Author Topic: Taylors Bio! :D  (Read 1401 times)

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Taylors Bio! :D
« on: May 24, 2013, 05:41:08 pm »
Hello there and welcome to Taylors Bio!

Well I've noticed everyone has started to add bios/journals for themselves and I've realised I've been on FeralHeart for quite a while and haven't made a single bio/journal/introduction yet, I know terrible isn't it? :o
Well now its time for me to write up my bio so all you floofies can know a little more about me but I am also doing this because I am bored and found it a good idea to write this up. So here we go hope you guys enjoy it :p.

Name: Amie (another way of spelling amy) (Taylor; which is also my last name xD).

Nicknames: oh I could go on for ever I have many nicknames but some aren't appropriate to say on the forums I think. But here are some of the ones that are; Freckles, Freckle Face, Smurf, Lil T, Tee, Dimples, Midget, Dopey, Tiny, Taylor.

Height: I am about 5'1/5'2 not very tall I must say, about 2nd/3rd smallest in my class.

Age: I am 14 years old.

Sexuality: Straight.

Weight: I weight about 7 stone, I don't really know how much that is in lbs etc but I'm guessing about 150 or something? Correct me if I am wrong :).

Birthday: My birthday is on the 3rd of April.

Likes: well I don't think I will write all my likes as you guys may just be here all day and I will be here all day writing it xD but here a few;
I like animals, listening to music, hanging out with friends, drawing, singing, texting, video games, football, boxing, basket ball, dodge ball, gym, dog walking, hors riding, watching films, watching tv, playing on my computer, dancing, having a good time, swimming, cycling, tennis, training my pets, sun bathing, feralheart forums, meeting new people, chocolate, coke and many other things.

Dislikes: well I must admit I am a person who doesn't really dislike anything and I am more of a happy/jolly being but here you go;
I dislike bullys, sharks, crocodiles, ill mannered people, people who think they are better than everyone else, gangnam style+gentelman so basically PSY, silence, vegetables, cricket and that's it really.

Friends: I don't know if I should add my real friends or ones on the game, but I guess I'll just add my forum friends as I would be again here allday writing my friends as we go with 20 outside of school and 10-15 inside school :p;
Theses are some of the people I can remember role-playing with and talked to so classe them as friends;
Huskies-Eat-Ponies, Thrillex, Feral, I can't really remember others unfortionately but hopefully more will be added to the list!.
Relationship or not: Yes I am in a relationship, been about 2 months and 12 days. (How brainy am I just worked that out *phew*).

Things I really suck at: Spanish, maths, holding in my laughter at serious moments.
Most embarrasing moment: I don't really have an embarrasing moment apart from when I walked into the wrong class room and everyone stared at me I was like oh no think fast, think fast!! Then asked if they seen the behaviour teacher xD. Another one was when I was texting a friend and sent it to the wrong person. Also in school texting a friend back whilst saying how we hate the teacher so much only to have him stand behind me reading it..

Pets: Yes I have pets how did you know? Magic?... Anyway I have 2 dogs Tia a miniature jack rusell, tri colored (white, black and brown) and very tiny, Jess short legged jack rusell, all white one side of face is black the other is white, docked tall, quite small. 2 cats Sassy a grey and white tabby, she is quite small her fur is so smooth o_0 and Coco my chocolate brown fluffy cat she is crossed with a persian/himalayan (can't spell), a turtle named Shelly we didn't get told if it was a boy or girl, think its a boy though and an african grey parrot Rocky, very intelligent and a great speaker.

Accent: Well since I am from Newcastle I am a geordie but my grandad was an Irish gypsy so I have Irish in me, ooh goodie!!:D.

Piercings/Tattoos: Well I do have my belly done and did have my ears done but I let them close up I didn't really want them, I don't have any tottoos yet my mam won't let me cause I am to young. But the ones I am wanting when I am older are: an ankle bracelet tattooed on, name on the side of my hand or wrist, flower maybe on the thumb bone (palm side) or a swag not/quote/saying accross the outside of my foot. :D

Appearance: I may add a picture if I can be bothered a different day but; I am quite a small athletic girl, I have dark brown hair that almost looks black that may have a tint of purple since I dyed it but letting it go back brown :D. I have a fringe also. On my face I have a lot of freckles, and dimples hence my nick names. My eyes are a mix of a blue/green color which I quite like although I wish they were nicer.

As a person I am quite the joker and like playing pranks on people, but because of my dopyness my plans tend to back fire and the prank that I was suppose to do on someone else I ended up doing it to myself. I am quite a bubbly person and most of my friends say I laugh at anything which Is probably right xD. I can be funny at times but also very cocky which sometimes annoys people they say "your to sarcastic/cocky" and I just laught and be like "Yeah, well you don't say" but then that often causes them to laugh. I may seem like a big hardy who never really cries cause of the rough sports etc but I often cry at films including an animal that dies, heart breaking I know... I can be really cheeky at times which gets me into a lot of trouble at school but I guess they can't stand me, oh well xD.

Well anyway enough of that I could go on all day but don't think that's a good idea for me and all you guys out there, anyway I hope you guys like my bio and maybe if yous have any questions you can post them and I will ensure I answer them for all you guys out there.
Hope all have a good day/night.

Thanks Taylor.
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Re: Taylors Bio! :D
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2013, 06:31:44 pm »
Must say..what a lovely bio... :3 Very detailed and interesting. I really enjoyed reading. :3 It's great to learn more about chu. <333 Floof for you

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Re: Taylors Bio! :D
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2013, 06:42:17 pm »
Naww thanks chu Thrill! Took me a long time my fingers are about to drop off :D. -Floofs Thrill back-.
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Re: Taylors Bio! :D
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 05:33:17 am »
Very nice bio :3 its fun to know you and I bet your pets are adorable,Hope to See ya in game~

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Re: Taylors Bio! :D
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 10:52:35 am »
Thank you :) and they are but they are cheeky little thing! Unfortionatly I don't go in gane anymore but I hope to see you around the forums sometime.
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