Author Topic: Watch your language!  (Read 5009 times)

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #10 on: July 28, 2013, 06:03:09 am »
And before anyone says "Well some children are "more mature" hold on. If they're as "mature" as you claim then they should know not to repeat "bad" or "strange" words they find on the internet. If they do, its their parent's problem. If the parent doesn't want their kids exposed, then they should know better than to let their child be on the internet unsupervised or outside of electronic parental controls that would keep them on "safe games and websites."

Now that said, I'll obey the rules, respect everyone regardless of age, etc.. But that doesn't mean I don't hold fast to my opinion that people should stop griping, and let the children's parents deal with their child's language and what "bad words" they run into on the internet.

I agree with you on that one.
It's true that most if not all kids are exposed to such language in real life every single day, wether they hear it from their parents, siblings, family, friends, total strangers, television, video games, etc. I do agree that it's the parent's responsibility for teaching their kids the negative aspects of using such "foul language". As far as some parents monitoring what their kids do online, there are some that just don't care. There are some parents in this world that don't give a fat rats behind what their child gets exposed to online. If they find out their child was using foul language on a chat, they don't care. As long as junior is playing something and staying out of their way, they won't think much of the situation. They pretty much see the computer as a "baby sitter" for their kids, and keeps them occupied and happy while the parents are doing something else.

Now there are some parents who do care what their children are exposed to. But sometimes... no matter what kind of parental controls they have on their computer, or what rules they set for computer time, sometimes they can't always monitor and protect their child from the dangers of the internet. What if junior goes to a friend's house and they have a computer that has no parental controls whatsoever? Who knows what kind of stuff they can explore on a computer that has no parental controls, especially when pop-ups show themselves. So sometimes even the most cautious and caring parents can't always watch what their children do.

Swearing is a very common thing in this game. I've seen many people of all ages use such language. Since many kids play this game, they are exposed to this kind of foul language all the time. Since they see others doing it, they figure it must be no big deal to talk that way. Often times these kids use foul language to fit in with everyone else, intimidate others, or because it makes them look more grown-up. Most of the times they don't know/care that it's against the Feral Heart rules, and find themselves being banished to Ban-ville.

When it comes to swearing in the game of Feral Heart, the best thing anyone can do is take screenshots of the offender and send them in a report to a moderator. Hopefully the offender will learn that swearing will not be tolerated in the FH community. And if they don't get the message, well that's their own fault.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #11 on: August 01, 2013, 09:36:43 am »
An 'offensive center'...? What exactly do these people think they're going to achieve by making this?! -_- Makes no sense to me...

Right then, the commonly discussed subject of swearing, where to start... ::) Well, swearing in game and on the forum too is against the rules, end of story. But people shouldn't need to be told that swearing is a bad thing, it's common sense, whether it's in real life or a virtual environment like FeralHeart. Children should be brought up to know that. But of course, not all children have the desirable up-bringing they need and so think that swearing and using offensive language is okay. This needs to be nipped in the bud as soon as possible, to teach these kids what their parents or teachers or whoever may have failed to do - swearing is bad. Don't do it. Especially in a public place! It doesn't make you look cool, it makes you look like an unintelligent fool who's vocabulary is so limited that you're reduced to swearing in every sentence.

In a private place, such as my home, or a custom map, I'll admit, I might swear a little bit in context. Very rarely do I swear in a public place, because it's not nice for people to hear. Swearing has it's use in verbal human communication as a means of expression and exaggeration. For example, if you were to say "it's raining," it sounds a bit bland and inexpressive. But if changed that sentence around a bit and added a swear word into it (I'll let you work it out), it gives emphasis and feeling to that sentence. When swearing is used without purpose or context or used excessively, that annoys me. It's just unnecessary and horrible....

I can hear some people thinking, "But they're just words, they don't hurt anybody." Well, yes, and no. True, they are just words and they don't physically hurt. But it is usually the meaning or emotion behind those words that can hurt people emotionally. If you insulted someone using a swear word, yes that would definitely hurt, it goes without saying. You might think it's just a word at the time, but if someone else fires one back at you, you'll know that it does hurt to be insulted in such a gross manner.

Don't swear, kids. :)

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #12 on: August 01, 2013, 12:35:44 pm »
In my complete and utter opinion, I say that it is wrong for people to swear in every sentence but using the excuse of a younger audience is slightly... Unfair I guess. What I mean by that is, no one is forcing them to play FeralHeart and if bad words bother that said child, find a different game. None of you have to agree with me, I'm just telling you what I think on the subject. The reason I am saying this is because I myself was exposed at an early age and bad words haven't changed me in any way. If I had never heard of bad words I would be calling my high school teachers something childish such as, I'm not even going to put it on here as it is just... Weird. But anyway, these are children that have chosen to play this game with no chat sensor so they should be aware that bad words may pop up.

These children should also know that anywhere there is a rule saying, "Swearing isn't allowed." It will be broken. No matter what there are some sick minds out there that break codes like this. When I was younger and playing Animal Jam someone said I was a "Bench." I was like, "What? O.O" But I guess we all know what the term "Bench" was supposed to mean. If the parents of these children are letting them play a game such as FeralHeart then let the children play. The parents can deal with it. If they find  bad words on the game while strolling past, they will not blame the game itself as it is the users. I have noticed that in this generation there are 10 year olds that have a Facebook, meaning that they know about all of this. It is FeralHeart's business to get rid of the people that use bad words because it is a rule but using the "There are children on this game" excuse is old. We should actually just be worrying about reporting and banning these rule breakers.

Again this is just my opinion you do not have to agree and you also do not have to like me for it. I am just expressing what I feel in the kindest way possible.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 12:38:28 pm by Trixxy~<3 »

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #13 on: August 01, 2013, 03:06:36 pm »
I do agree with you though. I am used to it though as I am watching videos on youtube. My dad knows Im playing this game cos family saftey. I think I know alot now thanks guys! So this topic may be locked.  :)

BTW what is RL?
« Last Edit: August 01, 2013, 03:08:22 pm by GreyWolfie »

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #14 on: August 01, 2013, 03:23:38 pm »
BTW what is RL?

I think it means "real life".

Also, I see swearing very often and sometimes these are kids, like me even, that pick up these words from school.
That's why I see it best to not swear, so these words aren't used too often too. I am starting to pick up a bit myself I notice.
People seriously don't really care for kids these days, do they? It's like their trying to make people swear.
Swearing in public as I notice can be offensive too. Haha, and guess what? I heard someone scream out to us as in my family members in the car we were driving in one time the B word.
Okay, are you serious? Some people don't realize everyone in the car, especially when there's a kid.
Now I know some swear words, but I'd dislike to pick up on them too much. That's why I don't really like it when someone swears sometimes, unless it's just a small thing or a friend.
General chat also had more of an advantage for children to see these words out in public if anyone swore. But, I won't go on that topic since people seem they are still arguing about it, though not you wonderful floofs.
I mean no offense. ;) So let's cut to the chase: I learned a word rarely even used on the internet in the game at the age of 10.
I might have mentioned it before, but really, just... I am sure this guy was disliked for calling someone in public this kind of word. And I mean in General Chat.

Now I am not completely against swearing, but using these kinds of words such as cussing or swearing in every sentence isn't cool.
At least to me. If I ever even was swearing it would be harder than most people for me to get into swearing.
I never do it. I guess that's my opinion, nothing really special.


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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #15 on: August 01, 2013, 03:54:59 pm »
Some people, I've noticed, have said that no matter where you are, there will be swearing somewhere in that place.
This is actually somewhat correct, however merely the fact that people will cuss where it is not appreciated just shows how inconsiderate some can be. But, it does happen, and as seemed to have been taken into consideration by some members, a filter does seem neccesary. But that won't stop people that really have vile ways of spelling, will it? So Kovu decided not to put in a filter, and likely will not in near future, or perhaps never.

Nevertheless I would really like it if some people knew when and where the right place is to cuss. I'm not saying people should cuss, but if it is merely your manner of speech picked up from other sites or other people, and you simply have the tendacy to do it, not purposely offensively but simply because the people in your former group did not mind it, doesn't mean that FeralHeart will be the same for you. Some people have mentioned some children being 'more mature'. Let me just tell you that cussing doesn't make you mature. I'm eleven, and admittedly I'm Mr. Potty-Mouth on sites that don't care as much, such as tumblr. Other kids in my class will cuss to (it seems to be a tendacy picked up by a lot of kids in our generation, which I find unfortunate). They're the pratical opposite of 'mature' because they cuss and joke about ridiculous things.

And sometimes its younger kids on here that swear, most of them older though, of course.
Let me just say that if you're truly 'mature', you would not be swearing on a family-friendly game, where the rules state that vile language should not be in used- often or not.
Now I've never minded things like the occasional 'damn' or 'hell'- take note of the word occasionally, simply because one of them is not considered a bad word by all, and the other one is ridiculously subtle and unlike some of the much worse swears, does not hold as much of a vile meaning.

Whether it's said jokingly, in-character, or seriously and it's in a public place where you know that people will mind, you shouldn't do it. It's pratically the same as wearing an offensive shirt to a public place. People will mind, and because they mind you shouldn't wear it. Even if it's one person, that one person matters, and their distaste towards your language should be taken into consideration and acknowledged.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #16 on: August 06, 2013, 12:44:52 pm »
I agree Cussing should not be used, I have an 8 year old little sister who plays this game, and I don't think she should be learning words like that just yet. I mean, I have seen it in game lately WAY overused, and I myself have even seen the "Offensive Center."  I think this should stop, and anyone who has created a Center like that, should either be banned, or muted. Next time I see anything like this I plan to report it.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #17 on: August 06, 2013, 08:33:11 pm »
Well, I mean, sometimes when you're trying to stay in character it's okay to use mild swear words though right? Like damn and hell, those aren't gonna get a player banned?..
Apparently, I've been asking for a ban, that's adorable! :D

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #18 on: August 06, 2013, 09:59:04 pm »
Well, I mean, sometimes when you're trying to stay in character it's okay to use mild swear words though right? Like damn and hell, those aren't gonna get a player banned?..

NOT wild swearing. I even read in the rules that even if you're just roleplaying a character that swears you might be banned.
But if you use swear words in whisper, group perhaps or a party only or even keep your cussing level as low as possible with those two words, then it might be OK...?

Just answering. ^_^

Offline Runzi333

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #19 on: August 06, 2013, 11:49:39 pm »
I think there are too many small kids playing to really say it's a good idea to say things like hell or damn but I think if a character speaks that way in an rp then it should be ok. :) but that's my opinion I'm not sure what will get you banned :/

But I think the problem is the not the small things that only some people think are swears but more of the blatant f-you's and things like that.
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