Author Topic: Illiterate role-players!  (Read 13930 times)

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Illiterate role-players!
« on: May 25, 2013, 08:16:24 pm »

What is your opinion on illiterate role players?

So basically i want people opinions on illiterate role players cause in my opinion it really bugs me. Many people may be not as literate but the post about 2 sentences which is fine, but when you write atleast 4-5 lines and that person hardly replys back one doesn't it bug you?. I myself can be illiterate at times meaning i'll only post about 2 sentences but they still hold enough information needed to continue on the role play. But as i am use to literate role plays i am use to everyone replying wtih about 4 lines or more, so non-literate peoples posts tend to annoy me quite alot i cant explain why it just does and gets me frustrated on what i should post next.

So i am wanting your opinions on this and see if anyone feels the same way as i do when people dont put enough effort into their posts, or maybe you dont mind illiterate role players but i guess we will have to see. Feel free to post your opinion even if its different to everyone elses, Happy discussing! :D.

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2013, 08:21:49 pm »
Yes, literature people really bugs me because when they make such interesting roleplays, and you know you want to join. Then suddenly, you read the rules and it says "Be literature at all times" and in my mind it be like..That's not fair. There's fewer literature people and non-literature people And I think that's pretty unfair for the people that really wants to join..And the people that do joins, and they have to write like a paragraph.. >.< That's pretty much like me...I see a interesting roleplay and decided to join, then suddenly, I write a one paragraph. And that bugs..I really can't stand literature people.. (Not offense)

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2013, 08:35:38 pm »
I hate role-plays when they do that to i mean most of my role-plays are literate but i dont make them always be literate the most i would expect from an illiterate role-player would be only a small paragraph as i am not always literate my self. Well i mostly am, but no offense taken. It only bugs me when you know someone can do alot better than the actually are i dont mind lines it gust bugs me a few words role-play. Like when someone writes about 3-4 lines and the other replies with something like
"He looked at her as she looked at him". Some people i role-play with have even wrote shorter posts than this when ive wrote a paragraph and it really annoys me, they could atleast put more effort in. Most role-plays i have been in with you Thrill you write at least 4 lines or more which in my opinion is literate.
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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2013, 11:03:43 pm »
I don't really have a problem with illiterate roleplayers.
Mainly because they're mostly all younger player or people that are new to roleplaying and don't know any better.
Some players might even have a mental condition where it's hard to make even a sentence, like when they have dyslexia.

It's a disappointing when you preset a fellow roleplayer with a paragraph of well thought of roleplay, and they give you a sentence or just a few words. But that's just how they roleplay, and you can choose whether to roleplay with them or not.
If it's new players that are just learning the basics of roleplaying, you can't really blame them.
I would stick around and try to introduce them to a more literate roelplay style, if they want to, of course. c:

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2013, 11:23:32 pm »
I honestly don't mind illiterate roleplayers. I'm okay with them honestly.
I've roleplayed with someone who made a lot of typos and didn't make much sense, but I was fine as long as I could understand them.
And a friend of mine who uses short posts for roleplay actually I love their style in roleplay, and it makes me like the way she roleplays, but sometimes I dislike long posts. Short posts are a lot better sometimes to me, so I have no issue with illiterate roleplay.
Some people can help the illiteracy, like they are young, new or have problem with their typing or eyes.
Maybe even their fingers, so I don't really judge them.
Illiterate roleplay isn't my issue really, I don't mind it.
BouncyLion is agreed with. c:  You could teach them sometimes, ya know?
So, I don't judge. :3 Not saying you are judging, Taylor, though.
That's my opinion, truly.~

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2013, 12:34:12 am »
I do dislike illiterate role players that have these as their so called posts. 'Sit sits by him' 'Hisses at him' 'No'.  I mean really if you do not want to take the time to type out a good post then why are you on a role play game?  But I am perfectly happy with people who just post two or three sentences because I do this too when I can't think of anything.  Super literates have really big posts that overwhelm me and most of the time have words I don't understand.  I prefer people with small posts but aren't tiny.
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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2013, 05:08:58 am »
Why is it that alot of people judge someone based on how many sentences they type in a roleplay post? I've seen people get called illiterate all because they post one or two sentences in an RP post. They were called illiterate even if they used proper punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure. How is typing one or two sentences illiterate? How!? Do people even know what illiterate means anymore?!

There are some roleplayers who can't be as "literate" as some other people. There are reasons such as young age, disability, or maybe a language barrier. I've roleplayed with people who weren't too good with English, since it isn't their first language. I had a roleplaying partner who spoke Greek, and English was his second language. His sentence structures were different, since their language is different in structure. I didn't judge him harshly for it. He couldn't help it. He was still learning English. You got to remember that people from around the world play this game. Also, a majority of the players on this game are young kids.

I myself, don't mind these so called "illiterates". The only typing I don't like seeing in a roleplay post is text typing "Y did u steal my m8? He wuz my boyfrend not yurs!" I have to admit that it can get on my nerves.
I don't judge someone based on how many sentences they type. It's not the quantity of words that count. So there are some people who can type out a 4 sentence paragraph in a roleplay post. That's great and all, but not everyone has those skills. I don't like it when people harshly judge other people for their roleplaying skills. It's NOT fair to call someone illiterate based on how many sentences they type. Calling them illiterate can make them lose some confidence. It's better to teach them and show them some better skills instead of bashing them. Those who call roleplayers illiterate all based on how few sentences are typed aren't being very fair at all. You need to give them a chance.

I do dislike illiterate role players that have these as their so called posts. 'Sit sits by him' 'Hisses at him' 'No'.  I mean really if you do not want to take the time to type out a good post then why are you on a role play game?

Is there some kind of roleplaying law that prohibits people to roleplay that way? Who are you to tell people how to roleplay? It may not be all fancy with 3 long detailed sentences, but does it really matter? NO ONE should tell people how to type out their roleplay sentences. I was under the impression that this RPG game was a place where people could have a little fun, not type out a roleplay paragraph to impress people. I have a few friends who roleplay by only saying a few words. Does it bother me? No. Am I going to tell them they should post more words? No! It's their choice, not mine. If they want to reply with three words, so be it. If they want to reply with three sentences, I won't stop them. I let them type at their own pace and their own way. Whatever floats their little boat.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 06:25:08 am by Lady_Alizarin »

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2013, 04:51:56 pm »
Why is it that alot of people judge someone based on how many sentences they type in a roleplay post? I've seen people get called illiterate all because they post one or two sentences in an RP post. They were called illiterate even if they used proper punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure. How is typing one or two sentences illiterate? How!? Do people even know what illiterate means anymore?!

There are some roleplayers who can't be as "literate" as some other people. There are reasons such as young age, disability, or maybe a language barrier. I've roleplayed with people who weren't too good with English, since it isn't their first language. I had a roleplaying partner who spoke Greek, and English was his second language. His sentence structures were different, since their language is different in structure. I didn't judge him harshly for it. He couldn't help it. He was still learning English. You got to remember that people from around the world play this game. Also, a majority of the players on this game are young kids.

I myself, don't mind these so called "illiterates". The only typing I don't like seeing in a roleplay post is text typing "Y did u steal my m8? He wuz my boyfrend not yurs!" I have to admit that it can get on my nerves.
I don't judge someone based on how many sentences they type. It's not the quantity of words that count. So there are some people who can type out a 4 sentence paragraph in a roleplay post. That's great and all, but not everyone has those skills. I don't like it when people harshly judge other people for their roleplaying skills. It's NOT fair to call someone illiterate based on how many sentences they type. Calling them illiterate can make them lose some confidence. It's better to teach them and show them some better skills instead of bashing them. Those who call roleplayers illiterate all based on how few sentences are typed aren't being very fair at all. You need to give them a chance.

I do dislike illiterate role players that have these as their so called posts. 'Sit sits by him' 'Hisses at him' 'No'.  I mean really if you do not want to take the time to type out a good post then why are you on a role play game?

Is there some kind of roleplaying law that prohibits people to roleplay that way? Who are you to tell people how to roleplay? It may not be all fancy with 3 long detailed sentences, but does it really matter? NO ONE should tell people how to type out their roleplay sentences. I was under the impression that this RPG game was a place where people could have a little fun, not type out a roleplay paragraph to impress people. I have a few friends who roleplay by only saying a few words. Does it bother me? No. Am I going to tell them they should post more words? No! It's their choice, not mine. If they want to reply with three words, so be it. If they want to reply with three sentences, I won't stop them. I let them type at their own pace and their own way. Whatever floats their little boat.

I totally agree with you, I always have about 2-3 or more sentences and 2 or 3 lines. I sometimes get called illiterate,  and I saw this person's post get called illiterate, is this illiterate?:

He swished his tail back and fourth, "Mhm, good for you." He grumbled. As he laid down slowly ignoring almost everything he was saying, slowly drifting off.

Yeah its not much, but its not illiterate! Don't judge people by how many sentences or lines they post, thats just not fair. In my opinion, this post, is ridiculous, it says "Hey! Lets judge people who write short sentences! Let the judging begin!"

Seriously, theres no point in doing that.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 04:56:11 pm by Skrillexx~ »


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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2013, 06:46:58 pm »
I honestly don't understand where the whole POST LENGTH = QUALITY argument stems from.

Sure, you might be capable of dabbling out a 10-paragraph post, but is all the detail contained within it absolutely necessary to further the roleplay? Do I really need to know how your eyes glint in the moonlight, how the wind tussles your pelt and every, single meticulous thought that runs through your mind? No. I simply need to know what your character's doing in relation to mine, nothing more. Detail's great, don't get me wrong-- but chat-based roleplay is entirely the wrong medium for it; it really muddles up the pace.

For example:

Saka bared her teeth and hissed at the lion, her aggression spurred by her tragic past.

There's plenty to reply to. She's hissing, she's aggressive, she's confronting you. She's left the motive for her anger ambiguous, allowing the lion to wonder why she's reacting in such a manner. Heck, she can even tell him afterwards, providing an opportunity for more roleplay!

Saka stood before the lion, eyes vacant as thoughts ran repeatedly through her head. She's never liked lions; one killed her parents during a simple hunting trip many, many years ago. She remembered how his eyes gleamed with malicious fervour, how his jagged teeth ran red with the blood of her mother...   She remembered running away, the distant cries of her injured parents echoing forth from the burning forest..

She's just... Thinking. It's a long post, but it's by no means better than the first. It doesn't further the roleplay, nor does it provide anything for the lion to react to; he can't hear her thoughts. To him, she's just... Standing there. It's long, but pointless-- and has also ruined the surprise of her motive behind the aggression. It's certainly not bad, but... It doesn't really serve any purpose.

World of Warcraft has a similar style of roleplay (chat-based), except there you're actually ostracized for unnecessarily long posts; it just stagnates the roleplay and causes things to move at an unbearably slow pace. My roleplays there are rarely longer than a sentence and yet I've never, ever been called illiterate-- or a bad roleplayer.

In terms of FeralHeart, those two/one-line roleplayers are actually better suited to chat roleplay than those who write a multi-paragraph novel. Everyone can roleplay however they'd like, but keep in mind that 'quality, not quantity' applies to roleplay too. If you're bumping your post-length up with unnecessary detail to appear 'literate' to the closed-minded members of the community, don't. You're doing great! :D

TL;DR: Don't be judgmental over post length; a few short sentences is often more effective than a multi-paragraph ramble.

TL;DR: Don't be judgmental over post length.

TL;DR: Don't be judgmental over post length.

It's just my personal opinion! I honestly don't think anyone's a 'bad' roleplayer-- they're either inexperienced (extremely short posts), young, not english, inconsiderate buttwaffles (powerplayers, autohitters etc.) or... Well. Anything! People learn and improve with age- not everyone starts off as a roleplaying god. I do love writing enormous posts with friends, but it's unfair to expect strangers to be at that level-- or even enjoy that format of roleplay. I'd happily roleplay with anyone whose post I can actually read!

/rant off

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Re: Illiterate role-players!
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2013, 10:21:40 pm »
I am not being judgemental about people who don't type as much as others, I understand the person behind the screen might have a few problems stopping them from posting paragraphs. I myself sometimes post about 2 sentances or even one if there isn't really much to reply to, but as I stated the only thing that slightly annoys me is when you write a whole paragraph and they reply with a 5 word sentance. I would hate to of come accross as judgemental but I'm just putting out my opinion on people who do this as it does tend to bug me. I see most of you strongly agree and are getting off onto more of the subject of me trying to judge them, but I'm not. Alls I am saying is about a 5 word sentance as a reply to a paragraph and how it slightly bugs me.
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