Author Topic: Illiterates.  (Read 4028 times)

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« on: July 18, 2013, 02:53:09 pm »
Hey guys!

Right, I was in-game today and this person was getting abused by a bunch of literates for being illiterate. Listen here, I do not stand bullying and bullying someone for their spelling isn't something that's needed. I think people forget that this game is recommended for 13 years and above, so people need to realise there are some who are younger but think back to those days where you were 13 or younger, I can admit. My spelling wasn't brilliant, I chat spoke a lot like "hey u ok". Yes, sometimes illiterates can be annoying with the mass of extent they can act like but not all are like that. Some just want to RP and make friends.

No one should be bullied for being illiterate, everyone has been there at some point. So no one should judge each other for it. We all have our opinions, yes but we shouldn't bully them. If they annoy you, just move away or block them. The option is there but bully shouldn't be an option.

Like it has been noted below in the recent comments, people suffer with issues so their spellings may come with a condition.

Thank you for your time reading this guys!
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 03:44:12 pm by Phatom »

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2013, 03:22:18 pm »
I agree, even though I hate when people RP illiterately, I find that even though they use 'u' and 'r', etc., they can be really nice people and they shouldn't be bullied for the way they spell. My friends IRL aren't always great at spelling, but do I bully them for that? No. Nor would anyone IRL bully their friends, or anyone, for not spelling very well or not using proper grammar. Okay, then, why in the game? That's rude. If you wouldn't say it in real life, why would you say it online? Bullying in any way or form is pure awful.

Offline Ex0rcist

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2013, 03:35:52 pm »
There was a topic similar to this, saying for people to list their opinions on said "illiterates". Most I read said they didn't enjoy the way they were typing... and yes, it is rather annoying but it is simply life. You are correct to say that bullying is wrong, for it is and I very much agree with it. Just because one uses txt speak or incorrect grammar doesn't mean they are specifically called "illiterates".

I go by the actual definition itself, not the definition everyone came to know in FH. Iliterate means when one cannot read nor write. As long as the person is chatting, they are showing effort into what they say or do. We shouldn't judge them for that. Let's not forget that some people suffer from certain conditions that hinder the way they read or type things, and we shouldn't make fun of them for such. It is a rather humiliating experience, aye?

I agree with you that they should keep to their own opinions and not bully those who can't type correctly. At least they are typing at all. If they are using incorrect grammar and txt speak on purpose, then that is different story. I also agree with Conci. If you see an... "illiterate", why not help them improve a bit? 'Tis always great to step up for others, nu?

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Offline KibaWolf73

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 04:07:37 pm »
I have to say, when I saw the title I thought: "Oh no, another rant about it?"
But I'm glad it's actually the other way round, and that you're defending them.

People find it entertaining to bully people behind the safety of a computer screen, not caring that on the other side there's a
real person, with feelings. I bet they wouldn't have the guts to do it in real life.

I just don't understand. Okay, what if s/he doesn't use thousants of different adjectives to describe how they yawned? Does it really matter?
S/he has fun doing his/her little RolePlay, and suddenly s/he gets ambushed by a group of 'literate gods' who do nothing but make them feel awful. What's the point? You simply
can't stand their RP style, block and move on.
Oh, no. They can't just leave him/her alone and go RolePlay with 'their kind', they have to do everything there is to make the so-called illiterate [I strongly dislike that term] feel bad about him/herself and decide to never RolePlay again, or worse, leave the game.

Instead of being nothing but a horrendous troll, why don't you try to give them advice? Help them RP like you. I'm not saying they should invite him/her in their mapped RolePlay, but still..
The 'literate gods' seem to forget that they, like the people they bully, didn't start off with perfect grammar and RolePlay skills. They also seem to forget that people who could
be young/not have English as their first tongue/have things like dyslexia and many other reasons also play this game.

I'd say 'hate' is a strong word. I don't mind people who don't speak perfectly. As long as I can understand them, it's fine. I even RPed a couple of times with them, and tried to accomodate my style with theirs, meaning typing shorter paragraphs, so it won't get lost among the other chat posts, and I have to say that most of them are very nice people, and I'm sure that, if given time, they'd get a lot better.

As an end to my what-looks-like-ranting, humongous post, I have nothing against literate people, being one of them myself, but going as far as actually bullying fellow floofs for your and your friends' amusement is plain disgusting.
I am especially sorry if I happened to offend someone in this post, or if some parts might seem incoherent, but I was starting to get really sick of the people who bully.

Offline F a t a l

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2013, 04:09:50 pm »
Though I'm not particularly fond of illiterate roleplays, I do not disrespect those who do not roleplay literately based solely on the reason that they can't spell as well as everyone else. I've seen a lot of illiterates who were upset because nobody would roleplay with them and bullied them. Often times when I see people like this, though I prefer to roleplay literately, I'll offer to roleplay with them, and they really seem to appreciate it. To be honest, I don't see why people bully them - to make them feel better about themselves, perhaps?
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 04:16:52 pm by F a t a l »
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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2013, 05:28:04 pm »
Beginner role-players, whether on Feral Heart or other games, very often have hardest time to find other people to role-play with for the pride of more experienced ones. For instance, one of my role-playing siblings who plays on another gaming platform is very often teased for his grammar. I decided to leave the guild with my brother because I disapproved of the members' disrespect and slanderous behavior.

Instead of the word "illiterates," most role-players refer to the term, "noob" or "n00b." I do not use the word illiterate because of the dictionary meaning. If you can read and write, this term should not be applied to anyone that does nor used as an insult. Now, the term "noob" refers to a person who knows the game, but pulls off unapproved behavior, trolling other players, or basically, being a parasite.

With a beginner or the proper term "newbie" is a person who wants to learn the game. Vice versa, is a little familiar with something and wishes to either improve on their understanding, know the community, and be able to play peacefully with other players.

In this case, I believe its the noob community that has gradually made it difficult for newbies to be accepted by experienced players and be able to roam about to play while asking questions. With this kinda of misrepresentation, people are often looked down upon in simply being the new guy. Instead of the experienced players acting as bullies, they must take the other person's perspective and possible situation in the real world. In addition, to their days as the new person and it worked out.  

To my point, bullying is unacceptable, period. It doesn't make anyone's situation better, just makes it worse. If these people truly want to be the "bigger" person in anything, why not be the mentor, the guide. Someone a person can go for help if needed be. Or just giving constructive criticism, anything. There is always more than one way in doing something or treating someone.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 05:31:19 pm by FoxPhilosopher »
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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 05:58:50 pm »
Bullying someone for being, erm... what they call illiterate? Haha, NO. I roleplay with those people all the time in Bonfire, and at least they have effort in their posts. They aren't illiterate, and they don't deserve to be bullied just for their typing.
Some people lag, or have issues with typing sometimes, or even just want to pass the time as much as possible for the other player.

I hate bullying, not illiterates. I always would love to roleplay with them, no matter what.
I had a pretty good roleplay with someone, and they used txt talk. Did I care? nope.
Why should you bully someone for the way they spell? Not good at grammer? Have you ever even thought of anything about the reason?
Probably not. Everyone started out like that at some point, so why be like this? It's just like bullying someone for being new and not giving them help. People who are literate have no right to bully illiterates.
Why do people call these kinds of people noobs? I don't know. I don't get it.
Just why? -_- I have no problem with people who use txt talk and stuff, so why shouldn't people just ignore the way they RP or talk in games anyway?
As I stated before, they might have lag and such, or just have to feel to type fast. c:

Offline WoodDog

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2013, 06:15:45 pm »
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 01:57:52 pm by garisa »

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2013, 07:01:27 pm »
I'm absolutely tired of hearing this. Reason I'm bored most of the times is that I can't rp. But I'm not only illiterate, I can not rp at all though I still enjoy listening to others, roleplaying. I understand this is a roleplay game but for me more important is messing around, having fun or just resting at stone bridge or somewhere else which is also very hard. You never know what to excpect from people. If you just talk to them, they may think that you're crazy or something like that and make you feel really stupid and uncomfortable, so usually I prefer just sitting there. But sometimes you gotta risk, results are worth it. I remember some really good times buttswinging or dancing in the danceline. How can people forget that, there are no rules in having fun

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Re: Illiterates.
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 11:17:12 pm »
i agree, bullying is not something that should be tolerated - bottom line.
in fact, i can assure you that some of the people that harass others for being "illiterate" or having typos in their speech that, if you approached them in real-life and asked if they are a bully/would ever bully another, they would probably answer 'no'. this is because most do not even realize they are bullying someone - even if it is over something as petty as grammar - which is pretty frickin' ridiculous, ye?

on a separate note, "illiteracy" has nothing to do with role playing abilities. sure, it won't make you a published author, but that doesn't even matter when you're just trying to have some casual role play.

so i think everyone should just leave those who are havin' trouble with their grammar and the like alone, and if you see a decent player who is making some typos, just simply correct them nicely and do not be cynical and say "oh, that's such an easy word to spell, are you 12?". it makes you seem like a moron.