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« Reply #20 on: July 22, 2013, 01:13:02 pm »

"Well, I was one of the mothering dogs, but I'm getting older, I don't know how long that'll last." Anne sighed, before starting up again. "You should eat, keep your strength up. You'll need it." She finished and left the hole to go nibble at the brown pellets of food. The Great Dane left over half of the food in her bin, before peeking her head up and over the stall and scanning the dogs. Her eyes stopped on a puppy in a crate on the opposite side. Anne's view was obstructed as a human walked in front of her.
A stick hit her muzzle, the strike sending her backwards. "Stay off the top!" A cold voice said. Anne placed her paw on her muzzle, rubbing it slightly as the human left.

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Re: ¤Together we stand¤ ((Open±Accepting))
« Reply #21 on: July 22, 2013, 02:03:45 pm »

Her ears perked as Anne spoke about keeping her strength up and keep eating a sigh escaped her muzzle "They won't get many pups off me anyway I usually attack other dogs, and about eating? Well I rarely eat anyway" she muttered lifting to her paws and walking over to the small bin as she lapped up half of the water then dipping her muzzle into the food eating half. She lifted her head up as she heard the sound of a pup, then a human moaning along with a connection as if something had been hit. Letting out a snarl the rottie jumped up onto the bale of hay and spotted a small pup in a crate her optics then drifting off onto one of the humans who was holding a stick, her head turned to the dane who was rubbing her nose. Mishka let out a snarl at the human as she realized he had hit her with the stick. The rottweiler snarled at the human as he walked over. "So your the new arrival are you, our next mothering dog" he smirked as he looking at her the female dog let out a grunt at the human as he watched her. The human gave her a small chunk of meat as she gently took it from his hand, the human then placed his hand through one of the bars and began to pet her on the head "we'll wait for the boss to come to get a sheet filled in about you" he muttered retrieving his hand from the bars and standing at her stall waiting for someone.
A tall man slowly strolled into the barn as he walked towards her stall the smaller but fatter man stood up and shook his hand. Mishka guessed that was who he was waiting for and he would be filling in her papers, the female remained on the bale of hay as her ears perked at the twos conversation;
Tall man;
"Time to sort out this sheet, so who do we have here?"
Smaller man; "Well this is Mishka, one of the new arrivals"
"And what breed of dog is she?"
"She's a rottweiler, no sub-breeds. Just a pure bred"
"How old is she and is she healthy; no health problems or anything?"
"I guessing about 2-3 years old, and she's healthy so far no health problems or anything that I know of"
"Any records of previous litters?"
"Well I've seen no records of previous litters so I'm guessing no, and judging by her appearance and behaviour she hasn't been bred"
"Well that's all I need for now, if I need anything I'll be back"
After the interview the larger man trudged off back down the patch towards the house holding the clip board that held her information. The fatter man looked at her with a smirk as he turned to face her directly "And I'm wanting a good litter from you" he smirked then tapped at her cage and walked off, Mishka let out a snarl as he left the barn letting out a grunt she jumped down from the hay bale and lay on her bed. Quite the comfy cushion bed sat in the corner of her stall. Her optics scanned the area as she lay in the bed "You alright?" She barked over towards the dane hoping the human hadn't hurt her.

« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 12:08:29 am by Taylor »
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« Reply #22 on: July 22, 2013, 05:05:00 pm »
Name: His original name was Blue, but it was then exchanged for 'Dog 7' and then, his current 'home' nickname him 'Snarler, Snar and Snarl' for his aggression shown when he was first introduced to his new surroundings.
Age: Unknown to humans but he is really 6.
Gender: Male, Intact.
Breed: Dalmatian
Sub-Breed: No known sub-breed.
Personality: Snarl is a excessively aggressive dog that has been trouble for humans and dogs alike. Not being with human contact for most of his life, he has unable to get along with anybody, making it difficult for task's the humans needed to perform. He is strong willed and will not give up easy if faced with contact with humans. He only allows them to come feet around him if they have food or water. Prone to attacking other dog's, he has been singled away from the other cages in a far corner so there is not possible way he would be able to reach or bite through the bars. He has been faced with death many times due to his personality but the human's had wanted him to see if they could wear it out of him so he would be able to breed. They would never turn down a dog that had fine lines and genetics. They could make a fortune with the pups.

History: It had all started of easy and peaceful for Snarl, or as his mother called him 'Blue'. He was a gentle puppy that had never shown any aggression towards the human handlers, his siblings or mothers. Blue, his brothers and sister's where born to be shown in competitions. With the help of their handler, he and his siblings would be able to make a fortune (Plus steak every night!) The human was also kind. He tended to the mother and puppies as often as he could until the time came when they had to be moved into new homes at the age of eight weeks.

Hell broke loose.

The day of the arrival of several interested client's for the dogs had finally come and all seemed gentle and kind. Blue would be grateful to go to anyone of these people's homes. But there was this one man, hidden beneath a large, black overcoat and a hat would be his one way ticket to sadness. He had scanned the pups, sizing up Blue against one of his brothers. He checked their teeth, eyes, ears and nose until he was satisfied he would take Blue. Unsure of if this would be a good decision, Blue's mother's owner asked if it was possible if there was any proof that he was a citizen of this country, a driver's license and a criminal record. Everything, to his mother's owner's surprise, was completely legit and squeaky clean. Finally, when he was sold for a grand sum of money, Blue was picked up, placed in a cage in the boot of the car and then was off, off to a much more nasty, unforgiving way of life.
Blue had been sold to a man (for a higher sum) in secret so he would be smuggled out of the country. Everything, unfortunately, went off without a hitch. Blue would be raised in poor living conditions, forced to eat moulded left overs and dirty water and then, when he reached seven months, live out the rest of his day by breeding from one dog to the other.

This had to stop.

Blue, now been given the name 'Dog 7' had been forced into every task he needed to do and he no longer wanted to be treated like a piece of crap. He started to snap at first, bite and nip to show he was unhappy, but he started to get more aggressive, ripping and clawing at anything that got in his way. The humans could only mange this until he was forced into another breeding and he tore the female apart after breeding with her (Or 'Raping' since I guess that's what it would be like if they are forced into these tasks). The human's could no longer cope with his behaviour and so he was sold onwards, shipped over seas back to his home country without telling the new owner's of his behaviour. He was five and was one of the early arrivals at the new 'kennels', where he is now currently staying. The human's seem harsher as they try to grind down on his aggression. He was now given a new name, it was horrible, but at least it was a name. Snarl. Even Blue, as he still calls himself, think's it is revolting.

Crush: He has no crush. He would even be afraid of himself around females. The habit of his aggression has stuck to his brain.
Mate: No mate. He may have had feelings towards the mother's of his pups before his aggression started.
Pup(s): Plenty although it would be impossible to count.
Extra: None!


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« Reply #23 on: July 22, 2013, 07:25:56 pm »
(very detailed history you have there :) )

shiloh watched as across the room a great dane was hit by stick after sticking her head over her stall, and a rottweiler was checked out by two humans. "what kind of place is this?" shiloh thought as she tried to balance on her three legs which she was still getting used to.she nibbled on her food it tasted old and stale and the water had a greenish tinge.

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« Reply #24 on: July 22, 2013, 11:19:46 pm »
@RainbowPass accepted, lovely application and very detailed. Feel free to start when ever you want. :)
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« Reply #25 on: July 23, 2013, 03:59:41 pm »
Blue 'Snarler'
"So you just 'put him out'? Without consulting me? Do I really need to hammer a letter into your brain for you? I don't care if he is distressed; it is his own fault, but don't you dare pull off a stunt like this again, do you understand me?" The ring and echo of a voice was trickling it's way into the dog's ear drums. The large male lay quite still, breathing, but unable to move. His body immobilized by a short, sharp prick of a needle into his neck when he was off guard. The cold mettle bars the Dalmatian's head was forced to lean against as he rested gave him some note that he was actually alive and not dead. The brute's eyes was partially open but not focused, for he was still groggy from an anaesthetic he was injected with in attempt to calm him down by one of the 'foolish', as the other men called him, boys. He felt warmth on his head and a finger rubbing across his ear as a human, for once in a long time, was able to touch him up close. Blue let out a low pitched angry growl that faded as his cage began to come into focus; The drug's where wearing off.
"He's up. Can't keep this one down if we injected him with enough drug's to bring down a bull elephant," said the man whom had scolded the boy who injected him. The man stood up and scratched his neck roughly as he picked up a clipboard on the top of the aggressive dog's cage. He scanned his eye's down it, attempting to find his last human's number. It was unknown, of Corse, for he was sent to the new kennel with no background history what-so-ever, but this still did not stop him in finding out about the dog's past. Little scrap after little scrap of information had rose from sources of kennels who had mistreated dogs but had recently been found out. They where able to tell them about 'Snarl's' mother whom had died a few years ago due to lung cancer. The man, reading the clipboard pulled out a seat and sat down inhaling with his smoke damaged lungs while Blue, again, was emitting low growls which where steadily getting louder. "No proper control" the man muttered, his elbow on his knee and his chin resting on his hand. The clipboard was in his other. "Pff, no wonder he tried to kill that fae..." he muttered once more. After another good few minuets of reading through his note's, he stood up, put the clipboard back onto the top of the cage and bent down in front of the cage, and to his instant surprise, he was inches away from his face through the bars, for the mistreated dog was standing up with a wild look of anger across his once loyal face. "Christ, you startled me." He said, falling backwards slightly. "Now, look here boy, that's it," The man said, drawing a finger close the cage and then back to his face. Blue followed his hand, weary. "Finally found out how to crack down on you know. There was no real, solid discipline" He spoke in a calm voice as Blue continued to growl. "Maybe the drugs could work; keep you drowsy enough to become...well...less aggressive..." He finished, standing up and looking down the long row of cages. "Yeah...that could work." The man muttered, tapping his hand on the top of the small cage the Dalmatian was enclosed in and wandering off down the cages, dogs beginning to bark before disappearing through a door. Blue huffed and snorted yet still stood, awaiting for the next dog or human to come into view so he could rattle his cage in fury. Could he not just get the message of distress through these thick human heads? He barked himself hoarse for a while when he heard a few female dog's communicating. He barely had room to squeeze around to face the back of his cage when he wanted to block everyone from view, and in a few attempts, he nearly broke his neck, so he decided to stay and wait for a daily meal of moulded old food being gingerly pushed through the bars by one of the silly new recruited staff members.
His mouth was sticky from dehydration after half an hour of waiting for a meal. He had watched eagerly as a few dogs where fed but growled and barked whenever the humans passed without feeding him. He just wanted some food and water. Even a little so he would not have to suffer through another sleep on a empty stomach.  
Excitement had brewed a few times through the day now and then when a female in heat had passed several times pass his cage. He barked and growled and reached through his cage to the point of him nearly snapping his leg bone in half when he got it caught.  Other than that it was a normal (Normal for him) day of being shouted at and observed. He listened, after a while when his throat was to dry to bark, to the conversation A great Dane and a Rottweiler was having. There was food wafting from one of their cages, not much, but it could still satisfy him for a small while. While still looking over at the cages the two dog's where in, there was another short, sharp prick into his neck. Blue only had time to look at a needle on a long stick being extracted from his cage to begin his barks (Now reduced to huffs as his throat was too dry). But that same, sleepy sensation was beginning to waft over him. He fought it for a while but the desire to snooze was too overwhelming, even with a empty stomach. His cage was opened by the same man whom had looked through his papers and he was dragged out. The man was assisted by another man who Blue had seen rarely. The limp body of Blue as he struggled to fight the urge to sleep was dragged (When it could have been carried) down the rows of dog cages. The Dalmatian was still emitting growls of anguish but it was too late to attack. The dog was embraced by the sandman's spell.

(Thanks for accepting me! And I have been in a few role-play's in the past and I used to write long post's for them and they never actually read them. :( So nobody would role-play with me so I would really appreciate it if you could read it. ^^ But please tell me if it is too long.)


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« Reply #26 on: July 23, 2013, 06:43:30 pm »
( just a lil bit to long but i read it all maybe like one less paragraph or something)

shiloh watched as a dalmation was shoved into the cage next to her she watched intently as he was drugged and examined by humans. when he came to she barked as greeting but he was to busy barking and growlingat everydog that passed. she wondered why he was so nasty when she watched as a human drugged him again and dragged him away.
later on the same man ho has examined the dalmation came by her cage her started to check her out. she was terrified as he poked around feeling her legs and head. finally he stopped and started writing things and talking to himself "she only has three legs, she will never be a good mother dog like that but she is a purebred and she aint agressive" he tapped his pen i his sheet "you have some good breeding" he said "your parents were show dogs, were gonna get some good pups out of you, starting now" a that he grabbed her roughly by the collar and dragged her into a small secluded room. was he trying to breed her now?!? she was to young to breed! she didnt even know he other dogs! she waited fearfully for what would happen next.

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Re: ¤Together we stand¤ ((Open±Accepting))
« Reply #27 on: July 23, 2013, 11:25:18 pm »

Mishka turned her head as snarls and growls echoed through her ears, letting out a snort she lifted to her paws as the chain around her neck rattled. The female rottie padded up to the bale of hay that sat in the corner of the stall extending her legs and pushing up she leapt up onto the bale, her eyes paced around as she looked for whom was making the noises. A white spotted dog caught her eye as he lay motionlessly in a cage, he must have been drugged so the humans could get close to him. She looked down at her bowls of food and water as she let out a grunt the humans really thought that would satisfy a dog as large as herself? Her head lifted back up as she peered at the human who seemed to be holding a clip boeard then being joined by another human as they drugged him again and carried him past the cages. Mishka jumped at her cage letting out snarls towards the humans as the cage rattled from her lunges into it. A larger man stepped infront of her cage as a stick lunged through the bars and clipped her on the side, letting out a growl she sharply turned towards the stick and bit onto it tugging at it slightly then letting go as the human attempted to drag out it. "What are you playing at mutt?!" He snapped "You keep your behaviour like that and its the dog house for you. Mutt" he muttered letting out a smirk as he walked away. Mishka looked at her side as she let out a huff then a grunt "Jerk!"  She snapped licking at her side, then turning her attention back towards the front of her cage as she stood on her back paws and placed her front paws on the edge as she peered out. Many dogs barking and snarling as humans walked past, the odd snarl and grunt would escape her maw as she watched them walk past along with other canines being moved about.

((Your welcome! I've read all your post but I would recommend you try and make your posts just a little smaller, I like how much detail you add into your posts but its just for the younger role-players or anyone who doesn't really like reading long posts is why I would advise to make your posts a little smaller. But keep up the good posts:) )).
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 12:09:33 am by Taylor »
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Re: ¤Together we stand¤ ((Open±Accepting))
« Reply #28 on: July 24, 2013, 01:13:55 am »

Name: His name is Keegan, some call him Kan for short though.
Age: Keegan is round about 4 years old.
Gender: Male/Dog/Brute.
Breed: Kangal dog
Sub-breed: Nope, none sub-breeds.
Personality: Well Keegan is quite the aggressive male and is handled with great care. His aggressive attitude causes the humans to keep him separate from other dogs. Since his past this brute has had the most bitter and stubborn attitude towards the humans and will often snap when one comes near him. Only those he trusts are able to get near him and he still even has trust issues held towards them. He is quite aggressive towards other dogs to and is rarely put in the same cage as them but will be kept near them as long as there is something in between him and the others. Keegan does have a small soft spot for pups and tends not to hurt them or show much aggression towards them, but that doesn't mean he wont snap at them. Nothing will hold him back. This tank of muscle will say and do what he wants even if it does effect others around him he wont really care. He just needs someone to help and maybe make him bring a softer side out of him. He does like to cause trouble and he will also tease others. Keegan does have a bitter attitude and is often cocky and sarcastic towards others, also being quite the feisty male he doesn't and won't back down from a challenge. Hes pretty well known around the ranch and most don't think messing with him would be the right thing, and they're right.
History: Keegan was born on the ranch believe it or not being the strongest of the litter the humans decided to keep him for guard and breeding purpose. As he got older he grew up in a cage with his mother as she taught him the ins and outs of the harsh place they lived in. Few more years passed as his mother produced many more litters him even having to help her through them as she was worn out but the humans didn't care. He watched his mother being abused daily and getting sick he stepped in front of every stick the humans held towards her growling and snarling stopping them from doing anything. Keegan and his mother shared a strong bond as he helped her through the days and she helped him through his.
A few more days passed and humans burst into the two dogs cage as he was dragged away from his mother and put in the cage across the way from her. Sadness and depression took over him as one day he watched his mother get beat, and it didn't stop for at least 20 minutes. Yelps sounded from her cage along with shouting and the sound of the impact from the stick. The brute charged against the sides of his cage going crazy in order to help his mother, but the bars were to strong and he only lefts dents. The humans left a while after as he looked across the way, and there he spotted his mother laying on the ground her white pelt covered in blood as she slowly sunk to her death. The wounds and the pain was to severe for his mother to handle and she padded away. Ever since he witnessed his mothers death and what the humans were capable of he never trusted them again and does everything is his power to make their lives a living hell.
Crush: Nope, no crush yet.
Mate: He doesn't have a mate at the moment, but may not have one as he's being used as a stud dog.
Pup(s): He has many pups from the few litters he has helped produce, but sadly he knows none of them. He is hoping to someday meet at least a few of his pups.
Extra: Nothing extra really apart from a few scars cover his body from fights and abuse from the humans, also he will be used as a guard dog maybe if the humans managed to get a little handling done with him and he will be used as a stud dog.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2013, 01:16:35 am by Taylor »
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« Reply #29 on: July 24, 2013, 01:25:06 am »

Keegan padded out from the small kennel that sat in the corner of his pen a grunt escaped his maw as she extended his front legs in a stretch then letting out a yawn. His brown optics paced around the ranch as he let out a huff he padded towards his water and food bowl then realizing they hadn't been filled up "So they expect pups from me and to guard their land but they can't feed me? Lets see where that gets them" he snorted plopping himself down by the gate letting out many snarls as the humans paced around the yard and the few dogs that passed his cage. "So, you decided to wake now did you?" a voice chuckled causing him the lift his head and there stood a large human holding a stick. "No, i'm just sleeping with my eyes open!" he snarled at himself even though he knew the human couldn't understand him. "Well someone seems moody today!" the human scolded swatting the cage with the stick causing the Kangal to lunge up and snap at the human outside the cage. His fangs bared as saliva dripped from his maw he hated these humans and the way they treat the canines. The human scrunched up his face and waved his arm towards the dog as he stormed off as he swung the stick around "Jerk" he muttered to himself as he sat on his hunches waiting for some to feed him, his stomach grumbled and a dog of his size needed its food and water. He sat impatiently waiting as he watched the goings on around him, a slight sulk on his face.
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