Author Topic: Roleplay Etiquette  (Read 16936 times)


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2011, 11:11:33 pm »
Another great set of issues that we have to deal with, perhaps you could edit your first post so that they are all there? That way when new players read it they don't have to search the posts. Anyway very inspiring that someone other then me and my friends notice they're issues that are the bane if role play.

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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2011, 11:18:51 pm »
Agree with everything said Alexander. We know a lot of new people are and will always be joining the RPG world, unfortunately those who are are stamped "fail" on their forehead right upon entering, say if they don't know the rules. Or they could just be to lazy, which still bugs me if that's the case. I'm very picky with my role play, go by all rules. Owning a large RPG site I would need to know basic rules of course, and I actually only stick to paragraph to multiparagraph, but in FH I keep it as short as I possibly can, so I'm not filling up the chat with a single post. I do find it annoying when people think the size is all that matters in RP, I prefer quality over quantity. Other wise I loose interest fast from those who use little effort to really bring a story to life.

I hate when people mix their real life in role play, even if playing a fursona, it still urks me quite a bit, and I find that a form of meta gaming. Like I don't care if your mom is yelling at you for what ever reason or you failed a math quiz, what does this have to do with your wolf/animal?

Instant romance. Mate beggers, get it all the time, but it's not as bad here as it used to be on WQ. The mods actually took it to the point they removed the words he, she, her, him, mate, eight, six, male, female and so on.

I'll admit, I am not the best at grammar, I'm sure I even messed up a 100 times in this post even, but when it comes to saying *looks @ u & leaves dramatically* I wanna jab my eyes out. Sorry if you use chat speak, it's just my personal opinion, try to remain from getting all offended and defensive?

I can go on a while about all this. I think it's worse when people know the basic rules, but are to lazy to care and continue godmodding and what not. As for new people, it's just a matter of learning. I've been around a LOT of people who maul a character just for not using grammar or putting caps in their posts. We all start off some where and some bring it a little to far.
Halo ~ Queen and creator of Twisted Fury Pack Reborn.
- All animal RPG | Over 2000 members | post - apocalyptic | Fantasy


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2011, 11:19:26 pm »
I'll do that in a bit when I am feeling a little less lazy. :)


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2011, 11:24:05 pm »
So glad you posted this Alexander Hamilton I couldn't agree more on this x3.


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2011, 11:30:59 pm »
Instant romance. Mate beggers, get it all the time, but it's not as bad here as it used to be on WQ. The mods actually took it to the point they removed the words he, she, her, him, mate, eight, six, male, female and so on.

I'll admit, I am not the best at grammar, I'm sure I even messed up a 100 times in this post even, but when it comes to saying *looks @ u & leaves dramatically* I wanna jab my eyes out. Sorry if you use chat speak, it's just my personal opinion, try to remain from getting all offended and defensive?

And that says it all, I remember the old WQ before they put up all the chat guards and when the role play was...better I guess. I started out on that game and I've since moved past it but we all start somewhere. Perhaps if we catch these new players early on we can teach them what a good role play is compared to laziness. Anyway I know that I'll be linking some of my members on my RPG site to this post! ^_^

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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #25 on: March 18, 2011, 12:39:42 am »
I learned how to RP on WQ as well, back when they didn't completely block nearly every word. It's difficult for new role players to join the RPG world, and discouraging when there is fail naming. A lot join in and a lot leave. New role players just need to be taught the right way by the right people is all.
Halo ~ Queen and creator of Twisted Fury Pack Reborn.
- All animal RPG | Over 2000 members | post - apocalyptic | Fantasy


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #26 on: March 18, 2011, 12:43:58 am »
There really does need to be more guides and introductions to roleplaying.  Many people aren't even familiar with terms like 'ooc' and so on.


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #27 on: March 18, 2011, 01:32:26 am »
I loved WQ before all the guards, now I mainly play single player. I must admit it took me a while to learn the terms and some of them that you used I didn't know to well but I knew what you were talking about. It would be really awesome if someone started a Role-Play school or something where they good players could tutor the new players. Maybe that would cut down on some of the fail rps.


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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2011, 02:02:15 am »
I hope this thread can do its small part! lol
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 02:16:36 am by Alexander Hamilton »

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Re: Roleplay Etiquette
« Reply #29 on: March 18, 2011, 02:07:51 am »
On my site there is tons of pages for RPG training and guides, so we really have none of these problems. I left wolf quest when my RP got better, role play there got over dramatic and it was "mate this-mate that.
Halo ~ Queen and creator of Twisted Fury Pack Reborn.
- All animal RPG | Over 2000 members | post - apocalyptic | Fantasy