Author Topic: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?  (Read 5176 times)

Offline Prinprinkley

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Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« on: August 04, 2013, 01:15:51 am »
The title says it all, basically I made this thread to ask why? I mean, personally I love unrealistic rps and characters, as well as "neons" as some would call them. Its almost as if being unrealistic or neon is something one should be, ashamed of (Which you shouldn't in my opinion) for goodness sake! For one, I've only even seen 2 unrealistic rps ever, one of which I joined, (The Siar Journey for those that are curious.) and the other which I just saw when hanging out on the cape portal island. Here's how it went down with the second.

(Purple and blue wolf) *Advertises unrealistic rp (I forgot exactly what it was about *Facedesk)*
And about 4 minutes later:
Person 1: Gosh, there are like no good rps.
Person 2: Ikr, just some warrior cats and dumb sparkle wolves.
And while it was a few weeks ago and I don't remember the exact words, I remember this because it struck me and I did not like it at all. So basically I want you opinions, I have expressed my own, and I would like to know why people don't like them. (P.s, I sincerely hope not to offend anyone with this thread, I'm just rather annoyed and curious)

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2013, 01:35:44 am »
Never really hurt my eyes, but I guess everyone is different.

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2013, 02:30:36 am »
The dislike of some people towards these characters may come from this game being based on more realistic RPs, and seeing a colorful character often stands out among a group of naturally colored ones. Some computer screens actually do have a different color stauration, making the neon colors even brighter and 'hurtful on the eyes.' I have no problem with people who want a little color on themselves, but that's just my opinion ;)

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2013, 03:41:52 am »
If people hate neons does that mean they hate white characters? Odd..
I don't really have a problem with neon people or rainbows and stuff like that. Nor do I see why they always have to judge them rather than leave them alone most of the time.
My fursona as I call him is unrealistic mostly, so... yeah. I do see people can have different sets of eyes and computer screens, but they don't have to judge their unrealism all of the time if it gives them no bad issues.

Not like they are roleplaying, right? I don't see why people always have to judge them out loud.
But, people do tend to reach realism more on their side if they want even in OOC sometimes, so who knows why they say it out loud if it isn't a problem with their screen.
I have a few characters that aren't realistic yet not rainbow or neon, such as Poseidon. I used to have some neon characters too when I was new, and I like neon characters still a bit. Such as unrealistic ones too.

Sometimes I notice people confuse sparkledogs and glittercats or whatever with illiterates. That makes it even worse because now they judge what they call illiterate... o.e or trolls too. They might for sure confuse them with trolls. I've seen a neon person before that didn't seem that much of a troll at all.
I thought their character was actually kinda neat.

I still don't understand why people have to think this game is entirely all about realism. Not you guys, but just some people I see around.

Offline Caramell011

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2013, 06:29:13 pm »
 I think people who are more literate would prefer realistic characters. I don't hate neons but neon colors could be annoying sometimes. As we all know some peeps can be really jerks when it come about unrealistic char. I usually do realistic or semi realistic characters. Its all about you're imagination. If you don't get it, I ment, some peeps like realistic char or unrealistic char. But... I don't like that people judge you're realistic or unrealistic characters. And for you're questions..     ~Neon~ Some people HATE the neon colors. Some people think that the neon colors aren't good for they eyes-they hurt they're eyes. Its all about the person.              ~Unrealistic Char.~ I am a literate person. I don't make unrealistic characters. Because I don't, personally, like them. :/ Now, I don't wanna be rude, we all know that even a literate person could make a unrealistic char. But I repeat, its all about you're personality.                                             P.S.~Hope that I helped you. Good luck. :3 Caramell011  :D  ;)

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2013, 06:45:18 pm »
I don't mind unrealistic characters at all. In fact, even though I rarely see them, I find them quite creative both in appearances and their overall establishment. Whether it be a new species or something minor like a mutation. Like The Ebon Circle for instance. They're unrealistic, since their species strays from your everyday, average canine/feline. Thus, I view unrealistic establishments rather intriguing. Though, again, I hardly see them these days.
When it comes to 'neons', I don't generally despise them. Needless to say, due to my laptop saturation and my slight obsess in f3ing the entire map just to see what's going on, sometimes when I come across a neon, it catches me off guard and can put a slight strain on my eyes. Especially when I decide to activate Red's ENB MOD. Sometimes the same thing happens when I suddenly see white characters. They don't bother me when the ENB is off, though when its on.. they literally glow, simply put. Thus, causes them to stand out and all.
However, I never have liked to witness some players judging one another just because of appearance. Yes, everyone has their own opinion and I understand that. Though, there's no excuse for being crude and bluntly saying something out loud in a negative tone right in front of the individual. It's quite rude and considered bullying. Not everyone hates neons and unrealistic characters, everyone merely has different tastes.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2013, 06:47:05 pm by Vespian »

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #6 on: August 04, 2013, 08:29:28 pm »
I rather don't like neons instead of hating them.
For me, "neons" are those characters which new players often create. For example, canine character with yellow pelt and blue cheetah markings. I don't like these characters.
But if you choose a good body shape, markings and eyes, and combine them with nice colors, neons are cool. I have myself two similar characters.

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2013, 09:54:47 pm »
I'm wondering the same thing! The other day I made a wolf all black with red scars and eyes and I got called out for it when I wasn't even RPing with them.
Me: *Stalking someone cause I was a Vampire*
Random Person: I wouldn't advise you, (My Charrie's name) to suck (my victims's name)'s blood. But I guess I don't really care because you look insanely ugly and stupid to me. I dislike neon's and scars.
     I mean, I know it was their opinion on my charrie but it actually made me feel a little hurt, cause they called me out and stuff. I liked the way my charrie looked! I mean, it wasn't very original and stuff but still. Besides, Bonfire has all these weird charries anyway...

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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #8 on: August 05, 2013, 02:54:25 am »
Personally, unrealistic characters I am fine with, I like them actually, it gives room for them to be unique. However, Neons, hurt my eyes for starters, as well as, they are mostly used when people troll others. Thus giving I, and most others the notion, that they are simply trolls, trying to be annoying. I have nothing against neon colors being mixed in, but full on neon is just not my taste.
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Re: Why do people hate 'neons' and unrealistic characters?
« Reply #9 on: August 05, 2013, 03:18:54 am »
Unrealistic characters are cool. c: Except when they're like "Omg im so realistic just look at me." And they're rainbow with five billion accessories. Those are the only one I want to throw into a fire. I have my own slightly unrealistically colored characters, such as my harkena Reef having a splash of orange to balance out her grey tones. As long as it isn't neon pink with nuclear green markings I have no care at all. I have yet to see any in-game as my account is incompatible with the launcher. Username is too long.

The only other thing that ticks me off is back stories about being experimented on by humans or dipped in nuclear waste. Yeah, your irresponsible mother dropped you in a vat of toxic waste for some odd reason and now you're like the Hulk. Really original, as there's five billon other characters this happened to too! Can't you just have an average backstory?

Okay, I'm done. If the backstory isn't overused crud or the character not a Mary Sue, is not Godmodded, or isn't so brightly colored you can't look at them I have no beef with them. uwu
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 03:20:31 am by Midnightblue »