Author Topic: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?  (Read 1995 times)

Offline hugrf2

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Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« on: June 16, 2013, 12:19:59 am »
So basically, let's say you or a friend said something very random. It can be something you typed by accident (basically a typo) or something you meant to say. Mine was probably this...
*Jumps in gold water and gets eaten by tuna king* AWESOME!!! :D
It went something like that. LOL. Anyway, post the funniest/randomest things you've said, or your friend said. :3
Go ahead. Don't be shy. ^^ Note, this is for in-game, but I guess it's okay if you've found it on the forum/IRL, dunno.

Offline whitewolf223

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Re: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2013, 12:32:33 am »
I once said in General: "Get a gallon of magic fluid for three cookies!" After everyone freaks on me: "I only meant lemonade!"
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.

Offline moonshimmer100

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Re: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« Reply #2 on: June 17, 2013, 02:05:20 am »
One time when I was new to fh I was rping as a warrior cat and somebody did that glitch thing where they type something and it comes out under your name like you had said it, they did it to make it LOOK like I had said something random in the middle of a clan meeting. Here's what happened:

Bramblestar: Dimshade will be the deputy of Streamclan
Dimshade: Thank you, I wil do my best to serve the clan.
Bramblestar: i like pickles!
Bramblestar: I didn't type that!
Bramblestar: ok! who stole my pickle juice?! >:(
Bramblestar: I didn't say that eithor! am I being hacked somehow?!

That's one old story, I have a few but I can't remember most of them. There was another time I was being an adoption center at bonfire and I found a male pup a mother then later that day he came back to the adoption center and sat down, so I asked him why he wasn't with his new mother and he said "She didn't give me enough cookies >:I"

Ok I have two more, sorry if this post is a bit longer then it should be. So I had showed my cousin irl fh she wanted to make an account but she wanted to know what the game was like first. So I was on a random character running around Fluorite showing her things then we both noticed a post in general, I don't remember exactly what it said but I think it was something like this --> "You did well my friend" -walks away stroking banana-  I don't know if that's exactly correct but anyway my cousin burst out laughing so hard she started choking for air.

Ok I have one more. This is the last one I promise! Ok I was a wolf pup in an adoption center waiting to be adopted. Not long later a lioness and a she-wolf adopted me (I was confused at first because it was two different animal females, so in case you're confused they were a lesbian couple who were different animals.) after they adopted me they took me to a male lion and then they just went and layed under him, like he was standing and they were laying side by side under his stomach wich really confused me but then one said "Ruva come into the house" so I guess the lion was supposed to be a house of some sort? anyway it didn't take too long for me to figure out the whole rp was basically just for joking around. I got very amused because the whole thing was so random and funny. The next random thing that happened was some wolf that kept coming up to us and.. I think was trying to troll us or something, I couldn't quite tell. and whenever she came around my adopted mothers would tell her to go away or they would say things like "stop tormenting our child" and when she didn't I can't remember exactly what happened but I remember the mothers feeding her to sharks or something like that. I should probably stop rambling on about everything that happened in that rp because this post would get really really really long so I'll just skip to the ending now, I think one of the mothers died or something I can't remember what the lion/house was doing and another of the mothers had become a house advertising to be sold, and the troll wolf turned into a toaster that shot doorknobs out at me somehow... The whole thing made my day, I couldn't stop laughing afterwards.
Hello random person! ^_^

Offline hugrf2

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Re: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« Reply #3 on: June 17, 2013, 02:14:41 am »
Pretty amusing guys. Anyway, so it wasn't in FH I said this, but it was a hyper day for me. Probably a Monday. LOL I said this...
*Wets pants*
One of the randomest things ever. Anyway, Chewy, those are pretty interesting stories.
Thanks for telling us so far guys... Lolmythreadsaresounpopular

Offline Vespian

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Re: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2013, 04:00:46 am »
The funniest thing Starrk has ever said was when he was with another guy named Arku. Well, Arku decided to teasingly insult Starrk though Starrk's the kind of guy who can never take a joke and he's always serious. So, it went something like this:

(-Casually cuts out the literate wolfspeak into something much more simple.-)

Arku: "Hey Starrky! Getting kind of chunky man. You really need to cut down on the elk."
Starrk: "... It's because I ate your mother."

Apparently Arku and the others that heard Starrk found it hilarious both IC and OOC so here I am posting it.

Offline whitewolf223

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Re: Funniest thing you/a friend said in-game?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2013, 04:26:50 am »
Once I ran around in Flourite Plains on one of my two characters. Phantom... The coyote. So I ran up to a bunch of wolves and they started trying to eat me. I just typed: "Whyyousomeantomeiamacaninejustlikeyouiamjustsmaller." That's exactly how I did it. They all just kind of walked away. Phantomdoesnotaproveofmeanwolves.
Back again, let's see how long I stick around this time.