Author Topic: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting  (Read 6734 times)

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #10 on: June 22, 2013, 05:31:54 pm »
Okay, is her mother a husky also?)

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #11 on: June 22, 2013, 05:34:29 pm »
Uh..Are you talking about the character your going to play? If yes, then no. It can be any breed.))

Offline silverMarie

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #12 on: June 22, 2013, 06:01:20 pm »
Finished ^^)

Name: Grace
Gender: Female
Age: 3 Months
Personality: Grace is very playful and rambunctious, she always has a bunch of energy and can run for hours. She enjoys playing with her father, but when he is busy she can settle with playing with the other pups in the pack. Grace is also very kind and caring when it comes to others, her father told her she got it from her mother. Grace can also be very brave and daring as well as showing leadership among others.
Breed: 100% Siberian Husky
Rank: Pup
Description/Photo: Grace is a good sized pup, weighing about 28 pounds. She has ice blue eyes and a soft white coat, like her father. Grace
History: Grace was born into the pack, her father is Strong, leader of the pack, unfortunately she doesn't know about her mother. Grace hasn't had many experiences, her father never lets her go anywhere without an adult, even then she isn't allowed to leave. Her dream is to go outside the gate and visit the city, she doesn't believe it's as bad as the pack says it is..
Relatives: Her father is the alpha of the pack, Strong, she doesn't know about her mother sadly and she has no siblings.(Unless someone wants to apply to be)
Crush: "Ew! Boys are icky." None
Mate: Too young.
Pups: Too young.
Other: Grace likes to play 'wuff' with the others.
« Last Edit: June 25, 2013, 02:04:04 am by ????????? »

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Offline Saylor156

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #13 on: June 22, 2013, 08:54:53 pm »



3 Years

North is polite and respectful, but she's not shy. She is rather bold, actually, and uses her wolfish appearance to her advantage in arguments or anything of the sort. Although she is brave, she knows when it is best to stay silent and submissive.

Seppala Siberian Sleddog

Perhaps something along the lines of a Hunter or Guard?

North was born as a nameless pup somewhere to the north of this city. Her parents abandoned her and her brother due to poor food supplies, but they were luckily taken in by an old man. He was different from most humans; he didn't beat them, or try to chase them off. North was named for where he'd found her, but her brother remained nameless: he died shortly after being found. North was chained outside at one point when she found that she could easily chew through the post her restraints were connected to. The only time she had to use that knowledge was when a pound-officer spotted her outside and charged with a tranquilizer. North gnawed swiftly through the wooden post and bolted, forced to flee southward to escape with her life. To this day, she still wears her red collar, although the rings are snapped where the chain broke off.





She is a Doggy and she wants you to hear her Wuff.... "Wuff :3"




4 Months

Umber is headstrong and stubborn, and he hates it when anyone beats him. If someone makes him mad, he can be pretty dangerous and brash. He particularly dislikes when anyone calls him 'cute'. But through all this, he can be fun and is always loyal and honest.

Shiloh Shepherd

Pup, later on, perhaps something like a Fighter/Scout/etc.

His life began here, in this pack. There is not much to say other than his mother bred with an outside dog and then left in shame. That was before Umber was able to remember anything, so he thinks he's just always been with the pack and nobody has told him otherwise.

His mother, Torrent (location unknown) and his father, a stranger to the pack.

Too young, really. He sees females his age as just other pups, though that will change in the future, of course.

Too young

Way too young.

Doggy: "Hmm... wuff? owo"

« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 02:33:07 pm by Saylor156 »


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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #14 on: June 22, 2013, 09:03:19 pm »
Saylor156@: She could be Strong's mate, if you want. I'm not forcing you..:3 Anyway, if do want to be Strong's mate..Your an Alpha Female..If you dont want to be, North can be a Leader Hunter Or Leader Guard...So your characters are Accepted x3))

Offline Saylor156

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #15 on: June 23, 2013, 05:08:07 pm »
Okay, I decided that it could be better if the alpha female was open, since the rp is renewed. Someone else may want the position. x3))


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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #16 on: June 23, 2013, 05:16:00 pm »
It really doesn't matter, but alright. Your choice. (Besides this isn't really my roleplay.. I renew it from someone else the made it..Yeah..)))


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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2013, 12:07:41 pm »
(Bump. Lets start roleplaying. I'm eager to start)

Strong woke up. The sun was up and shining brightly. The young leader walked out of his Alpha den and heard mostly everything. Running cars ready to go to work, people talking,drunk people, and the life of the city. It was crazy. Strong usually stayed out of trouble, including the pounders. They were dangerous and would lock you up, until you were adopted. Life was hard to not have a owner or a human to take care of you. Strong shook the dust of his pelt and walked around his territory, seeing what happened over not. As he was walking by, he saw a cat..Just laying their, minding his own business. Strong hated cats..He just did. No one knew why, but they just had to deal with it. As Strong was watching carefully, the cat spotted him and flew off. Strong snorted and walked away, going back to his den. -short-
(Short for now)

Offline Saylor156

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2013, 07:17:13 pm »


     North's flanks moved slowly in the gentle rhythm of sleep. Her form was a large silver mountain beneath a leaning roof of old crates, resting on a soft pile of scavenged bits of soft materials. She emitted a slight huff and slipped into consciousness, opening her eyes and blinking them blearily against the sunlight that seeped in. Another hot day, it seems, she thought grimly to herself. Her coat was meant for the cooler regions, not a sweltering place full of black surfaces and mirror-like glass. She'd get used to it; it had been two years now yet she still believed she'd learn to live here well. North stood up and shook herself roughly, displacing a batch of debris before stepping out into the sunlight.

     She squinted her light eyes and gazed about. Usually some of her packmates would rest nearby, but they were gone today. She shrugged, tail lowered in the heat. More and more dogs were disappearing these days, and it was all the pack could do to stay together and not panic. Although dogs like North and the higher ranks were pretty calm, some of the younger or less stable canines would go mad with the fear of being captured... Which was most likely the reason they are captured, North added in her head.

     "Well, it won't do to stand around.. I guess I'd better see if I'm needed for anything." The sleddog stretched her fore- and hind-legs before trotting into the street. It was mostly empty, since this part of town was only active with humans around sunset and later. Lots of drunks would wander out and ignore the dogs, so despite the unpleasant reek of their retching and drink, a dog could learn to live in the safety of this place. North was a clean dog, so she avoided the puddles of filth and the discarded wrappers. She leaned down to sniff curiously at a folded up piece of paper and quickly withdrew, her nose wrinkled. "Sick... been there for a couple of days." She shook her head in disappointment and then moved out again, searching for Strong or Sky, two of the higher-ranking dogs.


     "Get up, sleepy-head," Umber growled. He pounced onto a younger pup, who yelped and scampered off as fast as his sleepy paws could carry him. Umber giggled and turned away, his tail held high. The young canine was already awake at this hour, and some of the older dogs glared at him as they passed or caught sight of him. "Ah, let them hate me, the old fur-bags. I'll be the greatest street dog there ever was." He sniffed resentfully at the adults and trotted casually down an alley. He'd grudgingly learned to stay near the pack at all times, but he desperately wanted to explore.

     "Whoa...." He stopped at the end of the alley and craned his neck to look up and around. Humans were walking all over the place and the street was full of glittering cars. Their horns and the sound of screeching tires could just be heard of the roar of noise that the people walking and biking were making. Umber fearfully put a paw forward onto the sidewalk, but he soon gained confidence and strode proudly among the feet. He was moving along with his head held high when a heavy human foot booted him right in the behind, sending him sprawling on his chest with his tail in the air. "Oof."

     Umber felt a few other feet jostle him before scampering back to the alley, dodging between legs and bike tires. He stood panting in the shadows again, tail lower now. He was surprised nobody had notice him, but that was probably for the best; he didn't want the pound after him already today. Boy, the pack would kill him before the pound could even bring him to their place.

Offline Celeyan

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Re: The City Pack [Remade]|Literature|Accpeting
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2013, 08:00:45 pm »

Little ol' Osirela

???????? She expected the world ????????

???????? But it flew away from her reach, ????????

???????? and the bullets catch in her teeth ????????

Name: "My name is Osirela, but you can call me Osi, or Rela, or even Irela! Or even Osir, or Ela, and ooh, Sirela! Thats pretty!" Osirela Alaria

Gender: "I'm a girl, you idiot!" Osi is a female

Age: "Two months! No..three..uhm.." She is four months old.

Personality: "I don't know how to explain myself.." Osriela is a sweet and friendly female, with a firm love for nature- she enjoys spotting various plants found in the cracks of concrete since she does in fact live in the city. She enjoys stopping to look at different plants, and she loves all types of vegetation and plants- and she absolutely adores flowers and fruits and berries. She loves the seasons and she loves all types of weather, and its rare to see the female bummed out about something as simple as nature. Its also obvious to most that she is a very whimsical canine, which in her terms means that she is very light-hearted, and usually tries to make light of serious or very bad situations. Some other ways that whimsical describes her is that she is very playful and dream-like, and that means that she has a great creative mind, that shows that she is usually caught up in her thoughts. Some may think the female is strange due to her love for well everything- and also her childish nature that sometimes comes and goes, but it all adds to her personality and makes her who she is. Some other words to describe this vibrant and young female would be that she is very naive and innocent, meaning that she has slight ignorance of the world.

Many enjoy this female for her happy and contagious attitude, and she enjoys others as well, and she also tries to come off as friendly to many, giving her a rather approachable look as well. Some other words to describe the very young female, would be serene, calm, and pure- and even graceful. The female canine is also proves to be a gentle and caring soul who'd make a very good friend. Osi is shown to enjoy helping others- and rarely will she put herself forward if another needs help. She is very caring, and displays kindness and concern to others very easily if she knows that they need it. Some other words to describe this kind female would be warm-hearted, tender, thoughtful, affectionate, loving, and understanding.  Another thing about the pup is that Osriela is also a very curious creature- even as an adult she'd probably find herself interested in everything in the world. She loves to explore, and she enjoys to learn new things. The dog is a daring puppy- and she is mischievous slightly- and its as if she is fearless. She laughs in the face of danger, and she also loves the thrill of doing dangerous, she isn't afraid to do most things, making her a very brave one. She is also very courageous, and a bit adventurous- its actually hard to convince her that she shouldn't something, and most likely won't listen to someone who claims that something is too 'dangerous' or deadly.

 However,  once you've gained this female wolves trust, you'd find out she is a really trustworthy person. The female is willing to lay her heart down for her friends- and if your bond is strong, you've got her trust for life unless you break it. She is a trusted one, and never would she betray the ones that have gained her trust, she'd never give anything up even if her life depended on it. She doesn't enjoy laying her burdens on anyone else, and she usually never asks for help. She could even be on fire, and if someone asked to help she'd probably walk on by casually and say that she was fine, and usually would try and help herself instead of taking anyone's help.

overly confident

Breed: "I'm a mix...." She is a Saluki -x- Borzoi -x- Greyhound mix, with the tiniest bit of whippet and even a mix of great dane hidden in there as well.

Rank: "I'm a pup!" Osi is only a pup.

Description/Photo: "But you can see me..right?" The female dog is a skinny one, being part sighthound only adds onto that. She is able to run very fast due to her small size- and she is known to run faster then well, most dogs, and her breed also helps her with her increase in agility. She is a slippery one, and can easily escape when there is a small area to slip into, as she has no amount of fat on her feminine figure. However- due to her mix of a great dane, she is also a bit stronger than usual- and she can hold her own in a fight against other small creatures such as herself. The pup is also much taller than most pups her age, mainly due to her breed once more. Osirela has feathery, silky, and fluffy ears that are lush and soft to the touch- so is her tail, that is usually wagging behind her in a friendly manner. She is slightly furry, but is still a short-haired dog. The puppy usually wears the scarf that is in the picture- and she doesn't really take it off at all.  

History: "I was born outside the pack." She was born outside of the pack, but her mother having wanted her to have the protection of one occasionally dropped into the pack to let her in, her mother occasionally visits her in the pack- despite not being apart of it.

Relatives: "I got a momma!" Her mother's name was Elyaris, and her father was unknown.

Crush: "Of course not! Boys are icky...." Osirela has no crush, and believes boys are icky.

Mate: "Eeeewwww! No no no no!" She has no mate- she is only a pup.

Pups: "Noooo! I am only a pup!" She has no offpsring.

Other: "Huuuumm."The cow goes 'wuff!' I mean uh, the doggy goes 'wuff!' Osirela is actually has a very nice melodic voice- if you catch her howling away a tune, its very pleasant.

« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 08:04:04 pm by ??????z?????z???? »