Author Topic: .::Blood Moon Howlers::. New Wolf/Dog RP, Map(WIP), Cannibalistic, Accepting!  (Read 6548 times)

Offline WolfBrother

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.::Blood Moon Howlers::.

     >>How it all began<<
     Six months ago the NACP was shut down due to illegal, genetic experiments on animals, injecting them with chemicals that made them become viral. At first the NACP wanted to make highly developed attack dogs to use in battle. But, one after another the animals went "rabid." Attacking and killing anything in sight, it was brutal. Many scientists didn't make it out, but the ones who did pledge to never return to the NACP Corporation.
     Now, the animals run wild, growing more powerful everyday. It's only a matter of time before the viral spreads. In this world, it's a trial of life or death.

>>Main Plot<<
     Ever since the animals had escape from the NACP Facility, there has been countless deaths upon humans and other animals. The animals of the NACP Corporation are genetically improved. Making them stronger, faster, more intelligent, and highly aggressive towards anything/anyone. Most live on the outskirts of the city, but, that doesn't mean they don't lurk there either. Most are apart of the most highly and dangerous pack of them all, Blood Moon Howlers. The wolves of this pack own most of the land upon Mors, killing anything that dares to approach. Others are either loners or apart of a smaller group, but, that doesn't mean they aren't strong or dangerous.

>>Established Plots<<
     As of now we don't have any. Established Plots are created through RP.

>Current Season< Spring: Hunting Time & Pups to be born

     OOC Rules:
1) OOC Chat is done in Group chat
2) Please, no fighting/drama. Can't we all just get along? If I am not online and someone is trying to start something, please tell me in a PM so I can handle it.
3) Text talk is allowed in OOC, but, please don't go too crazy. I mean, it can get annoying.
4) Cursing is allowed, but, if you abuse this action it will be taken away.
5) More will be added later.

IC Rules:
1) No god-modding/power-playing. You are not immortal, your character can get hurt and die!
2) Cursing is allowed, but do not abuse!\
3) Mating is done in Whisper and AWAY from others! Also, you can only mate in winter, that way your pups are born in Spring.
4) No claiming areas. If you wish to create a small pack within the group, PM me first.
5) There are only going to be allowed 2 smaller groups within the RP. You must have up to 4 members before asking to make one.
6) Fighting is allowed in RP, just don't do it randomly and you MUST give the other person a chance to reply. So, that means no auto hitting nor instant killing.
7) Blood Moon Howlers' rules are discussed in pack meeting through RP.
8 ) We are Un-Realistic to Full realistic (Still NO power-playing)
9) Also, try and be as Literate as possible!
10) NO neon colors in-less they are glowing markings, etc.

       Right now we are MAPLESS! We will RP in all the public maps. Flourite=Spring/Summer, Cape=Summer, Bonfire=Spring/Summer, SouthPole=Winter, Ficho=Any Season. We move around a lot sometimes. If there is a problem then we will just stay in Flourite. This is only until our map is complete (It's a huge map). Screenshots will be added shortly!

     Yes, we have our own site. But, I will not post the link until we have a lot more members. And please, when the site link is up, sign up to the site and add stuff to it. I hate it when a RP has their own site and nobody does anything for it. People work hard creating these things for their group, and it is just respectful to use it.

>>The Blood-Moon<<
     The Blood-Moon is a super moon that appears once a month((RP time)). On the day of the Blood-Moon the wolves of the Blood Moon Howlers pack gather around and have a huge ceremony, at night they all go to Blood-Moon's cliff there they will feast, and later they all gather and give the Howl. With every Blood-Moon all the animals that were apart of NACP grow stronger, something to do with the genetics the scientist injected them with. Also, during the Blood-Moon ceremony the Howler of the pack will tell the secrets of the Blood-Moon, after they finish others will begin to tell secrets about how the Blood-Moon has effected them in ways different from everyone else.  

Days til next Blood-Moon: 5 ((RP Time))

     >>Blood-Moon<< Read above for the information!!!
>>Wedding Days<< When two wolves decide to become mates a wedding ceremony is held. Here, the wolves will nuzzle each other and devote themselves to one another while the rest of the pack howls. After so, the two will venture out into the forest and spend Two nights alone, here they are allowed to do as the please. After this they return to the pack and live their lives together.
>>Graduation<< When a wolf who was in-training for a rank and they graduate. A ceremony is held, her rank has it's own separate ceremony which is revealed at the graduation.
>>Death Comes To Us All<< This is a ceremony that is held when one of our pack mates have died. All pack members report to the Blood-Moon's cliff, there they'll create a path, the Howler will carry the carcass. he will lay them down at the top of the cliff and howl. Once the Howler, howls the rest of the pack join in, then the Howler with push the carcass down in the water below.  

>>Howler (BMHH)<< The Howler is the leader of the pack, Male or Female. They control how the pack works and are the most respected pack member. What they say goes. They have the right to de-rank, exile, kill, imprison, etc. you, due to misbehavior or betrayal. So, I suggest you act your best around them, and try to impress them any chance you get. But don't suck up to them, it wont go so well if you do.  
>>Mender (BMHM)<< The Mender is the Deputy of the pack, they are the Howler's Second-in-Command. If the Howler is not around, they are in-charge, having the ability to do whatever the Howler can do. They are respected by lower ranks.
>>Lead Sana (BMHSA)<< The leader of all Sanas, they train the Sanas in-training when need be.
>>Sana (BMHSa)<< A Sana, in other words, a healer. Use herbs and other objects to heal wounds, that are only a few in the pack. Most also have the ability to fight, that way in battle they are able to help and also tend to the wounded.
>>Lead Bellator (BMHLB)<< Leader of all Bellators, they also train the trainees when need be.
>>Bellators (BMHB)<<
Bellators are the Warriors of the pack, they fight in every battle and protect the pack.
>>Lead Sicarius (BMHLS)<< Leader of all Sicarius, and train the trainees when need be.
>>Sicarius (BMHS)<< Sicarius' are, in other words, and Assassin. They are allowed of the territory to spy/assassinate rivals. They're murders, so I suggest you don't piss them off.
>>Mender In-Training (BMHm)<< A Mender in-training are soon-to-be Menders. They are trained by the Menders themselves, learning everything they need to know.
>>Sana In-training (BMHsa)<< Sana in-training are trained by the lead Sana, they learn all there needs to know about being a Sana.
>>Bellator In-Training (BMHb)<< Bellators in-training are trained by the Lead Bellator.
>>Sicarius In-Training (BMHs)<< A Sicarius in-training are trained by the Lead Sicarius, they learn all the skills they need to know for this ranks.
>>Apprentice (BMHa)<< A regular wolf pup, they are under the age of Six Months and are not in-traing for a rank.
>>Prisoner (BMHp)<< These are wolves/dogs who have been "under-arrest" and are either used for slaves, or have a death sentence.
>>Slaves (BMHsl)<< The lowest rank in the pack. They do all the dirty work, and are watched closely by all pack members. If they try to escape, the Howler will punish them, wither beating them or by death.

>>Character Name<<
>>Picture(If not, Description)<<
>>RP Sample(Just to see how your literacy is)<<

Offline WolfBrother

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Offline popopo

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Username(in game: popopo
Character Name: Alex
Species: Small Saber Wolf
Age: young Teen
Rank: Sicarious in training( if thats ok )
Parents: Unknown
Mate: none
Crush: none
Offspring: none
Personality: Shy, aggresive, kind(is I like you)
History: Alex was a combination of a small wolf and the fossils of a Saber cat. She gained Claws and saber teeth from her experimentation, her final "mutation" was a thin wolf tail that acted like a cat tail to help her balance.
Rp Sample: " Lashing her banner to and fro sharply she glanced to the Shimmering moonlight. With a smirk she took off into the dense forest. her labrums parted with a bark escaping her maw, her fangs glinting in the pale light. coming to a halt she slammed into a large rock, knocking herself unconscious. She awoke at the dim light of dawn, hessitantly she got to her paws and glanced around. lifting her snout into the air she inhaled slowly and deeply, swiftly she became alert. Unsheathing her claws she clung to the side of a tree. With enormous  effort she hulled herself to a sturdy branch and watched a group of fellow canids pass under her
Preset Link: (I do not take credit)
« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 04:22:03 am by thunder1470 »

Offline Quvi

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 >>Username(In-game/forum)<< daisy18002
>>Character Name<< Genisis
>>Species(Wolf/Dog)<< Mutated Timber Wolf
>>Age<< Young Adult
>>Rank<< Sicarius
>>Picture(If not, Description)<<
>>Parents<< Unknown
>>Mate<< N/A
>>Crush<< N/A
>>Offspring<< N/A
>>Personality<< Genisis is aggressive and protective. She hates being bossed around but tries to tolerate it. She usually steps out of line and needs to be taught that she's not the boss. (Trust me many have tried..Derp)
>>History<< Genisis was an average timber wolf before scientists began performing tests on her and her pelt became a very dark red that looks like it's black. As they performed more tests she developed a thin tail and cat like claws so she was able to climb up trees to hide from her enemies.
>>RP Sample<< Genisis snarled as her leader ordered her to go and asasinate the loner who intruded on there territory. She ran out of the camp and began to climb a tree noticing the loner approaching. She snickered before jumping down in front of him. "Now, where do you think you're going?" She smirked as he was backing away slowly. "P-Please, I'm harmless. I'll leave now if I have to to avoid death." She unsheathed her claws and looked at him smirking. "There's no avoiding death." She said before leaping at him and trying to pin him down. He fell as soon as she hit him. She placed her paw on his neck. She then unsheathed her claws on her other paw and scraped up his neck. "Oh. This is fun." She smirked before stabbing her claw into his neck and dragged it down. She heard him panting and then gasped for air. "Now why don't I finish you off." He looked up at her. "P-Please.." He pleaded. She smirked before growling and then finished hi off by attaching her jaws on his neck then ripped off part of his throat leaving a bloody carcass behind her. She padded back to camp and reported to her leader. "I have killed the loner." She snickered licking her maw. The leader looked at her and smirked.
I have changed my name from sage01 to Aurora01!

Offline WolfBrother

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Both accepted. I'll add y'all to the roster as soon as I get everything up and running! :)

Offline Quvi

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I have changed my name from sage01 to Aurora01!

Offline Quvi

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And the dog in your picture is HUGE! lol X3
I have changed my name from sage01 to Aurora01!