Author Topic: RIP General  (Read 168249 times)

Offline Redlinelies

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #350 on: June 27, 2013, 05:10:18 pm »
It's not about user being unhappy about the change in this case, not liking it and voicing how they'd want it another way.

It's about putting out an even level here, as I said no one is really innocent, but to sit here and talk on about mods not doing their jobs, mods not caring about what happens with the game, and as soon as it's about well.. Maybe members has something do with with the changes and results? Well PUH no way, all a bunch of angels.

You must understand that some people do nothing more than to sit and put the blame on staff and that's honestly not alright. People talk about modding and administration works down to every very last details, yet, they know actually nothing at all what this very game comes with or the certain needs it has. You cannot simply come here and say it works a certain way because you were a lets say, Perfect World Moderator.

This is what some users need to get over, you are pretty much saying that you deserve the hate people put up. It wasn't about putting the blame on the community, it was about putting an even plane and explain to people that you cannot just sit and yap on and on about the staff and expect it to be the solution, and apparently it seems like you took personal offense to this.

We are doing our job, and more than some people honestly should deserve. But the job is still done and people still care about the players since it's the whole mass it's about, not only certain users that sit and talk bad things all the time.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #351 on: June 27, 2013, 05:23:58 pm »
I never said/implied the community were "angels" or that nothing was our fault.

What I said was, the community is going to blame you, not themselves. If almost everyone hates the decision then, well, you did something wrong here.

I've never been staff anywhere nor have I implied that I know everything or whatever you said, unless that wasn't really directed towards me. But from my observations, you guys aren't really doing as much as you claim to do. There's really no proof that you do as much as you say. All you can do is tell me that you do your job. Nothing else so far. I know that people have said you guys don't do your job before so many times and you don't really do anything to prove that you do your job.

Now, why did you get rid of general chat?

Spam? Harassment? Rude behavior or bad language or whatever?

What did staff do about those users? You didn't really try, that's what. You didn't tell them to stop. You didn't ban them. At least, it seems that way because I know that I myself have sent in screenshots and I see the same people online the next day. I used to like seeing that red text knowing that staff were on and doing things, now it'd a miracle if I saw it again.

Without a second thought, you just got rid of the chat overall instead of attempting to stop these people. Hell, I heard many, many times that the in-game report button is fake/doesn't work, so that says a lot about your "hard work" and how you do your job.

If this is the impression that I and possibly many other users get, then try and accept the fact that maybe you really aren't doing you job or doing the right thing, etc.

You guys are just digging your own graves at this point, it seems.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 05:35:10 pm by Muani »
i dont know anything ever at any time

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #352 on: June 27, 2013, 05:53:10 pm »
I've never been staff anywhere nor have I implied that I know everything or whatever you said, unless that wasn't really directed towards me. But from my observations, you guys aren't really doing as much as you claim to do. There's really no proof that you do as much as you say. All you can do is tell me that you do your job. Nothing else so far. I know that people have said you guys don't do your job before so many times and you don't really do anything to prove that you do your job.

Now, why did you get rid of general chat?

Spam? Harassment? Rude behavior or bad language or whatever?

What did staff do about those users? You didn't really try, that's what. You didn't tell them to stop. You didn't ban them. At least, it seems that way because I know that I myself have sent in screenshots and I see the same people online the next day. I used to like seeing that red text knowing that staff were on and doing things, now it'd a miracle if I saw it again.
You guys are just digging your own graves at this point, it seems.

Took the words right out of my mouth.

Offline Redlinelies

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #353 on: June 27, 2013, 05:56:41 pm »
As been said many times before, mods doesn't run around inside the game with a sign above them saying "I do work on feralheart right now".

If you want to know about the chats removal it was at has been mentioned before, to see how it would affect how people play the game. If you want my personal experience and thought about it, I can plainly say that it caused much more than what you mentioned in your post, and apparently you are expecting everyone to sit and just work like machines. I will mention here again that this game cannot be modified in every single way to benefit and help moderation without the game itself.

The issue with your posts is really that you pretty much go on about staff and their matters with low regards of the game itself and what is required, you are very quick continuing this about yet again... Staff not doing their job.

As explained earlier in this thread just because you don't see big red text that flashes and scares users doesn't mean there's people actually doing things on the game. And yes, go on about that fake report button that your lovely game creator put in and took us a year to even get across that it didn't help anyone and get them to remove it. Yet again this is a matter about the whole thing I talked about in my earlier posts.

What you are asking for is the staff to sit and explain everything from heaven to earth that shows people why the game is at the state it is, put up what certain people done in the community from day one, all the setbacks, and the lack of progress that left us where we are. If telling users for several years what not to do, and how to do things to make it better isn't enough for you, then I don't know what is, what you are doing now is talking a bit too much regarding matters that you clearly lack information on.

I will say it here, people have been nothing but inconsiderate, immature, rude, ungrateful, and now sit and expect that we should put out a red carpet for you when insults and complaints come flying left and right, we are humans too you know? Ever though about that? Ever thought about that this is not an actual paid position that gives us a career? Maybe people must actually try to dig around a bit more before putting up their pitchforks and fires, see what the matter might be about and dedication actually needed.

You didn't really try, that's what.
Always this game about knowing so much about the work done.

If you want "proof" of work done, look at this thread itself, look at the posts and connection times of the staff, look on their replies in various places. Look on this games history and happenings, look on everything but this very matter and the fact that general is currently gone, you will see that you haven't looked very far to start with. If you want to turn it into game of who's the right or wrong, who that did the most to cause negative effects, then you can sure bet your butt on that I will speak for a hard working staff that I have seen over the times here on FH, they don't deserve the harsh words people are spitting out. Hence why I posted in the first place. The staff is not a bunch of people that are a machines, they do plenty, and sometimes too much.

I could write a book for you, would you understand then? Should we start at day one back in 2011, maybe that would help you understand. But what some of the users are doing, is sitting and throwing crap at people that has been here since day one, and helping people since day one, while others.... Just left you behind. And now I'm apparently at wrong when I ask for users to judge on an even level and stop the excessive blaming over a chat and throwing of words that aren't needed. Even get the words about how we never do any job. We even get told we're unprofessional for trying to have fun here once in a while, do streams or make up own words.

Some of you guys need to get past the point and realize there's much more too it than what you can see.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #354 on: June 27, 2013, 06:10:37 pm »
I can't do anything else, because the only proof I have is the words that you typed.

Nothing else.

Obviously, if I lack information, I would like that information so that I don't look stupid. I don't really have anything to work off of, except my assumptions which you seem to think are very poor. I'm not trying to act like a know-it-all, I know I don't know everything about what you guys do, but all I can do is assume things since I'm not being given anything. I don't expect you to "write a book" for me or whatever. Just some info on what you guys do to "work so hard", because it doesn't really show.

I have been here since the day FH was released, and I sort of know what has and hasn't really changed for us community members. Myself, at least.

The reason people are being so "harsh" is because they don't like what you guys did. If you don't want to deal with it, you could really just put general chat back in.

I don't remember throwing around any insults, I don't think I've called anyone any names yet. I know other people probably have, though. I'm just saying that it never really has felt like anything was done around here since day one. Instead of taking it as an insult (which you have every right to do of course), you could also think about it and see what you can do to improve your performance.

I understand and I'm trying to respect what you're trying to say; you have some good points of your own, but I don't really agree with it entirely.
« Last Edit: June 27, 2013, 06:16:06 pm by Muani »
i dont know anything ever at any time

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #355 on: June 27, 2013, 06:23:12 pm »
People will probably either not play the game or can't play the game efficiently at all due to complications on their end, for one aspect. It's actually a lot easier to see how this would have worked through discussion. "Seeing how it would affect how people play the game" only gives off the 'guinea-pig' effect from my point of view here.

I don't think Muani meant that staff should be on all the time and act like little machines with no lives, but if they are on staff or are to moderate the members in a game, the least they can do is donate an some of their time, neh? There's a big difference from "being machines that work 24/7" as I see people assume on here compared to the "an hour or two, at most?" that I think people are trying to convey.

If a moderator cannot donate at least at least two hours a week collectively then...I don't know if it's just poor time management or if they're suited to be there at all. How could a moderator be a moderator or do their job if they can't set aside some time to actually do it? Or have the dedication to actually go into machine mode to get something done when it's crucial enough and needs to be handled immediately?

It's sort of hard to be considerate on either side with how long the accusations on either end have been going on. Either there's a stupidly large amount of people who believe things [which is an obvious truth]...or something is incredibly wrong somewhere.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #356 on: June 27, 2013, 06:24:14 pm »
What I said was, the community is going to blame you, not themselves. If almost everyone hates the decision then, well, you did something wrong here.

Correction certain members of this community want to blame us because when things suddenly don't go their way they feel a need someone to point their finger at and get their tantrum off on. There is NO proof that everyone hates this decision. The numerous rants in this thread are mostly of the individuals that dislike the removal of general chat. Of course the users who like generals removal aren't going to feel much of a need to post here about how much they like it. Only those opposed to it would post. In a case like this it's easy to say everyone hates the decision.

But from my observations, you guys aren't really doing as much as you claim to do. There's really no proof that you do as much as you say. All you can do is tell me that you do your job. Nothing else so far. I know that people have said you guys don't do your job before so many times and you don't really do anything to prove that you do your job.

Why do we have to prove ourselves to any of you? If you're blind to the work and efforts we put into this community than that is your fault. There are plenty users who acknowledge our hard work and if a select few don't it's their problem for not being more observant. In the end what matters most is that we staff are aware of what we do as a team for this often ungrateful community.

What did staff do about those users? You didn't really try, that's what. You didn't tell them to stop. You didn't ban them. At least, it seems that way because I know that I myself have sent in screenshots and I see the same people online the next day. I used to like seeing that red text knowing that staff were on and doing things, now it'd a miracle if I saw it again.

The red text is not the staffs' sole means of communicating or taking action against users. There's no reason to run about sputtering red text every where when we can individually single out and address a user. Just because we can use the red text doesn't mean it's the proper approach to every situation. Let's also not forget how everyone goes on a mod spam spree the moment they see red text. Why cause extra chaos when we can swiftly, privately, & smoothly handle a situation without escalating things. You have no right making claims about staff members not doing their job when you're not here behind our screens seeing the kind of stuff we have to do and deal with each day. Maybe if you walked in our shoes for a little while you wouldn't be so fast to judge and draw assumptions.

Without a second thought, you just got rid of the chat overall instead of attempting to stop these people. Hell, I heard many, many times that the in-game report button is fake/doesn't work, so that says a lot about your "hard work" and how you do your job.

Again speaking out without knowing the full story. Harsh judgement and assumptions... We mods/admin didn't create the report button. If it didn't work and the game in general is buggy, incomplete, and poor quality you take it up with it's creator KovuLKD. Not the loyal staff team that quietly and patient deals with this often problematic game for the sake of keeping the community happy. A community that is partly full of ingrates.

If this is the impression that I and possibly many other users get, then try and accept the fact that maybe you really aren't doing you job or doing the right thing, etc.

You guys are just digging your own graves at this point, it seems.

Quick to support your community right? We aren't digging our own grave it's you users that continue to backstab and down talk us to the point where we've become martyrs to a broken & abandoned game. If you all love and care for this community & game as much as you all claim then you'd back up the staff team who have volunteered to stand at the front line of this whole project. Give us a chance and some respect that's the little we ask of you all.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #357 on: June 27, 2013, 06:35:25 pm »
My posts weren't about disliking the change however, I wanted to voice that it's not ok to sit and go on and on about the staff, how incompetent they are, and how little work that is made.

I didn't refer to you alone, I referd to the people in this thread that has mentioned quite a lot, that until you decided to bring things up about the staff that I do in fact see are poorly based and I wanted to address with my upcoming replies. It's always the silver plate for users, and the scrap for mods and staff alike, and just like you users can go on about what you dislike about the change, we the staff have the FULL right to say our thoughts when users step out of the line.

Just please, don't say no job is done, and the staff is not working based upon what was said, the things is all around you in the whole community that shows, that mods do work, every single day of the year, whether it's more or less. In all honesty I take this personally as well, and this is not for sympathy points, but you'd know what I feel about these sayings if you also spent the last 3 years with FH as your one priority, going before both school, jobs, living and free time. We are humans too, and this whole change(even if done quickly without notice), was faced with so much negativity that could easily be counter discussed depending on who's talking.

People have said in all honesty so much that no one deserve to get over something like a general chat, and to put it blunt, they need to learn to respect the fellow man when talking. I am a person that work for reason in changes, and see things on the whole for the game rather than a certain group, things need to work before they can shine, a gold coin can do so much in the sewers. The staff and mods shouldn't need to run with sympathy or history of events that explains how the community we see today works. The experience and things lived through, answered and dedication spent should mean something alone. But this game need changes like this, people need to see that it's not a game on one side, and a forum on another. We are actually the whole image and the staff takes care of it all, lack of fixes, support, aid, or energy, they still do it. I don't want to sound cheesy, but in some cases I feel as a father or family to the people on the staff, we talked a lot, we know about the setback, positives and negatives, we also damn well know what a removal of general means, more so than many of the players ever thought about the matter and what it might bring to the game.

When not only my own position here gets questioned, but they are as said, the pinatas of the community for a needed change like this, and trust me, I if anyone would know if they do work, and confident as it might sound, I'd also know about my own time spent here. Hearing someone denying this directly to my face with what I'd consider poorly based opinions will spike my ears and put things out there.

Many of the staff work as both players and staff, not only just a computer sitting and banning people or removing functions that would make people pissed. Keep that in mind. I have not been around this place for all this time to see the community take the crap out the poor souls that actually done something for the game that matters, I want this very clear. And I believe I speak for more than myself when I say this.
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Re: RIP General
« Reply #358 on: June 27, 2013, 06:47:35 pm »
You all need to stop this fighting and useless threats/insults/blaming.

We all have the right to have an opinion, and to express it as long as you do in a somewhat mature way and maybe share with us why you have that opinion - maybe then things can be discussed in an adult matter.

And this crap about mods/admins not doing their work - if they wouldn't be doing their work do you honestly think you could play this game right now? That anyone would offer time and money to keep the servers up? To spend much of their free time to be here and try to help users and this community? Do you think being an admin/mod is all about having "power"? Who do you think has to listen to all the haters/complaints all the time? And this is no "excuse" it is the truth.

And are the staff not human beings like yourself? They deserve praise and gratitude for keeping this abandoned game alive and keeping it from being run over by trolls and people doing everything to destroy the fun in the game.
They might do mistakes - but surely you have made mistakes too?
It's not about worshipping them - it's about showing some respect.

With the general chat being taken down - couldn't you atleast have given it a try and have some patience before getting butthurt and start ranting about it and the staff. It's no ones fault it got taken down - it's a test to see if things could change to the better but people went raging before they even gave it a try!

Those who are not pleased with this change should voice their feelings about this - but don't go "everyone wants general back" "this sucks" "it's the mods/admins fault" "we want this and we want that"
It's not true, and no matter how much it it stings in your greedy little heart you do not run this game - you can't tell what the staff can and cannot do - they have the right to make changes and if you don't like that you can leave.

Try to show everyone why general should be brought back - in an adult way. Give ideas and reasons why it is better with a general chat instead of fighting about it. WORK to get it back, don't throw hissy fits and act spoiled by thinking you'll get general back by throwing accusements at others and being plain rude. And those who actually are mature and trying to get out their opinions in a calm way are getting run over by the fighting - so you are more or less destroying things for yourselves.

I can guarantee you - the more rude comments/accusements/ranting will make the chance of general chat coming back much much smaller.

I know there are nice and good people out here - I meet some of you everytime I am in-game.

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Re: RIP General
« Reply #359 on: June 27, 2013, 06:53:43 pm »
I honestly don't understand why people are pointing fingers. They removed general almost like an experiment. I find it a little stupid that people wont play the game anymore because its gone. I agree about how its harder to advertise and movies are clogging up the chat but why must you blame people about the removal. The staff are doing there best and saying they don't do anything is a pile of rubbish. Excuse me if that sounded rude. They're just trying the make FH better for the community. It feels like there's a mini war going on right now about the removal. It all feels a bit childish to me but this is just my opinion. I hope everything will calm down soon and I'll be fine whether general comes back or doesn't. c:
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