Author Topic: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING  (Read 6202 times)

Offline Saylor156

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?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« on: June 24, 2013, 10:21:03 pm »
The Wings of Scale

In the times of old, before the earth was devoid of magic, there was a time of war. A time of betrayal. A time of dragons.

This forgotten era of brawling sky-beasts was ruled by four clans:

Runya Noore
The Clan of Fire

This clan is the most aggressive and merciless, though they are not bloodthirsty. In their possession is the magic of fyre, which is their lifeblood. It quite literally flows in their blood, and any to touch it is scalded with the burns of lava. Fyre is wild and violent, as well as the most numerous. They are headed by a King and Queen. Their main opponent is the Clan of Water.

Alu Noore
The Clan of Water

The Alu clan is known for its healers and guardians, although they do not openly help the other clans. Within each Alu dragon exists a heart of water, which is their jewel of magic. It is placed deep within their breast, sending its selected power through the dragon's body. They are reclusive, in fact, and it is hard to catch one on its own. Water is silent and withdrawn. This clan is the least numerous and are lead by a single Matriarch, or a female queen. Their main adversary is the Clan of Lightning.

Me'urra Noore
The Clan of Lightning

Me'urra clan boasts its cunning and speed. They strike in a flash, their beings filled with the coursing beat of their lightning-jeweled heart. Their flesh retains the electricity, only harmless to those of their own clan. Without the current in their veins, the Me'urra dragons would perish. Their leader is an Empress or an Emperor, whose most hated clan is the clan of Kemen.

Kemen Noore
The Clan of the Earth

This clan is the eldest and most powerful in strength. They claim to be born from the very Earth itself and are proud of their ancestries. They are known for their wisdom of ancient times, most of all their leader, the Council Head. She or he is the oldest of the clan and rules until death, with one purpose to direct their clan's dislike towards Runya Noore.

Page 1 - Title Page
Page 2 - Clan Information
Page 3 - Roleplay Rules
Page 4 - General Rules
Page 5 - Application Information
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 01:01:21 am by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay (WIP)
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2013, 11:13:50 pm »
?Clan Information?

Each clan has a specific rival and certain feelings towards others. Though they usually try to avoid battles, a skirmish between two opponents is not uncommon. None openly search for war, but sometimes they will look for an excuse to invade or attack one another.

Although the clans each have a leader or two, the rest of the dragons in the clan are of equal importance to each other. If a royal has a brood of children or even a single child, they are not born as an heir. Rulers in these clans are chosen or the rank is fought for.

Runya Noore

This clan is headed by a King and a Queen. They are equals and may be mated or they may not. Either way, both must work together and coexist if they wish for their clan to survive.

Ally || Me'urra Noore
Rivals || Kemen Noore and Alu Noore

King || ---
Queen || Lirima Malda'Elen, Female, 475 Years.


Alu Noore

The clan of water is ruled by their Matriarch, a powerful female whose word is law for the clan.

Ally || Kemen Noore
Rivals || Runya Noore and Me'urra Noore

Matriarch || ---

Maksa Nim Losa, Female, 189 Years.

Me'urra Noore

An Empress or an Emperor leads the clan of lightning. This dragon usually must fight for the title, but it is not uncommon for one to be chosen by the clan members.

Ally || Runya Noore
Rivals || Alu Noore and Kemen Noore

Empress || Kiyra Nao Mineaii, Female, 270 Years.


Kemen Noore

Kemen dragons follow the Council Head, which is most often a male dragon who represents them. This clan is much like a democracy, and the Council Head usually just takes in the decisions of all and compromises them to create a decision for them.

Ally || Alu Noore
Rivals || Me'urra Noore and Runya Noore

Council Head || ---

Lord Ard'Rakka, Male, 435 Years.
Blanaid Siobhan Clodagh, Female, 396 Years.


Name meaning: The Journey. These dragons are basically loners. Some have strange powers, such as venomous claws instead of fire, or wind-strikes instead of electricity. Others are simply exiles from the Clans. They live out of the way of the clans, since they are not welcome inside.

« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 08:58:16 pm by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay//Mature Roleplay (WIP)
« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2013, 11:24:56 pm »
?Roleplay Rules?

?Although the clan rules state that dragons cannot find romance between clans, I will allow this, since it just makes for interesting roleplay at times. However!! If everyone starts doing this, that will be a problem. Please refrain from every single dragon going out of their clan to mate.

?If your dragon mates with a different elemental, the brood will not have two powers. Each hatchling will gain either their mother or their father's element.

?Clan dragons have been known to mate with I'Lema, although the other clan-members discourage it.

?Dragons don't have to specifically follow their clan's personality, although it helps if they sort of do. Don't make your fire dragons all timid and weak and then all your earth dragons all stupid and shy.

?Don't powerplay! No, your dragon is NOT the best, is NOT perfect. He/She must have some flaw, and that means they can't be the most powerful fighter ever. They can't dodge every single attack or make every attack hit.

?Have fun! I want this to be enjoyable for everyone. :)

?Rulers are first-come-first-serve, basically, unless you reserve a spot. In the roleplay, if you say it is alright, your high-ranked dragon may be overthrown or killed.

?Dragons may swear using human terms. Just don't go overboard. Use the more general ones that don't offend one certain gender, race, etc, etc. (If it is offensive for you to hear any swears, please go away owo)

?Dragons create gore. Your character might be tearing out someone's intestines with their claws with blood gushing everywhere. Just don't go too far where you describe every. Single. Detail... Just kidding, go all out. ;D
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 01:10:12 am by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay (WIP)
« Reply #3 on: June 24, 2013, 11:31:57 pm »
?General Rules?

?This rp is strictly literate. That means no one-sentence roleplays, no text-talk, no... you get the point. :P

?There will be no mating-scenes. If you must, a dragon can choose to mate by flying up with their partner, embracing together while plummeting to earth, and then flying just before hitting the ground. That's it. Pretty basic. owo

?You may have any number up to four characters. Try not to favor one gender over the other.

?Your IC grudges and anger does NOT, I repeat, does NOT translate into OOC! If your dragon hates someone, you hate the character, not the player.

?Please post your character's name and/or picture above their roleplay. It just makes it so much easier for us to see which character is being played.

?Try color-coding your characters into different shades. That way your roleplays don't collide and get confusing. However, people may share the same color, it's not a problem. Just as long as your own dragons have different roleplay colors, we are good. :)

?Put "dragon knights" in your application somewhere to show that you read the rules.

?Try to be active. If you must drop out, please say so. Don't just abandon us. ;-;

?Please ask (message or before you make your character) if your I'Lema is allowed. There won't be all sorts of random things like Mind-control or something, so I must know what your dragon's power will be before he/she is allowed in.

?Again, have fun!!! :D
« Last Edit: June 26, 2013, 01:13:19 am by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay (WIP)
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2013, 11:49:52 pm »
?Application Information?

I'll make this simple for y'all... I won't force you to make a gigantic bio or anything, but I'll just include a code if I can.

Picture: This is required; a picture of your character.
Name: What is your character's full name? (It may be lengthy) Include their title.
Alias: What do other dragons call you?
Gender: What gender is your dragon?
Age: Dragons outlive dragons by hundreds of years. Many are simply Unknown. 0-1 year is a Hatchling. 1-50 is a Juvenile. 50-200 is an Adolescent. 200-800 is an Adult. 800-1000 is an Elder. Most die at around 1000 years.
Clan: Of which clan does you dragon claim membership to?
Rank: If your dragon is not a high-ranking dragon, delete this.
Ability: Your dragon may have only one ability, and it must be of the same element that their clan has.
Personality: Describe what your dragon is like.
Description: This is optional; Describe your character.
Talent(s): If your dragon has any specific talent or skill, put it here.
Flaw(s): Every dragon must have ONE, be it physical or mental. Describe it.
Love Interest: Basically your dragon's crush.
Partner: Who is your dragon's mate? You may have more than one if you want.
Brood(s): A dragon tends to have two or more children, called a brood. If your dragon has had more than one brood in their life, make sure you can tell which names are in which brood.
Family: Who is your dragon's family? (they may be deceased or anything you'd like) Someone may play them if you ask.
History: Describe their history.
Other: Anything else?

I didn't include bold on the titles for the above template.

Code: [Select]
[size=12pt][b]Ability:[/b] [/size]
[size=12pt][b]Personality:[/b] [/size]
[size=12pt][b]Description:[/b] [/size]
[size=12pt][b]Love Interest:[/b] [/size]
[size=12pt][b]Partner:[/b] [/size]
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 05:39:50 pm by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #5 on: June 25, 2013, 01:13:25 am »

Zontre Varalaz Oraughe
'The sweet cold-hearted soul'

If you be my star ill be your sky

You can hide underneath me and come out at night

When I turn jet black and you show off your light

I live to let you shine

Name: Zontre Varalaz Oraughe ;; 'The sweet cold-hearted soul'

Alias: Zontre absolutely hates nicknames.

Gender: He is an obvious male, and if question will probably respond with: "Want to check?"

Age: He is 301 years old- and is already loving life.

Clan: The male belongs to the Me'urra Noore clan.

Ability: Zontre has the ability to control, generate, and/or absorb electricity and or lightning. He is able to absorb, conduct, generate and manipulate it. He can charge objects with electricity, heating them and/or making them conduct electricity, he can also use this in his attacks. Zontre can diverse various electrical-based attacks, ranging from simple to complex attacks. Simple effects may include the ability to generate electricity, shoot lightning, or overload a circuit or something of the sort while complex ones might be  manipulating one in a person. Zontre can even surround himself in electricity. Also, he has the power to fuse electricity and physical combat, and he also can create, summon, project, and manipulate lightning bolts. (Try looking up your powers on superpowers wiki!)

Personality: Describe what your dragon is like.

Description: This is optional; Describe your character.

Talent(s): If your dragon has any specific talent or skill, put it here.

Flaw(s): He cannot take a whole lot of water due to his electricity, and can short-circuit.

Love Interest: Zontre has no crush.

Partner: Who is your dragon's mate? You may have more than one if you want.

Brood(s): A dragon tends to have two or more children, called a brood. If your dragon has had more than one brood in their life, make sure you can tell which names are in which brood.

Family: Who is your dragon's family? (they may be deceased or anything you'd like) Someone may play them if you ask.

History: Describe their history.

Other: Anything else?

Rivera Osiris Jeron
'The not-so-sweet angel of fire'

Little hand grenade

Salty like a summer's day

Kiss the pain away

To your radio

Name: What is your character's full name? (It may be lengthy) Include their title.

Alias: What do other dragons call you?

Gender: What gender is your dragon?

Age: Dragons outlive dragons by hundreds of years. Many are simply Unknown. 0-1 year is a Hatchling. 1-50 is a Juvenile. 50-200 is an Adolescent. 200-600 is an Adult. 600-1000 is an Elder. Most die at around 1000 years.

Clan: Of which clan does you dragon claim membership to?

Rank: If your dragon is not a high-ranking dragon, delete this.

Ability: Your dragon may have only one ability, and it must be of the same element that their clan has.

Personality: Describe what your dragon is like.

Description: This is optional; Describe your character.

Talent(s): If your dragon has any specific talent or skill, put it here.

Flaw(s): Every dragon must have ONE, be it physical or mental. Describe it.

Love Interest: Basically your dragon's crush.

Partner: Who is your dragon's mate? You may have more than one if you want.

Brood(s): A dragon tends to have two or more children, called a brood. If your dragon has had more than one brood in their life, make sure you can tell which names are in which brood.

Family: Who is your dragon's family? (they may be deceased or anything you'd like) Someone may play them if you ask.

History: Describe their history.

Other: Anything else?

still a wip c:
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 06:20:34 am by ??????z?????z???? »

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #6 on: June 25, 2013, 01:42:17 am »
Hmm... Looks rather male to me. But, whichever you're comfortable with. :) -is so happy for new member, gives floof- :3))

Offline Saylor156

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #7 on: June 25, 2013, 07:36:42 pm »
Time for my own applications. x3

Lirima Malda'Elen

Lirima Malda'Elen, meaning Lovely Gold-star.
Lady Lirima, Malda'Elen, or Queen Elen by inferiors or other clan-leaders.
Known as Lirima by the King.
An adult at the age of 475 years.
Runya Noore.
Lirima's fyre is a brilliant golden swirl that has no rough edges or flaws. It is always a thing of grace that coils around itself in a slender beam of flame. Although it may seem just a decoration, it is, however, a specialized weapon that is used to blind her enemies as well as scorch them in combat.
Lady Lirima is elegant in both mind and stature. She holds herself and her clan proudly, refusing to let them be made a fool of. When a law is disobeyed, she is rather unforgiving, but if the clan member is worthy enough of her pardon in her mind, she won't stay too long on the subject. For those outside of her clan, she believes she is of higher order than them, although she shows cool respect for the other leaders. It is hard to catch her off guard, and she is not a bad queen. Her clan is of utmost importance to her, and she cares for all of them dearly. She will not hesitate to attack trespassers.
The Queen of Runya is extremely clever and has a silver tongue that several find hard to resist.
Lirima has a temper that may go over a few times. It's hard to convince her of anything.
Love Interest:
None at the moment.
None at the moment.
None in the past or present.
Father and Mother, names unknown, deceased.
Lirima was born in a more secret way; her parents were two young dragons who'd fallen in love despite their own parents' forbidding. Lirima was among a brood of two, but only she lived past the eggshell to see the light of day and the glimmer of night. Her parents raised her to care for herself privately and then became anonymous, melting in secretly with the Clan once again as if they'd never had a brood together. Lirima trained herself quickly, brutally. It was a constant way for her to spend her time; battling other young dragons, testing her stealth skills, carrying weights in races against other wings. She was chosen for the Queen position one hundred years prior to now for her advanced learning and abilities.
Although she knows some dragons in the clan resent her, she will stop at nothing to protect them and lead them to victory.

Maksa Nim Losa

Maksa Nim Losa, meaning Soft White Snow.
Those in her clan call her Maksa, or some above her will call her Nim Losa.
Adolescent at the age of 189 years.
Alu Noore.
Maksa was born with the ability to infuse water with a healing quality that speeds the clotting of blood it touches over a wound. This, in turn, slows the bleeding and may save a life, although there is a chance it will leave a scar. The power's home is in the gem embedded in her crest.
This young dragon is focused mostly on her training, and is very happy to be in solitude, although she doesn't mind a companion or two for a short period of time. She is calm and peaceful, with an innocent curiosity in her gaze that makes others take her for simply stupid. However, she is fairly smart, not a genius, but still well-educated. She is timid and shy and tends to seclude herself to avoid contact with others.
She is a great healer, of course, but she is surprisingly a great singer as well. Many 'patients' she's had have been lulled to a peaceful sleep while she works on their wounds.
She has absolutely zero fighting skills. She's very vulnerable, but that's why she knows to conceal herself most of the time and not trust fully.
Love Interest:
None at the moment.
None at the moment.
None in the past or present.
Her parents were Ancients when she was born, so they faded away with age just recently. She was never very attached to them, so it was almost like it didn't matter to her.
Maksa's parents, as stated before, were old when they hatched her. They spent very little time with her, so involved were they with helping the ruler of the clan. That didn't particularly bother the young hatchling, as she preferred the silence of their absence anyways. She trained herself as she grew, finding her ability at a young age and fiddling with it, which is still where she is today.
She has tried different ways of imbuing her powers on water to make it heal. She's tried adding herbs and minerals as well as taken water from different sources. The healing power seems to change with the quality and clarity of the liquid.

Lord Ard'Rakka

Lord Ard'Rakka, meaning Lord Earthclaw
He's known as Ard'Rakka, Rakka by anyone who disregard his chosen title.
Adult at the age of 435.
Kemen Noore.
This powerful male can manipulate earth. He can use his mind, so to speak, to lift a stone and shift it or even throw it depending on its weight. When his ability is at work, the crystals along his flank and tail glow with inner power.
Even though Ard'Rakka can be cocky and arrogant, he has a true heart. He is loyal to the last breath and never breaks his word, although he doesn't take betrayal by others very lightly. But who does? This male is a stickler about his title, Lord Ard'Rakka, and if anyone he doesn't know doesn't call him that, he becomes cranky. He can't even explain why; it just irks him.
As a fun little trick, he can create light when it is dark. But for a self-taught talent, he is an extremely agile and proud flyer, due to his ability to change the position of his feathers in respect to the wind.
He holds grudges for a long time, so if anyone betrays him, he will find it hard to forgive them. He also loves to fight, so if there's even a chance of a battle, it is likely that he is the first to jump in and slice a stone through a dragon's wing-membrane.
Love Interest:
None at the moment.
None at the moment.
None in the past or present.
He really has no idea...
His memory only goes back about a three centuries. He cannot recall anything before that, and for as long as he can remember he's been able to manipulate earth. A pretty plain history, no?

His battle screeching sounds almost hawk-like.
« Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 05:40:45 pm by Saylor156 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #8 on: June 27, 2013, 06:09:14 pm »
Kirya Nao Mineaii
'The Calm Strike'

'I'll be there when you need me
I'll be there when you call
Yeah I'll be there to catch you when you fall
Know that I'll never leave you
Out here on your own
I'll be the lights that guide you home '

"Kiyra Nao Mineaii, Kiyra is fine."
"Kiyra, Neaii, Min. Known as Empress Kiyra to most"
"270 years."
"Me'urra Noore"
Her electricity is her ability. This dragon's eletricity is known for it's short, steady bursts when enraged. At full force, when enraged, she'd have enough power to roast a dragon alive, leaving herself eletrified, in the sense of her body letting off small shocks, for weeks ahead. However, she is most known for teaching young how to control lightning.
This dragon is usually calm and kind, one quick to jump at the chance to teach hatchlings and juveniles. She often refers to herself as the 'Mother of many', an appropriate title to how dearly she cares for the young of her kingdom, and maybe many others. She, of course, cares for all her kingdom, and is not hesitan to protect it from forgieners. Kiyra holds chasses for the oung of her kingdom, whether high in status or not, and is proud to teach even the youngest how to work with lightning.
However, she does like playing tricks on others. It's hilarious to her, apparently, but she knows it can irk others. Whether it's stealing a certain item, scaring the living scales out of others, or pretending to eat something only to get the tasty desserts, she's known for all general light-hearted pranks. She doesn't like puns, for the strangest of reasons.
Her kindness is easy to dissapear when Kemen Noore is brought up, due to the long rivalry the two clans have, instead being replaced by anger and, maybe, the intent to kill. When angered to her boiling point, she is quick to snap at the dragon responsible. It is also known on how quick she is to banish or execute a dragon of unfathomable crimes, for instance, killing a hatchling. She has killed several dragons who broke major rules in her kingdom, and banished many more. Basically, don't tick her off, especially in battle.

This dragon is a great racer, surprisingly agile in the sky with her small wings. She is also good at Lntheri, a form of sign-language for dragons. Her strength comes in speed and skill(I hope you don't mind about the sign-language)
If it concerns Kemen Noore, she is quick to jump to conclusions. Her anger is easy to invoke invovling anything to do with them. She is a weakling when to comes to her kingdom's lives, and is easy to submit if anyting involves them and not living. She's not very strong either, physically, and is hatchling-sized compared to others..
Love Interest:
"I wish...."
"Be nice..."
"I'd love to have a brood, but I don't."
"I did no know my family for long, and I am... unsure... if any of my siblings are alive."
Her backstory is greatly unknown. Shewas a normal dragon, living by regular standards, and she happened to bechosen by the kingdom for the new emperess.
[Dragon knights.
This female holds her kingdom close-knit, and doesn't allow 'poverty'.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2013, 02:49:55 am by Iceheart999 »

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Re: ?Tarai-Raama?//Dragon Roleplay //OPEN and ACCEPTING
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2013, 05:49:16 am »
« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 01:24:53 am by taywolf »
Life is just a loop, untill you get too tiered to continue