Author Topic: Watch your language!  (Read 5006 times)

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Watch your language!
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:13:37 pm »
I have noticed many people swearing and saying rude words. A new centre I have seen at bonfire was called the offensive centre. That is inapropiate as well. Many people who play this game are under 13 so we should not be swearing in game. Sorry if this causes any trouble to any of you. '_'

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #1 on: July 27, 2013, 04:34:12 pm »
I agree... there has been quite a bit of swearing among users of this game and not just mild swearing but full blown use of offensive swear words in nearly every sentence with some people. I don't know what kind of manners yet alone up bringing some of these old & young kids have but it really needs to stop especially when it's clearly written in the rules that swearing is not allowed. Even if there was no rule against swearing some people should know that it's just unnecessary. There are plenty other ways to talk and express strong emotions without using such harsh and disgusting language. Some people do not seem to realize how low class and immature it makes them look when they run around using swear words so freely.

There are plenty of young users here who are very impressionable and the less exposure to swearing and inappropriate behavior in general the better off for them. I often see these swear happy users defending their behavior by saying most kids have heard these words already or say them themselves and that is no kind of excuse to promote their behavior. Every individual represents this community as a whole and this community is and game is supposed to be a family friendly place where users of all and any ages but especially the very young can just sit back and enjoy themself in a clean environment. If certain users can't abide by a simple rule like not swearing then they really shouldn't be here.

As for that Offensive Center you say you saw you should have taken screenshots of it and the chat and any individuals taking part in it and reported it to an admin or mod like myself. Behavior like that is intolerable.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2013, 04:51:18 pm »
Well I have been taking screenshots of the chat when people swear. But I'm stuck on the reporting thing. I will read the thing again about how to report but I am not 13 yet though. I am having quite alot of fun thiugh with the game.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2013, 04:52:31 pm »
I have seen alot of people do this. Offensive Center? That is just wrong. Have you reported any of them? Alot of people try to hide their swear words using numbers/markings (ex. @, !, $). Even if you can't make out the word, but you know it was a swear you should have reported it. Sure, people try to keep it down, but some people just say they won't do it again then an hour later they swear like nothing ever happened.
 There are lots of young players, one I even heard was 8 years old. Sure they might not be able to hear it if they are far away enough, but what if they wander around and hear all those swears? They might ask their parents what it means, which would get Kov, the child, AND Feralheart in trouble. The moderators and admins are trying their best to rid FH of such players, but they have lives off the internet too. I don't know how these people bring up such words on an all-age public game, but they do, and they don't care, despite the risk.

 Keep Appropriate Language And Behavior
This game is aimed towards a wide user-base of all ages and therefore you must keep the language and other behavior to an appropriate level that works for everyone. Swearing inside of the public chats is NOT allowed or encouraged by anyone. Even if you censor your writings and they still represent an obvious curse/swear you might get warned/kicked/banned instantly upon notice, this is because we want to keep FeralHeart a friendly place for the majority. Users are also expected to keep any actions representing any sexual behavior such as mating/raping(Buttswinging over another character) AWAY from public maps, ignoring this rule can result in a permanent ban.
(The rule above was copied from the original posted by Red)

Offline LordSuragaha

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2013, 05:16:57 pm »
But I'm stuck on the reporting thing.

Here's how:

How to Report


  • To report rule breaking, you have to take a screenshot of the offence.
  • The screenshot needs to include the username of the rule breaker.
  • Upload the screenshot, using,, or any other image sharing site.
  • Copy the image URL and paste it into a personal message. (Do NOT make a thread)
  • Make sure you paste the image URL between the image codes.
Code: [Select]
  • Send the PM to ONE of the staff members, we will deal with it then. A list of staff members can be found here.
  • Please keep in mind to only send us reports on THIS site. Because as much as we'd like to help, we can't handle FH on every site we go to. 

How do I take a screenshot?
- While you're game press the Prt Sc + Fn and viola.
You can find the image in your Screenshots folder, which is located in your Local Disk(C: ) -> FeralHeart -> Screenshots.

How do I upload it?
- Open one of the image sharing sites and click 'Browse...'. Open the image and then click 'Upload'.

How do I report forum posts?
- There's two ways you can do this, either you click the "Report to moderator" tab, which is located under a user's post and fill in the form. Or you Copy the thread link and paste it into a PM, than send it to one of the staff members.


Here's a code you can use to fill in the information needed.
Code: [Select]

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #5 on: July 27, 2013, 05:23:24 pm »
Sadly people cuss way to much in RL and on Fh, and the fact that alot of FH members are around 13 doesnt make it much better. I dont mind so much if someone swears once during a rp, but when its non-stop, it becomes to much - I had to kick somebody for my pride awhile ago for that.
And for the "offensive center" - just one more reason to aviod bonfire. In my opiin its where most of the worst is.

I dont get why people cant grow up a bit. Im 12 and more mature than some people on FH.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #6 on: July 27, 2013, 05:28:58 pm »
*Holds up shield to hide from flamers*

I hate to say this, but to be quite frank, I could care less if children under 13 are exposed to swearing on the internet. [or in this case, an online game] Why? Its the internet. Most forums and games that I know of require you to be 13 or older, even some of the ones that have censors.

If I had any children at all, I would personally be more afraid of an under-thirteen year old would be exposed to /conversation wise/ than petty curse words. Am I saying kids /should/ be purposefully exposed to such things? No. Yet I'm not about to bother someone for spitting a "bad word" now and again because "OMG THERE ARE KIDS HERE" Sure, the game asks us to respect players of all ages and I'm fine with keeping my mouth shut but if someone lets a "word" slip, I don't bother them.

Odds are, these under-thirteen year olds have ALREADY heard all of these words before and probably have already been punished for saying them at least once by the time they became old enough to operate a game like Feral Heart.

And before anyone says "Well some children are "more mature" hold on. If they're as "mature" as you claim then they should know not to repeat "bad" or "strange" words they find on the internet. If they do, its their parent's problem. If the parent doesn't want their kids exposed, then they should know better than to let their child be on the internet unsupervised or outside of electronic parental controls that would keep them on "safe games and websites."

Now that said, I'll obey the rules, respect everyone regardless of age, etc.. But that doesn't mean I don't hold fast to my opinion that people should stop griping, and let the children's parents deal with their child's language and what "bad words" they run into on the internet.

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #7 on: July 27, 2013, 05:57:56 pm »
^ I pretty much agree with this.
Now, I'm eleven, however as you can see I'm a young player but very mature. I know not to repeat things, but most likely some don't, which is quite sad.
But I agree with you all, pretty much. :/

Offline Whinp

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #8 on: July 27, 2013, 06:23:08 pm »
That's rude. Really rude. In other sites (not games) sometimes I swear a bit because someone is annoying me, I'm mad, etc. but I always respect the rules.
But well if my mom would watch what I'm doing in the Internet, she should ban me from the computer (yess....). I watch my language, but I don't know why other people are always and always swearing. Swear from swear from swear. That would be a ban, if swearing too many times.
If Kovu was here, he should update the game with a optional filter, not like WQ, only appearing !@#$ instead of the bad word. The filter would be optional. ouo
Offensive Center?... only looking at that name, "offensive", I think there are bullies and not swearing...
The staff should do something; perhaps installing a "bot-mod" in all places to see what's happening there, and when he detects a bad word, etc., send a report to Raz or any staff with what that person did, they would only give a warning or ban. Not a bad idea for me...

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Re: Watch your language!
« Reply #9 on: July 27, 2013, 09:12:15 pm »
No matter where you are, no matter who you're with, swearing is going to be present. I agree that younger children should not be exposed to this language, but from my own experiences, this would be the opposite. I cannot tell you how many times I've heard swearing language being used by kids in elementary or just entering middle school. To me, it's disturbing, but in another sense, it's natural. It's not always on the child, but the parent as well. More parents, most likely due to the growing advances in technology, do not know what their child is exposed to or the other children they surround themselves with.

I take into the consideration of those who are always subjected to offensive language and eventually caught onto it. In this case, there's not really anything to be done except the right people or alternative parenting to step in.

Now, with games, swearing is almost guaranteed. Any game, especially ones that are aimed for either younger audiences or the adolescent group, should have filters of certain words as stated by Kijiako. This would helpful in eliminating the amount of inappropriate language in a game. In addition, with inappropriate language, usually follows in inappropriate behavior as well. If a game allows one thing, more than likely, something else can come after.

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