Kate. You are checked in on the upper floor.)

Pulling at his leash and dragging one of his owners down the road, Dynamite was thinking he was going for a strange walk where everything smelt different. He was only used to walking around the fields that surrounded the town where he lived, but this smell seemed much more higher class. He managed to bark, for he was chocking himself as he pulled onwards towards a large pool. It's crystal blue water glittered an invite to him, but the young mutt was unable to dive in, for his owner was reeling him in like a fish on a line. "No, you are not supposed to go in there, it is purely from show. Probably has chlorine in it to keep it blue." Said his male owner, grabbing his collar so he can gain more control over the feisty dog. Dynamite's ears where flicked upwards, his head darting from side to side looking at this new place as big as a mansion he had seen on TV. He inhaled the scent of the luxurious building. He smelt fear mixed in with happiness and Dynamite was not too sure he wanted to continue forwards. "Come on Candyman" Cooed his female owner, walking forwards and around the irresistible pools. Dynamite had to follow, his owners seemed to calm. Managing another bark, he attempted to run forwards, but his male owner was quite buff and powerful so he could only attempt to run.

Finally after a while tugging on the lead, they where all at the hotel door. They where open in a inviting way and the sight of dogs being taking in and taken out made Dynamite make a final decision on what place this was. It must have been some sort of hotel for dogs...that stayed. Dynamite was not sure if he wanted to find out if he would be left behind so quickly reversed himself and pulled at the lead, his collar being pushed up towards his cheeks as he tried to get away. "No, damnit. The collar's coming off." Said Susan, pushing his backside through the door, the young dog still trying to get away. "Shut the door!" Said Joshua, grabbing his collar and pulling him in the building. Susan quickly shut it and Joshua let go of Dynamite's collar, the mutt running to the doors and looking for a exit. Susan walked to the counter where the receptionist sat and filled in a forum for a booking. Dynamite managed to hear that he was being checked in, that made him wonder if he was in some sort of luxurious pound. 'Please, let me go, let me outside.' He whined, scratching at the see-through glass."DYNAMITE." Boomed Joshua, which caused him to stop and look around, his soft white ears laid on his head. "Right, now he has stopped, here. He needs a bath at the end of the week and he is not allowed to eat any treats, only one meal a day." Said his male owner. Dynamite was not sure whether to trust this woman who was now holding his lead. She looked kind and smelt of happy dog slobber but Dynamite hated not being able to get outside, but there must be another way out. "Boy, Dino." Said Susan, levelling herself with the young dog. "Stay here. We will be back in two weeks. Do not worry. Here, you want this?" Said the young woman, handing soft teddy that the receptionist had given her. Dynamite looked at the fluffy bear with large, round, puppy eyes. He was never allowed this sort of toy at home for he ripped them to pieces. Dynamite  then perked up, his jaws grabbing the plush toy and shaking it, his tail flapping side to side as he did so. "He seems much happier. Well, have a nice time on you holiday, he will be in good hands." Said the receptionist, patting the lush white pelt of the Husky cross. Dynamite looked at his owners who had opened the door, went outside, closed it and walked off down the path. He was not sure whether to stay happy or go back to scratching at the door, but as he reminded himself there was a bear in his mouth, he continued to shake it, the woman holding him laughing. The woman looked at her shirt and spoke into something black, but as a dog, Dynamite was not able to keep up with all this new technology.

A few minuets of waiting past and the receptionist had  gone back to her desk and tied up Dynamite's lead on a pole by the side of it. Another female walked in through large doors, wearing the same outfit as the receptionist. "So, you must be Dynamite. Well come on fella, lets get you settled in." She said, patting the dog once on the head, untying his leash and walking off through the doors she had  entered. Behind the doors another glamorous sight met his eyes. Everything looked so cosy and clean. Dynamite barked at a few passing dogs and sniffed a male's muzzle before walking to the end of the many smaller dog's bedrooms and to an large, round elevator. Dynamite watched carefully as the doors glided opened and the female stepped inside. Although he was going to follow, he was still unsure what it would do once inside. Dynamite stalked into it, the male loosening his grip on the toy he had in his jaws as he did so. As his tail flicked around, the door's closed to his surprise and they began to rise upwards. Dynamite, at this point, dropped his toy and looked through the glass. He was not a fan of height's and he would not be changing his mind after he had been in this moving device. The door's opened once more the everything looked different. There was no longer smaller dogs but larger dogs. There was a large fountain in the middle of the area which splashed over dogs as they began to play in it. The woman unclipped  his lead and Dynamite was allowed to enter a door she had opened for him. Inside was a large, luxury bed with timid lights glittering in the lamps. It looked beautiful and Dynamite instantly threw himself upwards and onto a soft, fluffy pillow. He rolled his back onto the warm, fresh covers to exchange his scent onto his territory, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth. This was absolute HAVEN and now it was his. He could not wait to meet the dog's that where arriving but he decided to snooze for a while before he would play with the playful hounds. So as the woman went back away from the door, Dye gingerly began to close his eyes and fall asleep, still lying on his back.

(Sorry if I am loosing a little enthusiasm. I am a little stressed. If you are wondering why your app is not on the front page, please do not blame me. I am so busy trying to think up things for this role-play and others.)


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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #27 on: May 11, 2013, 11:04:55 am »

      Kate was sitting in the front seat of her owner's Van. Callie turned the key and started the van. Kate looked out the window at all the lovely things she could see as they drove away from the house. The window was rolled down just enough so Kate could stick her head out her fur blew in her face a bit from the wind. She sat down in the seat peering out at everything they passed. She looked at Callie then looked back out the window. After a while of driving they stopped at the Golden swan hotel. Kate looked at Callie in confusion. "Kate be good I'll be back to get you in three weeks ok. Don't worry they'll take good care of you." Callie got Kate's leash and clipped it to Kate's collar and led her into the building.

   A woman came over "This must be Kate."Said the women kindly. "Yes this is Kate."Callie stated. "Don't worry your pet is in good hands here while your on your holiday."Said the women kindly. Callie was reluctant to give the leash to the kind women. Callie got on her knees and looked at Kate "Be good here ok."She told Kate before handing the leash to the woman. Kate watched as Callie left. "Lets get you settled in."said the woman. The woman led Kate to the room she was in and removed the leash.

  Kate looked around the room. "This isn't so bad."Kate said jumping onto the bed. She made a nest of covers on the bed and lay down. She was cozy and warm in her little nest of covers. "I know Callie isn't leaving me forever. She will come Back for me."Kate said. She looked at the room once more before dozing off.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2013, 11:12:35 am by Matryoshka-lover »

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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #28 on: May 11, 2013, 11:56:47 am »
Am I accepted? If I am I may as well start...)
Ace was lying beside his little sister in the back of his owner's silver Land Rover. He had asked Caitlyn where they were going many times but the only answer he had got was "Don't worry, boy. You're gonna be fine" He sat up and peered out of he window, watching as Caitlyn drove the car into a big car park and parked the car. As she opened the boot, Ace breathed in many new scents of different dogs and owners. He jumped down from the boot and followed Caitlyn into a building, Bailey at his heels. At the reception a woman greeted Caityn and peered down a Ace "So, this must be Ace" She smiled at him and her gaze turned to Bailey "And this little one must be Bailey!"

Bailey had kept close to her big brother at all times, confused at what was happening "Ace, what is this place?" She asked, but she didn't get an answer. A lady beamed down at her "And this little one must be Bailey!" Bailey smiled and barked, her tail wagging in excitement. The lady smiled at her one more time then turned back to Caitlyn "Your pets will be safe with us while you're away" She said as Caitlyn handed her the two leashes. Bailey and Ace's owner bent down and gave them both a quick hug "You both be good, now" She said, standing up. Bailey whined and pulled at the lead "Bye Bailey, bye Ace!" She called, blowing them both a kiss as she walked out of the glass doors.

Amazing art by JimMoriarty! Thank you so much! <3


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Re: ~Golden Swan Dog Hotel~ Open! Accepting applications.
« Reply #29 on: May 11, 2013, 05:24:41 pm »

Name: Ace

Nicknames: Just call him Ace

Gender: Male

Age: 3 Years Old

Breed: Doderman Pinscher

Sub-Breed(s): N/A

Height & Weight:34-41 Kg (75 to 90 lbs) <<(Weight) >>>(Height) 68.8 cm (27.5")

Owner: "My owner name is.." John Carter

Appearance: (Description also needed) Ace is  describe Doberman Pinschers as dogs of medium-large size with a square build and short coat. He is  compactly built and athletic with endurance and swiftness. Ace have a proud, watchful, determined, and obedient temperament. The dog was originally intended as a guard dog. He have  a masculine, muscular, noble appearance. Ace has a thick layer coat that is very easy to shed, especially during the winter. Ace has very long legs to run for hours and go for miles away.He's is light brown and plus, he can see far distance from them. Teeth. Ace teeth is white, minty fresh, and extremely sharp..He can make them squeezes an chicken..His paws are black and brown; like a Yorkie. (x3)

Personality and/or Traits: Ace is a very,very,very strict dog. He plays no jokes, especially, if it applies to him or anyone that's his close to. Ace is very charming, plus, attractive to the ladies..He's kinda like a ladies-man..Going up all to the ladies and trying to flirty towards them. He is very energetic and sometimes very rough with it..For example, playing. Ace has strong muscles and probably crush you with it. He's very strong and accidentally hurt you. Very often, he is nice and sweet to around..But certainly respect his owner, John Carter, always following the directions..Etc.Lastly, Ace is extremely over protective. He would start any fight if have to..And he hardly likes to fight. Ace is just like his father, Jnbutro, they have the same pelt color and stuff.

Strengths: Ace strengths are kind simply. He's very fast. His owner loves entering his dog in competitions. Anyway, Ace is very fast runner in his family..Super energetic and very protective. Ace can very fun, but over. He probably hurt, that's all. He's love playing and hanging out. Lastly, is great with children..Mature children. [More coming in Rp]

Weaknesses: Ace weaknesses is playing roughly..That's his main issues. He always try to be calm on fighting, but can't help it. So that's his main weakness. But great with everything else.

Crush: (Who do you secretly Admire?) No one, unfortunately

Extra: Golden Swan Hope you like him. :3