Author Topic: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)  (Read 172314 times)

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #250 on: June 29, 2013, 09:44:27 am »

Xizon settled down, leaning back on her haunches as she looked at each and every animal nearby. She scratched the back of her ear, a little deep in her own thoughts. She gave a slight twitch as she noticed the friendliness between the group, even with the feline. She let out a small sigh, and not knowing what else to do, she changed her position, lay down and rested her head on her paws.

Vicci shook her head, leaving a tiny hole where she 'spied' on the group. She flicked her tail, turning around and walking out the broken entrance of the museum. She quickened her pace, returning to the city infested with mutants. she paused for a moment at the front of the large museum, raising her head and sniffing the air before continuing onwards, her odd coloured eyes searching the place for the possibility of food.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #251 on: June 29, 2013, 02:46:24 pm »
Risto shrugged at Teegan's question. "Who knows?" he muttered. "I'm not in this area." His eyes flickered over her injured paw, but he flicked his tail. "Okay, whatever. As long as we find some water." He murmured, padding off. Teegan was right--salty water would make Flak's wounds sting, and they didn't need an extra grumpy brute. He tasted the air, wondering where the fountain was. Glancing back, he tipped his head to one side. "I hope you know what road it is." He meowed gruffly, a little annoyed and impatient. The only reason why was because he didn't want any one else to get infection, nor did he want another stupid mutant to come and attack the rest while he and Teegan were away. Maybe I shouldn't have brought Teegan with me, Risto thought. She's best off with the rest to protect them. Besides, i can take care of myself anyway. (sorry, short.)

((Forgot about Dusty's))

Dusty let out an amused chuckle, and flashed a quick glance at Micah. "Ha. I bet so," he replied, giving a friendly nudge Gavroche's side. "But I think you're better than me. I wouldn't have jumped down from the roof onto the mutant's back!" he added. Although he was a little embarrassed, he felt a tinge of gratitude towards the pup. At least we're friendly with each other, he thought, glancing at Risto. I don't think anyone would ever want to be friendly to him. Dusty murmured silently. But he also remembered how Teegan had communicated with Risto and all. He was a little puzzled of the German Shepherd's friendliness, but perhaps Teegan noticed something more than Risto's grumpiness and annoyance.  
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 02:53:34 pm by OreoHeroz »

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #252 on: June 29, 2013, 03:22:21 pm »
Teegan nodded as the cat spoke as he lifted to his paws and padded off "Wait up" she barked lifting to her paws and walking towards the feline with a slight limp. She lifted her nose towards the air as she sniffed up then lowering her head and looking at the feline as he spoke. She nodded her head she knew where the fountain was she passed it many times, and also visited it when she needed a drink. "This way Risto" she smiled as she turned down a street, rubble gritted against the ground as she walked on it, the hoot of an owl rung through her ears as she turned her head letting out a snarl, then shakng her head. "The fountains just down here" she whispered "At the end of this street" she added keeping quiet in order to not attract any mutats. Her tail slightly wagged side to side as she walked a little infont of the feline, her eyes pacing around along with her head.

Micah listened as the pup babbled on, a small smile grew across her face at the small pup. He seemed very energetic at this time of night. Her brown optics locked onto Dusty as he shot a glance at her, and again she smiled and nodded her head as her tail wagged. The faes snow head turned to see Teegan and Risto pad off together as she then looked at Flak 'they must be going for something to help his wounds' she thought to herself, her attention then back on the tan male and the small pup. Her large, white ears perked as she continued to listen to the conversation between the two, a slight smile remained on her muzzle as a gust of air blew past her sending a shiver down her spine. 
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #253 on: June 29, 2013, 03:59:17 pm »
((I'm guessing it's night?))

Risto nodded, tasting the air warily. "Good, good." He weaved around the rubber, keeping out for any mutants. When the fountain was in sight, Risto drooped his tail in disappointment. The fountain was nearly in pieces--only a few stones that had built it remained. The water trickled out, and as Risto reached out his tongue to lick it, it was muddy and foul. Spitting it out, he poked an unsheathed claw at the mud. "Well, this is the best we can do." He meowed, particularly to himself. He let out a sigh as he padded off. "We'll need something to catch the water with. I don't think there is really anything around here we can carry the water in, besides our mouth." He turned to glance at Teegan, his amber eyes blinking. "Let's split up." he suggested. "Maybe while I find something to hold it, I might find some fresh herbs for our wounds."   

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #254 on: June 29, 2013, 04:51:09 pm »

        Flak nodded subtly at the two as they set off to find some fresh water for his gushing wound. His tongue dangling from the side of his maw, he slowly began to lower himself to lay down. As he carefully moved, he winced in pain as the motion caused the wound to sting even more and his broken ribs to ache. Finally, he sprawled out on his good side on the cracked concrete, panting as he desperately awaited relief, whether it be from sleepy unconsciousness or the medical relief once it arrives.


          Gavroche giggled a bit at Dusty's response, but the grin soon whipped off his face as he noticed the male shooting glances over to the white fae nearby. "Hey!" He yipped, hopping upwards to get Dusty's attention. " 'ow come you keep lookin' over there! I'm right here!" He growled, landing back down on his paws. "There's no time for... giirrrrls. 'Sides, they have cooties!" The pup lowered his eyebrows, staring up disapprovingly at the tan male.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #255 on: June 29, 2013, 06:00:15 pm »
When she spotted the fountain her mouth slightly dropped, she was here only a few hours ago and the fountain was perfectly fine with running water as she let out a sight looking at the feline "I was here a few hourse ago and the fountain was fine with running water" she muttered as she listened to what he had to say "well I could just carry it back in my mouth?" She questioned although there was bound to be water somewhere in a large puddle from the rain they could use instead. The reflection of something on the ground caugh her eye as she ran over, and lucky enough it was a deep puddle that looked fresh. "Here!" She whispered lapping up the water storing it in her mouth for Flaks wounds as she waited for the next command.

Micah looked as the small pup barked "Well hello there little one" she smiled as she looked at him. Her ears perked as he spoke of all females having cooties as she giggled and jumped off the rock. She placed her paw around the pup and pulled him closer then slightly whispering "Not all girls have cooties, but if I do then you've got them now" she teased letting go of the pup giggling as she gave Dusty a wink then padding off a little letting the two talk as she sat at a ledge looking into the salty sea. The waves crashed against the large wall as gusts of wind blew through her fur.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #256 on: June 29, 2013, 06:06:45 pm »

The Coolie flicked her ear in annoyance as she glanced over at the laying canine nearby. After a few moment of silence, she spoke. "...Hey, you alright?" She asked, her voice low. She knew that that had to be the most stupidest question ever. She gave a glance at his opened wound, feeling a little guilty for this. She raised her head from her paws, ears leaning back and pressed down onto her head.

Vicci neared a random building, a house of some sort. Slowly and carefully, she jumped onto a bin nearby, then used it to jump onto the roof. In the process, she kicked the bin, making it fall and create a loud noise. "...Dang it." She muttered under her breath, ears flattening as she looked behind at her mess. her tail gave a flick as she looked around, before moving along the roof, jumping over a few holes before moving to the next roof of another house.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #257 on: June 29, 2013, 06:11:52 pm »

                Flak's ears perked at an unfamilure voice and he carefully pushed himself up off his side to a regular laying position. Craning his neck around, he tilted his head at the female he had noticed earlier at the fight. "Yeah. I'm fine." He replied, his voice a bit raspy from his constant panting. He shot a glance at his torn open side, then returned his attention to the fae. "I've been through worse." He added with a huffed chuckle, drawing his ears back to their normal, relaxed position.


         Gavroche's blue eyes grew wide as the white shepherd female unexpectedly pulled him close to her and spoke. "I HAVE COOTIES NOW!!!" He shouted, frantically scrambling out of her grip, tripping over his paws and tumbling over himself in his hasty attempt at getting away. Quickly, he lept to his feet and shook his blonde pelt. "Dusty! There's no cure for cooties! Where's the cat!? He might know!" The pup shouted again, scrambling over in between Dusty's forelegs. "I don't wanna die!" He buried his face in the male's forepaw, his hind end still held upright.
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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #258 on: June 29, 2013, 06:28:29 pm »

She gave a small smile as the black furred dog replied. "So, what's your name?" She asked, her head tilting a little as she gave a quick, small glance at his wounds once more. "I'm Xizon." She introduced herself, giving a slight bow with a small nod of her head.

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Re: Strays of the Ruins. (Stray dog/cat RP, open & accepting)
« Reply #259 on: June 29, 2013, 06:35:09 pm »

          "Flak." He introduced, wincing as he forced himself upright to his haunches. "Nice to, meet you." Flak paused to take a breath in the middle of his sentence, then returned to his panting as he strained to catch his breath. (Murh. Short.)
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