
Should Mate Centers be ridded of?

I don't know

Author Topic: Mate Centers - Your Opinion  (Read 9989 times)

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Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« on: June 04, 2013, 10:54:26 pm »
Hey, I was in bonfire rping as Mufasa, when a general chat started about Mate Centers. I decided to start a thread on it, to ask for you opinions and if they should be ridded of. The staff members may get rid of them, maybe not.
 I think they should be ridded of, because it's like a blind date. You never rped with the person you choose, and you don't know their past or anything. Also, you don't even know their literacy level. You can be literate and they can be illiterate. I personally think they should be ridded of, I think getting a mate through rp is better.

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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #1 on: June 04, 2013, 11:06:32 pm »
Personally having a mate center doesn't bother me, what does is people ranting about them. (Not that I'm talking about you). I feel like people who seem to make it more of a problem are giving the person who is the mate center attention. If mate centers truely bother you, the simple thing to do is block them or just ignore them rather then tell them to go away and waste your time, because we all truely know mate centers don't listen. Personally in my opinion, I dont love nor like mate centers, but its better then you RPing and somebody coming up to you constantly asking you to be their mate, and when saying no, constantly bother you.

(So many typos, ignore them xD)
« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 11:54:17 pm by BlueCrisis »

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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2013, 11:24:07 pm »
Mate centers don't really bother me as its the players choice in what they want to do. What does annoy me is the lag that is caused by to many people gathering around it, and usually meaning i can never enter bonfire, and the constant advertising of it or arguments when two like the same character. A mate center isn't really annoying and more of a way to entertain people or even give them a chance to get a mate so you don't get harassed during a role-play. But i guess people who rant and rave (in game) about the mate center are just giving them attention and because of this you usually end up with 2/3 mate centers in bonfire which can cause a lot of lag, which does get annoying. But for me they aren't really a thing that bugs me.
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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2013, 11:49:29 pm »
Personally, I don't usually have a problem with the mate centers. Of course, I hate the caps spam, but I usually have local turned off in Bonfire,so it doesn't really matter. I don't even lag in Bonfire at all, so lag is not a problem for me. But what does get annoying is when I do have local turned on while the MC is going, and all the sudden MC starts saying really inappropriate things in the chat. And I think mate centers just encourage mate begging, because when they aren't there, people are always caps spamming general asking for someone to be the mate center or for someone to be their mate. That's what gets annoying.
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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #4 on: June 05, 2013, 12:23:27 am »
I honestly don't particularly like them; the concept of choosing a mate based on appearance entirely irks me. I'm of the firm belief that mates should be based on long-term friendships, admittedly. Even so, that's my personal opinion-- I've no right to dictate how others should roleplay. I'd rather they weren't removed because people do like them. It's harmless fun, and it generally keeps the mate beggars out of everyone's hair!

The lag and obnoxious ranters (I hate these more than the MC) are significant problems, though.
« Last Edit: June 05, 2013, 12:27:00 am by Nemena »


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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #5 on: June 05, 2013, 01:29:01 am »
I don't really think Mate Centers should get banned or anything like that, and I'm not sure how the Staff could even get rid of Mate Centers. The only way to completely get rid of Mate Centers is to make a whole new rule about them and people that participated in Mate Centers would get banned.

Now, I don't see why Mate Centers are so hated. Sure, they cause lag in Bonfire. But the massive amount of people in Bonfire and the little space in Bonfire highly contributes to the lag also, so no matter what there's going to be lag there.
As for the chat zooming by with Mate Centers in Bonfire, it's still going to zoom by because, again, there's a lot of people in that map and there's not a lot of space to go to.

I see Mate Centers as a way for newer players to get a hang of roleplaying and learn a general idea of how it works.
It also stops a lot of mate begging from ever happening, and I find that really nice. Mate Centers can also be a way to just roleplay with someone if you're bored and don't want to get committed to a group, seeing as how Mate Center mates don't last long usually.

Anyway, I just have to say this: If you don't like it, fine. Don't participate in it. Leave it be. Only if something is happening that is against the rules (Example: Mating Centers) you should step in and try to make it stop. Other than that, just ignore the people in Mater Centers.


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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #6 on: June 05, 2013, 02:23:06 pm »
I feel that Mate Centers are fine the way they are. I mean they're not overflowing each and every map. But I wish they wouldn't cause so mush lag in Bonfire. If everyone was sort of spread out and in small groups I wouldn't have that much lag at all in Bonfire. But now that a wild Mate Center comes a whole glob of people flooding in.

Mate centers can be a positive thing and a negative one. Positive first. It helps people find a mate easily without actually having to face the person and ask them privately. I wouldn't do it. I'm too shy and stupid to ask someone that. xD Sometimes it can help people become for social. When you stand in the middle of the Mate Center when it calls you in a large group and you're not used to large numbers of people staring at you, then I guess you better learn to deal with it. It can also raise peoples self esteem. If a lot of people want that person to be their mate that person may feel better about him or herself.

Mate centers can also be a negative thing. I've stated this above at first. The lag. Bonfire is usually laggy for most people because it is such a small island with over one hundred users in it. But when a large group comes up in the middle then oh lag galore washes us to Ficho Tunnel! Also, as most people say in the game, those people are desperate. I don't see them as desperate. Most people need a mate to role play with. But very little decide they actually want a boyfriend or girlfriend online forever and I just sit here and think: "That's... that's... I'm leaving..." It just seems a little crazy to me. Mate Centers can also lower self esteem if nobody comes up and wants that person.

I honestly think Mate Centers can stay as long as they don't overflow every map with their CAPS LOCK SYNDROM. Just stay in Bonfire Island, mmkay?

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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #7 on: June 05, 2013, 02:28:58 pm »
I really don't care about mate centers. In cases they can be annoying, but I just choose to ignore it.
But how it's like a blind date, I can't really give my opinion on that. I just find Mate Centers annoying when type in all CAPS LIKE THIS. It's like they screaming at people. XD But anyhow, Mate Centers don't really bother me. They can stay.
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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #8 on: June 05, 2013, 09:12:45 pm »
Mate centers are slightly creepy seeing as you're getting hooked up with someone you aren't familiar with, but it doesn't bother me. It's not like I use them, and I don't often visit South Pole and Bonfire Island. I stick to Fluorite Plains most of the time, and there isn't usually mate centers there. So, my opinion? I don't care about them. If people wanna find a mate using a mate center, that's fine I guess.

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Re: Mate Centers - Your Opinion
« Reply #9 on: June 06, 2013, 03:59:18 am »
I dislike mate centers because they cause extreme lag. Getting rid of them would increase the mate-beggers sadly but i think something atleast needs to be done about them to control the lag. I have to avoid the center of Bonfire every time i see "MATE CENTER OPEN" to avoid two frame per second lag.