Author Topic: ~|::MapRequest::|~  (Read 493 times)

Offline Volskull

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« on: June 25, 2013, 07:07:29 pm »
Hello...Im in need of an detailed and experienced map maker to be able to create a forest map.
RealisticOrUnrealistic: Realistic
NumberOfDen's/territories: I'd like there to be two diffrent territories far from each other and both,hidden,Under Ground and hard to find....Inside i would like realistic bones and whatever you think fits but make sure please there's a special dens for The alphas inside each territories underground den
River,Creek,Or Ocean: Either river or creek
WolfOrLionMap: Wolf
Jungle,Savanna,Forest,etc: Forest
MapWidth: About 20,000-30,000-
MapHeigh: 100-200 maybe
PriveOrPublicMap: Privet
Animals: Yes.....Such as.....Realistic colored....Hares,Deer(Doe's and Bucks),Birds(only ones found in the forest),Fish(that you'd find in,
NameThatIWouldLikeItToBeCalled: SilentShadowedForest
WhatTypeOfFileWouldYouLikeItToBePutInWhenDone: ZIp file please
Please Know That the original creator will be credited and if you have any questions regarding this request feel free to pm me.