Author Topic: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.  (Read 20444 times)

Offline Killian

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Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« on: May 06, 2013, 03:57:06 pm »
I have been in many RP's that claim to be realistic and they just aren't.

One of the best examples is a wolf pack I joined that was 'realistic' but all the wolves had mowhawks, bright colours and unrealistic none-existent ranks. This 'healer' rank I think should not exist in a realistic wolf pack as I believe it's a warrior cat thing, right? Warrior cats aren't realistic! Wolves lick their wounds and get on with it, not hang around for days having a salad rubbed into their cuts. If you're going to RP like that you're semi-realistic.

I think (My own opinion) that they think they are realistic because none of them have powers and can use amazing wolf speak. I did hear someone complaining about a wolf using wolf speak and she said "I speak like that because I am realistic and literate, you can only be in this pack if you use wolf speak" Personally I hate wolf speakers that think using it makes them amazing RPers.

I think realistic RP's should be what they say they are. Real looking characters that behave as they would in the wild.

What about you guys? Have an opinion or have you ever joined an RP that wasn't as realistic as they claimed?

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2013, 04:16:05 pm »
Oh wolf speak I have always hated it and always will hate it.
I don't know many Wolf Speakers so I don't really know...
But yes they say that are literate but that seriously will not make them literate on that case just ask could we none Wolf Speak? If not then better leave the pack....

I think all those realistic and semi-realistic are pretty mixed up I see groups called realistic who are far away from that they wear any kind of items, they have neon... idk what else. So if you join a pack you better ask how realistic this pack is and maybe they could tell about their rping idea.
shhh noone knows me

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #2 on: May 06, 2013, 05:57:08 pm »
I personally don't think a roleplay's fully realistic until the characters are entirely without manes, unusual colours and cannot speak. I've a wealth of mute, realistic characters myself and it always pains me to join a group... And realize that everyone can talk! Communicating through body language can be a very rewarding challenge. Even so, I'm surprised groups are advertised as such when their mannerisms couldn't be further from realistic.  :P

The people who claim Wolfspeak makes you realistic are... Rather confused. It's an odd form of roleplay that makes your posts clunky, confusing and nigh impossible to understand. Far, far too much purple prose for my tastes; Wolfspeak embodies exactly what you shouldn't do if you seek to become a published author! People can certainly roleplay however they wish, but making such claims... :(

Offline Killian

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #3 on: May 06, 2013, 06:45:42 pm »
I'd love to destroy the person that invented the horror that is wolf speak. Nemena has really hit the nail on the head there, I've RP'd in only one mute role play that didn't last an evening because not enough people appreciated it's true realism. I've never seen another and don't think it's worth  having a mute character that isn't in a group because it would be impossible to RP at all.

I'd be happy to join a group that was fully realistic but we could still talk, takes the edge off when you want to RP but haven't got the energy to work on it. I'm sick of the silly ranks 'pack laws' and so on. If they send me out to collect healing berries again I'll die lol. Not saying I'm a better RPer then they are mind.

But yeah, RP how ever you want but don't claim you're something you're not.

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #4 on: May 06, 2013, 07:48:11 pm »
Wholeheartedly agree on the wolfspeak front; it does nothing but make things drawn out and confusing. Though I RP literately, I honestly prefer comparitively short and concise posts that get the point across to a three post long description of the moon reflecting off a character's ice blue orbs. Long posts are nice in paragraph style, but it shouldn't be the primary objective.

As for the realism thing... that's a bit tricky. I agree that it would be lovely if Rps were what they claimed to be in ads, with realistic actually meaning realistic, but because of the way people interpret the word in FH it just doesn't work out. I run an RP about street dogs in a post-apocalyptic city, complete with radiation, mad scientists, mutations, the odd love triangle... not what you'd call realistic in plot or content. However, character designs have to be at least semi-realistic (neon/unnatural colours are forbidden, manes are technically allowed even though I kind of hate them because they're just so widespread it's impractical to try avoiding them, but you can be reasonably creative with markings and patterns as long as you aren't checkerboard or something), and I advertised as semi for a while. The only problem was that I would get things like purple spots, white hair, and swirly markings, which apparently still qualify as semi.

Anyway, that's my overly-long explanation of why I personally advertise as realistic, even though we really aren't. Even advertising as realistic I still get the occasional bright red nose or 'abyss' black, and some of them actually get offended when I ask them to change it to fit the criteria. I'd love it if realism went deeper than 'no neon' and not every wolf had emo hair, but... I don't see it changing any time soon.

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #5 on: May 06, 2013, 10:51:08 pm »
Warrior cats aren't realistic! Wolves lick their wounds and get on with it, not hang around for days having a salad rubbed into their cuts.

Haha! I couldn't help but laugh as I read that part. You're killin' me, man XD

Okay, enough with the laughing. It's time for my bit of input. I can understand what you mean as far as what realistic goes. It's often times hard to find a roleplay that is strictly realistic. I've always prefered characters that are semi-realistic; realistic colors and markings, but with unatural eye colors. As for the RPs, I've always prefered realistic to semi-realistic. Often times whenever I try to play realistically, the people around me get bored of playing realistically. I guess most people like a little more action in the story, and RPs that are more out-of-the-ordinary.

I personally don't find anything wrong with the use of mane on some canine characters. All of my characters have mane on their heads, but rarely have any back mane. The only time I use back mane on some of my characters is to signifiy that they have long hair/fur, or to make them look a tiny bit more masculine. None of my female characters have the back mane, but they will have the hair on their heads. I think as long as the mane suits the character, I find nothing wrong with it.

Is Warrior Cats realistic? No. It's all based on fiction novels. I think the ones who advertise their Warrior RPs to be realistic are probably trying to say that their RP doesn't have any cats with big supernatural powers... or something like that. Most Warrior RPs I've been part of were semi-realistic. And then I've seen some that were unrealistic to the max (such as a WC leader with the ability to turn into a wolf... I guess he was a werewolf cat?).

As for the wolfspeak.... you're right. Just because someone uses wolfspeak, it doesn't mean they are being realistic. They may claim to be literate and realistic, but many of those wolfspeak terms just don't fit. I am not a fan of wolfspeak at all. I will never use it and you can't make me T^T.

Thats all I have to say about that.

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2013, 12:01:01 am »
If you want to be realistic, wolves shouldn't talk at all!

Anyways, I hate Wolf Speak.

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2013, 01:23:37 am »
One of the best examples is a wolf pack I joined that was 'realistic' but all the wolves had mowhawks, bright colours and unrealistic none-existent ranks. This 'healer' rank I think should not exist in a realistic wolf pack as I believe it's a warrior cat thing, right? Warrior cats aren't realistic! Wolves lick their wounds and get on with it, not hang around for days having a salad rubbed into their cuts. If you're going to RP like that you're semi-realistic.

I have to agree with you there but I must admit that my pack (I'm the alpha) has the 'healer' rank only we use the term shaman. We don't do it the way warrior cats do it though. If a wolf came up to up and had a couple of scratches then we wouldn't treat it. If the had blood gushing out of they're stomach then we would treat it. Also here's what happened one time when a pup got a sharp stone in his foot:

Pup: Ouch! -he howled as a sharp river stone dug its way deep into his paw-
Mother: What happened?!? -she gasp as she rushed to her pup-
Pup: There's  a stone in my paw! -he whimpered-
*Shaman walks over to them, hearing the conversation*
Mother: Do something! -she fretted-
*Shaman pulls rock out of paw and turns around to leave*
Mother: Wait, aren't you going to put something on the cut?
*Alpha (me) walks over to scene*
Me: Why, it's just a cut?
Mother: It's not like it doesn't hurt!
Me: I never said life would be easy. He's not spewing blood everywhere, he'll live.
*She started yelling at me*
Me: Shut up! We're wolves! Not warrior cats! I not gonna say to your pup 'Ok deary, now make sure you don't walk on your paw for the next 48 hours'.

Then everyone started laughing....except the mom lol

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2013, 02:20:42 am »
I know that feeling when you find the group isn't realistic. :c
I once joined a "realistic" dog roleplay.
It was my first real realistic roleplay, and I got all excited and make my dog character as realistic as I could. Turns out the other roleplayers looked more like wolves than dogs and had back manes and I think one had a mohawk.
Kind of funny, now that I look back to it. I don't know, I didn't really find it as amusing when at the time. I was more like: "Are you serious?"

And I don't think there will ever be any true realistic roleplays. If it were truly realistic then, as stated above, the characters wouldn't talk. I know I personally do not enjoy communicating through only body language.
It can easily be misinterpreted and people could get bored with those kind of roleplays.

People actually claim to be literate and realistic just because they can use wolfspeak? Wow. That just made me a little depressed right there.
But anyway, I think you should tell those people that it is not okay for them to look down on non-wolfspeak roleplayers and not even allow them in their group because they don't use big words incorrectly.
Never really been a fan of wolfspeak, and I think now it should have stayed in WolfQuest or where ever it came from.

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Re: Wolf Speak makes your RP more realistic.
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2013, 07:23:56 am »
These replies are very promising for me, it means there are good RPers out there. I will reply properly when I have time. Thanks for looking guys.