Author Topic: Guess the phrase with Dusk!  (Read 1045 times)

Offline DuskPegasister

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Guess the phrase with Dusk!
« on: June 19, 2013, 01:53:04 am »
Hewo my HOMIEZ! Dusk here with mah first game! So here's how it works.

I'll start off by saying a phrase. If you know which song, movie, or show the phrase is from, do tell! If you is right, you get to continue by saying another phrase, and then someone will reply, and if they get it right, the cycle continues! But if you get it WRONG, then, boo-hoo, you don't get to continue on, and I'll say another phrase. Don't worry, you can try three times, but no more than that. Sound fun? Ok!

I'll give you an easy one.

"Live Long and Prosper,"

Ready, set, POST!

Keep going, you'll get there soon.
And when you do, i'll be waiting. <3