Author Topic: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated)  (Read 7254 times)

Offline rustheart

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FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated)
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:59:53 am »
I re posted this because I ran out of room in the last one.
This is a work in progress.  Everyone is allowed to help and correct things.  Things that are underlined are things that need to be told or corrected if needed.  I have not been in game for while so i don't remember everything!

Some of the screenshots were given for the form by our fellow players.  However they may have a mod in their game that makes some things a little different looking than it would in other games.  But it all will look closely the same and you will be able to tell what it is.

Not my screenshot, I got it from Google.

Black Square - Player's Characters
Red Square - Actions and Emotes Box
Grey Square - Chat Box
Yellow Square - Type Of Chat Button
White Square - Block Chat Button
Bright Green Square - Typing Chat Box
Light Purple Square - Map Button
Brown square - Hide/Show chat
Dark Blue - Friends, Block, Requests
Lime Green Square - Actions and Emotes Button
Dark Blue Square - Friends Button
Purple Square - Party Chat Button
Orange Square - Group Button
Dark Green Square - Movie Button
Tan Square - Map

To be added

This is very important and I highly recommend you to read it.

Block Button
Anything can be fixed by clicking the trusty o' block button.  If someone is bothering you in any way you can block them.  It does not mater what they are doing or if it braking the rules or not.  When someone is blocked you cannot see their character or their posts in chat.  They cannot see anything about you as well.  To block someone click on their character twice or click on their name in the chat box twice.  A box with their info will pop up.  There are several buttons to click.  Click on the button that says 'Block' on it.  To see the people you blocked click on the Friends Button and click the Blocked tap.  You can click on a name to unblock them.

Look at the link below.  It was made by one of the staff members.  It will tell you how to report someone.

Friend Button
If you add someone to your friends list a dot will show up on your map that shows where a friend is.  To friend someone click twice on their character or on their name in the chat box.  A box will come up with the person's info.  Click the button that says Friend.  A request will be sent to the person.  If they accept they will be put on your friends list and you will be put on theirs.  To see your friends list click on the Friends Button.  You can click on a name to do three things.  You can take them off your friends list.  You can whisper them.  You can find which map they are in.  On the list their are two slots.  One for the online friends and one for the offline friends.

Chat Box
The color of the group chat is a dark green, unlike the General chat, which is a lighter version of group.(TheBurntSouls)  Words in blue are people that are whispering to you.  Only you and that person can see that chat.  You can whisper anyone even if they are not in the same map as you.  Yellow is party chat.  A party is like a small group that doesn't stay together.  Only people in the party can see it.  Red chat is a Mod warning you to stop something.  You should always listen to a person who is talking to you with red words.  If a person claims to be a mod but doesn't have red chat they are lying!  You can block types of chat to show up by clicking the button in the white square in the screenshot above.  By clicking the button in the yellow square in the screenshot above you can change which type of chat you are speaking in.  Type in the box with the green square around it in the screenshot then push enter and it will go up in the chat box.

Emote and Acton Box
Click on the Emote and Acton button and a box will pop up.  You can click on the actions to make your character sit.  If you click sit the button will change to lay.  If you keep clicking it our character will do different types of laying down.  You can do three types of dances.  You can howl or roar depending on if your using a lion or wolf.  You can use several different emotes on the emote tap.  By clicking one of the two boxes in the box you can walk or crouch.

These are round black holes or floating discs that take you to different maps.  When you get close to one the name of the map will show up at the top of the screen.

Hole portal.  This portal is most likely from Lonely Cave.

Disc portal.  This portal is from The Cape Of Distant Worlds.

Making A Character
The spoiler boxes have screenshots in them.  They have been put in the spoiler boxes just to make the form neater.

When you start making a character it will show up as the default character.  You can pick a name and choose if the character is a Feline or Canine.  By clicking a dragging the bars you can pick how big the character is.  You can turn the character by clicking and dragging it.  You can zoom up to it by clicking on it and dragging the mouse closer to it or farther.  You can choose a emote for it.

The next tap is where you can pick a mane, ears, tufts and tail.  There are different tails and manes for Felines and Canines.  Click on each one and it will show up on the character.

Here is where you pick the markings and eye.  You can pick a marking for the head, body and tail.  The markings will show up as yellow but you can change that later.

The next tap is where you pick if you want wings or not.  If you have downloaded items this is where you can add them.  The game does come with a Santa hat.

This is where the magic happens!  This is where you can pick the colors for your character.  Click and drag the bars until you get the color you want.  Each part of the body can have a different color.  All the markings do have to be the same color though.  If you have downloaded a preset you can click the Use Preset button to pick one.  When you are done click Ok.  Now you can play as that character!

This is a way to make your character even more detailed.  You can request a preset or make your own.  Once you download it into your game you can have your character wear it.

This is my Fursona, CharChar's preset.  It was made by LotusBlade.

Go to this form to see other Presets and to request one.

Naming A Character
Some things are not allowed in a character name. (  1234 ec. !@#$%^&*()_+}{?><,./';":[]    )  Also make sure the name is appropriate do not put bad words or nasty things in the name.  If you do you will be reported by another player and may get banned for a few days.

To set your home, you press the "b" button, or you click the feather from your list of actions on the bottom of the screen. When you do this, your character's name and your username appear. At the top of the bar is "Bio" and "Home". As you should have guessed, you click "Home" and click "Set Home". Your home is set exactly where your character is standing. Once you click "Go Home," you go to the exact part you character was in. (TheBurntSouls) When you set your home somewhere you will always show up in that place when you go on your character.  You can also telleport to that place at any time.  You can reset your home back to Lonely Cave too.  If you haven set a home the character's home will be Lonely Cave.

You make your character run faster you a bit by pushing the E button.  You cannot do this if you are wearing wings.

You can make your character fly by pushing the E button.  To stop flying push E again.  To go higher push the R button.  To remember this think Rise - R.  To go down push the F button.  To remember this think Fall - F.  You cannot fly if you do not have wings.

A winged wolf flying in most likely Ficho Tunnel

Your character will start swimming whenever you walk into water.  You can go down by pushing the F button.  To remember this think Fall - F.  To go up push the R button.  To remember this think Rise - R.  You can dash in water but go cannot fly in water.  If you go down and quickly up you character will jump out of the water for a moment.  At that time you can make your character fly.

A winged wolf swimming in most likely Ficho Tunnel

Lonely Cave
Ficho Tunnel
South Pole
The Cape Of Distant Worlds
Ascension Island

This is the map you start in.  You are the only one there.  You cannot fly in this map.  There are two maps on the side of the cave.  The one on the left is South Pole and the one on the right is Ficho Tunnel.  In the water outside of the cave is a disc portal that is for The Cape Of Distant Worlds.  On the side of the cave are lots of floating rocks.  If you can jump on them and get to the top you can go in the disc portal for Ascension Island.  The only way to return to this map it is to go back to it with the home setting.  Or you can go in the portal at Ficho Tunnel.

Temple Of Dreams
Fluorite Plains

Temple Of Dreams is a 'heavenly' map with floating stones and water.  It is often empty or close to it, but it is a very nice map.  To get to it you must go in the portal in Fluorite Plains.

Ficho Tunnel
Fluorite Plains

This map has been nicknamed Ficho just to make the name smaller.  You will spawn under a waterfall.  Behind you pill be a hole portal for Lonely Cave.  Ficho parts into two ways.  The left side has a hole portal to Bonfire.  The right side has a hole portal to Fluorite Plains.  There is a huge lake on the right side.  Most of the pokemon players hang out here and some even call the lake Pokemon Lake.

The Cape of Distant Worlds
Fluorite Plains
Lonely Cave

This map has been nicknamed The Cape just to shorten the name.  The map is longer than it is wide.  It has bumpy sand.  It has a few rocks and trees.  You will spawn beside a tree and a rock.  You may get a little laggy at the start because everyone spawns in the same place.  Just move away from the spawn point and you will be fine.  On the side of the map is really bumpy sand and patches of water.  At the end of the map is a big rock sticking out of the side that you can walk on.  On the other side is a disc portal to Fluorite Plains.  When you download a new map a disc portal will show up on the side of The Cape.

Fluorite Plains
The Cape Of Distant Worlds
Temple Of Dreams
Ficho Tunnel

This map has been nicknamed The Plains to make the name smaller, also because some people can't spell Fluorite easily.  This map is almost always full of people.  The map is large and it will take a long time to explore it all.  There are a few landmarks though.  The Stone Bridge or SB is a little bridge made of a stone slap.  Most people go here to find members for their groups.  There is the Y River.  It is just a river shaped like a Y.  There is L Island which is a island shaped like a L.  Most warrior cat players hold gatherings on this island.  There is a portal for The Cape Of Distant Worlds, Temple Of Dreams and Ficho Tunnel here.  This is also the place where it is most likely to spot a Mod.  But don't be afraid of seeing one, they aren't going to bite!

Ficho Tunnel

Bonfire is a small island map with a hill that has a rock sticking out of the top and a den.  The rock is called Pride Rock.  This is where you will see the most TLK characters, mate centers and Adoption centers.  There is a lot of young and weird players here so enter at your own risk!

South Pole

This map has been nicknamed SP to make it shorter.  This map is full of Arctic Fox and Husky characters.  The map is just lots of mounds of snow.  It is also always snowing there.  Hidden in the mounds is a disc portal to Atlantis.

Ascension Island
Sky's Rim
This map is a big challenge.  There are floating rocks that go around in a circle, each one a little higher than the other.  In order to make it to Sky's Rim go have to make it up there.  You cannot fly in this map.  A trick to getting there is to set your home on the rocks so if you fall you can go back to your set home which will be on the rock you fell from.  The first time is hard but you get better at it.  I have made it you Sky's Rim five times now and it is fun!  So if you FINALLY reach the top of Ascension Island, then guess what? You can set your home and be able to go there any time you want. (TheBurntSouls)

Last Cave

Atlantis is a map completely covered in water.  I haven't explored it before so I will leave that up to you.  I know there is one portal in there somewhere.

Last Cave

This is just a really big cave.  If you go too close to the end it is common to have a glitch.  Mates sometimes go here to have some fun, so beware!

Random, Pointless Stuff

This is something the users have made up.  It is when a line of characters do a dance.  Some can get really big.  Random people join it, you don't have to be part of a group.  Some have really random and colorful characters beside realistic and normal characters, it doesn't matter!

My screenshot.  I am the grey one.

Rainbow Characters
This is a fun group of characters that all look the same but have a different color.  They line of in the order of a rainbow.  It is a cute, fuzzy, living rainbow!

My screenshot.  I am the grey one.

These are people who mess around and bother people.  They dance on people and sit on them and just wont leave you alone.  This is not funny and you should not do it.

TLK Characters
These are just people who play as The Lion King characters.  They are the most common in the Bonfire map.  These people may fight with each other if they are both playing the same character.  Most of the are illiterate.  However not all are so don't judge them just because of their character.

Large group of TLK players

Warrior Cats
These are just people who play as characters from Warriors, a book.  They may play their own made up character or play as one from the book.  They are EVERYWHERE.  The are very common in the map Fluorite Plains.  Many of them are map claimers.  But not all of them, do not judge someone just because of the character they are playing.

Two Warrior Cats in Fluorite Plains

Mate Center
A mate Center is common in the map Bonfire.  I do not know how they work because I never used one.  But it is meant to help people find a mate.  It is started when a person comes on as a character named Mate Center and makes ads that they are open.

Small Mate Center in Bonfire
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 02:48:19 pm by Rustys »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru

Offline rustheart

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Re: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated
« Reply #1 on: June 07, 2013, 01:01:14 am »
Adoption Center
An adoption Center is a person with a character named Adoption Center.  They just sit around and make ads that they are open.  Babies of all breeds will come to them and sit there.  People who need babies will come and adopt them.

Adoption Center in Bonfire

The Marshmallows
Marshmallows is just a nickname I give to people that have a marking that I do not or are wearing a preset.  A person like this will look all white with no texture.  Sometimes only one part of the body is all white while the rest looks normal.  This is ok!  There is nothing wrong with your game!

The Marshmallow is on the far right.

The Face Glitch
The Face Glitch is when your character's mouth goes wrong.  It happens when your character is talking and you change the emote.  It does not happen every time.  There are several different kinds of Face Glitches.  If you get one just log off then go back on and your character will be back to normal.

My screenshot.  Player is Slurpy on her character, Tak.
Go here to see more people with the Face Glitch.

Cuddle Piles
A Cuddle Pile is a group of friends that just lay around each other.  Just a big pile of cuddling fluff!

My screenshot.  I am the white one.

BouncyLion101 - Gave screenshots for Character Creator and portals
Shenidan - Corrected boxes from screenshots
Kikiorylandia - Gave screenshots for TLK players, Warrrior Players, Flying, Swimming, Adoption Center and Mate Center
TheBurntSouls - Gave info on setting your home and chat colors
Hugrf - Gave screenshots of several maps.

Ramine - How To Report a User
LotusBlade - CharChar's preset
LordSuragaha - Lord Suragaha's: The FH Derp Face Hall of Shame

If you would like to help and give some screenshots please go here.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 02:48:51 pm by Rustys »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru

Offline rustheart

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Re: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2013, 01:01:41 am »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru

Offline rustheart

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Re: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2013, 01:02:25 am »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru

Offline rustheart

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Re: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated)
« Reply #4 on: June 10, 2013, 04:51:00 pm »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru

Offline rustheart

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Re: FeralHeart For Dummies (Repost - Updated)
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2013, 02:25:38 am »
"I'm a kitchen sink, you don't know what that means. Because a kitchen sink to you, is not a kitchen sink to me, okay?"
Snow Shoe
Drawn by Aviru