Author Topic: Put Downs~If you dont have anything nice to say, dont say anything at all.  (Read 6036 times)

Offline Killian

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    • View Profile  I recently posted a topic similar to this, the haters struck again attacking another recruiting for their RP, the amount of hate that comes from these people that talk in general is sickening.

Offline Splatterz

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People in general are just rude on FH, I wish I could help to make some of them watch what they say. It's upsetting how some people bully through an online game which is supposed to be fun and for everyone to go on and have a good time, but no. For some kids they're bullied enough at school so they come home to play Feral-Heart and feel welcomed and a part, but there's still bullies! FH bullies have to come to an end. :c

art by moi //

Offline KibaWolf73

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Awh, I understand your pain floof.
And it's not only RolePlays. People will put you down for simply liking something.

For example, this happened just a few minutes ago.
-Me and some floofs were talking about Pokemon in General. It was all fun, sharing experiences, until this guy comes in.-
Guy: pokemon is c**p lol
Floof: WHAT (She was just surprised)
Guy: Be mad stay mad lol
Me: -talking about how everyone is entitled to having an opinion, but saying bad things about something in front of people who love it is rude.-
Guy: aw you buthurt kiba lol
Guy: and i wasnt rude
-After more arguing-
Guy: i like top-tier games like -I don't really remember. I was too annoyed to bother. Something like CoD or stuff.- you guys can stay at the bottom with pokemon lol

Now, it is really rude to assume that somebody who likes Pokemon is entitled to ONLY liking Pokemon, and classify them as the 'bottom' of gaming-world. After the troll left, we began talking about other video games, and all-in-all we weren't mad. (Fail troll ftw)

Offline Vysena

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I'm tired, so this is gonna be short and sweet. Simply let haters hate, and block them/ignore them. Either way they're probably bored, in a bad mood, or just complete jelous of your RP idea, who knows, they might've wanted to start something like that. I think we should just let them have their opinion and let them fuss about it, it's their choice whether they want to be rude or not, either way, we should probably just ignore them or block, people are jerks, its life. c: -Falls asleep on keyboard-

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