Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168306 times)

Offline Darkoblivion

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #230 on: June 23, 2013, 03:55:05 am »
But you all must understand this simple factor you seem to not be able to drill into your minds;

General was essential for roleplays.

Why you ask?
It couldn't be more obvious... With movie clips you have to go through the tedious task of clicking them, viewing the info on the short time you have... when general was around you could just extend the chat and read them. Movie clips have only about a seven word limit, maybe a bit more... it is quite irksome, might I add...

In the end I must say...

The protesters are right in this matter~ Though are they really protestors? We are in fact discussing over a very simple, dull game that a lot of people are leaving ever since KovuLKD quit the staff team... Though we might never truly know why, I can tell you all this...

Fluorite Plains may have a lot of people online... though if you try and roleplay you will find it is a very lonely place... white and yellow are hard to read in the chats, so I always have my movie clips off... without general it seems desolate.

If you must, do please contradict my opinion with yours. I enjoy being argued with...


Click theh eggies if you want o3o... So they don't, you know... die.

Offline RavenShai

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #231 on: June 23, 2013, 04:07:57 am »
Who are you even talking to? At least say something new instead of the same thing over and over, I think you're failing to read what's actually in the text. Karakuri said she was getting used to not having General around, that was it. Nothing about agreeing with it being gone or not. Neither did she ask why having General gone was such a big deal, I'm pretty sure everyone here is familiar with why General was so useful.
The Hobbit

"Where did you go to, if I may ask?" said Thorin to Gandolf as they rode along.
"To look ahead," said he.
"And what brought you back in the nick of time?" "Looking behind,"...

Offline Wolfish Grin

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #232 on: June 23, 2013, 04:12:48 am »
I'll have to agree with Katsa.

As of now, we know how useful general is/was, and I think the Mods have understood that point as well. The only thing we can do at the moment is vote for it back (or not vote for it, if that's your opinion) here, and in the mean time find the best alternative to recruit members for RPs while we wait for their decision on whether they are going to bring it back or not. Some people have already suggested ways to do so; and I'm not saying they are better nor worse than recruiting on general, but it's what we'll have to deal with for now.

I would also like to agree with iHolly, she made many good points in her post.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 04:15:21 am by WolfishGrin »
I really need to get around to updating my siggy.
Meh, but that would require effort.

Offline WhiteCrow

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #233 on: June 23, 2013, 04:37:04 am »
I really don't know...
I've been watching this thread since it came out and I'm not entirely sure how I feel about this change (although I haven't been able to actually get in game due to front server connection problems. But, that's besides the point).
Do I really like the change? No, not really. But, speaking from a personal perspective, I have never dealt with change well.

However, I've been seeing a lot of people bashing the Mods and blaming this person and that person. That's not the way to go and that won't bring General back. They do their jobs; they're Mods for a reason. And no, I'm not trying to cozy on up to the Staff members by saying that either. If they weren't doing what they're supposed to, there would be a lot more... Things going on and such that shouldn't be. You have to trust them, they are running this game for a reason. And I would think it's because they know what they're doing, even if it might appear that they don't from time to time.

At first, I was pretty upset with the change. But, I think I was more disappointed with the fact that it happened seemingly overnight without warning. I'm pretty sure that if there would have been some word about it, a warning -anything really- I would have been much more okay with it in the beginning.

With General gone, it will make advertising more difficult, however there are ways to do it. Movie spam will increase, no doubt. I've seen it a few times. But, it seems as though they are making due with what they have. And that's what I'm going to have to do. I will miss General, I really will. I've had my fair share of pleasant (and not so pleasant) conversations while hanging around on it.

But, things change. As a kitten always becomes a cat, and a puppy always becomes a dog, change is an inevitable part of life. You either need to accept it, or refuse. Live with it, or don't. There is really no grey area in this matter. Complaining and bashing, blaming others and arguing... It isn't the way to bring General back. I think what we need to do is pretty much what Raz stated. Sit back and see what happens. I'm sure that if the people like the Mods and Red see that it truly isn't working the way they wanted it to, they will change it back. There isn't much else to do. I'm going to have to go through it too. Perhaps it will better the game, perhaps it won't. We'll all just have to see.


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #234 on: June 23, 2013, 04:37:28 am »
This might seem to be slightly 'ignoring' earlier posts, however.

After viewing the posts from page nineteen to twenty-four, despite the fact that a poll of some sort to decide a chat's fate, or simply that old sea-green chat being back again would be simply splendid, despite earlier mentionings of how I seemed to simply utterly despise this choice, I've more or less came to a conclusion.

One in which I beleive to be important enough that I type this all down on a Kindle Fire in the middle of night, that is.

Quite frankly, I could care less as of what happens to the chat now- yes, I do still kind of want it back, yes, I would appreciate at least a poll of some to at least try to decide what happens, but- well, after seeing what some of the members will do. Mainly the members I see most often on here- 'forum users' as you might title them. People actually doing what I could call 'revolting' in-game? Tell me now guys, what have we become? It's a chat, and it's a chat we want back, yes we damn-well want it back- because we don't want to adapt, but it's a chat for god's sake! It's a chat that's removal is affecting the entire community, and I don't want that chat to have such a large impact. Yes, it was fun, and yes, I want it back, but not nearly as much as I want the community back. What happened to when there was always those 'FeralHeart Cinema Movie Nights' I'd always ignore? Or, simply when we were all civilised, not drunkards wondering around in the streets, seemingly bashing any official we might come upon. I'm not addressing the community as a whole here, but simply what people report to do within these chats. I have not witnessed any of it myself, nor do I have any intentions to, but are we really that idiotic, idiotic and stupid enough to call the people- even if they have not talked to use as much- 'tyrants'? I am well-aware that one of my most recent topics I brought up was the lack of communication in which they held, but even so, it's a flaw. A flaw in which I still hope dearly might be corrected, but it is a flaw, nevertheless! Human beings are arrogant, I know- arrogant and imperfect. The moderators and administrators are both of these- a little arrogant, and far away from perfect. But even so, it's a flaw in which I and perhaps others mentioned once. Must we really lead a revolt simply because of these flaws? I want general back as much as the next person, but I want the old community back more than ever. I never thought I'd have to say that, either. 'I want the community back'.

I'm aware that the majourity of people in whom post here are not liking this change, but must I really say this to myself everytime I read this? 'I wan the community back'. These are words I never thought I or another person would have to mutter, you know.

Yes, some of the staff are handling this with a sense of ignorance. Yes, we are not recieving what we want, but what is there to expect? This is sort of a 'testing' thing too, I suppose. I know well that several of you do not think that this change might be reverted, but we're going to have to wait and see the results anyway. I don't go around 'protesting' as you've titled it, and quite frankly the reason behind this is because pratically calling the staff team tyrants is something I don't believe will help with our case. Just, I know we don't want to 'accept this with open arms'- nor do we have to, and I'm not trying to tell everyone that they must, but could we handle this in a more civilised manner? It'd be better than nothing, and if we do get a choice in the end, one in which might be decided by a poll- or the admins, well- it'd only help the 'protestors' case.

This is sort of just a request though- not towards the staff, but rather, the members. I just want us to kind of just, calm down and have a Jelly Baby, a'right?

I do not know how to be sorry for using a Doctor Who reference at the end of this serious request  hell i think i ruined the entire thing by doing that okay.

Offline Xanael

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #235 on: June 23, 2013, 05:03:55 am »
Alright I've not been voicing my true opinion.

It is really bothering me because I want to start a roleplay and I can't now. I tried to no avail. And I've seen people advertise on the forums. They get like 5 replies and it ends there. You can't roleplay with JUST 5 people. It will turn into a chat box more than a roleplay.
Also, I'm going to become the next administrator in another roleplay and I won't be able to get anything done without general.

From all the people, the 24 pages of protest or arguing, I think you should bring general back before the place sinks like the Titanic.

Actually people have done this sort of thing before. They make the game worse, then a lot better but charge money. People like that are greedy and horrible. I doubt the mods will do that, but I wouldn't be too surprised if it happened.

I don't like movies. I hate them, in fact. Spamming movies without title, clicking on movie after movie. It gets so annoying. The worst thing is because of my rank on my roleplay I can't leave!  I can't just abandon this game like it deserves without being replaced.

I respect the mods and their choices, but this one was rather stupid. General was a big part of the game. If you had to remove general, why didn't you guys remove it from Bonfire or Ficho or places where nobody ever used it?

The removal of General has caused lag, crashes, and glitches for me and my friends and apparently a lot of others. I crashed for the first time in decades, and my friends have lagged all over the place along with crashes.

W H Y are you making this hard on the community?

Please bring it back!

Offline xXThexDoctorXx

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #236 on: June 23, 2013, 05:16:02 am »
This is sort of just a request though- not towards the staff, but rather, the members. I just want us to kind of just, calm down and have a Jelly Baby, a'right?

I do not know how to be sorry for using a Doctor Who reference at the end of this serious request  hell i think i ruined the entire thing by doing that okay.

I have to agree with Raskolnikov. We all need to calm down. This is getting alil out of hand.

I'm going to take my Jelly Baby and walk away peacefully.

(If you don't like Jelly Babies you can always have the air from my lungs)

I'm going to stahp with the Doctor Who refs now. Just trying to lighten the mood. Sorreh. ;3;

« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 05:19:26 am by xXThexDoctorXx »


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Re: RIP General
« Reply #237 on: June 23, 2013, 02:19:33 pm »
It's not so much that I miss the chatting in general. Sure it was amusing, but all it did was hide my roleplay ads. I'm ok with testing, I am. I understand staff wanted to try something new, but this probably isn't the best way to go about it? Alot of people have already voiced whats on my mind with this so I'll leave it be.

I'll admit I was quick to blame mods... and staff. I am still a bit cross- but more so at a certain aspect that arises with this change.

I (and alot of others) spend days, weeks, months and even years dedicated to this game. I come here to be creative. I can roleplay whatever I want. If I have a world dreamed up in my mind; I can create it. I spend hours and days on days of my own time creating these maps, stories, characters, plots... I can create and shape my stories and roleplays how I want to.

But what will be the point if no one knows about them? Is that fair to the roleplaying community and roleplay owners/staff? We work hard to create plots, stories, maps. Creating a nice roleplay takes time and a lot more effort then I think some people realize. There comes interesting backstories; the backbone of a roleplay. You need a genre or a idea for what theme your roleplay is. There's the plots you need to be creative with to keep people entertained. There's the members you need to keep happy and make them feel involved. Then you have the constant worry of it staying active and it possibly falling apart. You struggle to find new members in such a small (growing smaller community) and you compete with other roleplays for said members.

Running around like spazzes across all the maps in FH makes a ton more, uneeded work for roleplay leaders/staff. Roleplaying makes up a large part of your community and this change effects us greatly. Movies isn't enough to advertise. Some people have glitches and can't see movies. Not many people are bothered or simply turn movies off. You're forced to only advertise to a select few and even then whats to say they'll take interest? Roleplays are dying this way. It's frustrating to those of us who work hard for our roleplays and stories to thrive.

Is that fair to us? Some of us have been loyal to FH and staff for years. We trust in you. We hope that you'll make the right decisions for the community as a whole. We defend your game against haters, bashers on other MMOs or forums. We make FeralHeart up.

I fear my roleplays will crumble. My hard work will be for a loss. And in the long run my greatest fear is the roleplaying community on this game will die and FH will be made up of power playing, mate begging, illiterates. (Sorry if I sound rude, but that's just my mindset. Not meant to be arrogant).  I always loved this game for it's creative community. The sheer will behind the fanbase and members that keep returning despite having no solid updates or new content. I worry it'll all crumble. It'll just vanish. And not just because general is gone. It's a chat. You don't /need/ a chat.

But this change has the community clashing. People are fighting, clawing at each-others' throats. Staff and members alike are obviously unhappy and stressed. This is not the community I want for this game. And I'm sure none of you do too. All this drama and uproar is chasing people away and FeralHeart is not a game that need people fleeing from it. At all.

You need to take a chill pill, step back and look at things. I know I haven't lately. I've lashed out. I've fought and protested. But I've thought about this a day or so. Both sides need heard. Pros and cons need to be taken into count. Ties and just the community in general needs to be mended.

If something isn't done soon it's only going to get worse. I'm open minded; sure.

Some of us roleplay owners work. Some of us don't have the time to flail around all the maps for hours upon hours spamming local to find only a small handful of members. Some of us simply can't afford to keep their roleplays alive by advertising with this new method. I personally have a job that eats up my time and I know this change will greatly affect my roleplay because I wont have the sheer amount of time it'll take to advertise now.

But until something is done to keep my roleplays from dying. To keep my hard work from crumbling, I'm against generals removal. Unless I'm presented with an alternative /DECENT/ way of advertising; I will continue speaking my mind. And in the end it may chase me from the very game I came to adore.

You're loyal member and fan (who is still forced to use her side)

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« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 02:26:05 pm by ZombieKitteh »

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #238 on: June 23, 2013, 03:17:50 pm »
The 200 accounts for the majority of those who have seen this and gave their opinions. The majority of the people who know of this want General back.

There are 1000 users who play feralheart.. Those of us who've complained only account for a fifth of that. Though I do agree; most who've read the thread aren't too pleased, but I must say that it's not so bad without general now. As stated earlier, mammon and anonymous have gotten several members, and we've made quite a few friends who would be strangers if general was still on.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2013, 03:27:10 pm by _-Phantomwolf-_ »

Offline CloudFeesh

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #239 on: June 23, 2013, 05:34:25 pm »
i havent been in game in a bit but i was a bit concerned when i saw the claims of staff and users arguing out in the game and name calling being thrown into the mix. whether or not these claims are true are between those users who were there and the staff themselves. part of its like a mirrored boston massacre to me- pressed until shot- both parties are in a way at fault. but i think it could only strike up more tension if not handled well. and im sure its being handled as best as possible

but i think even i can understand someone breaking after being pressed enough. but these people should also be held accountable for their outbursts as goes most cases.

i think the poll's a good idea, and more so i looked around the forum again and saw that the staff had added "help the staffers" to a section on the main index. i really think thats a step in the right direction for you guys as long as its put to use

for current the change has done more harm it seems than good, at least judging by the comments here. but others seem to be taking it well enough and that leaves hope for the rest of the users. im sure its a majority hope that either things calm down quickly or its switched back on but either way

keep a level head and keep at it because a lot of people are relying on your decisions and i think keep your intentions at threat until you prove otherwise.