Author Topic: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).  (Read 17481 times)

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..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« on: May 15, 2013, 12:34:41 pm »

Will you survive the streets?
Welcome to New York city! A large city where many strays wonder everyday is a came of survival for these canines. The have to put up with the dirty looks from the humans, looking down at the strays like they're no better than ghosts. Spitting at them as they crawl along the pavement cold, lonely and hungry. But do they take it into their hearts and help them? no they leave them be on the streets fighting for life day in day out, won't give them shelter, nor a home, food nor water, no toy and not even a place to stay for at least a few nights. They roam the streets struggling to survive, but they manage. "How do they do it?" many people will question as they look down at their matted fur. No one knows how they live to stay strong in the harsh city, all confused on how they manage.

Welcome to the role-play as you can see this will be a role-play based on strays living in the city and having to manage to survive day in, day out with no help what so ever from the humans. All they do is kick at the ground, maybe spit, shout, scare away the dogs. They don't see them as canines but as parasites. Many will die from starvation, fights, maybe bat living conditions, maybe an accident on the road leaves you begging for your life, or you lie at the side of the road slowly giving up. But the question is can you do what it takes to survive in the city?...

Well there isn't really a plot to this role-play, but as you can imagine you've got to act out as a dog living in the city, where it can come across hard to survive but you manage. Some how. You may live in a small group to about 6/8 or live alone which is usually better for most. Maybe you'll have to escape the dog catcher a few times or you'll wind up in the pound. Fight for your turf and yourself fed and watered.

Dog catcher:
The dog catcher will be around roughly 1/2 everyday prowling the streets looking for any strays they can snag and take back to the shelter. Usually only having luck with the young, old or weak. There is usually 1/2 people in the van at the most, the van is a black/blue color with white paw-prints on the back. They have good ways of finding the dogs so you'll need to watch out. Don't under estimate them.

Season: Summer
Weather: Sunny with a slight breeze
Time: Morning

Well there are a few places for the dogs to go and have a wonder, maybe look for food or a place to go when seeking for shelter.
-Dog park; where all dogs can go and blend in with the rest no dog catcher can get you here. The grass is lush and green, there is a large pond area where there are ducks in which allows dogs to swim, theres a small shop that sells treats, toys etc that satisfy your needs. Rocks where the dogs can sit and realxa when its a nice day.
-Firest; a good place for a nature trail or maybe just s good place to talk a walk and think about things, this is also a good place to hide when the dog catcher is on your case.
-Pound; where all the strays go that have been caught, most of the humans are cruel here along with some people that come in. May you wind up here? it shall not be easy to escape.
-Dog shelter; a nicer place for the dogs to go if they want to be took in by a family. The staff at NYC dog shelter as all kind and look after all the dogs with great respect and care. You are ensured to find a loving home once you've been here.
-Junk yard; some dogs will go here and try get some food, but you aren't always successful. or maybe just a little fight will be set up here, along with this being a place many canines spend their time to jump around on all the unwanted furniture etc.
-Housing estate; many families living around here where a stray can just wonder in usually getting some attention from the young ones wanting to play with them or even a house pet.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:38:46 pm by Taylor »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2013, 01:34:45 pm »

Oh no, it's the rules!!

As you know nearly every role-play has rules so i guess i am going to add some, i'm not going to add lists of rules as i know people will forget them and wont want to read 20 rules. Anyway here we go:

1. You must be 100% realistic so you don't go into the forest and hunt the deer, you will scavange through dumpsters, trash cans for food. Maybe even road kill. So no powers etc. Also you know how realistic is so just keep it at that yeah.
2. Please be mature. It does get irratating when you role-play with others who cant be mature about things, so this role-play may be for people a little older or maturer.
3. A use of bad language and cussing will be allowed, along with mating hence this role-play is aimed at more mature role-players. But for the mating you may role-play it if agreed by the mating pair and not to much detail on it. Thanks.
4. No godmodding, powerplaying or auto-hitting others, you may role-play into a sort of play-fight but asking the others player permission first.
5. No one is better than anyone, so no acting that your character is better than everyone elses cause, im sorry to burst your bubble but it isn't.
6. Please be active, that is why role plays die and i don't really want that to happen for this role-play as to me it seems interesting.
7. A limit of about 4 characters. Thats why you put 'We will survive' in your app. As if we dont have a rule on characters we may just get an overload on characters from the same person which will get boring.
8. Only 4/5 to a litter to ensure everyone can get a pup to whom will apply, or feel welcome to role-play your own pups.
9. Hate the character not the role-player.
10. OOC will be put in '[]', '()' or '{}'. And have fun!!.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2013, 01:40:38 pm by Taylor »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #2 on: May 15, 2013, 01:36:40 pm »


Past life/history:

Hope ya'll have a fun time role-playing!. :D

« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 03:36:07 pm by Taylor »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #3 on: May 15, 2013, 03:41:36 pm »

Name: Mollie, nickname usually being Mol.
Age: she is 4 years old.
Gender: She is female.
Breed: Golden Retriever.
Sub-breed: About 10% Border Collie.
Appearance: Well if you look at her picture you'll see her appearance, but she has a golden pelt with chocolate brown eyes. Her fur is very fluffy but smooth along with her tail fur being quite thick. She has black paw-pads and black sharp claws, with pearl white teeth.
Personality: She is quite a calm female who likes to laze around, but she also enjoys running around and chasing people. Mol does have a good sense of humor and often makes people laugh, as she is a hyper active girl and i guess you could say shes a bit dipsy. She isn't really into fighting hence her not being to loud, but she will fight if needed. She has a can do attitude and is usually positive to most things. You'll also find more out in rp.
Past life/history: Well she use to live with her family who had to soon move house but unfortionitly they couldn't take her with them, heart broken they spent weeks searching when they found a perfect family for her. Well that's what they thought anyway.
It was all going fine for a few weeks then her new owner became quite aggressive to her, seeing she needed to protect herself she bit him. In shock he screamed and tried to hit her so she ran out the back garden and over the fence she jumped, the owner swore he would find her and get her put down but there isn't much chance in that in this city.
Pound/shelter?: Nope shes a stray.
Mate: Nope not yet
Crush: No one yet
Pups: None yet although, she is wanting some.
 Not that she knows of.
Extra/Other: We will survive!.. But no i have nothing yet other than keep an eye out for any changes.

Name: Akyzer (Ik-iy-zer), her nickname usually being kye, kyza.
Age: 3
Gender: Female.
Breed: Pitbull.
Sub-breed: None.
Appearance: Well if you look at her picture you will see. But she has white up the fronts of her legs which leads up to her chest markings, she has a white under stomach and a white tail tip. She now wears a sliver chain instead of her collar, she has white up her back legs also. Her eyes are a mix of green, blue and brown. Quite bizarre. Her pelt is a sort of Ash grey color\silver.
Personality: She is the calmer one out of the two sisters and would prefer to laze around and talk, or maybe go for a walk somewhere. She does love to play fight and chase things, which is why she also loves running. She has a soft spot for pups as she thinks they are adorable and she is hoping to have her own some day. She loves to lay on her back and watch the stars she finds it very peaceful. Although Kyza isn't a fighter she will stand her ground and will fight if needed. She is also very opinionated and cocky.
Past life/history: Well its the same as her sisters, apart from it was only Kyza's 2nd fight when she was made to fight her sister, but luckily they escaped before some damage was done to the two. They managed to get out the small lowered gate as someone didn't shut it properly leaving just enough room for them to both escape.
Pound/shelter?: Nope shes a stray.
Siblings: She can't really remember her sisters name, but she knows she looked like this;
Mate: Nope not yet
Crush: No one yet
Pups: None yet, but she is wanting some.
Extra/Other: We will survive.

(Everyone feel free to now post, also someone may apply to be Kyza's sister, and I will also accept any other siblings for her along with Mollie).
« Last Edit: May 20, 2013, 03:35:23 pm by Taylor »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2013, 06:30:34 pm »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2013, 02:48:18 pm »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #6 on: May 19, 2013, 08:04:18 am »
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #7 on: May 19, 2013, 03:30:27 pm »

Name: Bosco

Age: 3 Years.

Gender: Male.

Breed: Husky

Sub-breed: None.

Appearance: Bosco is a beautiful husky, with a black head which leads down to his light brown face, and his black, brown and white muzzle, that ends in a wet, leathery nose! His icy blue eyes brings out the wisdom and excitement in his life. He has a white chest, mixed with a light brown colour and black. He has a thick, black and brown tail, which is creamy white underneath. He is more skinnier than in the picture, and he has a scar on his belly when he fought against a feisty German Shepherd, but he won.

Personality: Bosco is a shy dog, and prefers to walk alone rather than in a group. From his past he absolutely hates  Pit Bulls ((Making it more Interesting!)) and Dobermans, he can't stand them. Sometimes, he can be a great friend, but he is extremely protective. He would rather live life on the streets rather than go to the pound! He has a lovely howl, and howls instead of barks like most Huskies do.

Past life/history: He doesn't like to tell..

Pound/shelter?: STRAY!

Siblings: He is not quite sure, but he is sure one of them is called Lotty.

Extra/Other: We  Will Survive.. Hopefully anyway! xD

Hey people! I'm so excited now because I just found out I'm going to Spain for the first time ever! :3 Anyway, I will be inactive from July 30th to the August 6th. I will be back on on the August the 7th though cause of my flight times!

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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2013, 06:01:17 pm »
@Feral Accepted! Lovely app and yeah if Bosco hates PitBulls it will make it more interesting. We just need a few more people before we can start the role-play. :)
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Re: ..:New York City Strays:.. (Open&Accepting!).
« Reply #9 on: May 20, 2013, 03:25:16 pm »
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.