Author Topic: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?  (Read 2796 times)

Offline Raxoremys

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This is essentially going to be a thread for sharing the times you've been on a herbivore character, and someone has assumed that you're ripe for the killing.
You know how it goes. You're just sitting there on your deer character, enjoying the atmosphere and watching people RP. All of a sudden some great beast runs up and instantly "kills" you, or begins hunting you down. No prior warning, not even time to RP back most of the time. All rather vexing to say the least, and enough to spoil anyone's good mood.

So, I'll start off with an experience I had just a moment ago.

I was in Bonfire(first mistake, I know) on one of my stallion characters, semi-afk, generally enjoying myself. A red and black character, a self-proclaimed "monster", lay next to me and I began a friendly RP with them. This is how it turned out.

Me: "May I help you, my good.." he looked the creature up and down. "...lady?"
Monster: for what
Me: "...I do not know. But since you lay so near me, I was under the impression you wanted something."
Monster: im just looking for food rlly i shriek slightly at the stally
Me: "I'm afraid I can't help you in that respect."

(at this point, a mare came up and started talking to me as well, making the whole situation rather confusing for a while as I was trying to talk to both)

Monster: siighs at stallion ur dinner now ((when im ur u respawn
Me:'re not eating me. This isn't a prey character.))
Monster: im hunting srsly))
Me: And I don't want to be hunted. Find someone else.))
Monster: just go along with le rp))
Me: No.))
Monster: un role player
Me: I don't want to be eaten just because I'm a herbivore, you rude little monster.))
Monster: idc u tiny little mouse rat ):<00
Me: Not every herbivore character wants to be hunted and killed for your amusement. Ask first.))
Me: And I said I didn't want to RP being killed. Respect that.))

Ugh...people. After this they ran away, and a few minutes later they apparently saved a guinea pig from a fox...consistency, I can haz it? Nope.
It's bad enough being attacked for food, but what really gets me is when they act like you're a bad roleplayer for not wanting to be murdered. Great.

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2013, 04:47:16 am »
Hmmm... I understand where you are coming from, Rax. Whenever I come in contact with a "prey" animal or a herbivore animal, I don't go over there and insta-kill them. Often times, I just sit on a rock and acknowledge their presence... and that's it. If I act like I am stalking them, and act like I want to eat them, I give them a chance to roleplay back by running away. I ask before I make the pounce and killing moves.
Most of these people who play carnivorous animals are probably trying to act how predators would do in the wild. Even though out in the wild, predators don't ask the prey if they can kill them
Cougar: Oh Mr. Rabbit. Can I kill you so I can go feed my hungry cubs?
Rabbit: Oh by all means do so, Mrs. Cougar
Nah!... but it would be nice if people were to ask first instead of just "going for the kill". Because FH is a game, not reality.

I have seen a few herbivore roleplayers who make prey animals for the sole purpose of being killed and eaten. It's rare, but I've seen it. Even I have volunteered to be a prey animal. Whenever I do see those kind of players, I play fairly and realistically, and not insta-kill them.

Offline kopat

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2013, 04:14:57 pm »
Yes..... I have seen this many times... But one someone was FORCING me to kill them, while I was on my warrior cat.
deer fawn: walkz up to tha kitti -says KILL ME-
Me: ....
Me: Ok....? -walks away-
No, I didn't even kill it. That person kept coming back with more prey animals and doing that same thing to everyone.

Offline WhiteLightHeart

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #3 on: May 20, 2013, 12:25:21 am »
Well... I'm gonna state the obvious here and say that FeralHeart is based on carnivorous animals, which explains very simply why herbivores get attacked left and right. Not to say it isn't irritating, though, since I've played my share of herbivores, too. And they do get attacked. ;-;

However, as Kopat's post exemplifies in contrast with the original idea of this topic, it's really anybody who forces some sort of activity onto another person's character "because they're 'supposed' to" who gets annoying. It's just not courteous to go on roleplaying your hunt on someone who doesn't even want to roleplay with you.
And, frankly, if you get mad at them for for being upset with you, when you start killing them without permission, that's just a bonk on your own head for being a bum and powerplaying.
So, I know how ya feel.

When you do run into this issue, though, and someone starts stalking your herbivore, just tell them:
"Sorry, [name here], I'm not interested in roleplaying with you right now. Take care, though!"
Just a simply dismissal, no need to get angry. If they persist, there's always a block button to prevent any further arguing. If you do run into a proper roleplayer that respects your character, I'd almost welcome a worthy opponent in RP, so long as things remain respectful between the roleplayers themselves.
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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2013, 11:50:46 pm »
I once made a sheep character and walked out in the middle of a pride of lions. xD Somehow, a cub killed me. I wasn't really trying to fight back though, I just find it fun to be killed sometimes, as weird as that sounds. Prey RP is pretty entertaining as a whole! But if you don't want to be killed then I wouldn't kill you. I'd back off. Being forceful isn't nice. D:

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2013, 01:10:20 am »
Both of these stories are when I was on a bull elk named Na. .-.

Story 1.

I was just walking around in Cape, then suddenly a kit comes along and tries to eat me. I completely forget the story because it was so long ago. But I do remember this.. weird line.
"Just... give me your leg perhaps even?" I thought of that very creepy.
And before I saw your post Whitelightheart, this happened to me in Bonfire...

Story 2.

Me: *Just chillin', roleplaying, then I go under a bush in roleplay, it's raining.*
RandomPerson: *comes along and thinks I'm dead so tries to eat me.
Me: *I get up, showing I'm not dead.*
RP: *Attacks, kind of illiterate, no offense.*
I'll just type the rest out lol. I then ran everywhere, pressing E like I never pressed E before.
I'm back, roleplaying in Bonfire some where, and then suddenly I see one of the predator's post (Yes, there is more than one. They were huskies the size of me.) and then they find me. I run so much that I ran into Ficho. Lost them after that.
Finally an experience with a nerp. XD About time.

It's annoying when people think your suppose to be killed. >.<  At least there are some people are understand it. I think Whitelightheart's post makes sense though.
People gotta ask like this. Example below.
Hey, can I eat you, [insertnameorspecieshere]?))
Also a note. You can of course respawn afterwords, and you the herbivore can forget you were eaten if you accepted the predator's request in a non-roleplay mode. ?

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2013, 11:54:28 pm »
First, a short story that I remember only segments of:

RandomWolf: -attacks the caribou, sinking fangs into throat-
Me(a caribou): Sry Mrs., but I'd rather not be hunted now. Perhaps later, but ask first?))
RW: no i hunt you now)) -kills caribou-
Me: -is still alive and well- (I'm sorry, but I don't want you to eat me now))
RW: your a caribou tho, so your prey))

Basicly we argued some more until she ran off and attacked another member in my group... and I never saw her again. Now to my point; any peacful herbivore, in my case caribou, that someone sees wandering around is to them automatically "food." (I know I just re-stated the topic >.<) Some users even place PREY in their nametags...but really people? If this game had npc prey, that'd be a saving grace for herbivore characters. Sadly, it doesn't, so the only prey around is the other brave members who make their character that way. Think for a moment if you were the deer character instead, would you like to be auto-killed, or asked politely if you would Rp a hunt? I've actually seen some characters named "carcass" in Bonfire, such a strange place.

~On a side note, I find it hilarious when I take my group to hunt lions...we don't actually eat them of course, being caribou, but it's funny to watch them stutter as their usual prey runs around stabbing them with their antlers x3~

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #7 on: May 27, 2013, 09:05:40 pm »
I personally have no problem with being an herbivore character and being hunted, so long as the player hunting me asks for my permission, and is not a powerplayer.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of powerplayers here on FH, and the general consensus appears to be that carnivorous mammals are invincible, and that the prey just lies there and lets the wolf/lion rip its throat out. Statistically speaking, a good eighty percent of the time, the prey ends up either escaping or effectively driving away the predator. And even when the predator wins, it's a hard-won battle, and the predator doesn't walk away from the hunt unscathed. Hunting is dangerous business. Do not underestimate those zebras. Being kicked by one of those is like getting whacked with a sledgehammer.

There are videos like these all over YouTube.

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #8 on: May 27, 2013, 11:48:50 pm »
The reason that people try to eat herbivore characters is ether they are entertained in vore, wolfaboos/liontards, or just think that this game is reality. And almost all of them try to insta-kill them. I was once mauled by many carnivores on my herbivores back then, but now I'm just praised like a baby most of the time. I don't get entertainment anymore.

Honestly, I used to stalk "prey" for fun and try to "kill" them a while ago, but I quit because I was always ignored. XD

Offline Raxoremys

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Re: Herbivore characters: why are we treated like pieces of meat?
« Reply #9 on: May 31, 2013, 07:41:41 pm »
Another fun little story for all my floofs! This time I wasn't a herbivore character, I was a pup, but a similar degree of rudeness was exerted by the killer.

I was at the Adoption Centre, and a panther came up. They told me that they were adopting me,(in the most literate language I'd seen all day, I might add), but I was a tad suspicious as a giant panther wanting to raise and take care of a pup on this game didn't add up. After a little bit I agreed to go with them, and they proceeded to take me out to a secluded spot of Fluorite. I was very suspicious of them at this point, but they simply talked to me at first. They asked about my character's parents, and I responded that my character didn't know, in fact the two of them just hadn't come home one day and he assumed they had been killed.

The panther began this sinister monologue about how panthers aren't monsters(which is also what they told me when I asked them at the AC if they were going to eat me), and how my parents most likely weren't killed by one. After a little bit of that, I asked them straight up if they were going to eat me or not. At this point, they RPed(very badly) pinning me down and grabbing my hind legs. Of course, I went straight out of character and told them I wasn't going to be their snack. Then they did the typical thing, they called me a coward and various other abusive names as I went back to the AC.

This whole situation....I can't even. Seriously? They were so low, they adopted a pup from the AC to go and kill it in the middle of nowhere? They didn't ask if I wanted to RP that, they insulted me when I stood up for myself, and generally put me in the most horrible mood ever. At least the slightly illiterate fools who maul my horses in Bonfire don't go to such elaborate lengths. You know they're going to murder you. I was under the impression that this person was going to take care of me, and when they actually bothered to send me a friend request I thought that must be the case. But this? I'm done. I'm so done. This person was a real goofy floofball(for want of a MUCH stronger word), and they didn't even say sorry for tricking me like that. It's not usually my style to call out individuals, but this was too far. Look out for Shadowscar1, they're a real bad egg and a poor roleplayer if ever I saw one.