Author Topic: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)  (Read 10727 times)

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2013, 09:21:09 pm »
(Yay it has been moved :D)

Korsak ran over another sand dune, his pack following. The wildfire was starting to grow. He turned and looked back, panting slightly. The wildfire had demolished their camp, and was growing. He found an oasis, with 3 palm trees, 2 bushes, and a watering hole. He ran at it, and squawked a command to his pack. Together, about 10 feet from the watering hole, the pack dug a tunnel, which had 4 tunnels branching off from it, and one emergency exit.

(Velociraptors be smart)

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2013, 10:07:40 pm »

Name: Tikan
Gender: Female
Age: about 24 in human years.
Type of Dinosaur: T-Rex
Herd/Pack: Loner
Mate: Nope
Crush: Not yet.
Offspring: None sadly.
Personality: Tikan is an aggressive rex and tends to rip everything in her path apart, being one of the largest predators she often throws her weight around and picks on small dinosaurs (Usually of the same kind). She is stubborn and hard to socialize with, mainly if you're a female. She is feisty and does have an attitude; she can say bitter things that can hurt others.
Description/Picture: Picture^
Other: Nope apart from many scars covering her body from previous fights and few attacks that happened when she was younger.

Name: Matahari
Gender: Female
Age: She's about 22 in human years.
Type of Dinosaur: Iguanodon (I hope its ok it decided to use a different one then the types listed?)
Herd/Pack: Loner, unless there is a herd (Or I could rp It if allowed, and would be called Iguan Herd)
Mate: Nope.
Crush: No, not yet anyway.
Offspring: Nope, none sadly.
Personality: Mata is laid back and will often laze around feeding off plants, but she is also very alert and often wars others of close danger. She can be stubborn and feisty along with being quite opinionated. She's easy to get on with and will often help others.
Description/Picture: Picture^
Other: None, apart from few scars on her body off predators.
Discord: Most active here, DM me for it.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline duna the killer

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #22 on: September 11, 2013, 05:19:24 pm »
(It's ok Taylor ^^ Welcome! In fact I will add Iguanodon to the list)

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #23 on: September 11, 2013, 07:09:44 pm »
((Thanks! I'll jump right in))

The large Rex peered around her head almost touching the tree tops as she glanced into the empty forest, her large head swaying to and fro slightly as quiet grumbles escaped her maw. The large carnivore slowly urged forward causing the trees to sway slightly, her large frame being completely visable; and one the smaller dinosaurs feared. Slowly trudging through the giant forest. Her large feet stomping the ground and causing a slight shaking motion to occur, her long muscular tail swapping to and fro; slowly as she clambered along. Her eyes pierced on the area around her, the Rexes jaws slightly open.

Matahari remained alone in the large, green forest. Her striped skin filled with small amounts of earth. A grunt escaped the muscular beasts mouth as she slowly wobbled towards a bush. Extending her neck slightly and gripping onto the branch; running her teeth along it forcing off many leaves. The iguanodons strong teeth crunching down on the green leaves. Her tail slowly batted to and fro as she paced her eyes around searching for any creatures that made an attempt to attack her. For some reason she stayed close by to few of the other herbivore herds as if it was a sort of protection.
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Offline duna the killer

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #24 on: September 11, 2013, 10:28:54 pm »
Spirit walked outside, seeing the aftermath of the fire. It was still night, so there might be enough time to hunt something. She marked her den, then set off to hunt.
Spirit came upon a group of rats. Perfect. If she timed her moves just right, she could have a large ammount of rat for dinner. She crept closer, her body camoflauged perfectly. Suddenly she lunged. The rats ran left, exactly what she wanted. She placed her leg in their way, the rats bumping into it and becoming dazed. She lunged down and killed all of them. They let out squeaks of surprise and pain and shock.
Finishing her large meal, Spirit wandered back to her den. It was empty. She marked it once more, and crept in. She curled up and went to sleep.

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #25 on: September 11, 2013, 10:40:28 pm »
Tikan continued to clamber through the forest; the high pitched squeeks of what she assumed were rats as she stopped. The female Rex lifted her head and sniffed the air a little smelling few scents. Another growl rumbling up her theoat as she peered around. A triceratops seemed to have wondered off alone smirking, she watched as it drew slightly closer. The large dino remaining completely still as it began peeling the leaves off the branch. Seeing her chance she lunged down her head as the dino shrieked and made an attempt to run. Forcing her head down she snatched up the small dino and flung it around, tightening her grip soon killing it. Blood dripped down the Rexes face and her teeth seemed blood stained, letting out an echoing roar she placed her leg onto the body of the dino. Crouching down slightly she dipped her head and began violently peeled the skin from the carcass, and ripping away for meat causing blood to slightly splatter. Tikans tail continued to sway as she feasted on the carcass.
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Offline duna the killer

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #26 on: September 12, 2013, 11:43:09 pm »
Spirit lifted her head upon hearing a large roar. She knew what it belonged to. Only a Tyrannosaur could make a screech like that. She slowly stood up. Spirit marked her den (mostly out of fear) and slowly walked outside. She didn't have a pack, which was bad if the T-Rex saw her and was in the mood to kill. But Spirit was no push-over either. But T-Rexes were so large.. She continued through the forest, ignoring the prey that were so close to her they practically begged to be killed. She soon stopped before she entered a clearing. The Rex was feasting on what looked like a dead Triceratops. Spirit hid behind a tree, and watched the T-Rex. Maybe when it left she could get a meal...

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2013, 10:51:22 am »
Name: Yosemite
Gender: male
Age: 20 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Velociraptor
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: Var-Hok
Offspring: none yet
Personality: rather forceful, and aggressive, especially in mating season, protective of females and whoever is with him
Other: None

Gender: female
Age: 16 human years
Type of Dinosaur: microraptor
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: none yet
Offspring: none yet
Personality: reclusive, but friendly to all that are friendly to her, very shy also
Other: None

Gender: male
Age: 28 human years
Type of Dinosaur: Mosasaur
Herd/Pack: none
Mate: none yet
Crush: none yet
Offspring: none yet
Personality: very aggressive (especially during mating season), very-fight-for-the-females-centered
Other: None

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2013, 04:31:39 pm »
Tikan shredded the meat from the triceratops' carcass, throwing her head back as she practically swallowed the meat whole. Gulping it down the large rex crouched down at took another mouthfull groans escaping her maw as her head was dug into the middle of the prey; blood staining the outside of her mouth as her eye lids fluttered up and dow. Lifting her head from the carcass Tikan peered around and sniffed the air for a moment then letting out a grunt; letting out another shriek and turning to the other side of the carcass, slightly causing the ground to shake. Crouching down slightly the fae dipped her head back into the carcass and began to feast.
Soon being finished the dark female let out a yawn and looked off into the distance, grunting again. Whipping around she caused her tail to bat against the large bushes and cause them to shake; the ground also doing so. Placing herself gently down in the forest not to far from her kill. Chapping her giant maw together the female rex then lowered her head to the ground and soon drifted off.

Matahari heard many shrieks of what sounded like a rex, her head whipping up from the plants as she peered around frantically, her heart beating slightly. Although they were huge beasts they were still pretty good and sneaking up on their prey. The ground shook for a moment but then stopped; she peered back at the herd who seemed to be moving a little further away; peering into the dark forest her eyes widened a little spotting the rex laying down and a smaller dino near it. Gasping she bounded after the herd and decided to stick with them just to be on the safe side. The large sized herd moved with atleast 30+ dinos traveling along. Mataharis tail swayed to and fro as she followed slowly behind; often glancing back to make sure they weren't being followed.
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Signature: ImmatureGirl on DA.

Offline wolfbeat

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Re: Prehistoric Valley~ A Dinosaur RP (Open and Accepting)
« Reply #29 on: September 17, 2013, 03:27:40 pm »
The velociraptor smelled a female. Yosemite shrieked in excitement, eager sniffing. Then he rushed off on the trail of the scent.

Kenai, sitting on a branch far above the vraptor, sighed in relief that the male had been obsessed with female and not prey, this time. She had mated just yesterday, so thank the dinos that her eggs weren't big yet. She looked at the mess of twigs in a tree hole: the nest in process of being made. She sighed again, ruffling her feathers. She hopped into the tree hole and curled up.

The Mosasaur flicked his tail, and sped through the water. He was hungry, AND he wanted to mate. Crater sent out a resonant boom through the water, and snapped his jaws.